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The mechanism by which enzymes recognize the “uniform” collagen triple helix is not well understood. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) cleave collagen after the Gly residue of the triplet sequence Gly∼[Ile/Leu]-[Ala/Leu] at a single, unique, position along the peptide chain. Sequence analysis of types I-III collagen has revealed a 5-triplet sequence pattern in which the natural cleavage triplets are always flanked by a specific distribution of imino acids. NMR and MMP kinetic studies of a series of homotrimer peptides that model type III collagen have been performed to correlate conformation and dynamics at, and near, the cleavage site to collagenolytic activity. A peptide that models the natural cleavage site is significantly more active than a peptide that models a potential but non-cleavable site just 2-triplets away and NMR studies show clearly that the Ile in the leading chain of the cleavage peptide is more exposed to solvent and less locally stable than the Ile in the middle and lagging chains. We propose that the unique local instability of Ile at the cleavage site in part arises from the placement of the conserved Pro at the P3 subsite. NMR studies of peptides with Pro substitutions indicate that the local dynamics of the three chains are directly modulated by their proximity to Pro. Correlation of peptide activity to NMR data shows that a single locally unstable chain at the cleavage site, rather than two or three labile chains, is more favorable for cleavage by MMP-1 and may be the determining factor for collagen recognition.  相似文献   
We have identified a surface T3- Jurkat variant which has a defective alpha-chain but which possesses an intact beta-chain. The transfection of a functional mouse alpha-chain into this human T cell induces the expression of surface T3 molecules associated with mouse alpha-human beta-heterodimers detected by anticlonotypic antibodies. Treatment of the transfectant with anti-T3, anti-mouse Ti-alpha, or anti-human Ti-beta antibodies clears all Ti-T3 complexes from the surface. These results demonstrate that functional alpha- and beta-chains are both required for expression of T3 on the cell membrane, and that the Ti heterodimers present and associated with T3 on Jurkat cells involve only alpha- and beta-chains.  相似文献   
A complete human metaphase chromosome has been reconstructed from a series of electron microscopical projections obtained by tilting the specimen stage at 3 degree intervals from –60 to +60 degrees. The reconstructed structure is about 3.0 m long, 1.6 m wide, and 0.8 m thick. The mass distribution was fairly homogeneous within the chromatids and neither a hollow nor a dense core was observed. The distribution and course of fibers observed are most consistent with a looping model of chromosome structure.  相似文献   
The synthetic ACTH/MSH(4-9) analog HOE 427 ("ebiratide"), which is behaviorally the most potent ACTH-derived peptide but which is devoid of endocrine activity, was administered intravenously in a pulsatile mode 4 times (120 micrograms each) at 2200, 2300, 2400 and 0100 to study its effect on the sleep EEG and on concomitant hormonal secretion of cortisol and growth hormone. In comparison to placebo, the peptide produced signs of general activation associated with specific deteriorating effects on the quality of sleep. Sleep onset latency and intermittent wakefulness were increased, slow wave sleep was reduced, but only during the first 3 hours of the sleep period. The nocturnal secretory patterns of cortisol and growth hormone were unaffected by HOE 427. These effects are different from those reported in similar studies in which corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) was applied in humans, and they suggest that peripherally administered neuropeptides have specific nonendocrine behavioral effects.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Mettnau-Reit-Illmitz-Programm (MRI-Programm) der Vogelwarte Radolfzell wurden von 1974–1983 auf drei Fangstationen in Süddeutschland, Norddeutschland und Ostösterreich (Abb. 1) 184 939 Vögel von 37 Kleinvogelarten gefangen. Die Fänge erfolgten jährlich während der gesamten Wegzugperiode von Ende Juni bis Anfang November an Durchzüglern in Japannetzen unter strikter und umfassender Standardisierung aller Fang- und Arbeitsmethoden. Die Fangzahlen (Tab. 1, Abb. 2–6) werden in fünf Regressionsanalysen (Tab. 2–9) auf systematische Änderungen untersucht.Von insgesamt 496 errechenbaren Koeffizienten waren 317 oder 63,9% negativ und nur 179 oder 38,1 % positiv. Bei 34 der 37 untersuchten Arten ließen sich signifikante Trends errechnen. Sie sind für 20 oder 54 % dieser Arten ausschließlich oder überwiegend negativ. 14 Arten zeigten mindestens auf zwei Stationen negative Trends. Nur für insgesamt 10 Arten ließen sich überwiegend positive Trends errechnen. Faßt man negative Trends und Tendenzen (Vorzeichen) zusammen, so ergibt sich für 26 oder 70 % der untersuchten Arten ein negatives Bild. Dieses stark negative Gewicht ist im statistischen Sinne keine zufällige Erscheinung. Da die Bestandszunahmen die Abnahmen nicht aufwiegen konnten, zeigten auch die jährlichen Gesamtfangzahlen aller drei Stationen negative Trends. Die mittlere jährliche Abnahme betrug auf den Stationen Mettnau, Reit und Illmitz etwa 1,6 %. Die Tendenzen und Trends der einzelnen Arten stimmen auf den drei Stationen weitgehend überein. Sie lassen für ihr Zustandekommen auf weitgehend gleichförmige Ursachen bei den durch Mitteleuropa wandernden Populationen schließen.Die Fangzahlen und Literaturdaten zeigen, daß beträchtliche Teile unserer Kleinvogelwelt von Rückgangserscheinungen betroffen sind, wie wir sie von vielen Großvogelarten seit langem kennen. Bei einer Reihe von Arten sind die Abnahmen gravierend und die jährlichen Fangzahlen inzwischen so niedrig, daß sich bei ihnen mit den in den 70er Jahren konzipierten Fanganlagen eine Reihe von Fragestellungen nicht mehr untersuchen lassen. Wir können der weiteren Entwicklung der Bestände unserer derzeit noch artenreichen Kleinvogelwelt — wie der vieler Großvögel — nur mit größter Sorge entgegensehen. Die Ursachen der Rückgänge sind weitgehend unbekannt, und demzufolge mangelt es fast vollständig an geeigneten Gegenmaßnahmen. Bisherige Schutzmaßnahmen haben die Rückgänge nicht aufhalten können. Künftiger Vogelschutz wird sich folglich weitergehender Maßnahmen bedienen müssen.
The development of songbird populations in central Europe: Analysis of trapping data
Summary In the Mettnau-Reit-Illmitz-Program (MRI-Program) of the Vogelwarte Radolfzell 184 939 birds of 37 songbird species were caught in the period 1974–1983 on three trapping stations in S. and N. Germany and E. Austria (Fig. 1). Trapping of passage migrants in mist nets occurred annually from the end of June to the beginning of November, the entire autumn migratory period. All trapping and working methods were strictly and comprehensively standardized. The trapping figures (Tab. 1, Fig. 2–6) were analyzed with respect to systematic alterations to gain information about changes in the population levels of species migrating through central Europe. The investigation is based above all on five regression analyses (Tab. 2–9).The most important individual results are: out of a total of 496 coefficients which could be calculated 317 or 63.9 % were negative and only 179 or 38.1 % positive. For 34 of the 37 investigated species significant trends could be calculated. In 20 or 54 % of these species they were (exclusively or predominately) negative. 14 species showed negative trends at least at two stations. Mainly positive trends could be found in only 10 species. Taking negative trends and tendencies (negative signs) together, 26 or 70 % of the species were included. This strongly negative bias is not accidental in a statistical sense. Since the increases could not balance the declines, the annual trapping totals of all three stations also showed negative trends. The mean annual decline in the stations Mettnau, Reit and Illmitz was about 1.6 %. Trends and tendencies of the species show a high degree of agreement for the three stations. This suggests that in the species migrating through central Europe rather uniform factors control the population levels. From the most recent literature results, it appears that most of the species with declining trapping figures in the MRI-Program demonstrate decreases elsewhere.The trapping figures of the MRI-Program and data from the literature together clearly indicate that considerable parts of our small birds are affected by declines as have been known in many large bird species for long time. In a number of species the decreases have been quite dramatic and their annual trapping totals are now so low that a number of problems can no longer be studied. We should be alarmed when considering this negative development among our small birds as we must be with respect to many large bird species. The reasons for the declines are almost unkown and thus there is lack of appropriate counter-measures. Hitherto existing efforts for conservation which are briefly discussed have not been able to prevent the decline. Consequently, bird conservation in the future has to be based on more effective methods. Proposals, briefly raised, will be discussed in a forthcoming paper.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und gefördert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen. 15. Mitteilung aus dem MRI-Programm  相似文献   
Mechanisms of dimethylbenzanthracene-induced immunotoxicity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Traditional methods for toxicological assessment have implicated the immune system as a frequent target organ of toxic insult following chronic exposure to certain environmental chemicals, radiation or therapeutic drugs (xenobiotics). Immunotoxicity is expressed as autoimmunity, chemical hypersensitivity or immunosuppression. A tiered approach for characterizing chemical and drug-induced immunomodulation has been developed and validated in laboratory animals. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been studied because of their ubiquitous presence in the environment and carcinogenic potential. Since immunosuppression induced by PAH carcinogens has been implicated as an epigenetic mechanism in the outgrowth of initiated cells, this tiered approach was used to characterize the mechanism of PAH immunosuppressive capacity. Previously, studies in this laboratory have demonstrated that subchronic exposure of B6C3F1 mice to PAH carcinogens suppresses both humoral immunity (HI) and cell-mediated immunity (CMI), concurrently with decreased resistance to tumor challenge. The potent carcinogenic PAH, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) was subchronically administered subcutaneously at 5, 50, or 100 micrograms/g of body weight. Natural killer (NK) cell tumor cytolysis, generation of cytotoxic T-cells (CTL), and lymphoproliferation to mitogens and allogeneic splenocytes in mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) were quantitated 3-5 days after exposure to assess CMI. Mitogen and alloantigen-induced proliferation (MLC) of splenocytes was suppressed up to 90%. CTL and NK tumor cytolysis of radiolabelled target cells were similarly depressed up to 88 and 82%, respectively. Impairment of MLC or CTL responses correlated with increased susceptibility to challenge with PYB6 sarcoma cells. HI was measured by quantitating the number of antibody (IgM) plaque-forming cells (PFC) produced in response to T-cell dependent antigen challenge (sheep erythrocytes) and was similarly suppressed up to 95%. To understand the mechanism of PAH-induced immunotoxicity, splenocytes from DMBA-exposed mice were sensitized to alloantigens in the presence of interleukin-2 (IL-2) because there were indications that T-helper cell function was suppressed. In these preliminary studies, CTL suppression could be completely restored by the addition of the T-cell growth supporting lymphokine (IL-2) during the inductive phase of CTL generation, suggesting that DMBA exposure directly or indirectly induced deficits in T-helper cell function.  相似文献   
Summary High molecular weight DNA extracted from Penicillium chrysogenum has been fractionated using RPC-5 Analog, into three distinct types designated 1, 2 and 3. Types 1 and 2 have the same buoyant density of 1.710 g/cm3 and together appear to comprise the nuclear DNA. Type 1 is enriched for repeated sequences which are normally observed in restriction digests of P. chrysogenum total DNA. Conversely, type 2 appears to be composed entirely of non-repetitive sequences. Type 3 has been identified as mitochondrial DNA, having a buoyant density of 1.695 g/cm3 and an estimated molecular weight of 31.6×106 Daltons.  相似文献   
Mechanism of sodium independent calcium efflux from rat liver mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of primarily two types of observations, it has been suggested that the Na+-independent Ca2+ efflux mechanism of rat liver mitochondria is a passive Ca2+-2H+ exchanger. First, when a pulse of acid is added to a suspension of mitochondria loaded with Ca2+, a pulse of intramitochondrial Ca2+ is often released, even in the presence of the inhibitor of mitochondrial Ca2+ influx, ruthenium red. Second, at a pH near 7, the stoichiometry of Ca2+ released to H+ taken up by Ca2+-loaded mitochondria, following treatment with ruthenium red, has been observed to be 1:2. This evidence for a Ca2+-2H+ exchanger is reexamined here by studying the release of Ca2+ upon acidification of the medium by addition of buffer, the dependence of liver mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux on external medium pH and intramitochondrial pH, and the Ca2+-Ca2+ exchange properties of the Ca2+ efflux mechanism. These studies show no pulse of mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux when pH is abruptly lowered by addition of buffer. The stoichiometry between Ca2+ and H+ fluxes is found to be highly pH dependent. The reported 1:2 stoichiometry between Ca2+ efflux and H+ influx is only observed at one pH. Furthermore, the rate of Ca2+ efflux from mitochondria is found to increase only very slightly at most as suspension pH is decreased. The rate of Ca2+ efflux is not found to increase with increasing intramitochondrial pH. Finally, no Ca2+-Ca2+ isotope exchange can be demonstrated over the Na+-independent efflux mechanism (i.e., in the presence of ruthenium red). It is concluded that these data do not support the hypothesis that the Na+-independent Ca2+ efflux mechanism is a passive Ca2+-2H+ exchanger.  相似文献   
We have used standard tests to investigate the nature of gene expression of a new set of temperature-sensitive mutants defining 30 emb genes (essential for embryogenesis) in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The mode of gene expression as determined by progeny tests for parental effects divides the genes into four classes. For 18 genes maternal gene expression is necessary and sufficient for normal embryogenesis; for 2 genes zygotic expression is necessary and sufficient; for 7 genes either maternal or zygotic expression is sufficient; for 3 genes both maternal and zygotic expression are necessary. One mutant displayed partial paternal sufficiency. The results of temperature-shift experiments define two “execution stages,” corresponding to the limits of the temperature-sensitive period (TSP), and indicate the nature and the time of action or synthesis of the gene products. Most of the maternally expressed genes have very early execution stages indicating translation before fertilization, but some are temperature sensitive late in embryogenesis. Early execution stages for 2 zygotically necessary genes demonstrate that the zygotic genome can be active in the earliest stages of embryogenesis. All taken together, the mode of gene expression, TSP, and arrest stage (terminal phenotype) allow us to classify functionally and begin to order the genes essential for embryogenesis. The results indicate a preeminent role for maternal genes and gene products in embryogenesis, in agreement with the results of others.  相似文献   
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