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Summary The Serratia marcescens chiA gene encodes a secreted chitinase activity which contributes to the fungal growth inhibition exhibited by this bacterium. The coding region from the chiA gene was fused to the promoter and 3 polyadenylation region of the Agrobacterium nopaline synthase gene. Site-directed mutagenesis of specific nucleotides surrounding the initiating AUG of the coding sequence of this chimeric gene resulted in up to an eight-fold increase in the amount of chitinase protein detected in transformed plant tissue. Analysis of the chiA mRNA indicated that these nucleotides also affected mRNA levels. At least 50% of the chitinase protein produced in transformed tobacco cells was the same molecular weight as the S. marcescen secreted protein.  相似文献   
The embryonic development of total specific activities as well as of molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC and of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE, EC have been studied in the chick brain. A comparison of the development in different brain parts shows that cholinesterases first develop in diencephalon, then in tectum and telencephalon; cholinesterase development in retina is delayed by about 2-3 days; and the development in rhombencephalon [not studied until embryonic day 6 (E6)] and cerebellum is last. Both enzymes show complex and independent developmental patterns. During the early period (E3-E7) first BChE expresses high specific activities that decline rapidly, but in contrast AChE increases more or less constantly with a short temporal delay. Thereafter the developmental courses approach a late phase (E14-E20), during which AChE reaches very high specific activities and BChE follows at much lower but about parallel levels. By extraction of tissues from brain and retina in high salt plus 1% Triton X-100, we find that both cholinesterases are present in two major molecular forms, AChE sedimenting at 5.9S and 11.6S (corresponding to G2 and G4 globular forms) and BChE at 2.9S and 10.3S (G1 and G4, globular). During development there is a continuous increase of G4 over G2 AChE, the G4 form reaching 80% in brain but only 30% in retina. The proportion of G1 BChE in brain remains almost constant at 55%, but in retina there is a drastic shift from 65% G1 before E5 to 70% G4 form at E7.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Dissociated single cells from chicken retina or tectum kept in rotation-mediated cell culture aggregate, proliferate and establish a certain degree of histotypical cellto-cell relationships (sorting out), but these systems never form highly laminated aggregates (nonstratified R- and T-aggregates). In contrast, a mixture of retinal plus pigment epithelial cells forms highly stratified aggregates (RPE-aggregates, see Vollmer et al. 1984). The present comparative study of stratified and nonstratified aggregates enables us to investigate the process of cell proliferation uncoupled from that of tissue stratification. Here we try to relate these two basic neurogenetic processes with patterns of expression of cholinesterases (AChE, BChE) during formation of both types of aggregates.During early aggregate formation, in both stratified and nonstratified aggregates an increased butyrylcholinesterase activity is observed close to mitotically active cells. Quantitatively both phenomena show their maxima after 2–3 days in culture. In contrast, AChE-expression in all systems increases with incubation time. In nonproliferative areas, in the center of RPE-aggregates, the formation of plexiform layers is characterized initially by weak BChE and then strong AChE-activity. These areas correspond with the inner (IPL) and outer (OPL) plexiform layers of the retina in vivo. Although by sucrose gradient centrifugation we find that the 6S- and the fiber-associated 11S-molecules of AChE are present in all types of aggregates, during the culture period the ratio of 11S/6S-forms increases only in RPE-aggregates, which again indicates the advanced degree of differentiation within these aggregates.It is thus demonstrated that cholinesterases first correlate with neuronal cell proliferation and later with stratification, which indicates functions of both enzymes during both developmental periods.Abbreviations AChE acetylcholinesterase - BChE butyrylcholinesterase - iso-OMPA specific inhibitor of BChE - BW 284C51 specific inhibitor of AChE - IPL inner plexiform layer - OPL outer plexiform layer  相似文献   
Summary We report here that similar to E6-chicken retinal cells, dissociated cells from 5.5-day-old (E5.5) quail retinae reaggregate in rotary culture, multiply about tenfold and reestablish histotypical areas. These cellular aggregates include all nuclear layers either with inversed or correct laminar polarity, depending on the local origin of the cells (called rosetted and laminar in-vitro-retinae (IVR), respectively; Layer and Willbold 1989). In combined cultures, chick and quail cells are evenly mixed only during the first two days of culture. Along with the assembly of single cells into rosettes and then into discrete laminae, sectors of chick and quail cells begin to segregate. They are delineated by borders running radially through all three nuclear layers. Thus, interspecies migration of cells at this advanced stage of differentiation is strongly inhibited. Concomitant with this segregation, coherent radial columns spanning all three layers but containing cells from either species only, can be traced histologically. We conclude that a weak segregation of chick and quail retinal cells takes place already at the single cell level, but that the permanent segregation of entire tissue parts must be due to clonal cellular proliferation within the IVR in conjunction with some developmental-structural mechanism retaining clonal progenies within a columnar order.Abbreviations ECM extracellular matrix - E5.5 days of embryonic age - GCL ganglion cell layer - GC's ganglion cells - i.c. in culture - INL inner nuclear layer - rosetted in-vitro-retina retinal cell organoid aggregated from single cells of the central retina - IPL inner plexiform layer - MRE marginal retinal epithelium - ONL outer nuclear layer - OPL outer plexiform layer - OS ora serrate - PR photoreceptor cell - laminated in-vitro-retina fully laminated retinal cellorganoid resembling an E15-retina aggregated from cells of the eye periphery including RPE - RPE retinal pigment epithelium  相似文献   
Summary The phylo- and ontogenetically related enzymes butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) are expressed consecutively at the onset of avian neuronal differentiation. In order to investigate their possible co-regulation, we have studied the effect of highly selective inhibitors on each of the cholinesterases with respect to their expression in rotary cultures of the retina (retinospheroids) and stationary cultures of the embryonic chick tectum. Adding the irreversible BChE inhibitor iso-OMPA to reaggregating retinal cells has only slight morphological effects and fully inhibits BChE expression. Unexpectedly, iso-OMPA also suppresses the expression of AChE to 35%–60% of its control activity. Histochemically, this inhibition is most pronounced in fibrous regions. The release of AChE into the media of both types of cultures is inhibited by iso-OMPA by more than 85%. Control experiments show that AChE suppression by the BChE inhibitor is only partially explainable by direct cross-inhibition of iso-OMPA on AChE. In contrast, the treatment of retinospheroids with the reversible AChE inhibitor BW284C51 first accelerates the expression of AChE and then leads to a rapid decay of the spheroids. After injection of BW284C51 into living embryos, we find that AChE is expressed prematurely in cells that normally express BChE. We conclude that the cellular expression of AChE is regulated by the amount of both active BChE and active AChE within neuronal tissues. Thus, direct interaction with classical cholinergic systems is indicated for the seemingly redundant BChE.  相似文献   
The cholinesterases are members of the serine hydrolase family, which utilizes a serine residue at the active site. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is distinguished from butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) by its greater specificity for hydrolysing acetylcholine. The function of AChE at cholinergic synapses is to terminate cholinergic neurotransmission. However, AChE is expressed in tissues that are not directly innervated by cholinergic nerves. AChE and BChE are found in several types of haematopoietic cells. Transient expression of AChE in the brain during embryogenesis suggests that AChE may function in the regulation of neurite outgrowth. Overexpression of cholinesterases has also been correlated with tumorigenesis and abnormal megakaryocytopoiesis. Acetylcholine has been shown to influence cell proliferation and neurite outgrowth through nicotinic and muscarinic receptor-mediated mechanisms and thus, that the expression of AChE and BChE at non-synaptic sites may be associated with a cholinergic function. However, structural homologies between cholinesterases and adhesion proteins indicate that cholinesterases could also function as cell-cell or cell-substrate adhesion molecules. Abnormal expression of AChE and BChE has been detected around the amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. The function of the cholinesterases in these regions of the Alzheimer brain is unknown, but this function is probably unrelated to cholinergic neurotransmission. The presence of abnormal cholinesterase expression in the Alzheimer brain has implications for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and for therapeutic strategies using cholinesterase inhibitors.  相似文献   
Cholinesterases present homologies with some cell adhesion molecules; however, it is unclear whether and how they perform adhesive functions. Here, we provide the first direct evidence showing that neurite growth in vitro from various neuronal tissues of the chick embryo can be modified by some, but not all, anticholinesterase agents. By quantifying the neuritic G4 antigen in tectal cell cultures, the effect of anticholinesterases on neurite growth is directly compared with their cholinesterase inhibitory action. BW 284C51 and ethopropazine, inhibiting acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), respectively, strongly decrease neurite growth in a dose-dependent manner. However, echothiophate which inhibits both cholinesterases, does not change neuritic growth. These quantitative data are supplemented by morphological observations in retinal explant cultures grown on striped laminin carpets, viz., defasciculation of neurite bundles by BW 284C51 and Bambuterol occurs, indicating that these drugs disturb adhesive mechanisms. These data strongly suggest that a) cholinesterases can participate in regulating axonal growth, b) both AChE and BChE can perform such a nonsynaptic function, and c) this function is not the result of the enzyme activity per se, since at least one drug was found that inhibits all cholinesterase activities but not neurite growth. Thus, a secondary site on cholinesterase molecules must be responsible for adhesive functions.  相似文献   
Abstract: The function of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in the developing and mature brain is still unclear. We have inserted 577 bp of the 5' upstream region plus 106 bp of the exon 1 of the rabbit BChE gene in reverse orientation under control of an SV40 early promoter derivative in an expression vector. This vector was introduced by calcium phosphate-mediated transfection into embryonic chicken retina cells during the first days of reaggregation culture. Depending on the retinal origin, the transfected cell population forms histotypic retina-like spheres, so-called rosetted or stratified retinospheroids. We show that antisense 5'-BChE gene expression decreased the steady-state mRNA level of BChE and the translation of the BChE protein, inhibited proliferation, and accelerated histogenesis in both cellular systems. The pronounced effects of antisense 5'-BChE transfection of spheroids document a key role of BChE during the early reaggregation process of retinal cells, most likely by regulating their growth and differentiation.  相似文献   
In yeast, deletion of ERG27, which encodes the sterol biosynthetic enzyme, 3-keto-reductase, results in a concomitant loss of the upstream enzyme, Erg7p, an oxidosqualene cyclase (OSC). However, this phenomenon occurs only in fungi, as mammalian Erg27p orthologues are unable to rescue yeast Erg7p activity. In this study, an erg27 mutant containing the mouse ERG27 orthologue was isolated that was capable of growing without sterol supplementation (FGerg27). GC/MS analysis of this strain showed an accumulation of squalene epoxides, 3-ketosterones, and ergosterol. This strain which was crossed to a wildtype and daughter segregants showed an accumulation of squalene epoxides as well as ergosterol indicating that the mutation entailed a leaky block at ERG7. Upon sequencing the yeast ERG7 gene an A598S alteration was found in a conserved alpha helical region. We theorize that this mutation stabilizes Erg7p in a conformation that mimics Erg27p binding. This mutation, while decreasing OSC activity still retains sufficient residual OSC activity such that the strain in the presence of the mammalian 3-keto reductase enzyme functions and no longer requires the yeast Erg27p. Because sterol biosynthesis occurs in the ER, a fusion protein was synthesized combining Erg7p and Erg28p, a resident ER protein and scaffold of the C-4 demethyation complex. Both FGerg27 and erg27 strains containing this fusion plasmid and the mouse ERG27 orthologue showed restoration of ergosterol biosynthesis with minimal accumulation of squalene epoxides. These results indicate retention of Erg7p in the ER increases its activity and suggest a novel method of regulation of ergosterol biosynthesis.  相似文献   
We investigated the population structure of Staphylococcus aureus clonal complex CC121 by mutation discovery at 115 genetic housekeeping loci from each of 154 isolates, sampled on five continents between 1953 and 2009. In addition, we pyro-sequenced the genomes from ten representative isolates. The genome-wide SNPs that were ascertained revealed the evolutionary history of CC121, indicating at least six major clades (A to F) within the clonal complex and dating its most recent common ancestor to the pre-antibiotic era. The toxin gene complement of CC121 isolates was correlated with their SNP-based phylogeny. Moreover, we found a highly significant association of clinical phenotypes with phylogenetic affiliations, which is unusual for S. aureus. All isolates evidently sampled from superficial infections (including staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, bullous impetigo, exfoliative dermatitis, conjunctivitis) clustered in clade F, which included the European epidemic fusidic-acid resistant impetigo clone (EEFIC). In comparison, isolates from deep-seated infections (abscess, furuncle, pyomyositis, necrotizing pneumonia) were disseminated in several clades, but not in clade F. Our results demonstrate that phylogenetic lineages with distinct clinical properties exist within an S. aureus clonal complex, and that SNPs serve as powerful discriminatory markers, able to identify these lineages. All CC121 genomes harboured a 41-kilobase prophage that was dissimilar to S. aureus phages sequenced previously. Community-associated MRSA and MSSA from Cambodia were extremely closely related, suggesting this MRSA arose in the region.  相似文献   
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