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We have used a systemic approach to establish a relationship between enzyme measures of glial glutamate and energy metabolism (glutamine synthetase and glutamine synthetase-like protein, glutamate dehydrogenase isoenzymes, brain isoform creatine phosphokinase) and two major glial proteins (glial fibrillary acidic protein and myelin basic protein) in autopsied brain samples taken from patients with schizophrenia (SCH) and mentally healthy subjects (23 and 22 cases, respectively). These biochemical parameters were measured in tissue extracts in three brain areas (prefrontal cortex, caudate nucleus, and cerebellum). Significant differences in the level of at least one of the glutamate metabolizing enzymes were observed between two studied groups in all studied brain areas. Different patterns of correlative links between the biochemical parameters were found in healthy and schizophrenic brains. These findings give a new perspective to our understanding of the impaired regulation of enzyme levels in the brain in SCH.  相似文献   
Autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are of vital importance to wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), as well as being an intriguing group of microorganisms in their own right. To date, corroboration of quantitative measurements of AOB by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has relied on assessment of the ammonia oxidation rate per cell, relative to published values for cultured AOB. Validation of cell counts on the basis of substrate transformation rates is problematic, however, because published cell-specific ammonia oxidation rates vary by over two orders of magnitude. We present a method that uses FISH in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy to quantify AOB in WWTP, where AOB are typically observed as microcolonies. The method is comparatively simple, requiring neither detailed cell counts or image analysis, and yet it can give estimates of either cell numbers or biomass. Microcolony volume and diameter were found to have a log-normal distribution. We were able to show that virtually all (>96%) of the AOB biomass occurred as microcolonies. Counts of microcolony abundance and measurement of their diameter coupled with a calibration of microcolony dimensions against cell numbers or AOB biomass were used to determine AOB cell numbers and biomass in WWTP. Cell-specific ammonia oxidation rates varied between plants by over three orders of magnitude, suggesting that cell-specific ammonia oxidation is an important process variable. Moreover, when measured AOB biomass was compared with process-based estimates of AOB biomass, the two values were in agreement.  相似文献   
Apoptosis is necessary for the balance between cell proliferation and loss. Thirty-six Wistar-Albino rats were subjected to investigate apoptotic effect of widely used implantable progestins on ovarian and uterine tissues. Rats were divided into 6 groups. In the first five groups, we applied etonogestrel (IMP) subcutaneous implants (n = 30). The rats in groups were sacrificed sequentially every 10 days after application. The rats in the last group (n = 6) were accepted as controls. Apoptotic index (AI) values and Caspase-3 immunoreactivities of ovaries and uterus were recorded. In IMP groups, AI and Hscore values in stroma and glandular epithelium of uterus, granulosa and teca-lutein cells of the ovary increased with the longer progesterone exposure. Increase in AI and Hscore values were more prominent after 30 days of exposure for teca-lutein cells of ovary. Progestins increased apoptosis in ovaries and uterus by the longer exposure. Apoptosis increased in ovaries by chronic progesterone exposure. The apoptotic effect of progestin on endometrium is clear but long-term systemic application may lead to alterations in ovarian physiology. We evaluated time dependent apoptotic effect of etonogestrel on reproductive physiology and discussed progestins effect from another point of view in this study.  相似文献   
The paper analyses total of 58 samples representing 32 species of the 14 genera of shrub plant of the carbon isotope composition in Xinjiang representatives of Chenopodiaceae and a detailed discussion on the various factors that can influence them. The value of 38 samples fall between ?14.88‰ and ?11.55‰ with a mean of ?13.34‰, and values of 20 samples between ?27.93‰ and ?22.877‰ with a mean of ?25.38‰. So we obtained a total of 21 of C4 species (59.4%) and 11 of C3 species (40.6%) from 32 species studied Chenopodiaceae of shrubs plant. Then the relationship of plant-carbon-isotope and environmental factors has been analyzed. The results showed that the importance environmental factors for the δ13C-value of the Shrubs was annual precipitation (0.78) > temperature (0.66) > elevation (0.55). The three principal components has important factors to influence on C3/C4 shrub plant distribution. Environmental conditions play significant roles in the distribution and ecophysiological features of different photosynthetic types and even change the photosynthetic pathways. On the other hand, such as geographic location, Sunshine duration, evaporation capacity are more or less correlation with δ13C values, however, they would be interfered by annual precipitation. Desert plants to adapt to drought conditions by increasing water use efficiency (WUE) strategy. In short, plant physiology function is sensitive and timely to adapt environmental change.  相似文献   


Alterations in maternal environment can sometimes affect embryonic development in a sexually-dimorphic manner. The objective was to determine whether preimplantation bovine embryos respond to three maternally-derived cell signaling molecules in a sex-dependent manner.


Actions of three embryokines known to increase competence of bovine embryos to develop to the blastocyst stage, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), activin A, and WNT member 7A (WNT7A), were evaluated for actions on embryos produced in vitro with X- or Y- sorted semen from the same bull. Each embryokine was tested in embryos produced by in vitro fertilization of groups of oocytes with either pooled sperm from two bulls or with sperm from individual bulls. Embryos were treated with IGF1, activin A, or WNT7A on day 5 of culture. All three embryokines increased the proportion of cleaved zygotes that developed to the blastocyst stage and the effect was similar for female and male embryos. As an additional test of sexual dimorphism, effects of IGF1 on blastocyst expression of a total of 127 genes were determined by RT-qPCR using the Fluidigm Delta Gene assay. Expression of 18 genes was affected by sex, expression of 4 genes was affected by IGF1 and expression of 3 genes was affected by the IGF1 by sex interaction.


Sex did not alter how IGF1, activin A or WNT7A altered developmental competence to the blastocyst stage. Thus, sex-dependent differences in regulation of developmental competence of embryos by maternal regulatory signals is not a general phenomenon. The fact that sex altered how IGF1 regulates gene expression is indicative that there could be sexual dimorphism in embryokine regulation of some aspects of embryonic function other than developmental potential to become a blastocyst.
Divalent copper and zinc ions bind to the amyloid-β(40) and amyloid-β(42) alloforms and affect their structural stability as well as their chemical and physical properties. Current literature debates the impact of copper ions on amyloid-β alloforms. Recently, we reported the structural and thermodynamic properties of apo amyloid-β and divalent zinc ion bound amyloid-β alloforms (see, Wise-Scira et al. in J Biol Inorg Chem 17:927–938, 2012 and Coskuner et al. in ACS Chem Neurosci 4: 310–320, 2013). In our search for understanding the impacts of transition metal ions on disordered amyloid-β, we also developed and reported new potential functions using quantum mechanics, which are required for high-quality molecular dynamics simulations of divalent copper ion bound amyloid-β alloforms (see, Wise and Coskuner in J Comput Chem 35:1278–1289, 2014). The structures and thermodynamic properties of the divalent copper ion bound amyloid-β(40) and amyloid-β(42) alloforms in an aqueous medium are studied. The secondary and tertiary structures of divalent copper ion bound amyloid-β(40) and amyloid-β(42) along with their thermodynamic properties including enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy and potential of mean force surface are investigated. Results are compared to those for apo amyloid-β and divalent zinc ion bound amyloid-β alloforms. Results demonstrate that copper binding to Aβ alloforms is thermodynamically less preferred rather than zinc binding. Less compact structures of copper ion bound amyloid-β alloforms possess reduced stability in comparison to zinc ion bound amyloid-β alloforms. Cu(II) binding impacts the thermodynamic properties, secondary and tertiary structural properties of Aβ40 and Aβ42.  相似文献   


Investigation of genetic heterogeneity and spoligotype-defined lineages of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates collected during a three-year period in two university hospitals and National Tuberculosis Reference and Research Laboratory in Ankara, Turkey.

Methods and Findings

A total of 95 drug-resistant M. tuberculosis isolates collected from three different centers were included in this study. Susceptibility testing of the isolates to four major antituberculous drugs was performed using proportion method on Löwenstein–Jensen medium and BACTEC 460-TB system. All clinical isolates were typed by using spoligotyping and IS6110-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) methods. Seventy-three of the 95 (76.8%) drug resistant M. tuberculosis isolates were isoniazid-resistant, 45 (47.4%) were rifampicin-resistant, 32 (33.7%) were streptomycin-resistant and 31 (32.6%) were ethambutol-resistant. The proportion of multidrug-resistant isolates (MDR) was 42.1%. By using spoligotyping, 35 distinct patterns were observed; 75 clinical isolates were grouped in 15 clusters (clustering rate of 79%) and 20 isolates displayed unique patterns. Five of these 20 unique patterns corresponded to orphan patterns in the SITVIT2 database, while 4 shared types containing 8 isolates were newly created. The most prevalent M. tuberculosis lineages were: Haarlem (23/95, 24.2%), ill-defined T superfamily (22/95, 23.2%), the Turkey family (19/95, 20%; previously designated as LAM7-TUR), Beijing (6/95, 6.3%), and Latin-America & Mediterranean (LAM, 5/95 or 5.3%), followed by Manu (3/95, 3.2%) and S (1/95, 1%) lineages. Four of the six Beijing family isolates (66.7%) were MDR. A combination of IS6110-RFLP and spoligotyping reduced the clustering rate from 79% to 11.5% among the drug resistant isolates.


The results obtained showed that ill-defined T, Haarlem, the Turkey family (previously designated as LAM7-TUR family with high phylogeographical specifity for Turkey), Beijing and LAM were predominant lineages observed in almost 80% of the drug-Resistant M. tuberculosis complex clinical isolates in Ankara, Turkey.  相似文献   
A series of alpha-haloacetophenone derivatives was tested for inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and PTP1B. The results show that the bromides are much more potent than the corresponding chlorides, whereas the phenyl ring is remarkably tolerant to modifications. Derivatization of the phenyl ring with a tripeptide Gly-Glu-Glu resulted in a potent, selective inhibitor against PTP1B.  相似文献   
Aims: The purpose of this work was to investigate microbial ecology of nitrifiers at the genus level in a typical full-scale activated sludge plant. Methods and Results: Grab samples of mixed liquor were collected from a plug-flow reactor receiving domestic wastewater. Fluorescent in situ hybridization technique (FISH) was used to characterize both ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) in combination with Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope (CSLM). Fluorescently labelled, 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used in this study. Both Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira genera as AOB and Nitrobacter and Nitrospira genera as NOB were sought with genus specific probes Nsm156, Nsv443 and NIT3 and NSR1156, respectively. Conclusions: It was shown that Nitrosospira genus was dominant in the activated sludge system studied, although Nitrosomonas is usually assumed to be the dominant genus. At the same time, Nitrobacter genus was detected in activated sludge samples. Significance and Impact of the Study: Previous studies based on laboratory scale pilot plants employing synthetic wastewater suggested that only Nitrospira are found in wastewater treatment plants. We have shown that Nitrobacter genus might also be present. We think that these kinds of studies may not give a valid indication of the microbial diversity of the real full-scale plants fed with domestic wastewater.  相似文献   
Amounts of glutamate metabolizing enzymes such as glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutamine synthetase (GS), GS-like protein (GSLP), and phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG) were compared in prefrontal cortex of control subjects and patients with Alzheimer disease (AD). The target proteins were quantified by ECL-Western immunoblotting in extracts from brain tissue prepared by two different techniques separating enzymes preferentially associated with cytoplasm (GDH I and II isoenzymes, GS, and partially GSLP) and membrane (GDH III, PAG, and partially GSLP) fractions. Amounts of all listed enzymes were found significantly increased in the patient group compared with controls. Some links between the measured values were observed in the control, but not in the AD patient group. The results may suggest for the pathological interruption of regulatory relations between distinct enzymes of glutamate metabolism in brain of AD patients.  相似文献   
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