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Pollen data from 18,000 14C yr bp were compiled in order to reconstruct biome distributions at the last glacial maximum in southern Europe and Africa. Biome reconstructions were made using the objective biomization method applied to pollen counts using a complete list of dryland taxa wherever possible. Consistent and major differences from present‐day biomes are shown. Forest and xerophytic woods/scrub were replaced by steppe, both in the Mediterranean region and in southern Africa, except in south‐western Cape Province where fynbos (xerophytic scrub) persisted. Sites in the tropical highlands, characterized today by evergreen forest, were dominated by steppe and/or xerophytic vegetation (cf. today’s Ericaceous belt and Afroalpine grassland) at the last glacial maximum. Available data from the tropical lowlands are sparse but suggest that the modern tropical rain forest was largely replaced by tropical seasonal forest while the modern seasonal or dry forests were encroached on by savanna or steppe. Montane forest elements descended to lower elevations than today.  相似文献   
Liquid-to-gas mass transfer in anaerobic processes was investigated theoretically and experimentally. By using the classical definition of k(L)a, the global volumetric mass transfer coefficient, theoretical development of mass balances in such processes demonstrates that the mass transfer of highly soluble gases is not limited in the usual conditions occurring in anaerobic fermentors (low-intensity mixing). Conversely, the limitation is important for poorly soluble gases, such as methane and hydrogen. The latter could be overconcentrated to as much as 80 times the value at thermodynamic equilibrium. Such overconcentrations bring into question the biological interpretations that have been deduced solely from gaseous measurements. Experimental results obtained in three different methanogenic reactors for a wide range of conditions of mixing and gas production confirmed the general existence of low mass transfer coefficients and consequently of large overconcentrations of dissolved methane and hydrogen (up to 12 and 70 times the equilibrium values, respectively). Hydrogen mass transfer coefficients were obtained from the direct measurements of dissolved and gaseous concentrations, while carbon dioxide coefficients were calculated from gas phase composition and calculation of related dissolved concentration. Methane transfer coefficients were based on calculations from the carbon dioxide coefficients. From mass balances performed on a gas bubble during its simulated growth and ascent to the surface of the liquid, the methane and carbon dioxide contents in the gas bubble appeared to be controlled by the bubble growth process, while the bubble ascent was largely responsible for a slight enrichment in hydrogen.  相似文献   
Cereals are the world's major source of food for human nutrition. Among these, rice (Oryza sativa) is the most prominent and represents the staple diet for more than two-fifths (2.4 billion) of the world's population, making it the most important food crop of the developing world (Anon., 2000a). Rice production in vast stretches of coastal areas is hampered due to high soil salinity. This is because rice is a glycophyte and it does not grow well under saline conditions. In order to increase rice production in these areas there is a need to develop rice varieties suited to saline environments. Research has shown that Porteresia coarctata, a highly salt tolerant wild relative of rice growing in estuarine soils, is an important material for transferring salt tolerant characteristics to rice. It is quite possible that Porteresia may be used as a parent for evolving better and truly salt resistant varieties. The inadequate results and the difficulties associated with conventional breeding techniques necessitate the use of the tools of crop biotechnology in unravelling some of the characteristics of Porteresia that have been highlighted in this report. In view of the limited resources available for increasing salinity tolerance to the breeders to wild rice germplasm, Porteresia is undoubtedly one of the key source species for elevating salinity tolerance in cultivated rice.  相似文献   
A 450-m(3) multiplate anaerobic reactor (MPAR) has been started-up in April 1992 for treating wastewater (whey permeate and domestic wastewater) at the Nutrinor (Lactel) cheese factory in Chambord (Québec, Canada). The MPAR consists of four superimposed sections. The liquid flows upwards from one section to the next, while the gas is collected below each plate and evacuated through side-outlets. The wastewater is concurrently distributed at the bottom of the first, second, and third sections, as 50%, 33%, and 17% of the total influent stream, respectively. Granular anaerobic sludge at an initial concentration of 30 kg of volatile suspended solids (VSS) per cubic meter of reactor liquid volume was used to inoculate the reactor. Under normal operation of the factory, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration of the influent ranged from 20 to 37 kg COD m(-3). The reactor organic loading rate (OLR) fluctuated between 9 and 14.7 kg COD m(-3) d(-1) for hydraulic retention times (HRT) maintained between 55 and 68 h. At the highest OLR, the MPAR showed an efficiency of 98% and 92% for soluble and total COD removal, respectively, and a methane production rate averaging around 4 m(3) m(-3) d(-1).Biomass-specific activities ranged between 7 and 51, 1.3 and 8.5, 5.3 and 12.2, 60 and 119, and 119 and 211 mmol g(-1) VSS d(-1) for glucose, propionate, acetate, formate, and hydrogen, respectively. Average equivalent-diameter of the granules was around 0.65 mm. The MPAR reactor generally showed a large capacity for solid retention with a biomass content between 32 and 37 kg VSS m(-3). (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Pollen and plant macrofossil data from northern Eurasia were used to reconstruct the vegetation of the last glacial maximum (LGM: 18,000 ± 2000 14C yr bp ) using an objective quantitative method for interpreting pollen data in terms of the biomes they represent ( Prentice et al., 1996 ). The results confirm previous qualitative vegetation reconstructions at the LGM but provide a more comprehensive analysis of the data. Tundra dominated a large area of northern Eurasia (north of 57°N) to the west, south and east of the Scandinavian ice sheet at the LGM. Steppe‐like vegetation was reconstructed in the latitudinal band from western Ukraine, where temperate deciduous forests grow today, to western Siberia, where taiga and cold deciduous forests grow today. The reconstruction shows that steppe graded into tundra in Siberia, which is not the case today. Taiga grew on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov, about 1500 km south of its present limit in European Russia. In contrast, taiga was reconstructed only slightly south of its southern limit today in south‐western Siberia. Broadleaved trees were confined to small refuges, e.g. on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, where cool mixed forest was reconstructed from the LGM data. Cool conifer forests in western Georgia were reconstructed as growing more than 1000 m lower than they grow today. The few scattered sites with LGM data from the Tien‐Shan Mountains and from northern Mongolia yielded biome reconstructions of steppe and taiga, which are the biomes growing there today.  相似文献   
Alternaria alternata is a common fungal parasite on fruits and other plants and produces a number of mycotoxins, including alternariol (3,7,9-trihydroxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo [b,d]pyran-6-one), alternariol monomethyl ether (3,7-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one), and the mutagen altertoxin I {[1S-(1α,12aβ,12bα)] 1,2,11,12,12a, 12b-hexahydro-1,4,9,12a-tetrahydroxy-3,10-perylenedione}. Alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether have previously been detected in some samples of fruit beverages. Stability studies of these toxins as well as altertoxin I added to fruit juices and wine (10–100 ng/mL) were carried out. To include altertoxin I in the analysis, cleanup with a polymer-based Varian Abselut solid phase extraction column was used, as recoveries from C-18 columns were low. The stabilities of alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in a low acid apple juice containing no declared vitamin C were compared with those in the same juice containing added vitamin C (60 mg/175 ml); there were no apparent losses at room temperature over 20 days or at 80°C after 20 min. in either juice. Altertoxin I was moderately stable in pH 3 buffer (75% remaining after a two week period). Furthermore, altertoxin I was stable or moderately stable in three brands of apple juice tested over 1–27 day periods and in a sample of red grape juice over 7 days. It is concluded that altertoxin I is sufficiently stable to be found in fruit juices and should be included in methods for alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether.  相似文献   
The hypersensitive response has been mostly studied by molecular and biochemical methods after sample destruction. The development of imaging techniques allows the monitoring of physiological changes before any signs of cell death. Here, we follow the early steps of a hypersensitive-like response induced by the bacterial elicitor harpin in Nicotiana sp. We describe cytological modifications after inoculation of the harpin protein, using confocal fluorescence microscopy (CFM) and optical coherence tomography (OCT), an interferometric-based microscopy. The changes detected by CFM occurred 5 h after harpin infiltration and corresponded to a redistribution of the chloroplasts from the upper to the inner regions of the palisade mesophyll cells which could be related to a perturbation in the microtubule network. Using OCT, we were able to detect a decrease in chloroplast backscattered signal as early as 30 min after harpin infiltration. A simple physical model, which accounted for the structure and distribution of thylakoid membranes, suggested that this loss of scattering could be associated with a modification in the refractive index of the thylakoid membranes. Our OCT observations were correlated with a decrease in photosynthesis, emphasizing changes in chloroplast structure as one of the earliest hallmarks of plant hypersensitive cell death.  相似文献   
Rhizosphere is the complex place of numerous interactions between plant roots, microbes and soil fauna. Whereas plant interactions with aboveground organisms are largely described, unravelling plant belowground interactions remains challenging. Plant root chemical communication can lead to positive interactions with nodulating bacteria, mycorriza or biocontrol agents or to negative interactions with pathogens or root herbivores. A recent study1 suggested that root exudates contribute to plant pathogen resistance via secretion of antimicrobial compounds. These findings point to the importance of plant root exudates as belowground signalling molecules, particularly in defense responses. In our report,2 we showed that under Fusarium attack the barley root system launched secretion of phenolic compounds with antimicrobial activity. The secretion of de novo biosynthesized t-cinnamic acid induced within 2 days illustrates the dynamic of plant defense mechanisms at the root level. We discuss the costs and benefits of induced defense responses in the rhizosphere. We suggest that plant defense through root exudation may be cultivar dependent and higher in wild or less domesticated varieties.Key words: root exudates, plant defense, t-cinnamic acid, fusarium, induced defensePlants grow and live in very complex and changing ecosystems. Because plants lack the mobility to escape from attack by pathogens or herbivores, they have developed constitutive and in addition inducible defenses that are triggered by spatiotemporally dynamic signaling mechanisms. These defenses counteract the aggressor directly via toxins or defense plant structures or indirectly by recruitment of antagonists of aggressors. Whereas induced defenses are well described in aboveground interactions, evidence of the occurrence of such mechanisms in belowground interactions remains limited. The biosynthesis of a defensive molecule could be both constitutive and inducible with a low level of a preformed pool (Fig. 1). In addition, upon encounter of an attacking organism, those levels could be induced to rise locally to a high level of active compound that is able to disarm the pathogen.2,3 Only a few examples show that root exudates play a role in induced plant defense. Hairy roots of Ocimum basilicum secrete rosmarinic acid only when challenged by the pathogenic fungus Pythium ultimum.4 Wurst et al.5 reported on the induction of irridoid glycosides in root exudates of Plantago lanceolata in presence of nematodes. In vivo labelling experiments2 with 13CO2 showed the induction of phenolic compounds secreted by barley roots after Fusarium graminearum infection and the de novo biosynthesis of root secreted t-cinnamic acid within 2 days. These results show that the pool of induced t-cinnamic acid originated from both pre-formed and newly formed carbon pools (Fig. 1), highlighting a case of belowground induced defense inside and outside the root system.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Suggested mechanisms for the induction of root defense exudates in barley in response to Fusarium attack. Upon pathogen attack by Fusarium, the initial preformed pool of phenolic compounds is increased by the addition of inducible, de novo biosynthesized t-cinnamic acid. Both, the preformed pool and the de novo biosynthesized pool fuel the exudation of defense compounds from infected roots.The concept of fitness costs is frequently presented to explain the coexistence of both constitutive and induced defense.6 In the case of induced defense, resources are invested in defenses only when the plant is under attack. In the absence of an infection, plants can optimize allocation of their resources to reproduction and growth to compete with neighbours.7 Constitutive defenses are thought to be more beneficial when the probability of attack is high, whereas adjustable, induced defenses are more valuable to fight against an unpredictable pathogen. Non disturbed soil is a heterogeneous matrix where biodiversity is very high and patchy8,9 and organism motility is rather restricted.10 As a consequence of the patchiness, belowground environment is expected to be favourable to selection for induced responses.11 The absence of defense root exudates between two infections may form an unpredictable environment for soil pathogens and reduce the chance for adaptation of root attackers. Plants may also use escape strategies to reduce the effect of belowground pathogens. Henkes et al. (unpublished) showed that Fusarium-infected barley plants reduced carbon allocation towards infected roots within a day and increased allocation carbon to uninfected roots. These results illustrate how reallocation of carbon toward non infected root parts represents a way to limit the negative impact of root infection.We have demonstrated the potential of barley plants to defend themselves against soil pathogen by root exudation.2 Even the barley cultivar ‘Barke’ used in our study, a modern cultivated variety, was able to launch defense machinery via exudation of antimicrobial compounds when infected by F. graminearum. We suggest that plant defense through root exudation might be cultivar dependent and perhaps higher in wild or less domesticated varieties. Taddei et al.12 reported that constitutivelyproduced root exudates from a resistant Gladiolus cultivar inhibit spore germination of Fusarium oxysporum whereas root exudates from a susceptible cultivar do not affect F. oxysporum germination. Root exudates from the resistant cultivar contained higher amounts of aromaticphenolic compounds compared to the susceptible cultivar and these compounds may be responsible for the inhibition of spore germination. Metabolic profiling of wheat cultivars, ‘Roblin’ and ‘Sumai3’, respectively, susceptible and resistant to Fusarium Head Blight, showed that t-cinnamic acid was a discriminating factor responsible for resistance/defense function.13 Therefore it is likely that wild barley varieties hold higher defense capacities compare to cultivated varieties selected for high yield. In the future, plant breeders in organic and low-input farming could use root-system defense ability as new trait in varietal variation.  相似文献   


Vitamin D is associated with lung function in cross-sectional studies, and vitamin D inadequacy is hypothesized to play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Further data are needed to clarify the relation between vitamin D status, genetic variation in vitamin D metabolic genes, and cross-sectional and longitudinal changes in lung function in healthy adults.


We estimated the association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and cross-sectional forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) in Framingham Heart Study (FHS) Offspring and Third Generation participants and the association between serum 25(OH)D and longitudinal change in FEV1 in Third Generation participants using linear mixed-effects models. Using a gene-based approach, we investigated the association between 241 SNPs in 6 select vitamin D metabolic genes in relation to longitudinal change in FEV1 in Offspring participants and pursued replication of these findings in a meta-analyzed set of 4 independent cohorts.


We found a positive cross-sectional association between 25(OH)D and FEV1 in FHS Offspring and Third Generation participants (P = 0.004). There was little or no association between 25(OH)D and longitudinal change in FEV1 in Third Generation participants (P = 0.97). In Offspring participants, the CYP2R1 gene, hypothesized to influence usual serum 25(OH)D status, was associated with longitudinal change in FEV1 (gene-based P < 0.05). The most significantly associated SNP from CYP2R1 had a consistent direction of association with FEV1 in the meta-analyzed set of replication cohorts, but the association did not reach statistical significance thresholds (P = 0.09).


Serum 25(OH)D status was associated with cross-sectional FEV1, but not longitudinal change in FEV1. The inconsistent associations may be driven by differences in the groups studied. CYP2R1 demonstrated a gene-based association with longitudinal change in FEV1 and is a promising candidate gene for further studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-015-0238-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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