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The survival of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) calves to two years of age was examined in relation to electrophoretic variation in a population on the Scottish island of Rhum. Survival was analyzed using logistic analysis in which the “phenotypic” factors birth weight, birth date, subdivision of the study area, cohort, and sex, which affect the probability of a calf's survival, were taken into account. All three polymorphic loci examined, Mpi, Idh-2, and Trf (each with two detected alleles) are significantly associated with juvenile survival. At Mpi, there is selection against one allele, f (or an allele at a linked locus), and there are indications that this effect is stronger in females than males. For Idh-2, overall, the heterozygote class survives better than the two homozygotes, which survive equally well. However, again there is a difference between the sexes; female heterozygotes survive much better than homozygotes, whereas male homozygotes survive better than heterozygotes, and the difference in survival is smaller. Furthermore, there is an interaction involving Mpi, Idh-2, and survival in which Mpif carriers that are also Idh-2 homozygotes survive very badly compared with other Mpi-Idh-2 combinations, which all survive equally well. For Trf, the heterozygote class survives best, and there is also a difference in survival between the two homozygote classes. Genotype frequencies in the adult population are consistent with the results for calf survival, in that the Mpif frequency is lower in succeeding cohorts of surviving adults, whereas no significant gene frequency change is apparent for Idh-2 or Trf.  相似文献   
In many mammals, the energetic costs of lactation double a female's daily energy requirements on her activity budgets, food choice and ranging behaviour–but the effects of lactation have rarely been documented. In this paper, the ecological consequences of lactation in free-ranging Red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) hinds on the lsle of Rhum is examined by comparing the feeding behaviour, habitat use and ranging behaviour of hinds that were supporting calves (milk hinds) with hinds that did not have calves (yeld hinds). In summer, milk hinds graze for approximately two hours longer per day then yeld hinds. This difference has disappeared by the latter half of the winter, when the grazing budgets of milk and yeld hinds are similar. Both in summer and winter milk hinds spend more time grazing on the most strongly selected plant communities (short, herb-rich greens) where standing crops are low but food quality is comparatively high. Inter-year variation in habitat use by milk hinds is also closely related to variation in rainfall—while this is not the case among yeld hinds. Both in summer and winter, yeld hinds range more widely than milk hinds.  相似文献   
In red deer, yearling antler length is a largely nutrition-mediated phenotypic character, and is therefore sometimes used as an indirect estimate of range quality and population condition. However, the parameters affecting yearling antler length have been little studied. We analyse the contributions of density, weather and maternal effects on yearling antler length of 581 individual stags born 1970-1996 on the Isle of Rum (Scotland). We show that antler length is a good measure of yearling condition: the probability of overwinter survival in yearlings that developed antlers was 3 times higher than for yearlings that did not develop antlers, and yearling antler length was correlated with the number of antler points the following year. Between years, variation in yearling antler length was best explained by variation in red deer density and June temperature at 12 months of age. Both of these variables were negatively correlated with antler length, and most likely this effect is due to changes in nutrient availability. Population density affects biomass availability for the individual, while low temperatures in early summer prolong the availability of high forage quality. At the individual level, antler length increased with birth weight and decreased with birth date, reflecting the persistent and pervasive influence of conditions in early life.  相似文献   
The fitness consequences of inbreeding and outbreeding are poorly understood in natural populations. We explore two microsatellite-based variables, individual heterozygosity (likely to correlate with recent inbreeding) and a new individual-specific internal distance measure, mean d2 (focusing on events deeper in the pedigree), in relation to two measures of fitness expressed early in life, birth weight and neonatal survival, in 670 red deer calves (Cervus elaphus) born on the Isle of Rum between 1982 and 1996. For comparison, we also analyse inbreeding coefficients derived from pedigrees in which paternity was inferred by molecular methods. Only 14 out of 231 calves (6.1%) had non-zero inbreeding coefficients, and neither inbreeding coefficient nor individual heterozygosity was consistently related to birth weight or neonatal survival. However, mean d2 was consistently related to both fitness measures. Low mean d2 was associated with low birth weight, especially following cold Aprils, in which foetal growth is reduced. Low mean d2 was also associated with low neonatal survival, but this effect was probably mediated by birth weight because fitting birth weight to the neonatal survival model displaced mean d2 as an explanatory variable. We conclude that in the deer population fitness measures expressed early in life do not show evidence of inbreeding depression, but they do show evidence of heterosis, possibly as a result of population mixing. We also demonstrate the practical problems of estimating inbreeding via pedigrees compared with a direct marker-based estimate of individual heterozygosity. We suggest that, together, individual heterozygosity and mean d2, estimated using microsatellites, are useful tools for exploring inbreeding and outbreeding in natural population.  相似文献   
In polygynous, sexually dimorphic species, sexual selection should be stronger in males than in females. Although this prediction extends to the effects of early development on fitness, few studies have documented early determinants of lifetime reproductive success in a natural mammal population. In this paper, we describe factors affecting the reproductive success of male and female red deer (Cervus elaphus) on the island of Rum, Scotland. Birthweight was a significant determinant of total lifetime reproductive success in males, with heavier-born males being more successful than lighter ones. In contrast, birthweight did not affect female reproductive success. High population density and cold spring temperatures in the year of birth decreased several components of fitness in females, but did not affect the breeding success of males. The results confirm the prediction that selection on a sexually dimorphic trait should be greater in males than in females, and explain the differential maternal expenditure between sons and daughters observed in red deer. Differences between the sexes in the effects of environmental and phenotypic variation on fitness may generate differences in the amount of heritable genetic variation underlying traits such as birthweight.  相似文献   

Capitalist transformations in West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea, have focused on setting boundaries on land and social relations as an efficient way to generate productive relations. But for the Maututu around Bialla town where the palm oil industry has been established the perception of productivity rests not on establishing boundaries but on exploring horizons. Recent dramatic changes to the economy and demography of this area have introduced moral conflict into Maututu endeavours to generate well-being. Maututu have responded to these conflicts in ways that continue to bring their indigenous morality to bear on the moral strategies pursued by state and capitalist forces.  相似文献   
Oestrus is synchronized in non-lactating wild red deer females (hinds) that associate together during the mating season (rut). Female relatives associate together and this association leads to synchronous oestrus within kin groups which is not due to kinship per se. Estimated conception dates show only slight synchrony between associated hinds, probably due to the failure of some hinds to conceive at the first oestrus. Hinds that were lactating during or immediately prior to the rut show no tendency to conceive synchronously. Possible advantages of synchronized oestrus and conceptions are discussed.  相似文献   
Myosin light-chain expression during avian muscle development   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Monoclonal antibodies to adult chicken myosin light chains were generated and used to quantitate the types of myosin light-chain (MLC) isoforms expressed during development of the pectoralis major (PM), anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD), and medial adductor (MA) muscles of the chicken. These are muscles which, in the adult, are composed predominantly of fast, slow, and a mixture of fiber types, respectively. Three distinct phases of MLC expression characterized the development of the PM and MA muscles. The first identifiable pase occurred during the period of 5-7 d of incubation in ovo. Extracts of muscles from the pectoral region (which included the presumptive PM muscle) contained only fast MLC isoforms. This period of exclusive fast light-chain synthesis was followed by a phase (8- 12 d of incubation in ovo) in which coexpression of both fast and slow MLC isoforms was apparent in both PM and MA muscles. During the period, the composition of both fast and slow MLC isoforms in the PM and MA muscles was identical. Beginning at day 12 in ovo, the ALD was also subjected to immunochemical analyses. The proportion of fast and slow MLCs in this muscle at day 12 was similar to that present in the other muscles studied. The third development phase of MLC expression began at approximately 12 d of incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns incubation in ovo and encompassed the transition in MLC composition to the isoform patterns typical of adult muscle. During this period, the relative proportion of slow MLC rose in both the MA and ALD and fell in the PM. By day 16, the third fast light chain, LC(3f), was apparent in extracts of both the PM and MA. These results show that there is a developmental progression in the expression of MLC in the two avian muscles studied from day 5 in ovo; first, only fast MLCs are accumulated, then both fast and slow MLC isoforms are expressed. Only during the latter third of development in ovo is the final MLC isoform pattern characteristic of a particular muscle type expressed.  相似文献   
The suitability of using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of stream water quality was tested in the Mkondoa River in an agricultural area at Kilosa, using the rapid bioassessment protocol. The family biotic index (FBI) showed marked variation in water quality along the stream from values ranging from 4.1 to 5.0 in the upstream reaches, indicating good water quality, 5.3 to 5.5 in the mid-reaches and 6.0 to 6.5 in the lower reaches. The water quality index (WQI) indicated that water quality was fair (77 ± 0.98) in the upstream reach of the Mkondoa, marginal (55 ± 0.86) in the midstream reach and poor (33 ± 0.45) in the downstream reach. There were significant relationships between biological oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen and the occurrence of specific taxa, mainly Chironomus and Caenis. Significant changes in macroinvertebrate abundance were mostly related to changes in water quality. As in other parts of the world, macroinvertebrate communities proved to be good biological indicators of water quality and they should be used as bioindicators in long-term monitoring of this river.  相似文献   
In a seasonal environment, there are multiple aspects of timing, or phenology, that contribute to an individual's fitness. Several studies have shown a genetic basis to variation between individuals in breeding time, but we know little about the heritability of other phenological traits in wild populations. Furthermore, the presence of genetic correlations between phenological variables could act to constrain or promote any response to selection, but less is known of the multivariate genetic relationships underlying phenological traits in the wild. Here, we use data from a wild population of red deer on the Isle of Rum, Scotland, to investigate covariances between eight phenological traits. Variation was characterized at the level of the phenotype, genotype, and year, and traits measured in different sexes enabled us to test for cross-sex genetic correlations. Phenotypic correlations were broadly strong and positive, as were correlations between traits expressed in the same year. We found evidence of significant additive genetic variation in five of the eight phenological traits studied. However there was little evidence of genetic correlations between traits, implying that much of the observed phenotypic correlation was environmentally induced. Our results suggest that different phenological traits may be free to move along independent evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   
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