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We previously demonstrated that the oxysterol potentiation of arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin biosynthesis induced by foetal calf serum activation of normal rat kidney (NRK) cells (fibroblastic clone 49F) was not related to a direct effect of oxysterols on cell free Ca2+ level. Since both Ca2+ variations and protein C are involved in arachidonic acid release in some models, we looked for a possible modulation by protein C in the oxysterol effect on arachidonic acid release. We show that when the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13acetate (TPA), a protein kinase C activator, was added to the culture medium, the oxyterol effect on arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin synthesis clearly increased. Moreover, the effect of TPA was dose-dependent and TPA EC50 (4 × 10−9 M) was unchanged in the presence of the oxysterol. Preincubation of cells with TPA for 24 h prevented the arachidonic acid release induced by TPA alone, whereas the oxysterol effect was decreased but not abolished. In the absence of serum, TPA and ionomycin added together induced the same noticeable (arachidonic acid) release and PGE2 synthesis as serum alone. Nevertheless, the potentiating effect of cholest-5-ene-3β,25-diol was much higher when serum itself was used to activate NRK cells than it was in the present serum-mimicking experimental conditions. Thus, the presence of growth factors is probably required to obtain a full oxysterol effect. We conclude that the oxysterol effect was synergistic with, but not fully dependent on, protein kinase C and Ca2+ ion fluxes, therefore oxysterols could affed earlier events triggered by serum growth factor binding to their cell membrane receptors.  相似文献   
Immobilization is characterized by activation of the ubiquitin (Ub)-proteasome-dependent proteolytic system (UPS) and of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Increased oxidative stress and inflammatory response occur in immobilized skeletal muscles. Curcumin exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, blocked proteasome activation in intact animals, and may favor skeletal muscle regeneration. We therefore measured the effects of curcumin on immobilization-induced muscle atrophy and subsequent recovery. Rats were subjected to hindlimb immobilization for 8 days (I8) and allowed to recover for 10 days (R10). Fifty percent of the rats were injected daily with either curcumin or vehicle. Proteolytic and apoptotic pathways were studied in gastrocnemius muscles. Curcumin treatment prevented the enhanced proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity and the trend toward increased caspase-9-associated apoptosome activity at I8 in immobilized muscles. By contrast, the increase of these two activities was blunted by curcumin at R10. Curcumin did not reduce muscle atrophy at I8 but improved muscle recovery at R10 and the cross-sectional area of muscle fibers of immobilized muscles. Curcumin reduced the increased protein levels of Smac/DIABLO induced by immobilization and enhanced the elevation of X-linked inhibitory apoptotic protein levels at R10. Ub-conjugate levels and caspase-3 activity increased at I8 and were normalized at R10 without being affected by curcumin treatment. Altogether, the data show that curcumin treatment improved recovery during reloading. The effect of curcumin during the atrophic phase on proteasome activities may facilitate the initiation of muscle recovery after reloading. These data also suggest that this compound may favor the initial steps of muscle regeneration.  相似文献   
An accurate characterisation of muscle fibres is essential for studying muscle plasticity. During some transient events such as ageing, myogenesis, physical activity or conversion of muscle to meat, the morphological parameters and/or the fibre type distribution may change. Nowadays, this information is generally obtained using immunohistology techniques, but these analyses are acknowledged to be laborious and time-consuming. In fact, each myofibre, from thousands, must be measured individually and its expression profile in response to different anti-myosin antibodies must be established step by step. In this paper, we describe a new histological approach using double-labelling (laminin, myosin) serial sections, fluorescence microscopy visualisation and, finally, semi-automatic image analysis. The goal of the study was to propose a tool allowing faster fibre type characterisation, including the identification of hybrid fibres from pure ones. The steps in the image processing prone to subjectivity have been fully automated. On the other hand, the expert retained control of all image analysis procedures requiring visual diagnosis. The tool that we developed with the Visilog software allowed a rapid and objective fibre typing and morphometric characterisation of two different bovine muscles. The results were in agreement with our previous histological and densitometric assays. The method and the tool proved to be potentially more efficient than other techniques used in our institute or described in the literature. A more global evaluation will be considered in other laboratories as well as on other animal species.  相似文献   
A hallmark of ischemic/reperfusion injury is a change in subunit composition of synaptic 2‐amino‐3‐(3‐hydroxy‐5‐methylisoazol‐4‐yl)propionic acid receptors (AMPARs). This change in AMPAR subunit composition leads to an increase in surface expression of GluA2‐lacking Ca2+/Zn2+ permeable AMPARs. These GluA2‐lacking AMPARs play a key role in promoting delayed neuronal death following ischemic injury. At present, the mechanism(s) responsible for the ischemia/reperfusion‐induced subunit composition switch and degradation of the GluA2 subunit remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of NADPH oxidase, and its importance in mediating endocytosis and subsequent degradation of the GluA2 AMPAR subunit in adult rat hippocampal slices subjected to oxygen–glucose deprivation/reperfusion (OGD/R) injury. In hippocampal slices pre‐treated with the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin attenuated OGD/R‐mediated sequestration of GluA2 and GluA1 as well as prevent the degradation of GluA2. We provide compelling evidence that NADPH oxidase mediated sequestration of GluA1‐ and GluA2‐ involved activation of p38 MAPK. Furthermore, we demonstrate that inhibition of NADPH oxidase blunts the OGD/R‐induced association of GluA2 with protein interacting with C kinase‐1. In summary, this study identifies a novel mechanism that may underlie the ischemia/reperfusion‐induced AMPAR subunit composition switch and a potential therapeutic target.


Functionalized colloidal gold is widely used for qualitative and quantitative detection of specific analytes. We report here a novel modification of gold nanoparticles by digitonin, a glycoside used for precipitating membrane cholesterol. The specific molecular recognition of cholesterol by digitonin gold nanoparticles (DGNP), make it an attractive alternative to the existing enzymatic methods for cholesterol sensing. To enable cholesterol binding, we modified mercapto modified GNPs with digitonin, by a simple esterification reaction. The blue shift in the plasmon absorption spectra of DGNP with different cholesterol concentrations accompanied by a decrease in the absorbance is the principle applied here for the estimation. The observed size reduction followed by cholesterol binding is reasoned due to the enhanced hydophobicity of the surface which in turn expels the water layers associated with the particles prior to cholesterol binding. The method exhibited linearity between concentration of cholesterol and the corresponding absorbance of the plasmon peak, in the range of 160-600 ng/mL with a detection limit of 100±9 ng/mL. Other steroids did not show any binding affinity towards DGNP. The method depicted here has potential for development as an enzyme free sensor for cholesterol although many factors need to be addressed to transform it for assaying samples like blood.  相似文献   
After the previous lacking evidence allowed the interpretation of a non-deposition episod, the newly recorded mammal fauna from Puycelci (Tarn, SW France, close South to the Quercy paleokarstic area) now shows the MP 26 standard level (Late Oligocene, Early Chattian) being represented within the Eastern Aquitaine molassic basin filling. According to the evolutionary stage of known mammal lineages, the most significant Puycelci fossils are the Issiodoromys pauffiensis rodent and the Metriotherium cf. sarelense nov. sp. (described in this paper) artiodactyl ungulate. This new dating exemplifies the improvement of the mammalian biochronologic record as regards both the Quercy paleokarst and the surrounding lacustrine Tertiary basins W, S, and S-E to the Quercy, as well as, directly E and N-E, the smaller tectonic Tertiary basins within the crystalline Massif Central basement. The updated record shows the strong extension in time of the paleokarstic data, down to the Middle and Early Eocene, and up to the Early Miocene. Regarding the classically reported Late Eocene to Late Oligocene span, as well in the paleokarst and the peripheral basins, the available biochronological data now attains a valuable density level, the variation of which is significant. On one side there are periods (Late Eocene, Early Oligocene, Early Late Oligocene) with high biochronologic density, allowing improved time resolution using evolutionary stages within mammalian lineages (e.g. numerical ages). Such periods corresponds to almost continuous sedimentary processes, with only possible short breaks. On the other side, there are periods with unreported data, shared in the paleokarst and peripheral basins (Late Oligocene as best example). Such periods may well correspond to some non-deposition episods as once alleged by geologists. Then the surrounding biochronologic data would bear constraining value regarding these episods.  相似文献   
In this study we used a multi-spatial scale approach to investigate habitat suitability, roosting characteristics, and ecological niche in two flying fox species on the Comoros Islands—Pteropus livingstonii and Pteropus seychellensis comorensis. At a broad scale, we assessed the ecological niche and habitat suitability for both species using the Species Distribution Modeling method based on the recent ensembles of small models (ESM) approach. At a fine scale, Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) was applied to assess habitat selection by each species. Direct observation was used at each roost to estimate the total number of individuals and to identify the roost characteristics. At both broad and fine scales, the analyses highlighted clear niche partitioning by the two species. We found that P. livingstonii has a very limited distribution, restricted to steep, high-elevation slopes of the islands’ remaining natural forests, and the patterns were the same for roosting, foraging sites and the entire habitat. By contrast, P. s. comorensis has a relatively large geographic range that extends over low-elevation farmlands and villages and it was negatively correlated to natural forest across the entire area and all roosting sites, but its foraging areas were positively correlated to natural forest and high elevation areas. Both species selected large, tall trees for roosting. The total number of individuals in the studied area was estimated to be 1243 P. livingstonii and 11,898 P. s. comorensis. The results of our study demonstrated that these two species use different habitat types and ensure different ecosystem services in pollination and seed dispersion and thus are both critical for maintaining overall ecosystem dynamics. However, the currently high level of hunting pressure and roost disturbance makes them vulnerable to extinction. To ensure the viability of both species, conservation measures need to be taken by the Comoros government.  相似文献   
The relationships between cholesterogenesis and cell division were studied by using two inhibitors of hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity — 25-hydroxycholesterol and compactin. The effects of both compounds on DNA synthesis were compared in synchronized rat fibroblasts cultured in a cholesterol-containing medium. Compactin did not inhibit DNA synthesis, except after a long time of contact and at high and almost cytotoxic concentrations. 25-Hydroxycholesterol inhibited DNA synthesis (without cytotoxic effects) after only 9–16 h of contact, depending on the phase of the cell cycle at which this compound was added to the culture medium. Sensitivity of cells to 25-hydroxycholesterol was maximal at the end of the S phase/beginning of the G2M phase. The rapid effect of 25-hydroxycholesterol on DNA synthesis appears to be separate from the inhibitory effect on sterol or non-sterol mevalonate-derived compound synthesis. Indeed, under our experimental conditions, the suppression of cholesterol biosynthesis is compensated by the presence of cholesterol in the culture medium, as demonstrated by the lack of effect of compactin on DNA synthesis; moreover, addition of mevalonolactone to the culture medium did not reverse the effect of 25-hydroxycholesterol. 25-Hydroxycholesterol could inhibit DNA synthesis by a direct action on the nucleus, after transfer by the intermediary of a specific hydroxysterol-binding protein.  相似文献   
Genetic parameters for meat quality traits and their relationships with body weight and breast development were estimated for a total of 420 male turkeys using REML. The birds were slaughtered in a commercial plant and the traits measured included pH at 20 min (pH20) and 24 h post-mortem (pHu) and colour of the breast and thigh meat. The heritabilities of the rate and the extent of the pH fall in the breast muscle were estimated at h2 = 0.21 ± 0.04 and h2 = 0.16 ± 0.04, respectively. Heritabilities ranging from 0.10 to 0.32 were obtained for the colour indicators in the breast muscle. A marked negative genetic correlation (rg = -0.80 ± 0.10) was found between pH20 and lightness (L*) of breast meat, both traits corresponding to PSE indicators. The pH20 in the thigh muscle had a moderate heritability (h2 = 0.20 ± 0.07) and was partially genetically related to pH20 in the breast muscle (rg = 0.45 ± 0.17). Body weight and breast yield were positively correlated with both initial and ultimate pH and negatively with the lightness of breast meat.  相似文献   
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