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The esophagus of the eucrustaceans is known as a short tube that connects the mouth with the stomach but has generally received little attention by the carcinologists, especially during the larval stages. By this reason, the present study is focused on the morphology and ultrastructure of the esophagus in the brachyuran Maja brachydactyla during the larval development and adult stage. The esophagus shows internally four longitudinal folds. The simple columnar epithelium is covered by a thick cuticle. The epithelial cells of the adults are intensively interdigitated and show abundant apical mitochondria and bundles of filamentous structures. The cuticle surface has microspines and mutually exclusive pores. Three muscle layers surrounded by the connective tissue are reported: circular muscles forming a broad continuous band, longitudinal muscle bundles adjacent to the circular muscles, and dilator muscles crossing the connective tissue vertically toward the epithelium. The connective tissue has rosette glands. The esophagus of the larvae have epithelial cells with big vesicles but poorly developed interdigitations and filamentous structures, the cuticle is formed by a procuticle without differentiated exocuticle and endocuticle, the connective layer is thin and the rosette glands are absent. The observed features can be explained by his role in the swallowing of the food.  相似文献   
The stomach of decapods is a complex organ with specialized structures that are delimited by a cuticle. The morphology and ontogeny of the stomach are largely described, but few studies have focused on the morphology of its cuticle. This study examined the morphology of the stomach cuticle of cardiac sacs, gastric mill ossicles, cardio-pyloric valve and pyloric filters, and during various stages (zoea I and II, megalopa, first juvenile, and adult) of the common spider crab Maja brachydactyla using dissection, histology and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that cuticle morphology varies among structures (e.g., cardiac sacs, urocardiac ossicle, cardio-pyloric valve, pyloric filters), within a single structure (e.g., different sides of the urocardiac ossicle) and among different life stages. The cuticle during the larval stages is very thin and the different layers (epicuticle, exocuticle, and endocuticle) are infrequently distinguishable by histology. Major changes during larval development regarding cuticle morphology are observed after the molt to megalopa, including the increment in thickness in the gastric mill ossicles and cardio-pyloric valve, and the disappearance of the long thickened setae of the cardio-pyloric valve. The cuticle of all the stomach structures in the adults is thicker than in larval and juvenile stages. The cuticle varies in thickness, differential staining affinity and morphology of the cuticle layers. The structure–function relationship of the cuticle morphology is discussed.  相似文献   
Aspects of the population and reproductive biologyof the mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi were studiedin the western Mediterranean (Encanyissada coastallagoon, Ebre delta, Spain). Misids were sampling atmonthly intervals from August 1993 to June 1995. InDecember 1994 and February 1995 any individuals werefound. The relationship between carapace length (Lc)and total length (Lt) was isometric:logLt = 1.0612logLc + 0.9411 (n = 178,r = 0.9411). Thesize of mature males and females was at a maximum inthe winter, and a minimum in the summer. The longevityof individuals changed throughout the year; those withthe longest life expectancy were members of theoverwintering generation. Brooding females wererecorded throughout the year, except in December 1993and April 1994; they were most numerous in spring andautumn. The number of embryos or larvae (N) carried byfemales was related to the size of the females (range:1–22, mean value: 4.8): logN = 1.8705logLc–0.0985(n = 361, r = 0.4097, P < 0.01). Thesize of the eggs(maximum diameter, Le) was related to the size of thefemales (range: 0.35–0.6 mm in total length):logLe = 0.3404logLc–0.4820 (n = 277, r = 0.5420, P < 0.01).  相似文献   
Palaemonetes zariquieyi, an endemic palaemonid species of shrimp that lives in freshwater and brackish coastal habitats in eastern Spain, shows an abbreviated, non-feeding larval development comprising only three zoeal stages. To identify the endogenous bioenergetic fuel that allows for food-independent development from hatching to metamorphosis, larvae were reared under controlled laboratory conditions, and ontogenetic changes in dry weight (W), elemental (CHN), and lipid composition (total lipids, principal lipid classes, and fatty acids [FA]) were quantified at the onset of each zoeal stage and in the first juvenile. Values of W, C, and H per larva and per mass unit of W decreased throughout the time of larval development, while the N content showed only a weak decline (suggesting strong lipid but only little protein degradation). Correspondingly, directly measured values of total lipids (both in μg/larva and in % of W) decreased gradually, with neutral lipids (NL) consistently remaining the predominant and most strongly used fraction; sterol esters and waxes were not detected. In contrast to the NL, the fraction of polar lipids (PL) per larva remained stable and, as a consequence, tended to increase as a percentage of total lipids. Likewise, other important lipid fractions such as free FA and cholesterol remained stable throughout the time of larval development. Among the FA, palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1n–9), linoleic (18:2n–6), and eicosapentaenoic (20:5n–3) acid were predominant, showing a significant decrease during larval development; stearic (18:0), vaccenic (18:1n–7), and arachidonic acid (20:4n–6) were found only in small amounts. Our results indicate that the lecithotrophic development of P. zariquieyi is primarily fuelled by the utilization of lipids (especially triacylglycerides and other NL), which is reflected by a decreasing carbon content. Proteins and PL, by contrast, are preserved as structurally indispensable components (nerve and muscle tissues, cell membranes). The abbreviated and non-feeding mode of larval development of P. zariquieyi may have an adaptive value in land-locked freshwater habitats, where planktonic food limitation is likely to occur. The patterns of reserve utilization are similar to those previously observed in other palaemonid shrimps and various other groups of decapod crustaceans with lecithotrophic larvae. This suggests a multiple convergent evolution of bioenergetic traits allowing for reproduction in food-limited aquatic environments.  相似文献   
The complete larval development of the sesarmid crab Perisesarmafasciatum (Lanchester, 1900) from Singapore was obtained fromlaboratory culture. All four zoeal stages, the megalopa andthe first crab stage are described and illustrated. The morphologicalcharacteristics of the larvae of P. fasciatum are compared withthose of other known larvae of the genera Perisesarma and Parasesarma.The larval morphology of P. fasciatum clearly presents the typicalcombination of features that characterize sesarmid larvae. Overall,larval stages are very similar in Perisesarma and Parasesarmaand it is impossible to distinguish these two genera by larvalmorphology.  相似文献   
A total of 25 specimens of Eryoneicus larvae were collected near the Balearic Archipelago (Western Mediterranean Sea) in 2009 and 2010. Detailed morphological examination indicated that the smallest individual corresponded with the first zoea (ZI) stage of Polycheles typhlops hatched from a berried female by Guerao and Abelló (J Nat Hist 30(8):1179–1184, 1996). Only two species of deep-sea polychelid lobster, namely P. typhlops and Stereomastis sculpta, are known to occur in the Mediterranean. Genetic distance comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA and Cox I genes of this early larva together with adults from several Polycheles and Stereomastis species allowed us to assign it to P. typhlops. This is the first wild-caught larval stage of a polychelid lobster being identified using molecular techniques. The remaining specimens were attributed to zoeal stages II–III and decapodid stage based on morphological comparison. The arrangement of spines along the anterior part of the middorsal line (R, 1, 1, 1, 2, C1), characteristic of the former species E. puritanii, discriminates these larvae from other Eryoneicus found in the Mediterranean. The clear presence of epipods on the third maxilliped and pereiopods of the decapodid stage gives further support to the identification of E. puritanii as the larval stages of P. typhlops. Additionally, information on the ecology of these larvae, their abundances during different seasons, as well as their bathymetric distribution is reported.  相似文献   
The larval (two zoeae and megalopa) and first crab stages ofthe majid crab Inachus thoracicus Roux, 1830 are described andillustrated from laboratory-hatched material obtained from anovigerous female collected on the western Mediterranean continentalshelf. The morphology of all the stages is compared with thatof the corresponding stages of other known species of the genusInachus. The larvae of I. dorsettensis, I. phalangium and I.thoracicus are morphologically similar, and differ in some characteristicsfrom I. leptochirus.  相似文献   
The first three zoeal stages of the portunid crab Macropipus tuberculatus (Roux, 1830) are described and illustrated from laboratory-reared material obtained from one ovigerous crab captured in the western Mediterranean Sea. Zoeae of M.tuberculatus can be distinguished from other known polybiinid species from the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean waters by a combination of meristic and morphometric features, especially by the number of setae in the outer lobe of the maxilla endopod. Larval morphology presents additional evidence supporting the split of the genus Macropipus into the genera Liocarcinus and Macropipus sensu stricto based on adult characters.   相似文献   
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