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1. The morphology and innervation of the midgut (intestine) in the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus was investigated. The organization of this tissue was examined with routine histology. Radioimmunoassay, immunohistochemistry and high performance liquid chromatography were employed to detect, localize and identify peptidergic innervation of the midgut. The actions of synthetic and native proctolin-like and FMRFamide-like peptides were compared on the isolated midgut preparation. 2. Levels of proctolin and FMRFamide were determined in extracts of Limulus midgut tissue using radioimmunoassay. High levels of proctolin-like immunoreactivity (69.5 +/- 11.3 ng/g) were detected, while levels of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity (0.8 +/- 0.2 ng/g) were less. Proctolin levels were equally distributed, while the levels of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity exhibited an anterior bias. 3. Proctolin- and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivities in the Limulus midgut were localized with immunohistochemistry. Proctolin- and FMRFamide-immunoreactive elements were detected in intestinal nerve branches and individual fibers running along the surface of the midgut in whole-mount preparations. In sectioned tissue, staining for these peptides was observed throughout the midgut, typically associated with muscle bands and fibers. Only a few immunoreactive cell bodies were observed. 4. Proctolin, and several FMRFamide-like peptides produced distinct and opposing actions on the isolated Limulus midgut preparation. Proctolin elicited contracture and rhythmic contractions of this tissue, while FMRFamide and N-terminally extended analogs of FLRFamide relaxed gut tension. FMRFamide-like peptides partially reversed the excitatory actions of proctolin. 5. Proctolin- and FMRFamide-like peptides in Limulus midgut extracts were partially characterized with high performance liquid chromatography. One peak of proctolin-like activity was detected on a linear gradient of 18 to 31.5% acetonitrile. The native proctolin-like peptide produced excitatory actions on the isolated midgut preparation which were indistinguishable from those produced by synthetic proctolin. Several peaks of FMRFamide-like bioactivity (Busycon radula protractor muscle assay) were detected with a linear gradient of 5 to 30% acetonitrile. Fractions from two distinct peaks produced FMRFamide-like inhibitory effects on the isolated Limulus midgut preparation. These findings suggest a role for proctolin-like and FMRFamide-like peptides as regulators of intestinal motility in Limulus.  相似文献   
An improved Enzyme Immunoassay for Myelin Basic Protein is described. Myelin Basic Protein covalently attached to glass balls, and Myelin Basic Protein in samples compete with each other for binding of a peroxidase conjugated anti Myelin Basic Protein antibody. The peroxidase activity on the balls is then inversely proportional to the amount of Myelin Basic Protein in the sample. A detection limit of 0.6 ng/ml is demonstrated for diluent or spinal fluid. For plasma a dilution step increases this to 1.8 ng/ml. Both the coated balls and the peroxidase conjugate are stable for long periods. The assay requires no expensive equipment. Although the assay appears to be valid for subcellular fractions spinal fluid and plasma, successful detection of Myelin Basic Protection peptides in clinical samples may require careful selection of suitable antisera. The assay would be very suitable for eventual use with an appropriate monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   
Although recent data for several species of primate, including human and marmoset, indicate that the corpus luteum secretes high levels of radioimmunoassayable inhibin, the nature of the immunoreactive (ir) inhibin detected has not been established. In this study, plasma ir-inhibin levels during the ovarian cycle of the marmoset (n = 12 animals) were measured by alpha-subunit-directed inhibin RIA, and values were compared with those estimated by a recently developed two-site immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) specific for inhibin alpha-beta dimer. Consistent with earlier data, plasma levels of ir-inhibin measured by RIA (overall mean value 133 +/- 7 ng/ml; n = 171) reached values 4-fold higher (p less than 0.001) during the luteal phase (222 +/- 20 ng/ml) than during the follicular phase (58 +/- 8 ng/ml), being directly correlated with plasma progesterone levels (r = 0.65; p less than 0.001). In contrast, plasma ir-inhibin levels estimated by IRMA were substantially lower than those measured by RIA (overall mean value 9.62 +/- 1.08 ng/ml; n = 171) and did not vary significantly during the cycle. Administration of a luteolytic dose of cloprostenol during the late luteal phase/early pregnancy led to an abrupt fall in plasma concentrations of progesterone (95%) and alpha-inhibin measured by RIA (82%), whereas dimeric inhibin levels remained unchanged. Analysis of marmoset luteal extracts (n = 5) by RIA, IRMA, and inhibin bioassay yielded inhibin estimates of 102.6 +/- 21.0, 0.632 +/- 0.103, and less than 2.0 ng/mg, respectively, thus confirming that only a very small proportion of the inhibin produced was dimeric (i.e., bioactive) in nature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
As pathogenic bacteria become increasingly resistant to antibiotics, antimicrobials with mechanisms of action distinct from current clinical antibiotics are needed. Gram-negative bacteria pose a particular problem because they defend themselves against chemicals with a minimally permeable outer membrane and with efflux pumps. During infection, innate immune defense molecules increase bacterial vulnerability to chemicals by permeabilizing the outer membrane and occupying efflux pumps. Therefore, screens for compounds that reduce bacterial colonization of mammalian cells have the potential to reveal unexplored therapeutic avenues. Here we describe a new small molecule, D66, that prevents the survival of a human Gram-negative pathogen in macrophages. D66 inhibits bacterial growth under conditions wherein the bacterial outer membrane or efflux pumps are compromised, but not in standard microbiological media. The compound disrupts voltage across the bacterial inner membrane at concentrations that do not permeabilize the inner membrane or lyse cells. Selection for bacterial clones resistant to D66 activity suggested that outer membrane integrity and efflux are the two major bacterial defense mechanisms against this compound. Treatment of mammalian cells with D66 does not permeabilize the mammalian cell membrane but does cause stress, as revealed by hyperpolarization of mitochondrial membranes. Nevertheless, the compound is tolerated in mice and reduces bacterial tissue load. These data suggest that the inner membrane could be a viable target for anti-Gram-negative antimicrobials, and that disruption of bacterial membrane voltage without lysis is sufficient to enable clearance from the host.  相似文献   
苎麻疫霉(PhytophthoraboehmeriaeSaw.)可分泌具有诱抗作用的激发蛋白(α-elicihn),根据α-elicitin第24~30和56~63位保守区氨基酸推导的寡核苷酸引物序列,对苎麻疫霉基因组DNA进行特异PCR扩增反应,发现其扩增的DNA片段大于预计的片段。回收纯化的特异扩增DNA,并进行克隆和测序分析,结果表明特异扩增的elicihn基因亚克隆DNA为570hp,大于预计的117bp。在特异片段中,存在3个内含子将基因断裂成4个阅读框架,即ORF1、ORF2、ORF3和ORF4,其中ORF1和ORF4含有与引物相同的序列,但与其它序列与已克隆的elicihn基因无同源性。因此,芒麻疫霉基因组中的elicitin基因可能存在断裂现象。  相似文献   
1. The catecholamines dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine were detected in alumina extracts of Limulus midgut tissue using high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Moderate levels of norepinephrine (28.2 +/- 2.1 ng/g) and dopamine (24.0 +/- 5.2 ng/g) were detected in the midgut, while epinephrine levels (7.4 +/- 0.9 ng/g) were less. Catecholamines were present in all regions along the longitudinal axis of the midgut, and norepinephrine and dopamine levels were highest in posterior regions. 2. Catecholamines decreased muscle tonus and inhibited spontaneous contractions of the Limulus midgut. Dopamine typically decreased spontaneous midgut activity at doses of 10(-8) M or greater, and produced inhibitory actions on all regions of the Limulus midgut. In some preparations epinephrine and norepinephrine elicited a secondary rhythmicity. The actions of dopamine opposed the excitatory effects produced by either proctolin or octopamine. 3. Catecholamines significantly elevated levels of cyclic AMP in Limulus midgut muscle rings. Dopamine (10(-5) M) increased cyclic AMP with a time course consistent with its physiological effects. Forskolin and several methyl xanthines increased Limulus midgut cyclic AMP levels and mimicked the inhibitory effects of dopamine on the isolated midgut preparation. Cyclic nucleotide analogues also produced dopamine-like effects on the isolated midgut preparation. Inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase prior to addition of dopamine enhanced the effect of this amine to decrease baseline muscle tension. 4. The inhibitory effects of 10(-5) M dopamine on the midgut persisted in solutions of zero sodium and in the presence of tetrodotoxin. Zero calcium solutions gradually reduced spontaneous midgut activity and the effects of dopamine. Calcium channel blockers did not prohibit dopamine-induced relaxation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Ovarian changes determined by daily transrectal ultrasound and its relationship with FSH, LH, estradiol-17beta, progesterone, and inhibin were investigated in six goats for three consecutive interovulatory intervals. Estrous cycles were synchronized using two injections of prostaglandin F2alpha analogue 11 days apart. All follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter and corpora lutea were measured daily. A follicular wave was defined as one or more follicles growing to 5 mm or greater in diameter. The day that the follicles reached 3 mm in diameter was defined as the day of wave emergence, and the first wave after ovulation was defined as wave 1. During the interovulatory interval (mean +/- SEM, 21.3 +/- 0.4 days; n = 18), follicular waves emerged at 0.3 +/- 0.5, 6.5 +/- 0.2, and 12.1 +/- 0.4 days for wave 1, wave 2, and wave 3, respectively, in goats with three waves of follicular development and at -0.6 +/- 0.3, 4.7 +/- 0.2, 9.4 +/- 0.5, and 13.4 +/- 0.5 days for wave 1, wave 2, wave 3, and wave 4, respectively, in goats with four waves of follicular development (Day 0 = the day of ovulation). The mean diameter of the largest follicle of the ovulatory wave was significantly larger than those of the largest follicles of the other waves. Corpora lutea could be identified ultrasonically at Day 3 postovulation and attained 12.1 +/- 0.3 mm in diameter on Day 8. Transient increases in plasma concentrations of FSH were detected around the day of follicular wave emergence. The level of FSH was negatively correlated with that of inhibin. These results demonstrated that follicular waves occurred in goats and that the predominant follicular wave pattern was four waves with ovulation from wave 4. These results also suggested that the emergence of follicular waves was closely associated with increased secretion of FSH.  相似文献   
Two structurally related subtypes of oestrogen receptor (ER), known as alpha (ER alpha, NR3A1) and beta (ER beta, NR3A2) have been identified. ER beta mRNA and protein have been detected in a wide range of tissues including the vasculature, bone, and gonads in both males and females, as well as in cancers of the breast and prostate. In many tissues the pattern of expression of ER beta is distinct from that of ER alpha. A number of variant isoforms of the wild type beta receptor (ER beta 1), have been identified. In the human these include: (1). use of alternative start sites within the mRNA leading to translation of either a long (530 amino acids, hER beta 1L) or a truncated form (487aa hER beta 1s); (2). deletion of exons by alternative splicing; (3). formation of several isoforms (ER beta 2-beta 5) due to alternative splicing of exons encoding the carboxy terminus (F domain). We have raised monoclonal antibodies specific for hER beta1 as well as to three of the C terminal isoforms (beta2, beta 4 and beta 5). Using these antibodies we have found that ER beta 2, beta 4 and beta 5 proteins are expressed in nuclei of human tissues including the ovary, placenta, testis and vas deferens.In conclusion, in addition to the differential expression of full length ER alpha and ER beta a number of ER variant isoforms have been identified. The impact of the expression of these isoforms on cell responsiveness to oestrogens may add additional complexity to the ways in which oestrogenic ligands influence cell function.  相似文献   
Insects have an enormous impact on global public health as disease vectors and as agricultural enablers as well as pests and olfaction is an important sensory input to their behavior. As such it is of great value to understand the interplay of the molecular components of the olfactory system which, in addition to fostering a better understanding of insect neurobiology, may ultimately aid in devising novel intervention strategies to reduce disease transmission or crop damage. Since the first discovery of odorant receptors in vertebrates over a decade ago, much of our view on how the insect olfactory system might work has been derived from observations made in vertebrates and other invertebrates, such as lobsters or nematodes. Together with the advantages of a wide range of genetic tools, the identification of the first insect odorant receptors in Drosophila melanogaster in 1999 paved the way for rapid progress in unraveling the question of how olfactory signal transduction and processing occurs in the fruitfly. This review intends to summarize much of this progress and to point out some areas where advances can be expected in the near future.  相似文献   
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