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Immature ear primordia of maize when cultured on a defined liquid medium grew and differentiated in response to two variables: 1) size of initial explants and 2) concentration of kinetin in the medium. Overall growth of primordia, less than 15 mm at explanting, reached an optimum fresh weight and ear length when kinetin was 10–6m. Ears less than 10 mm, in the presence of kinetin, produced many male spikelets with well-developed stamens in both upper and lower flowers. Ears greater than 15 mm, at explanting, produced only female flowers regardless of the kinetin concentration. Different proportions of male and female and bisexual flowers were produced depending upon the initial size of inflorescences and the concentration of kinetin.  相似文献   
Plastid and cytosolic isozymes of ATP:fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (PFKp and PFKc, respectively) have been isolated from leaves and developing endosperm tissues of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L). Endosperm PFKp has been purified to apparent homogeneity. Polyclonal antibodies raised against one of the four polypeptides associated with potato tuber PFK (molecular mass, 46 kilodaltons) immunoprecipitated developing endosperm and leaf PFKp, but not PFKc isozymes. Western blots, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and analytical gel filtration show that PFKp from developing endosperm is a 220 kilodalton homotetramer composed of 57 kilodalton subunits. Kinetic studies of leaf PFKp and PFKc isozymes reveal both similarities and differences to the characteristics of the respective endosperm isozymes studied previously (WJ Garland, DT Dennis [1980] Arch Biochem Biophys 204: 302-317). The immunological and kinetic data suggest that leaf and developing endosperm PFKp are different but structurally related proteins.  相似文献   
The lepidopteran mitochondrial control region: structure and evolution   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
For several species of lepidoptera, most of the approximately 350-bp mitochondrial control-region sequences were determined. Six of these species are in one genus, Jalmenus; are closely related; and are believed to have undergone recent rapid speciation. Recent speciation was supported by the observation of low interspecific sequence divergence. Thus, no useful phylogeny could be constructed for the genus. Despite a surprising conservation of control-region length, there was little conservation of primary sequences either among the three lepidopteran genera or between lepidoptera and Drosophila. Analysis of secondary structure indicated only one possible feature in common--inferred stem loops with higher-than-random folding energies-- although the positions of the structures in different species were unrelated to regions of primary sequence similarity. We suggest that the conserved, short length of control regions is related to the observed lack of heteroplasmy in lepidopteran mitochondrial genomes. In addition, determination of flanking sequences for one Jalmenus species indicated (i) only weak support for the available model of insect 12S rRNA structure and (ii) that tRNA translocation is a frequent event in the evolution of insect mitochondrial genomes.   相似文献   
In Nigella damascena “double” flower is inherited as a single-gene recessive to “single” flower. Early emasculation of “double” flowers greatly inhibits gynoecium development and, to a lesser degree, development of sepals and bracts. No comparable inhibition of gynoecia was induced in “single” flowers though some sepal and bract inhibition was detected. A differential nutritional requirement for organ initiation on cultured flower apices was also detected. Apices of both varieties initiated stamens and carpels if kinetin was added to the basal medium. However, in the absence of kinetin, GA3 was required for organ initiation in “doubles” but completely inhibited stamen initiation in “singles.” Both these differential effects are thought to reflect rather different patterns of gibberellin metabolism in the two genetic strains.  相似文献   
Tepfer, S. S., R. I. Greyson, W. R. Craig, and J. L. Hindman. (U. Oregon, Eugene.) In vitro culture of floral buds of Aquilegia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(10): 1035–1045. Illus. 1963.—Floral buds at various stages of development, from early stages before sepal initiation to late stages with young carpel primordia present, were grown in culture on various agar media. A basic medium containing White's minerals, Nitsch's trace elements, coconut milk, sucrose, and assorted water-soluble vitamins was developed for growth of the buds. The addition of indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid, and kinetin to the basic medium extended the developmental limits of buds at nearly all stages and decidedly improved the continued development of carpels. On this medium buds produce all of their organ primordia, growing from early stages to about the size of flowers at anthesis, but will not develop unless the sepals are removed. This inhibiting effect of sepals is not understood at this time. Stamen development is consistently poor beyond the point of differentiation of anther and filament, even with the addition of hormones. The development of buds in culture is illustrated and compared with development in intact plants. With further improvement of the medium, it is hoped that these buds may be used for experiments testing theories of floral morphogenesis.  相似文献   


Lignin and hemicelluloses are the major components limiting enzyme infiltration into cell walls. Determination of the topochemical distribution of lignin and aromatics in sugar cane might provide important data on the recalcitrance of specific cells. We used cellular ultraviolet (UV) microspectrophotometry (UMSP) to topochemically detect lignin and hydroxycinnamic acids in individual fiber, vessel and parenchyma cell walls of untreated and chlorite-treated sugar cane. Internodes, presenting typical vascular bundles and sucrose-storing parenchyma cells, were divided into rind and pith fractions.  相似文献   
Individual plants of several Amelanchier taxa contain many polymorphic nucleotide sites in the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). This polymorphism is unusual because it is not recent in origin and thus has resisted homogenization by concerted evolution. Amelanchier ITS sequence polymorphism is hypothesized to be the result of gene flow between two major North American clades resolved by phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences. Western North American species plus A. humilis and A. sanguinea of eastern North America form one clade (A), and the remaining eastern North American Amelanchier make up clade B. Five eastern North American taxa are polymorphic at many of the nucleotide sites where clades A and B have diverged and are thought to be of hybrid origin, with A. humilis or A. sanguinea as one parent and various members of clade B as the other parent. Morphological evidence suggests that A. humilis is one of the parents of one of the polymorphic taxa, a microspecies that we refer to informally as A. "erecta." Sequences of 21 cloned copies of the ITS1- 5.8S gene-ITS2 region from one A. "erecta" individual are identical to A. humilis sequence or to the clade B consensus sequence, or they are apparent recombinants of A. humilis and clade B ITS repeats. Amelanchier "erecta" and another polymorphic taxon are suspected to be relatively old because both grow several hundred kilometers beyond the range of one of their parents. ITS sequence polymorphisms have apparently persisted in these two taxa perhaps because of polyploidy and/or agamospermy (asexual seed production), which are prevalent in the genus.   相似文献   
The development of the unisexual male and female flowers of Zea mays from bisexual initials in both tassels and ears has been reinvestigated with SEM and TEM. The early stages of spikelet branch primordia, spikelet initiation, and early flower development are similar in both flowers, though differences in rates of growth of glumes, lemmas, and palea were detected. In both tassel and ear flowers, a pair of stamens arises opposite the lemmas and a third stamen initiates later at right angles to the first pair but from a point on the meristem below its insertion. Gynoecia develop on both tassel and ear flowers first as a ridge which overgrows the apical meristem giving rise to the stylar canal and the elongate silk. Male flowers arise in the tassel through selective vacuolation and abortion of the cells of the early gynoecium. The single female flower in each ear spikelet arises through the vacuolation and abortion of stamens in the upper flower and the repression of growth of and the eventual regression of the lower flower in each spikelet. The significance of these selective organ abortions for practical applications is discussed.  相似文献   
Using a battery of seven lectin-ferritin conjugates as probes for cell surface glycoconjugates, we have studied the pattern of plasmalemmal differentiation of cells in the embryonic rat pancreas from day 15 in utero to the early postpartum stage. Our results indicate that differentiation of plasmalemmal glycoconjugates on acinar, endocrine, and centroacinar cells is temporally correlated with development and is unique for each cell type, as indicated by lectin-ferritin binding. Specifically, (a) expression of adult cell surface saccharide phenotype can be detected on presumptive acinar cells as early as 15 d in utero, as indicated by soybean agglutinin binding, and precedes development of intracellular organelles characteristic of mature acinar cells; (b) maturation of the plasmalemma of acinar cells is reached after intracellular cytodifferentiation is completed, as indicated by appearance of Con A and fucoselectin binding sites only at day 19 of development; conversely, maturation of the endocrine cell plasmalemma is accompanied by "loss" (masking) of ricinus communis II agglutinin receptors; and (c) binding sites for fucose lectins and for soybean agglutinin are absent on endocrine and centroacinar cells at all stages examined. We conclude that acinar, centroacinar, and endocrine cells develop from a common progenitor cell(s) whose plasmalemmal carbohydrate composition resembles most closely that of the adult centroacinar cell. Finally, appearance of acinar lumina beginning at approximately 17 d in utero is accompanied by differenetiation of apical and basolateral plasmalemmal domains of epithelial cells, as indicated by enhanced binding of several lectin-ferritin conjugates to the apical plasmalemmal, a pattern that persists from this stage through adult life.  相似文献   
Several dominantly inherited, late onset, neurodegenerative diseases are due to expansion of CAG repeats, leading to expansion of glutamine repeats in the affected proteins. These proteins are of very different sizes and, with one exception, show no sequence homology to known proteins or to each other; their functions are unknown. In some, the glutamine repeat starts near the N-terminus, in another near the middle and in another near the C-terminus, but regardless of these differences, no disease has been observed in individuals with fewer than 37 repeats, and absence of disease has never been found in those with more than 41 repeats. Protein constructs with more than 41 repeats are toxic to E. coli and to CHO cells in culture, and they elicit ataxia in transgenic mice. These observations argue in favour of a distinct change of structure associated with elongation beyond 37–41 glutamine repeats. The review describes experiments designed to find out what these structures might be and how they could influence the properties of the proteins of which they form part. Poly- -glutamines form pleated sheets of β-strands held together by hydrogen bonds between their amides. Incorporation of glutamine repeats into a small protein of known structure made it associate irreversibly into oligomers. That association took place during the folding of the protein molecules and led to their becoming firmly interlocked by either strand- or domain-swapping. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that elongation of glutamine repeats beyond a certain length may lead to a phase change from random coils to hydrogen-bonded hairpins. Possible mechanisms of expansion of CAG repeats are discussed in the light of looped DNA model structures.  相似文献   
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