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Iridoid glycosides are plant defence compounds that are deterrent and/or toxic for unadapted herbivores but are readily sequestered by dietary specialists of different insect orders. Hydrolysis of iridoid glycosides by β‐glucosidase leads to protein denaturation. Insect digestive β‐glucosidases thus have the potential to mediate plant–insect interactions. In the present study, mechanisms associated with iridoid glycoside tolerance are investigated in two closely‐related leaf beetle species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) that feed on iridoid glycoside containing host plants. The polyphagous Longitarsus luridus Scopoli does not sequester iridoid glycosides, whereas the specialist Longitarsus tabidus Fabricius sequesters these compounds from its host plants. To study whether the biochemical properties of their β‐glucosidases correspond to the differences in feeding specialization, the number of β‐glucosidase isoforms and their kinetic properties are compared between the two beetle species. To examine the impact of iridoid glycosides on the β‐glucosidase activity of the generalist, L. luridus beetles are kept on host plants with or without iridoid glycosides. Furthermore, β‐glucosidase activities of both species are examined using an artificial β‐glucosidase substrate and the iridoid glycoside aucubin present in their host plants. Both species have one or two β‐glucosidases with different substrate affinities. Interestingly, host plant use does not influence the specific β‐glucosidase activities of the generalist. Both species hydrolyse aucubin with a much lower affinity than the standard substrate. The neutral pH reduces the β‐glucosidase activity of the specialist beetles by approximately 60% relative to its pH optimum. These low rates of aucubin hydrolysis suggest that the ability to sequester iridoid glycosides has evolved as a key to potentially preventing iridoid glycoside hydrolysis by plant‐derived β‐glucosidases.  相似文献   
Gregor Reid 《CMAJ》2011,183(11):1332
Gregor  D. J.  Munawar  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):291-300
Lake Diefenbaker, on the South Saskatchewan River, Saskatchewan, Canada, receives, on average, 90% of its inflow from snowmelt and rainfall in the Rocky Mountains. The inflowing rivers also receive irrigation return flows and municipal and industrial effluents which may result in the contamination of lake sediments. The sediments were assessed by nematode and algal bioassays.The toxicity of five chemical fractions of the sediment was determined using the nematode Panagrellus redivivus as the test organisms. The results suggest that the sediment chemical fractions frequently inhibit growth and maturation, while lethality was observed at 4 of 12 sites.Samples from 3 of these sites were further evaluated using conventional elutriate Algal Fractionation Bioassays (AFB) with both natural Lake Diefenbaker phytoplankton and a mixed laboratory grown algal culture. The natural phytoplankton showed inhibition at sediment: water ratios of 10: 1; whereas the algal cultures showed both enhancement and inhibition. Evidently, the sediments are frequently toxic to the species tested except for the algal culture. The AFB assesses the mitigative and synergistic effects of contaminants and nutrients and being a conventional elutriate, is more realistic and potentially more acceptable than the chemical fractionation/nematode bioassay technique which essentially considers potential trace organic contaminant effects.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that the ability of lactobacilli to attach to and colonize uroepithelial surfaces is an important characteristic that enhances interference against uropathogenic bacteria. This adherence capacity was found to vary amongst lactobacillus strains and with the type of growth medium used to culture the organisms. The present study was undertaken to examine further the effect of culture media and growth phase on lactobacillus adherence to uroepithelial cells in vitro. In addition, a freeze substitution technique was developed to examine the morphology of strainsLactobacillus casei ssrhamnosus RC-17,L. casei GR-1, andL. acidophilus T-13 in relation to growth conditions and adhesion. A growth curve was plotted for strain GR-1, and adherence was found to be lowest for bacteria in early log phase (39 bacteria per uroepithelial cell) and highest in stationary phase (59 bacteria per uroepithelial cell). Strains RC-17 and GR-1 attached in high numbers to uroepithelial cells, whereas T-13 was poorly adherent. The latter formed a long, relatively dense, fibrous capsule after growth in brain heart infusion yeast extract agar, unlike strains GR-1 and RC-17, which formed a short, tightly bound, electron-dense capsule which surrounded the cells in a radial fashion. Growth of RC-17 in batch cultures of human urine, with and without addition of carbohydrates, resulted in formation of an irregular, fibrous extracellular matrix. These experiments illustrate that growth phase and culture conditions affect the extracellular structure of lactobacilli and also affect the adherence capacity of these bacteria. Structural changes mediated by availability of nutrients may partly explain why lactobacilli vary between species and between hosts in their colonization of the urogenital tract.  相似文献   
Insect-plant interactions have played a prominent role in investigating phylogenetic constraints in the evolution of ecological traits. The patterns of host association among specialized insects have often been described as highly conservative, yet not all specialized herbivorous insect lineages display the same degree of fidelity to their host plants. In this paper, we present an estimate of the evolutionary history of the leaf beetle genus Oreina. This genus displays an amazing flexibility in several aspects of its ecology and life history: (1) host plant switches in Oreina occurred between plant families or distantly related tribes within families and thereby to more distantly related plants than in several model systems that have contributed to the idea of parallel cladogenesis; (2) all species of the genus are chemically defended, but within the genus a transition between autogenous production of defensive toxins and sequestration of secondary plant compounds has occurred; and (3) reproductive strategies in the genus range from oviparity to viviparity including all intermediates that could allow the gradual evolution of viviparity. Cladistic analysis of 18 allozyme loci found two most parsimonious trees that differ only in the branching of one species. According to this phylogeny estimate, Oreina species were originally associated with Asteraceae, with an inclusion of Apiaceae in the diet of one oligophagous species and an independent switch to Apiaceae in a derived clade. The original mode of defense appears to be the autogenous production of cardenolides as previously postulated; the additional sequestration of pyrrolizidine alkaloids could have either originated at the base of the genus or have arisen three times independently in all species that switched to plants containing these compounds. Viviparity apparently evolved twice in the genus, once without matrotrophy, through a retention of the eggs inside the female's oviducts, and once in combination with matrotrophy. We hypothesize that the combination of autogenous defense and a life history that involves mobile externally feeding larvae allowed these beetles to switch host plants more readily than has been reported for highly conservative systems.  相似文献   
A microtiter plate assay was developed to quantitate the nuclease activity of the extracellularSerratia marcescensendonuclease under different buffer conditions. Substrate cleavage was followed as decrease in ethidium/DNA fluorescence using a uv-transilluminator and a video documentation system. Time courses of DNA cleavage were recorded and cleavage rates determined very precisely within a factor of 1.2. The assay has a linear dynamic range covering three orders of magnitude of nuclease activity and can be carried out very quickly within a few minutes. It can also be used with RNA as substrate. With appropriate modifications it should be possible to adapt this assay for other enzymatic reactions which are accompanied by changes in absorbance or fluorescence.  相似文献   
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