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A full length cDNA encoding human pro-alpha 2(V) collagen was constructed. Partial sequencing of the cDNA and primer extension analysis of mRNA from fibroblasts found that pro-alpha 2(V) mRNA differs from the mRNAs of other fibrillar collagens in the increased length of its 5'-untranslated region. The pro-alpha 2(V) cDNA was placed downstream of the human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter/regulatory sequences for expression studies in cultured Chinese hamster lung cells. These cells have been shown previously to synthesize large quantities of pro-alpha 1(V) homotrimers as their only collagenous product. Transfection resulted in a number of clonal cell lines that express human alpha 2(V) RNA at levels comparable to, and in some cases greater than, levels found in normal human skin fibroblasts. Pro-alpha 2(V) chains produced in the majority of clonal lines were of sufficient quantity to complex all available endogenous pro-alpha 1(V) chains. Chimeric heterotrimers, composed of hamster alpha 1(V) and human alpha 2(V) chains in a 2:1 ratio, were stable to pepsin digestion and were found predominantly associated with the cell layer. Surprisingly, pro-alpha 2(V) chains, in excess to pro-alpha 1(V) chains, were found in the extracellular matrix and, in much greater abundance, in media. These chains were pepsin sensitive, indicating that pro-alpha 2(V) chains can be secreted as nonstable homotrimers or as free chains.  相似文献   
On fluid-mechanical simulations of cell division and movement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Demonstrations are presented of the possible effects of variable surface tension and dynamical instability in cell cleavage and the formation of a contractile belt. Analysis of a theoretical absorption/desorption model of chemotaxis suggested by these experiments shows that occasional, unidirectional amoeboid movement can occur in an oscillatory field of chemical attractant.  相似文献   
Using monoclonal anti-idiotopes with previously defined specificities for the variable (V) domain of HGAC 39, a monoclonal antibody against streptococcal group A carbohydrate (GAC), we have studied the effect of anti-idiotope on an anticarbohydrate immune response. Anti-IdI-3a and anti-IdI-3b are anti-idiotopes which recognize binding site-associated determinants, whereas anti-IdX recognizes a framework-associated determinant on the HGAC 39 V kappa domain. Each of three anti-idiotopes elicited a specific idiotope response, as measured by inhibition radioimmunoassay, in A/J and C57BL/6J mice. A single immunization with conjugated anti-IdI-3a elicited an idiotope(+), GAC-binding(+) response in C57BL/6J and (BALB/c X CBA/N)F1 male mice, but not in A/J or (CBA/N X BALB/c)F1 male, X-linked immunodeficient mice. When C57BL/6J mice immunized initially with anti-idiotope were further treated with group A vaccine, those receiving anti-IdX had the greatest increase in anti-GAC activity. Stimulation of an anticarbohydrate response with anti-idiotope may therefore be enhanced by selecting anti-idiotopes against both binding site- and framework-associated determinants.  相似文献   
Type V collagen is a fibrillar collagen that is widely distributed in tissues as a minor component of extracellular matrix and is usually composed of one pro alpha 2 (V) and two pro alpha 1 (V) chains. In this report, recently isolated cDNA and genomic clones, which encode the pro alpha 1 (V) chain, are used as probes for hybridization to filter-bound DNA from a panel of human-mouse hybrid cell lines and for in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. These studies establish the chromosomal location of the COL5A1 gene, which encodes the pro alpha 1 (V) chain, within segment 9q34.2----q34.3. These findings add to the previously characterized dispersion of collagen genes in the human genome, as this is the first example of a collagen locus on chromosome 9. In addition, these studies place COL5A1 near the locus for the genetic disorder, nail-patella syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia), which also maps to 9q34.  相似文献   
To determine if age-related changes in glycoprotein pituitary hormone secretion are associated with alterations in dopaminergic regulation, plasma gonadotropins and TSH were measured before and after L-dopa administration in 44 young (31-44 years of age) and 42 old (64-88 years of age) healthy male participants. Plasma GH and PRL were also determined in order to examine the somatotroph and lactotrope response. In the young, following L-dopa, plasma FSH, LH and TSH were unchanged from baseline. However, in older subjects, plasma FSH was significantly increased (p less than 0.001) and a similar trend was noted for LH. Plasma TSH was significantly depressed (p less than 0.002) in older subjects only. Following L-dopa, increases in plasma GH and decreases in plasma PRL were of similar magnitude in each group. These data indicate that dopaminergic modulation of gonadotropins and TSH is altered with age.  相似文献   
Mevinolinic acid, the open acid form of mevinolin, which is a metabolite of Aspergillus terreus, has been shown to be a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (Alberts et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77:3957-3961, 1980). The biosynthesis of mevinolinic acid was studied by examining the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate and [methyl-14C]methionine into the molecule. These isotopes were rapidly incorporated into mevinolinic acid, with [1-14C]acetate and [methyl-14C]methionine incorporation being linear for at least 10 and 30 min, respectively. A comparison of acetate incorporation into mevinolinic acid and fatty acids indicated that mevinolinic acid biosynthesis increased with a maximum between days 3 and 5 of growth; at this time cell growth had ceased and fatty acid biosynthesis was negligible. Hydrolysis of the mevinolinic acid and isolation of the products showed that [1-14C]acetate and [methyl-14C]methionine were incorporated into the 2-methylbutyric acid side chain as well as into the main (alcohol) portion of the molecule.  相似文献   
The JY328 clone was identified in a human genomic library using cDNA corresponding to mRNA for HLA-B7 as a probe. The L/328 cell line was established by cotransformation of mouse Ltk cells with the herpes thymidine kinase gene and clone JY328. On Northern blots, RNA from,L/328 strongly hybridized to an HLA class I probe, and an antigen was recognized by an anti-HLA class I framework antibody on the cell surface. A DNA probe corresponding to a segment of intron 7 was developed by comparing the nucleotide sequence of clone JY328 with that of other HLA class I-type genes. Using the radiolabeled probe to screen Southern blots of DNA from families with siblings exhibiting intra-HLA recombinations, a restriction fragment length polymorphism was revealed —a 1.4 kb BstE II band not present in all individuals. A corresponding fragment was apparent in the base sequence of clone JY328. The occurrence of this band on Southern blots established that JY328 maps distinct from and centromeric to the HLA-C locus and near to the HLA-B locus. Antibody absorption studies and cytotoxicity tests indicated that the JY328 gene product was not an HLA-B antigen but that it did specifically absorb CW7-specific antibody. In sum, these results suggest a novel, polymorphic HLA class I gene which expresses a product serologically similar to HLA-Cw7 but which does not map within the corresponding locus.  相似文献   
Electrophoretic variation ascribable to three protein-coding loci, coding for glutamine synthetase (GS), uridine monophosphate kinase (UMPK), and transferrin (Tf), was observed in three species of fish of the genus Xiphophorus. Electrophoretic patterns in interspecific F1 hybrid heterozygotes suggested monomeric subunit structures of UMPK and Tf and a multimeric structure of undetermined subunit number of GS. Linkage analyses in backcross hybrids indicated a recombination map of GS-0%-Tf-10.8%-UMPK. This group (designated Xiphophorus linkage group VI) was shown to assort independently from the 14 enzyme loci assigned to linkage groups I-V and from 19 other informative markers within the limits of the data.  相似文献   
The intracellular localization of a bovine anterior pituitary preparation of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was studied in guinea pigs and dogs. The preparation was administered intravascularly or applied directly to tissue sections. TSH was detected by an indirect technique utilizing bovine TSH antiserum and fluorescein-labeled anti-rabbit globulin; the presence of TSH in the tissue was indicated by fluorescence when the tissue was examined under the microscope with an ultraviolet light source. After either intravascular administration or direct application of the TSH preparation, striking fluorescence was found in the nuclei of the thyroid cells and to a lesser degree in the nuclei of retro-orbital fat tissue and kidney tubules in both species studied. A little fluorescence was also seen in spleen tissue. No fluorescence was noted in comparable tissues removed from control animals injected with bovine albumin or globulin or when the tissues were treated with the fluorescein-labeled globulin alone. Fluorescence was also noted in the nuclei of adrenal cells treated with unabsorbed antiserum, but this was greatly diminished when antiserum absorbed with crystalline ACTH was used. The positive reactions were all markedly decreased when the tissues were treated with antisera absorbed with the original TSH preparation. Fluorescence was noted in the cytoplasm of pituitary tissue from both treated and control animals, suggesting a cross-reaction between the bovine pituitary antisera and guinea pig or dog hypophysis. The indirect technique seems to be highly satisfactory for demonstration of the pitiutary hormone within the cell. In addition, the demonstration of immunologically active anterior pituitary TSH bound to cell nuclei offers a clue to the site of action of this hormone.  相似文献   
On the dynamics of cell cleavage   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A completely fluid model of cleavage dynamics is studied in which the forces exerted within the boundary structure of a cell are approximated by an effective surface tension. The hypothesis that surface tension depends in part on the concentration of tension elements implies a contraction of the surface towards the equator resulting from a dynamical instability that once triggered develops spontaneously into cleavage. The circulation of the cytoplasm induced by surface stresses collects and aligns the surface-bound tension elements into an equatorial belt. This flow may be a means of assembling a contractile ring.  相似文献   
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