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Summary Particle supported biofilms of uniform thickness were generated in an aerobic fluidized-bed reactor with phenol as the carbon source. A method was developed for determining the effective diffusivities of oxygen and phenol using trypan blue, a vital stain as the tracer. The effective diffusivities of oxygen and phenol were found to be 2.72×10–6 cm2/s and 1.12×10–6 cm2/s respectively.Nomenclature Ci initial solute concentration in bulk, g/cm3 - Ct solute concentration in bulk at time t, g/cm3 - C bulk solute concentration at equilibrium, g/cm3 - D molecular diffusivity, cm2/s - D effective diffusivity, cm2/s - Do Dp Dtb molecular diffusivity of oxygen, phenol and trypan blue, cm2/s - Do, Dp, Dtb effective diffusivity of oxygen, phenol and trypan blue, cm2/s - Ds molecular diffusivity of substrate, cm2/s - Ds effective diffusivity of substrate, cm2/s - K partition coefficient - Mt amount of solute in the particle at time t, g - M amount of solute in the particle at equilibrium, g - r particle radius, cm - r bp radius of the particle with biofilm, cm - S substrate concentration, g/cm3 - Sb substrate concentration in bulk, g/cm3 - Si initial substrate concentration, g/cm3 - V1 solute molar volume, cm3/g mol Greek Symbols bf porosity of the biofilm - tortuosity factor  相似文献   
This study compares the side-chain cleavage of aqueous suspensions of cholesterol sulfate with the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate which is incorporated into phospholipid vesicles. Three different cholesterol desmolase systems are examined: the membrane-bound cholesterol side-chain cleavage system present in inner mitochondrial membranes isolated from bovine adrenal mitochondria; a soluble, lipid-depleted, reconstituted side-chain cleavage system prepared from cytochrome P-450scc, adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase; a membrane associated side-chain cleavage system prepared by adding phospholipid vesicles, prepared from adrenal mitochondrial, to the reconstituted system. Soluble cholesterol sulfate, in low concentration, is a good substrate for the lipid-depleted reconstituted side chain cleavage system. However, at concentrations above 2 microM, in the absence of phospholipids, the sterol sulfate appears to bind at a non-productive site on cytochrome P-450scc which leads to substrate inhibition. Phospholipids, while inhibiting the binding of cholesterol sulfate to the cytochrome, also appear to prevent non-productive binding of the sterol sulfate to the cytochrome. Thus the addition of phospholipids to the lipid-depleted enzyme system leads to an activation of side-chain cleavage of high concentrations of the sterol sulfate. Soluble cholesterol sulfate is a good substrate for both the native and reconstituted membrane-bound systems and no substrate inhibition is observed when the membrane bound enzyme systems are employed in the assay of side-chain activity. However, the cleavage of cholesterol sulfate, which is incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, by both membrane bound enzyme systems appears to be competitively inhibited by the phospholipids of the vesicles. The results of this study suggest that the regulation of the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol sulfate may be entirely different than the regulation of the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol, if cholesterol sulfate exists intracellularly as a soluble non-complexed substrate. If, on the other hand, cholesterol sulfate is present in the cell in lipid droplets as a complex with phospholipids, its metabolism may be under the same constraints as the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol.  相似文献   
In vitro infection of insect cells with baculoviruses is increasingly considered a viable means for the production of biopesticides, recombinant veterinary vaccines, and other recombinant products. Batch fermentation processes traditionally employ intermediate to high multiplicities of infection necessitating two parallel scale-up processes-one for cells and one for virus. In this study, we consider the use of multiplicities of infection as low as 0.0001 plaque-forming units per cell, a virus level low enough to enable infection of even large reactors (e.g., 10 m(3)) directly from a frozen stock. Using low multiplicities in the Sf9/beta-gal-AcNPV system, recombinant protein titers comparable with the maximum titer observed in high multiplicity infections were achieved. Cultures yielding the maximum titer were characterized by reaching a maximum cell density between 3 and 4 x 10(9) cell L(-1). This optimal cell yield did not depend on the multiplicity of infection, supporting the existing view that batch cultures are limited by availability of substrate. Up to a certain cell density, product titer will increase almost linearly with availability of biocatalyst, that is, cells. Beyond this point any further cell formation comes at the expense of final product titer. Low multiplicity infections were found not to cause any significant dispersion of the protein production process. Hence, product stability is not a major issue of concern using low multiplicities of infection. The sensitivity to initial conditions and disturbances, however, remains an issue of concern for the commercial use of low multiplicity infections. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This is the first report on the isolation ofCryptococcus neoformans from pigeon droppings in China and their serotypes.C. neoformans colonies which produced brown colonies on caffeic acid-cornmeal agar were found in Twenty-five out of thirty-six samples of pigeon droppings. Fifty-one colonies randomly picked from the positive samples were identified asC. neoformans by a commercially available kit for carbon source assimilation test and Christensen's urea agar. Forty (78%) out of the 51 strains were serotyped as A and 11 (22%) as AD. At the same time, seventeen out of nineteen clinical isolates were serotyped as A and 2 as B. There are three findings in our results. One is that onlyC. neoformans var.neoformans strains could be isolated from pigeon droppings, although the varietygattii strains were found in the clinical isolates obtained in the same geographic site in China. The second is that serotype A strains were most frequently seen in natural and clinical materials in the southeast part of China, and serotype AD strains were isolated in pigeon droppings but not in clinical materials. The third is that the coexistence of serotype A and AD cells ofC. neoformans strains in same samples of pigeon droppings were observed.  相似文献   
A tooth at the border between two morphogenetic fields (mandibular canine and honing premolar) may become morphologically similar to and/or functionally incorporated with the teeth of either field. In light of this, observations of the morphology and occlusion of female anthropoid C1s from 58 extant species are presented to assess whether and to what extent they exhibit incisor-like form and function. Female C1s in 74% of the taxa observed exhibit well developed incisor-like traits which may reflect field border phenomena. In another 9%, incisor traits are present but they are not examples of field border phenomena. Interspecies variation in female C1 morphology is related to behavior, function, natural selection and phyletic inertia. A selection model, derived from the data, is used to explain C1 sexual dimorphism and the evolution of male and female human canines. The data's relevance to the field vs clone theory debate is also discussed.  相似文献   
At low concentrations ethanol is metabolized largely by alcohol dehydrogenase to acetaldehyde, while at higher concentrations a microsomal ethanol oxidising system (MEOS) is involved, namely cytochrome P450 IIE1, which also probably generates free radical species. In hyperthyroidism hepatic glutathione stores are depleted and net superoxide anion production occurs. In contrast, in hypothyroidism hepatic glutathione may be increased and thus renders the liver less sensitive to alcohol generated free radical production. Steroid hormones inhibit lipid peroxidation. Sixty male Wistar rats either underwent thyroidectomy, adrenalectomy, or sham procedures. Twenty control animals were pair fed with thyroidectomized animals, whilst another twenty fed ad libitum. An intraperitoneal injection of alcohol (75 mmol/kg) was given 2.5 h prior to sacrifice to half the animals in each group, the remainder receiving saline. The total hepatic glutathione contents of the pair fed and the ad libitum groups were not different, but were significantly increased by thyroidectomy (p = <0.001). This effect was significantly reduced by alcohol (p < 0.01). The sham procedures and dietary restrictions had no effect. The ethanol alone reduced total hepatic glutathione, but this only reached statistical significance in the thyroidectomized and sham-adrenalectomized groups. Hepatic malonaldehyde (MDA) levels were significantly reduced in the thyroidectomy group but alcohol had no effect on them. We conclude that hypothyroidism increased hepatic glutathione status, presumably by reducing radical production by enzyme systems, which would otherwise consume this important scavenger. Long term exposure to ethanol with induction of MEOS is probably required for it to generate toxic levels of free radical species.  相似文献   
Summary In an effort to establish the reasons for the limitations in the final ethanol concentration of Zymomonas mobilis fermentation, the effects of CO2 and ethanol on the fermentation were investigated using continuous and fed-batch cultivation systems. The nucleation and stripping out of CO2 from the fermenter using diatomaceous earth or nitrogen gas or both exhibited a profound effect on the glucose uptake rate during the early stages of fed-batch fermentation, but did not improve final ethanol yields. The addition of ethanol together with above mentioned experiments confirmed conclusively that ethanol inhibition is responsible for the final ethanol concentration obtainable during Zymomonas mobilis fermentation. The final concentration lies between 90 and 110 gl−1 or approximately 12–15% (v/v) ethanol.  相似文献   
A Semimechanistic mathematical model is developed which describes the growth of Rhizopus oligosporus in a model solid-state fermentation system. Equations are presented for the release of glucoamylase, the diffusion of glucoamylase, the hydrolysis of starch, the generation and diffusion of glucose, and the uptake of glucose and conversion into new biomass. Good agreement of the model with the experimental data was obtained only after the glucoamylase diffusivity and the maximum specific glucose uptake rate were altered from their originally determined values. The model recognizes the distributed nature of the solid-state fermentation and therefore is able to predict the concentration profiles of the system components within the substrate. The model provides an insight into the possible rate-limiting steps in solid-state fermentation-the generation of glucose within the substrate and the resulting availability of glucose at the surface.  相似文献   
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