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Primosome assembly sites are complex DNA structures that share common functions (they elicit the DNA-dependent ATPase of replication factor Y from Escherichia coli and serve as origins of complementary strand DNA synthesis), but display little sequence homology. In order to ascertain a common basis for factor Y-DNA recognition, a primosome assembly site and its mutated derivatives have been functionally and structurally analyzed. Under conditions in which they lose the capacity to function as ATPase effectors these DNA templates have been (i) assayed for their ability to bind factor Y, and (ii) probed, with pancreatic DNase, for structural alterations. In this ATPase-inactivating environment (suboptimal concentrations of MgCl2 and NaCl, and high levels of the E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein), factor Y does not bind to its cognate DNA and the DNase cleavage pattern characteristic of this site is perceptibly changed: compared to the DNase digest obtained under activating conditions, cleavage is notably decreased in the 5' half of the site and enhanced at the 3' end. The results of this study strongly indicate that the structure of the primosome assembly site under analysis consists of two hairpins which interact with each other. When the sites of pancreatic DNase attack are plotted on the proposed double hairpin structure, the 5' cleavage sites all map to one duplex while the 3' sites map to the other. The observation that, under factor Y ATPase-activating conditions, the 3' hairpin is largely refractory to the action of pancreatic DNase indicates that tertiary interactions between the two duplexes render a portion of the DNA structure inaccessible to the nuclease.  相似文献   
Studies were made of the renal phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PPRibP) content and PPRibP synthetase (EC activity in rats diabetic for 5, 14 or 20 days, or unilaterally nephrectomized (UN) for 5 days, and in doubly lesioned animals. Approximately equal degrees of renal enlargement were found after 5 days diabetes or 5 days UN. In the doubly lesioned animals the increment of growth was additive. Unilateral nephrectomy of 5 days duration, in contrast with diabetes, had no effect on the PPRibP content of the contralateral kidney, nor did it modify the renal PPRibP content when performed on animals diabetic for 5, 14 or 20 days. The activity of PPRibP synthetase was unaffected by diabetes, UN or diabetes +UN. The results pinpoint a stage of nucleotide synthesis which is differentially affected by the two stimuli, in line with evidence for differences in regulation of nucleic acid turnover in the two conditions.  相似文献   
The concentrations of the oxidized and reduced forms of the nicotinamide nucleotides were measured in the epididymal fat pads of normal, alloxan-diabetic and hypophysectomized rats. In both alloxan-diabetic rats and hypophysectomized rats the weight of the adipose tissue fell, as did the total content of NADH and NADPH; in addition, NAD+ was decreased in the alloxan-diabetic group. Of these changes the most marked was in NADPH and this was the only significant difference when the results were expressed as nicotinamide nucleotides/mg. of tissue protein. The concentration of NADPH in the hypophysectomized rats was not altered by treatment with growth hormone but was restored to normal by treatment with thyroxine. These results are discussed in relation to the known effect of these hormonal conditions on lipid synthesis in adipose tissue.  相似文献   
1. The activities of NMN adenylyltransferase and of NAD(+) kinase have been measured in the livers of adrenalectomized or alloxan-diabetic rats and in the livers of rats treated with glucagon, pituitary growth hormone or thyroxine. 2. The activities of these enzymes have been compared with the effects of the same treatments on the nicotinamide nucleotide concentrations in the liver. 3. Alloxandiabetes (+37%) and thyroxine (+27%) both increased the activity of NMN adenylyltransferase. The other treatments were without effect on this enzyme. 4. Only thyroxine increased the activity of NAD(+) kinase significantly (+26%) although both adrenalectomy and glucagon tended to increase its activity. 5. The activity of NAD(+) glycohydrolase was measured in the livers of diabetic rats, and in the livers of rats treated with either growth hormone or thyroxine. Of these treatments, only growth hormone altered the enzyme activity (+26%, calculated on a total hepatic activity basis). 6. Female rats had a greater hepatic NAD(+)-kinase activity than males but there was no sex difference with respect to NMN adenylyltransferase. 7. The lack of correlation between the maximum potential activity of these three enzymes and the known changes of the nicotinamide nucleotides in each of the hormone conditions is discussed.  相似文献   
Changes in lysosomal enzymes in acute experimental liver injury   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
1. An investigation has been made of the changes occurring in lysosomal enzyme activities during the early development of experimentally produced liver injury in the rat. Three enzymes have been studied: acid phosphatase, acid ribonuclease and β-glucuronidase. Four different methods of inducing liver injury have been used: administration of carbon tetrachloride, thioacetamide, dimethylnitrosamine and the fungal toxin sporidesmin. 2. The majority of the data presented concern alterations produced by carbon tetrachloride. Despite the extensive central necrosis and accompanying fat accumulation which this poison produced in the liver, only small changes in the activity and latency of lysosomal enzymes could be detected. In the early (pre-necrotic) period of injury these changes were insignificant. At a late stage of injury, when extensive centrilobular necrosis was present, there were indications of lysosomal rupture. 3. The results obtained with the other three hepatotoxins were similar to those described for carbon tetrachloride in that no evidence of early lysosomal rupture was obtained during the pre-necrotic period. It is concluded that lysosomes probably play no role in the early development of the four types of liver injury studied but, instead, are involved in later scavenging processes.  相似文献   
The TCR is comprised of two variable chains that confer specificity, called alpha:beta or gamma:delta, physically associated with five different molecules that comprise the complex known as CD3. Antibodies to this complex are very useful, as they react with all T lymphocytes. A rat mAb to mouse CD3 has been prepared. It reacts with 100% of T cells in all mouse strains tested but with no other cell type. It binds to the CD3 epsilon chain. This antibody activates cloned T cell lines and normal T cells, provided suitable accessory cells and signals are present. This antibody detects a determinant similar to but not identical with those detected by two previously reported hamster anti-CD3 epsilon antibodies. This antibody fixes C efficiently, and it is thus useful for depletion of T cells from bulk populations. Activation of T cells by one of the three different anti-CD3 epsilon antibodies was inhibited by the Fab fragment of anti-CD4, similar to the effects of anti-CD4 Fab on two previously reported anti-TCR V region antibodies that bind a CD3 epsilon-associated epitope. This further defines a site involving TCR V regions and CD3 epsilon with which CD4 appears to associate during T cell activation.  相似文献   
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