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Import o f viral DNA into the nucleus is essential for the successful replication o f DNA tumour viruses. To achieve this goal, viruses have adapted strategies to traverse the barriers between the plasma membrane and the nucleus o f a host cell. Two DNA tumour viruses, simian virus 40 and adenovirus, achieve the nuclear-entry step in slightly different ways. SV40 DNA enters the nucleus through the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in apparently intact virions. By contrast, adenovirus particles dissociate near the NPC before the viral DNA is imported into the nucleus. In both cases, karyophilic protein components o f the viruses appear to mediate nuclear entry o f the viral genomes. In this article, we discuss how an understanding o f the cell biology o f virus entry can help us understand the process o f nuclear transport.  相似文献   
Much of the ADP-Glc required for starch synthesis in the plastids of cereal endosperm is synthesized in the cytosol and transported across the plastid envelope. To provide information on the nature and role of the plastidial ADP-Glc transporter in barley (Hordeum vulgare), we screened a collection of low-starch mutants for lines with abnormally high levels of ADP-Glc in the developing endosperm. Three independent mutants were discovered, all of which carried mutations at the lys5 locus. Plastids isolated from the lys5 mutants were able to synthesize starch at normal rates from Glc-1-P but not from ADP-Glc, suggesting a specific lesion in the transport of ADP-Glc across the plastid envelope. The major plastidial envelope protein was purified, and its sequence showed it to be homologous to the maize (Zea mays) ADP-Glc transporter BRITTLE1. The gene encoding this protein in barley, Hv.Nst1, was cloned, sequenced, and mapped. Like lys5, Hv.Nst1 lies on chromosome 6(6H), and all three of the lys5 alleles that were examined were shown to carry lesions in Hv.Nst1. Two of the identified mutations in Hv.Nst1 lead to amino acid substitutions in a domain that is conserved in all members of the family of carrier proteins to which Hv.NST1 belongs. This strongly suggests that Hv.Nst1 lies at the Lys5 locus and encodes a plastidial ADP-Glc transporter. The low-starch phenotype of the lys5 mutants shows that the ADP-Glc transporter is required for normal rates of starch synthesis. This work on Hv.NST1, together with the earlier work on BRITTLE1, suggests that homologous transporters are probably present in the endosperm of all cereals.  相似文献   
Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae) is a genus of pathogens of poikilotherms, and some ranaviruses may play a role in widespread mortality of amphibians. Ecology of viral transmission in amphibians is poorly known but can be addressed through experimentation in the laboratory. In this study, we use the Ranavirus frog virus 3 (FV3) as an experimental model for pathogen emergence in naive populations of tadpoles. We simulated emerging disease by exposing tadpoles of the Italian agile frog (Rana latastei), to the North American Ranavirus FV3. We demonstrated that mortality occurred due to viral exposure, exposure of tadpoles to decreasing concentrations of FV3 in the laboratory produced dose-dependent survival rates, and cannibalism of virus-carrying carcasses increased mortality due to FV3. These experiments suggest the potential for ecological mechanisms to affect the level of exposure of tadpoles to Ranavirus and to impact transmission of viral pathogens in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
Capsids and the enclosed DNA of adenoviruses, including the species C viruses adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) and Ad5, and herpesviruses, such as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), are targeted to the nuclei of epithelial, endothelial, fibroblastic, and neuronal cells. Cytoplasmic transport of fluorophore-tagged Ad2 and immunologically detected HSV-1 capsids required intact microtubules and the microtubule-dependent minus-end-directed motor complex dynein-dynactin. A recent study with epithelial cells suggested that Ad5 was transported to the nucleus and expressed its genes independently of a microtubule network. To clarify the mechanisms by which Ad2 and, as an independent control, HSV-1 were targeted to the nucleus, we treated epithelial cells with nocodazole (NOC) to depolymerize microtubules and measured viral gene expression at different times and multiplicities of infections. Our results indicate that in NOC-treated cells, viral transgene expression was significantly reduced at up to 48 h postinfection (p.i.). A quantitative analysis of subcellular capsid localization indicated that NOC blocked the nuclear targeting of Ad2 and also HSV-1 by more than 90% at up to 7 h p.i. About 10% of the incoming Texas Red-coupled Ad2 (Ad2-TR) was enriched at the nucleus in microtubule-depleted cells at 5 h p.i. This result is consistent with earlier observations that Ad2-TR capsids move randomly in NOC-treated cells at less than 0.1 micro m/s and over distances of less than 5 micro m, characteristic of Brownian motion. We conclude that fluorophore-tagged Ad2 and HSV-1 particles are infectious and that microtubules play a prominent role in efficient nuclear targeting during entry and gene expression of species C Ads and HSV-1.  相似文献   
Adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) binds the coxsackie B virus Ad receptor and is endocytosed upon activation of the alphav integrin coreceptors. Here, we demonstrate that expression of dominant negative clathrin hub, eps15, or K44A-dynamin (dyn) inhibited Ad2 uptake into epithelial cells, indicating clathrin-dependent viral endocytosis. Surprisingly, Ad strongly stimulated the endocytic uptake of fluid phase tracers, coincident with virus internalization but without affecting receptor-mediated transferrin uptake. A large amount of the stimulated endocytic activity was macropinocytosis. Macropinocytosis depended on alphav integrins, PKC, F-actin, and the amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger, which are all required for Ad escape from endosomes and infection. Macropinocytosis stimulation was not a consequence of viral escape, since it occurred in K44A-dyn-expressing cells. Surprisingly, 30-50% of the endosomal contents were released into the cytosol of control and also K44A-dyn-expressing cells, and the number of fluid phase-positive endosomes dropped below the levels of noninfected cells, indicating macropinosomal lysis. The release of macropinosomal contents was Ad dose dependent, but the presence of Ad particles on macropinosomal membranes was not sufficient for contents release. We conclude that Ad signaling from the cell surface controls the induction of macropinosome formation and leakage, and this correlates with viral exit to the cytosol and infection.  相似文献   
Nuclear targeting of adenovirus is mediated by the microtubule-dependent, minus-end-directed motor complex dynein/dynactin, in competition with plus- end-directed motility. We demonstrate that adenovirus transiently activates two distinct signaling pathways to enhance nuclear targeting. The first pathway activates integrins and cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). The second pathway activates the p38/MAP kinase and the downstream MAPKAP kinase 2 (MK2), dependent on the p38/MAPK kinase MKK6, but independent of integrins and PKA. Motility measurements in PKA-inhibited, p38-inhibited or MK2-lacking (MK2(-/-)) cells indicate that PKA and p38 stimulated both the frequency and velocity of minus-end-directed viral motility without affecting the perinuclear localization of transferrin-containing endosomal vesicles. p38 also suppressed lateral viral motilities and MK2 boosted the frequency of minus-end-directed virus transport. Nuclear targeting of adenovirus was rescued in MK2(-/-) cells by overexpression of hsp27, an MK2 target that enhances actin metabolism. Our results demonstrate that complementary activities of PKA, p38 and MK2 tip the transport balance of adenovirus towards the nucleus and thus enhance infection.  相似文献   
DNA-tumor viruses comprise enveloped and non-enveloped agents that cause malignancies in a large variety of cell types and tissues by interfering with cell cycle control and immortalization. Those DNA-tumor viruses that replicate in the nucleus use cellular mechanisms to transport their genome and newly synthesized viral proteins into the nucleus. This requires cytoplasmic transport and nuclear import of their genome. Agents that employ this strategy include adenoviruses, hepadnaviruses, herpesviruses, and likely also papillomaviruses, and polyomaviruses, but not poxviruses which replicate in the cytoplasm. Here, we discuss how DNA-tumor viruses enter cells, take advantage of cytoplasmic transport, and import their DNA genome through the nuclear pore complex into the nucleus. Remarkably, nuclear import of incoming genomes does not necessarily follow the same pathways used by the structural proteins of the viruses during the replication and assembly phases of the viral life cycle. Understanding the mechanisms of DNA nuclear import can identify new pathways of cell regulation and anti-viral therapies.  相似文献   
Classical plaque assay measures the propagation of infectious agents across a monolayer of cells. It is dependent on cell lysis, and limited by user-specific settings and low throughput. Here, we developed Plaque2.0, a broadly applicable, fluorescence microscopy-based high-throughput method to mine patho-biological clonal cell features. Plaque2.0 is an open source framework to extract information from chemically fixed cells by immuno-histochemistry or RNA in situ hybridization, or from live cells expressing GFP transgene. Multi-parametric measurements include infection density, intensity, area, shape or location information at single plaque or population levels. Plaque2.0 distinguishes lytic and non-lytic spread of a variety of DNA and RNA viruses, including vaccinia virus, adenovirus and rhinovirus, and can be used to visualize simultaneous plaque formation from co-infecting viruses. Plaque2.0 also analyzes clonal growth of cancer cells, which is relevant for cell migration and metastatic invasion studies. Plaque2.0 is suitable to quantitatively analyze virus infections, vector properties, or cancer cell phenotypes.  相似文献   
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