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Mande Potters and Leatherworkers: Art and Heritage in West Africa. Barbara E. Frank. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1998. 192 pp.  相似文献   
The variables affecting epiphyton biomass were examined in a sheltered, multispecies macrophyte bed in the St. Lawrence River. Alteration of light penetration, resulting from the presence of dense macrophytes forming a thick subsurface canopy, primarily determined epiphyton biomass. Seasonal decrease of water levels also coincided with major increases in biomass. Plant morphology was the next important variable influencing epiphytic biomass, whereas the contribution of other variables (sampling depth, macrophyte species, relative abundance of macrophytes, and temperature) was low. Groups of lowest epiphyte biomass (0.1–0.6 mg Chla g–1 DW) were defined by the combination of a low percentage of incident light (<13% surface light) and simple macrophyte stem types found below the macrophyte canopy. Highest epiphyte biomass (0.7–1.8 mg Chla g–1 DW) corresponded to samples collected in mid-July and August, under high irradiance (>20% surface light) and supported by ramified stems. Our results suggest that epiphyton sampling should be stratified according to the fraction of surface light intensity, macrophyte architecture, and seasonal water level variations, in decreasing order of influence.  相似文献   
The ecological importance of the River Meuse phytoplankton with regard to carbon and nutrient transport has been examined in two reaches of the Belgian course of the river.Field measurements of total particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and particulate phosphorus (PP) show that the large autochtonous production of organic matter strongly affects the carbon and nutrient budget of the aquatic system. During the growing season, phytoplankton accounts for nearly 60% of the POC and dominates the PON. Calculations of the carbon and oxygen budget in the upper reach of the Belgian Meuse demonstrates that the ecosystem is autotrophic, i.e. that autochtonous FPOM (fine particulate organic matter) production is the major carbon input. This suggests that in large lowland rivers, primary production (P) may exceed community respiration (R), i.e. P:R>1, whereas they are assumed to be heterotrophic (P:R<1) in the River Continuum concept.The question of maintenance of phytoplankton in turbid mixed water columns is also addressed, and the case of the River Meuse is treated on the basis of studies of photosynthesis and respiration (ETS measurements). The results suggest that the potamoplankton may show some low-light acclimation, through an increase of chlorophyll a relative to biomass, when it comes to deep downstream reaches, and that algal respiration rate may be reduced. A simulation of the longitudinal development of the algal biomass shows the different phases of algal growth and decline along the river and brings support to the importation hypothesis for explaining maintenance of potamoplankton in the downstream reaches.  相似文献   
A relational database linking benthic diatom records, taxonomic nomenclature including synonyms, and corresponding environmental data has been built in MS Access. It allowed flexible and long-term use of a relatively important amount of data (∼3000 records) gathered in the framework of the EC-funded PAEQANN project, gathering precise and documented information both about benthic diatoms and quantitative or semi-quantitative environmental data. Such a database has been shown to be a useful tool for the definition of benthic diatom typology at a multi-regional scale, the prediction of the impact of environmental characteristics on the structure of diatom communities, and additionally for a new insight on the auto-ecology of some taxa. This database could serve as a template for further work on diatoms and, after some implementation, on other freshwater communities. It could also be the basis for wider typology of stream diatoms, extended to other regions.  相似文献   
Qualitative and quantitative aspects of the phytoplankton of the River Meuse were studied during 1992, at a point 537 km from the source. The phytoplankton was dominated by diatoms and green algae. The Stephanodiscus hantzschii-group was especially prominent. Other important taxa were Cyclotella meneghiniana, small Cyclotella and Thalassiosira, Aulacoseira ambigua and Nitzschia acicularis. Cell abundances varied from less than 1000 units ml–1 to about 25 000 – 30 000 units ml–1 during the blooms. The Stephanodiscus hantzchii-group constituted almost entirely the first spring bloom. During the summer period, small Thalassiosiraceae developed markedly and large Thalassiosira weissflogii appeared. During this period, green algae dominated diatoms as expressed in cell abundances. The main Chlorococcales were Scenedesmus quadricauda, Scenedesmus div. sp., Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum and Pediastrum duplex. Dinophyceae contributed a significant biomass during the summer period. Total biomass varied between 100 and 3 650 µg Cl–1. As previously observed (Descy, 1987), the factors regulating the phytoplankton growth were clearly physical variables: discharge, temperature and irradiance. However, in the summer period, low abundances might indicate a regulation by biotic factors. The impact of grazing by zooplankton is discussed, on the basis of observations of zooplankton development in the River Meuse and on the basis of simulation by a mathematical model. A comparison is carried out with recent data of phytoplankton in large European rivers.  相似文献   
Joaquim-Justo  C.  Gosselain  V.  Descy  J. P.  Thomé  J. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):249-257
To determine the contribution of food ingestion (trophic pathway) to PCB contamination of zooplankton in the river Meuse (Belgium), we used 14C-labelled algae (Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum) to measure ingestion and assimilation rates in the rotifer species Brachionus calyciflorus. When the concentration of algae in the culture medium varied from 20 103 to 200 103 algal cells ml–1 (0.12 to 1.18 mg Cl–1), the Brachionus calyciflorus ingestion rate varied from 0.25 ± 0.12 to 1.52 ± 0.43 ng C ind–1 h–1 at 15 °C and from 0.74 ± 0.17 to 5.93 ± 0.61 ng C ind–1 h–1 at 20 °C. The assimilation efficiency (ratio of the assimilation rate to the ingestion rate) measured in a culture medium containing 200 103 algal cells ml–1 was 55.7 ± 5.8%. Since the PCB concentration measured in the phytoplankton of the river Meuse is about 3 µg PCBs g–1 D.W., the estimated PCB contamination of zooplankton ascribable to the trophic pathway ranges from 0.22 ± 0.17 to 1.31 ± 0.77 µg PCBs g–1 D.W. at 15 °C and from 0.64 ± 0.34 to 5.10 ± 2.10 µg PCBs g–1 D.W. at 20°C. The lower figure based on measurements effected at 20 °C is comparable to the actual level measured in zooplankton samples collected in the river Meuse (0.69 ± 0.20 µg PCBs g–1 D.W.). The applicability of the formula used in our estimate was checked in a 48-hour in vitro experiment in which the rotifers were fed contaminated algae. The PCB accumulation measured in the rotifers was found to coincide with the calculated PCB contamination. Additional experiments were carried out to determine the contribution of the direct pathway to PCB contamination of zooplankton living in the river Meuse (0.02 µg PCBs l–1 of water; average dissolved organic matter: 3 mg C 1–1). The PCB concentration in zooplankton resulting from direct uptake of PCBs from the water was estimated at 0.19 ± 0.05 µg PCBs g–1 D.W. These results show that in zooplankton living in polluted ecosystems, PCBs are likely to accumulate via the trophic pathway to concentrations up to 30 times higher than by direct contamination. Furthermore, our estimates of PCB contamination via the trophic pathway coincide quite well with actual concentrations measured in situ.  相似文献   
Can a community of small-bodied grazers control phytoplankton in rivers?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Phytoplankton, zooplankton and grazing were monitored throughout the growing season for three years (1994–96) in the Belgian section of the River Meuse.
2. A size structure analysis of the algal community shows that there was a summer shift toward larger algal units, following a decline in phytoplankton biomass. These changes occurred after an increase in zooplankton biomass and diversity.
3. Daily filtration rates of grazers ranged from 1 to 113% day–1 and maxima were observed during the summer period. Higher rates tended to correspond with peaks of rotifer biomass. A decline in total phytoplankton biomass within two weeks followed the increase in zooplankton biomass and filtration rate. A rapid biomass recovery was then observed, along with a shift of the algal community toward larger units. When grazing activity was not sustained, due to zooplankton fluctuations, the change in phytoplankton size structure was less marked.
4. We suggest that the composition of the phytoplankton community of large rivers may at times be controlled by grazers. However, such biotic interactions can take place only when physical constraints are reduced, i.e. when discharge is low, and when increased transfer time, high temperature and availability of grazeable algae allow high zooplankton biomass.  相似文献   
Algal biomass, in addition to cell numbers, is a measure of the successful conversion of inorganic to organic carbon. Consequently, carbon is the main currency used in aquatic models and in flux and budget studies. On the other hand, microscopic observation and counts remain the only means for determining species composition and biomass, which is relevant to many aspects of aquatic ecology. In this study, we focus on the way to convert biovolume to carbon biomass for algal assemblages of two rivers, using a computerized system that records dimensions of phytoplankton (Gosselain & Hamilton, 2000). We first compare different equations found in the literature for converting algal cell volume to cellular carbon content. We then evaluate the accuracy of a biomass estimate based on less time-consuming measurements, using pre-determined biovolume values instead of measuring cells in all samples. Biovolume/carbon equations are evaluated using total phytoplankton carbon biomass determined from measured chlorophyll a. Equations established for freshwater taxa seem to provide better estimates of algal biomass in the two case studies presented here, the Rideau and Meuse rivers (Canada and Belgium, respectively) than do more numerous equations defined for marine taxa. Furthermore, equations that make a distinction between diatoms and other algae appear more appropriate than those considering all algal groups as a whole. Finally, mean values of algal biovolumes, determined using sufficient measurements of cell dimensions from representative sampling series, may prove sufficient for carbon estimates of taxa in relatively homogenous size ranges. The careful choice of appropriate volumetric shapes and taxa categories remains of prime importance to get precise results.  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. The POTAMON model [Everbecq E. et al . (2001) Water Research , 35 , 901] has been used to simulate the effect of benthic bivalves (mainly Dreissena polymorpha ) on the phytoplankton and zooplankton in a lowland Western European river (the Moselle). Here we use a modified version of the POTAMON model with five categories of phytoplankton ( Stephanodiscus , Cyclotella -like, large diatoms, Skeletonema and non-siliceous algae) to model filter-feeding effects of benthic bivalves in the Moselle. Zooplankton has been represented in the model by two categories, Brachionus -like and Keratella -like rotifers.
2. According to density estimates from field surveys (Bachmann V. et al . (1995) Hydroécologie Appliquée , 7 , 185, Bachmann V. & Usseglio-Polatera P. (1999) Hydrobiologia , 410 , 39), zebra mussel density varied among river stretches, and increased through the year to a maximum in summer. Dreissena filtration rates from the literature were used, and mussels have been assumed to feed on different phytoplankton categories (but less on large and filamentous diatoms) as well as on rotifers.
3. The simulations suggest a significant impact of benthic filter-feeders on potamoplankton and water quality in those stretches where the mussels are abundant, their impact being maximal in summer. Consequently, different plankton groups were not affected to the same extent, depending on their period of development and on indirect effects, such as predation by mussels on herbivorous zooplankton.
4. A daily carbon balance for a typical summer shows the effect of benthic filter-feeders on planktonic and benthic processes: the flux of organic matter to the bottom is greatly enhanced at high mussel density; conversely, production and breakdown of organic carbon in the water column are reduced. Mussel removal would drive the carbon balance of the river toward autotrophy only in the downstream stretches.  相似文献   
Gosselain  Véronique  Hamilton  Paul B. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,438(1-3):139-142
A computerized counting program for algae and other microscopic bodies, named Algamica, is presented here. This program is a revised version of the original computer counting program of Hamilton published in 1990. This DOS-based software can enumerate all types of microscopic algae (i.e. phytoplankton, periphyton, diatoms), for which adequate expression of results are provided. Automated calculations of densities, biovolumes, surface areas and carbon biomass are available at the termination of each sample count. A simple counter for other micro-organisms is also available. A comprehensive guide manual file has been added to allow for a friendly first contact with the program and its options. This software conforms to current enumeration methodology. This version is available for PC computers, from website Algamica.ibelgique.com. Minimum required memory is 200 KB.  相似文献   
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