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Differentiation of cotton fibers from single cells in suspension culture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A cotton cell suspension culture has been developed that provides unique opportunities for plant biologists to investigate early developmental events regulating cotton fiber properties, plant cell elongation, and cell wall biogenesis. The suspension culture was derived from cells of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ovule callus. These cells undergo the stages of fiber development previously described for in vivo fiber development. Fibers range in length up to 11 mm and have secondary walls. Supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Southern Regional Research Laboratory, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Cotton Incorporated, Raleigh, North Carolina.  相似文献   
Hg ++ - a DCMU independent electron acceptor of photosystem II   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mercuric chloride functions as a direct electron acceptor from the quencher of fluorescence in Photosystem II. The photoreduction of ferricyanide, dichlorophenol-indophenol or methyl viologen is inhibited by mercuric ion while oxygen evolution is uneffected. Mercuric chloride supported oxygen evolution (mercury Hill reaction) is not prevented by DCMU or other similar electron transport inhibitors.  相似文献   
Amino acid replacements of an aromatic residue, Trp-51, which is in contact with the heme of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase have a number of significant effects on the kinetics and coordination state of the enzyme. Six mutants at this site (W51F, W51M, W51T, W51C, W51A, and W51G) were examined. Optical and EPR spectra show that each of these mutations introduces a shift from the 5-coordinate to 6-coordinate form, and slightly increases the asymmetry of the heme ligand field. Conversion from a 6-coordinate high-spin form at pH 5 to a 6-coordinate low-spin form at pH 7 is observed for several of the variants (W51F, W51T, and W51A), while W51G and W51C appear as predominantly low-spin species between pH 5 and 7. Addition of 50% glycerol prevents the facile conversion to the low-spin conformation for W51F, W51T, and W51A, and only W51F can be stabilized in a 5-coordinate configuration by glycerol. For the oxidation of cytochrome c by H2O2, three of the variants (W51F, W51M, and W51T) exhibit values of kcat(app) that are greater than for the wild-type enzyme, while the other mutations give decreased rates of enzyme turnover. Unlike the wild-type enzyme, which functions more efficiently with cytochrome c from yeast than with the horse heart protein, the mutant W51F does not show a preference for substrate from its native organism. The three mutants which exhibit increased values of kcat(app) show a pH optimum at 6.8 compared with that of 5.25 for the wild-type enzyme when measured with horse heart cytochrome c. This shift in pH optimum is not observed with yeast cytochrome c. Construction of single and multiple mutations at Trp-51, Ile-53, and Gly-152 shows that these kinetic properties are not due to natural amino acid variations observed at these sites. Pre-steady-state kinetics show that the bimolecular rate constant for the fast phase of the reaction of the enzyme with H2O2 is only slightly decreased from 3.03 (0.09) X 10(7) to 2.2 (0.1) X 10(7) M-1 s-1 for W51F and to 1.5 (0.1) X 10(7) M-1 s-1 for W51A. The slow phase of the reaction (4.9 s-1) which contributes approximately 30% to the amplitude of the change for the wild-type enzyme is not observed for W51F or W51A.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
 Of the many subtle protein-cofactor interactions which facilitate oxidative catalysis by heme enzymes, the role of the axial ligand has for some time appeared to be fairly well understood. Recent studies from several laboratories, however, have provided good reason to reemphasize the importance of secondary interactions between the axial ligand and protein, as the results suggest that simple ligand identity is neither necessary nor sufficient for function. It has been widely proposed that the strong hydrogen bond between a proximal carboxylate and the histidine ligand of peroxidases assists O–O bond heterolysis and stabilizes the Fe(IV)=O center that is produced. Recent replacements of the axial ligand in a number of heme proteins have produced a few surprises, suggesting that the subtle interactions between the ligand and protein may in some cases be more important than the actual identity of the ligand. Received and accepted: 7 May 1996  相似文献   
A key challenge in structure-based discovery is accounting for modulation of protein-ligand interactions by ordered and bulk solvent. To investigate this, we compared ligand binding to a buried cavity in Cytochrome c Peroxidase (CcP), where affinity is dominated by a single ionic interaction, versus a cavity variant partly opened to solvent by loop deletion. This opening had unexpected effects on ligand orientation, affinity, and ordered water structure. Some ligands lost over ten-fold in affinity and reoriented in the cavity, while others retained their geometries, formed new interactions with water networks, and improved affinity. To test our ability to discover new ligands against this opened site prospectively, a 534,000 fragment library was docked against the open cavity using two models of ligand solvation. Using an older solvation model that prioritized many neutral molecules, three such uncharged docking hits were tested, none of which was observed to bind; these molecules were not highly ranked by the new, context-dependent solvation score. Using this new method, another 15 highly-ranked molecules were tested for binding. In contrast to the previous result, 14 of these bound detectably, with affinities ranging from 8 µM to 2 mM. In crystal structures, four of these new ligands superposed well with the docking predictions but two did not, reflecting unanticipated interactions with newly ordered waters molecules. Comparing recognition between this open cavity and its buried analog begins to isolate the roles of ordered solvent in a system that lends itself readily to prospective testing and that may be broadly useful to the community.  相似文献   
Cultured bovine capillary endothelial (BCE) cells produce low levels of collagenolytic activity and significant amounts of the serine protease plasminogen activator (PA). When grown in the presence of nanomolar quantities of the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), BCE cells produced 5-15 times more collagenolytic activity and 2-10 times more PA than untreated cells. The enhanced production of these enzymes was dependent on the dose of TPA used, with maximal response at 10(-7) to 10(-8) M. Phorbol didecanoate (PDD), an analog of TPA which is an active tumor promoter, also increased protease production. 4-O-methyl-TPA and 4α-PDD, two analogs of TPA which are inactive as tumor promoters, had no effect on protease production. Increased PA and collagenase activities were detected within 7.5 and 19 h, respectively, after the addition of TPA. The TPA-stimulated BCE cells synthesized a urokinase-type PA and a typical vertebrate collagenase. BCE cells were compared with bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells and bovine embryonic skin (BES) fibroblasts with respect to their production of protease in response to TPA. Under normal growth conditions, low levels of collagenolyic activity were detected in the culture fluids from BCE, BAE, and BES cells. BCE cells produced 5-13 times the basal levels of collagenolytic activity in response to TPA, whereas BAE cells and BES fibroblasts showed a minimal response to TPA. Both BCE and BAE cells exhibited relatively high basal levels of PA, the production of which was stimulated approximately threefold by the addition of TPA. The observation that BCE cells and not BAE cells produced high levels of both PA and collagenase activities in response to TPA demonstrates a significant difference between these two types of endothelial cells and suggests that the enhanced detectable activities are a property unique to bovine capillary and microvessel and endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Sonchus yellow net virus is a plant nucleorhabdovirus whose nucleocapsid (N), phosphoprotein (P), and polymerase (L) proteins form large viroplasms in the nuclei of infected plants (C. R. F. Martins, J. A. Johnson, D. M. Lawrence, T. J. Choi, A. Pisi, S. L. Tobin, D. Lapidus, J. D. O. Wagner, S. Ruzin, K. McDonald, and A. O. Jackson, J. Virol. 72:5669-5679, 1998). When expressed alone, the N protein localizes to the nuclei of plant and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells and the P protein is distributed throughout the cells, but coexpression of N and P results in formation of subnuclear viroplasm-like foci (M. M. Goodin, J. Austin, R. Tobias, M. Fujita, C. Morales, and A. O. Jackson, J. Virol. 75:9393-9406, 2001; M. M. Goodin, R. G. Dietzgen, D. Schichnes, S. Ruzin, and A. O. Jackson, Plant J. 31:375-383, 2002). We now show that the N protein and various fluorescent derivatives form similar subnuclear foci in plant cells and that homologous interactions mediated by a helix-loop-helix region near the amino terminus are required for formation of the foci. Mutations within the helix-loop-helix region also interfere with N- and P-protein interactions that are required for N and P colocalization in the subnuclear foci. Affinity purification of N proteins harboring single mutations within the motif revealed that Tyr40 is critical for N-N and N-P interactions. Additional in vitro binding assays also indicated that the N protein binds to yeast and plant importin alpha homologues, whereas mutations in the carboxy-terminal nuclear localization signal abrogate importin alpha binding. The P protein did not bind to the importin alpha homologues, suggesting that the N and P proteins use different pathways for nuclear entry. Our results in toto support a model suggesting that during infection, the N and P proteins enter the nucleus independently, that viroplasm formation requires homologous N-protein interactions, and that P protein targeting to the viroplasm requires N-P protein interactions that occur after N and P protein import into the nucleus.  相似文献   
Models of disease susceptibility in multiple sclerosis (MS) often assume a dominant action for the HLA-DRB1*1501 allele and its associated haplotype (DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 or DR2). A robust and phenotypically well-characterized MS data set was used to explore this model in more detail. A dose effect of HLA-DR2 haplotypes on MS susceptibility was revealed. This observation suggests that, in addition to the role of HLA-DR2 in MS, two copies of a susceptibility haplotype further increase disease risk. Second, we report that DR2 haplotypes modify disease expression. There is a paucity of benign MS and an increase of severe MS in individuals homozygous for DR2. Concepts of the molecular mechanisms that underlie linkage and association of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region to MS need to be revised to accommodate these data.  相似文献   
Heme enzymes are capable of catalyzing a range of oxidative chemistry with high specificity, depending on the surrounding protein environment. We describe here a reaction catalyzed by a mutant of cytochrome c peroxidase, which is similar but distinct from those catalyzed by nitric-oxide synthase. In the R48A mutant, an expanded water-filled cavity was created above the distal heme face. N-hydroxyguanidine (NHG) but not guanidine was shown to bind in the cavity with K(d) = 8.5 mM, and coordinate to the heme to give a low spin state. Reaction of R48A with peroxide produced a Fe(IV)=O/Trp(.+) center capable of oxidizing either NHG or N(omega)-hydroxyarginine (NHA), but not arginine or guanidine, by a multi-turnover catalytic process. Oxidation of either NHG or NHA by R48A did not result in the accumulation of NO, NO(2)(-), NO(3)(-), urea, or citrulline, but instead afforded a yellow product with absorption maxima of 257 and 400 nm. Mass spectrometry of the derivatized NHA products identified the yellow species as N-nitrosoarginine. We suggest that a nitrosylating agent, possibly derived from HNO, is produced by the oxidation of one molecule of substrate. This then reacts with a second substrate molecule to form the observed N-nitroso products. This complex chemistry illustrates how the active sites of enzymes such as nitric-oxide synthase may serve to prevent alternative reactions from occurring, in addition to enabling those desired.  相似文献   
Replacement of the axial histidine ligand with exogenous imidazole has been accomplished in a number of heme protein mutants, where it often serves to complement the functional properties of the protein. In this paper, we describe the effects of pH and buffer ion on the crystal structure of the H175G mutant of cytochrome c peroxidase, in which the histidine tether between the heme and the protein backbone is replaced by bound imidazole. The structures show that imidazole can occupy the proximal H175G cavity under a number of experimental conditions, but that the details of the interaction with the protein and the coordination to the heme are markedly dependent on conditions. Replacement of the tethered histidine ligand with imidazole permits the heme to shift slightly in its pocket, allowing it to adopt either a planar or distally domed conformation. H175G crystallized from both high phosphate and imidazole concentrations exists as a novel, 5-coordinate phosphate bound state, in which the proximal imidazole is dissociated and the distal phosphate is coordinated to the iron. To accommodate this bound phosphate, the side chains of His-52 and Asn-82 alter their positions and a significant conformational change in the surrounding protein backbone occurs. In the absence of phosphate, imidazole binds to the proximal H175G cavity in a pH-dependent fashion. At pH 7, imidazole is directly coordinated to the heme (d(Fe--Im) = 2.0 A) with a nearby distal water (d(Fe--HOH) = 2.4 A). This is similar to the structure of WT CCP except that the iron lies closer in the heme plane, and the hydrogen bond between imidazole and Asp-235 (d(Im--Asp) = 3.1 A) is longer than for WT CCP (d(His--Asp) = 2.9 A). As the pH is dropped to 5, imidazole dissociates from the heme (d(Fe--Im) = 2.9 A), but remains in the proximal cavity where it is strongly hydrogen bonded to Asp-235 (d(Im--Asp) = 2.8 A). In addition, the heme is significantly domed toward the distal pocket where it may coordinate a water molecule. Finally, the structure of H175G/Im, pH 6, at low temperature (100 K) is very similar to that at room temperature, except that the water above the distal heme face is not present. This study concludes that steric restrictions imposed by the covalently tethered histidine restrain the heme and its ligand coordination from distortions that would arise in the absence of the restricted tether. Coupled with the functional and spectroscopic properties described in the following paper in this issue, these structures help to illustrate how the delicate and critical interactions between protein, ligand, and metal modulate the function of heme enzymes.  相似文献   
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