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The use of genome-wide genetic markers is an emerging approach for informing evidence-based management decisions for highly threatened species. Pangolins are the most heavily trafficked mammals across illegal wildlife trade globally, but critically endangered Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) have not been widely studied in insular Southeast Asia. We used?>?12,000 single nucleotide polymorphic markers (SNPs) to assign pangolin seizures from illegal trade of unknown origin to possible geographic sources via genetic clustering with pangolins of known origin. Our SNPs reveal three previously unrecognized genetic lineages of Sunda pangolins, possibly from Borneo, Java and Singapore/Sumatra. The seizure assignments suggest the majority of pangolins were traded from Borneo to Java. Using mitochondrial markers did not provide the same resolution of pangolin lineages, and to explore if admixture might explain these differences, we applied sophisticated tests of introgression using?>?2000 SNPs to investigate secondary gene flow between each of the three Sunda pangolin lineages. It is possible the admixture which we discovered is due to human-mediated movements of pangolins. Our findings impact a range of conservation actions, including tracing patterns of trade, repatriation of rescue animals, and conservation breeding. In order to conserve genetic diversity, we suggest that, pending further research, each pangolin lineage should as a precaution be protected and managed as an evolutionarily distinct conservation unit.  相似文献   
We describe Halmaheramys bokimekot Fabre, Pagès, Musser, Fitriana, Semiadi & Helgen gen. et sp. nov. , a new genus and species of murine rodent from the North Moluccas, and study its phylogenetic placement using both molecular and morphological data. We generated a densely sampled mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data set that included most genera of Indo‐Pacific Murinae, and used probabilistic methodologies to infer their phylogenetic relationships. To reconstruct their biogeographical history, we first dated the topology and then used a Lagrange analysis to infer ancestral geographic areas. Finally, we combined the ancestral area reconstructions with temporal information to compare patterns of murine colonization among Indo‐Pacific archipelagos. We provide a new and comprehensive molecular phylogenetic reconstruction for Indo‐Pacific Murinae, with a focus on the Rattus division. Using previous results and those presented in this study, we define a new Indo‐Pacific group within the Rattus division, composed of Bullimus, Bunomys, Paruromys, Halmaheramys, Sundamys, and Taeromys. Our phylogenetic reconstructions revealed a relatively recent diversification from the Middle Miocene to Plio‐Pleistocene associated with several major dispersal events. We identified two independent Indo‐Pacific dispersal events from both western and eastern Indo‐Pacific archipelagos to the isolated island of Halmahera, which led to the speciations of H. bokimekot gen. et sp. nov. and Rattus morotaiensis Kellogg, 1945. We propose that a Middle Miocene collision between the Halmahera and Sangihe arcs may have been responsible for the arrival of the ancestor of Halmaheramys to eastern Wallacea. Halmaheramys bokimekot gen. et sp. nov. is described in detail, and its systematics and biogeography are documented and illustrated. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
The time of appearance and distribution of substance P (SP)-like immunoreactivity in the granular convoluted tubule cells of the developing male mouse submandibular glands were examined, and the subcellular localization of SP-like immunoreactivity was investiagted by electron microscopy. At 25 days of age, SP-like immunoreactivity was first detected in the supranuclear cytoplasm of the granular convoluted tubule cells, which occurred either singly or in small clusters. At 30 and 35 days of age, granular convoluted tubule cells with SP-like immunoreactivity were more numerous than in the earlier stages, as the volume ratio of the cells increased. Not all granular convoluted tubule cells demonstrated SP-like immunoreactivity. The number of cells with SP-like immunoreactivity decreased at 60 days of age, and these cells had completely disappeared at 90 days of age. Most, but not all, secretory granules in the granular convoluted tubule cells were strongly labeled with gold particles, indicating that the subcellular site of SP-like substance is in the secretory granules within the cells. The findings suggest that the physiological role of the SP-like substance secreted from the GCT cells is restricted to the early postnatal stages, and that it may be involved in the development of the oral mucosa or digestive tract as a trophic factor.  相似文献   


Elucidating the process of speciation requires an in-depth understanding of the evolutionary history of the species in question. Studies that rely upon a limited number of genetic loci do not always reveal actual evolutionary history, and often confuse inferences related to phylogeny and speciation. Whole-genome data, however, can overcome this issue by providing a nearly unbiased window into the patterns and processes of speciation. In order to reveal the complexity of the speciation process, we sequenced and analyzed the genomes of 10 wild pigs, representing morphologically or geographically well-defined species and subspecies of the genus Sus from insular and mainland Southeast Asia, and one African common warthog.


Our data highlight the importance of past cyclical climatic fluctuations in facilitating the dispersal and isolation of populations, thus leading to the diversification of suids in one of the most species-rich regions of the world. Moreover, admixture analyses revealed extensive, intra- and inter-specific gene-flow that explains previous conflicting results obtained from a limited number of loci. We show that these multiple episodes of gene-flow resulted from both natural and human-mediated dispersal.


Our results demonstrate the importance of past climatic fluctuations and human mediated translocations in driving and complicating the process of speciation in island Southeast Asia. This case study demonstrates that genomics is a powerful tool to decipher the evolutionary history of a genus, and reveals the complexity of the process of speciation.  相似文献   
The Bawean warty pig (Sus blouchi) is an endemic pig species confined to the 192 km2 large island of Bawean in the Java Sea, Indonesia. Due to a lack of quantitative ecological research, understanding of natural history and conservation requirements have so far been based solely on anecdotal information from interviews with local people and study of captive and museum specimens. In this study we provide the first assessment of population and habitat preferences for S. blouchi by using camera trapping. From the 4th of November 2014 to January 8th 2015, we placed camera traps at 100 locations in the forested protected areas on Bawean. In 690.31 camera days (16567.45 hours) we captured 92 independent videos showing S. blouchi. Variation in S. blouchi trapping rates with cumulative trap effort stabilized after 500 camera days. An important outcome is that, in contrast to the suggestion of previous assessments, only S. blouchi was detected and no S. scrofa was found, which excludes hybridization threats. We fitted a Random Encounter Model, which does not require the identification of individual animals, to our camera-trapping data and estimated 172–377 individuals to be present on the island. Activity patterns and habitat data indicate that S. blouchi is mainly nocturnal and prefers community forests and areas near forest borders. Next to this, we found a positive relationship between S. blouchi occupancy, distance to nearest border, litter depth and tree density in the highest ranking occupancy models. Although these relationships proved non-significant based on model averaging, their presence in the top ranking models suggests that these covariables do play a role in predicting S. blouchi occurrence on Bawean. The estimated amount of sites occupied reached 58%. Based on our results, especially the estimation of the population size and area of occupancy, we determine that the species is Endangered according to the IUCN/SSC Red List criteria.  相似文献   
The distribution and abundance of substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactive nerve fibers in four different regions of the laryngeal mucosa were compared between normoxic and chronically hypoxic rats (10% O2 and 3.0-4.0% CO2 for 3 months). In the chronically hypoxic laryngeal mucosa, the number of SP and CGRP fibers within and just beneath the epithelium, and around the laryngeal gland was increased in comparison with those in the normoxic controls. Especially in the epiglottic and arytenoid regions, the number of intraepithelial SP fibers was increased remarkably. Most intraepithelial SP and CGRP fibers penetrated into the epithelium to extend to the luminal surface. There was no distinct difference in the distribution and abundance of these peptidergic fibers in the mucosa of the normoxic and chronically hypoxic vocal cord regions. These results suggest that the increased density of SP and CGRP fibers within the epithelium of the upper laryngeal mucosa is a predominant feature of hypoxic adaptation, and this may be involved in airway protection, swallowing, and other functions in the chronically hypoxic environment. In addition, the increased SP and CGRP fibers around the laryngeal gland suggest an enhanced mucous secretion, and this may participate in the airway defense mechanism in low O2 conditions.  相似文献   
Nepsilon-(hexanoyl)lysine (HEL) is a potentially useful marker of oxidative stress in animals. We investigated whether HEL might be useful as a marker in rice seeds damaged by oxidative stress during storage, as well as in animals. The germination ability of rice decreased with lipid peroxidation during storage at 40 degrees C for three months. Moreover, we observed accumulation of HEL in the damaged rice. In addition, the activities of antioxidative enzymes, catalase and superoxide dismutase, significantly decreased in the rice seeds during storage at 40 degrees C. These results suggest that HEL might be a useful marker of oxidative stress in rice.  相似文献   


The biodiversity of the Malay Archipelago is the product of the region's rich biogeographical history with periods of island connectivity and isolation during the Pleistocene glacial cycles. Here, the case of two endemic suid species, the Javan (Sus verrucosus) and Bawean (S. blouchi) warty pigs, was used to illustrate how biogeographic processes and recent anthropogenic pressures can shape demographic histories with significant implications for species conservation.


Malay Archipelago, with focus on Bawean and Java.


We employed genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms from the Porcine SNP60 v2 BeadChip to assess interspecific genetic differentiation, to estimate divergence times and to perform demographic model selection.


In contrast to the hypothesis of recent divergence during the last glacial maximum, S. blouchi was found to have diverged from S. verrucosus at least 166 k years ago following a founder event. The contemporary S. blouchi population was characterised by a recent bottleneck that reduced the effective population size to less than 20. The genomic assessment supports the single species status of S. blouchi, as was previously proposed based on morphometrics. The demographic history of S. verrucosus showed evidence of secondary contact with the sympatric banded pig (S. scrofa vittatus) that colonised Java 70 k years ago.

Main Conclusions

While the Javan and Bawean warty pigs have persisted throughout the Pleistocene climatic oscillations, contemporary pressures from human activities threaten their survival and immediate action should be taken to grant legal protection to both S. verrucosus and S. blouchi. This study highlighted the use of demographic history modelling using genomic data to identify evolutionary significant units and inform conservation.  相似文献   
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