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A mouse model for the "sudden death" and "malarial lung" syndromes is described. Mice of the C3H/z strain succumb suddenly approximately 7 days after an infection with Plasmodium berghei becomes patent, at a time when parasitemia is still moderate (6 to 8%). Death could be shown to be due to anaphylactoid shock, probably induced by soluble immune complexes. Increased vascular permeability caused transudation and leakage of serum proteins into the interstitium and the alveoli. The lungs were found to be edematous, with a fine granular precipitate in the alveoli and adherent to the vascular walls. The precipitates reacted with antiglobulins G and M, and could be shown to also contain malaria antigens and C3/4. A dramatic drop in hematocrit was recorded several hours before death, indicating the sudden release of malaria antigens. The myocardium of animals that had died very suddenly showed a patchy loss of phosphorylase activity. This loss of activity was much more extensive, and sometimes almost total, when there had been an agonal period of several (1 to 3) hours before death. In these cases the irreversibility of the myocardial damage was also indicated by the loss of activity of the dehydrogenases, as well as by typical inflammatory reactions of granulocytic and histiocytic infiltrations. The hearts thus presented a typical picture of the acute and peracute shock syndromes. In acute shock cardiac insufficiency develops so suddenly that death ensues before irreversible damage has occurred, and cardiac insufficiency can only be demonstrated by the most sensitive of enzyme histochemical means. In the present case shock was induced by the anaphylactoid activity of immune complexes with the lung as target organ. The described syndrome appears analogous to human "malarial lung."  相似文献   
Faced with the serious consequences resulting from the abusive and repeated use of synthetic chemicals, today rethinking crop protection is more than necessary. It is in this context that the essential oils of the Lamiaceae Ocimum gratissimum and Ocimum canum, the Poaceae Cymbopogon citratus and nardus and a Rutaceae Citrus sp. of known chemical compositions were experimented. The evaluation of the larvicidal potential of the essential oils was done by the method of topical application of the test solutions, on the L1−L2 stage larvae from the first generation of S. frugiperda obtained after rearing in an air-conditioned room. Lethal concentrations (LC10, LC50 and LC90) were determined after 48 h. After assessing the larvicidal potential of essential oils, molecular docking was carried out to study protein-ligand interactions and their propensity to bind to insect enzyme sites (AChE). The essential oil of O. gratissimum was the most effective with the lowest lethal concentrations (LC10=0.91 %, LC50=1.91 % and LC90=3.92 %). The least toxic oil to larvae was Citrus sp. (LC10=5.44 %, LC50=20.50 % and LC90=77.41 %). Molecular docking revealed that p-cymene and thymol from O. gratissimum essential oil are structurally similar and bind to the AChE active site via predominantly hydrophobic interactions and a H-bond with Tyr374 in the case of thymol. The essential oil of O. gratissimum constitutes a potential candidate for the development of biological insecticides for the fight against insect pests and for the protection of the environment.  相似文献   
Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. is extensively used in traditional medicinal systems by various cultures. Despite its frequent use in traditional medicine, there is still a paucity of scientific information on T. asiatica growing on the tropical island of Mauritius. Therefore, the present study was designed to appraise the pharmacological and phytochemical profile of extracts (methanol, ethyl acetate and water) and essential oil obtained from aerial parts of T. asiatica. Biological investigation involved the evaluation of in vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory potentials. The chemical profile of the EO was determined using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis, while for the extracts, the total phenolic (TPC) and flavonoid content were quantified as well as their individual phenolic compounds by LC/MS/MS. Quinic acid, fumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, quercitrin and isoquercitrin were the main compounds in the extracts. Highest total phenolic (82.5±0.94 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE/g)) and flavonoid (43.8±0.31 mg rutin equivalent (RE/g)) content were observed for the methanol extract. The GC/MS analysis has shown the presence of 26 compounds with linalool (30.9 %), linalyl acetate (20.9 %) and β-phellandrene (7.9 %) being most abundant components in the EO. The extracts and EO showed notable antioxidant properties, with the methanol extract proved to be superior source of antioxidant compounds. Noteworthy anti-acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and anti-butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) effects were recorded for the tested samples, while only the methanol and ethyl acetate extracts were active against tyrosinase. With respect to antidiabetic effects, the extracts and EO were potent inhibitors of α-glucosidase, while modest activity was recorded against α-amylase. Docking results showed that linalyl acetate has the highest affinity to interact with the active site of BChE with docking score of −6.25 kcal/mol. The findings amassed herein act as a stimulus for further investigations of this plant as a potential source of bioactive compounds which can be exploited as phyto-therapeutics.  相似文献   
Although females suffer twice as much as males from stress-related disorders, sex-specific participating and pathogenic cellular stress mechanisms remain uncharacterized. Using corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2–deficient (Crhr2−/− ) and wild-type (WT) mice, we show that CRF receptor type 2 (CRF2) and its high-affinity ligand, urocortin 1 (Ucn1), are key mediators of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response in a murine model of acute pancreatic inflammation. Ucn1 was expressed de novo in acinar cells of male, but not female WT mice during acute inflammation. Upon insult, acinar Ucn1 induction was markedly attenuated in male but not female Crhr2−/− mice. Crhr2−/− mice of both sexes show exacerbated acinar cell inflammation and necrosis. Electron microscopy showed mild ER damage in WT male mice and markedly distorted ER structure in Crhr2−/− male mice during pancreatitis. WT and Crhr2−/− female mice showed similarly distorted ER ultrastructure that was less severe than distortion seen in Crhr2−/− male mice. Damage in ER structure was accompanied by increased ubiquitination, peIF2, and mistargeted localization of vimentin in WT mice that was further exacerbated in Crhr2−/− mice of both sexes during pancreatitis. Exogenous Ucn1 rescued many aspects of histological damage and cellular stress response, including restoration of ER structure in male WT and Crhr2−/−mice, but not in females. Instead, females often showed increased damage. Thus, specific cellular pathways involved in coping and resolution seem to be distinct to each sex. Our results demonstrate the importance of identifying sex-specific pathogenic mechanisms and their value in designing effective therapeutics.  相似文献   
Sex chromosomes are an ideal system to study processes connected with suppressed recombination. We found evidence of microsatellite expansion, on the relatively young Y chromosome of the dioecious plant sorrel (Rumex acetosa, XY1Y2 system), but no such expansion on the more ancient Y chromosomes of liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) and human. The most expanding motifs were AC and AAC, which also showed periodicity of array length, indicating the importance of beginnings and ends of arrays. Our data indicate that abundance of microsatellites in genomes depends on the inherent expansion potential of specific motifs, which could be related to their stability and ability to adopt unusual DNA conformations. We also found that the abundance of microsatellites is higher in the neighborhood of transposable elements (TEs) suggesting that microsatellites are probably targets for TE insertions. This evidence suggests that microsatellite expansion is an early event shaping the Y chromosome where this process is not opposed by recombination, while accumulation of TEs and chromosome shrinkage predominate later.  相似文献   
Natural tissues are incorporated with vasculature, which is further integrated with a cardiovascular system responsible for driving perfusion of nutrient-rich oxygenated blood through the vasculature to support cell metabolism within most cell-dense tissues. Since scaffold-free biofabricated tissues being developed into clinical implants, research models, and pharmaceutical testing platforms should similarly exhibit perfused tissue-like structures, we generated a generalizable biofabrication method resulting in self-supporting perfused (SSuPer) tissue constructs incorporated with perfusible microchannels and integrated with the modular FABRICA perfusion bioreactor. As proof of concept, we perfused an MLO-A5 osteoblast-based SSuPer tissue in the FABRICA. Although our resulting SSuPer tissue replicated vascularization and perfusion observed in situ, supported its own weight, and stained positively for mineral using Von Kossa staining, our in vitro results indicated that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) should be used to drive future construct design and flow application before further tissue biofabrication and perfusion. We built a CFD model of the SSuPer tissue integrated in the FABRICA and analyzed flow characteristics (net force, pressure distribution, shear stress, and oxygen distribution) through five SSuPer tissue microchannel patterns in two flow directions and at increasing flow rates. Important flow parameters include flow direction, fully developed flow, and tissue microchannel diameters matched and aligned with bioreactor flow channels. We observed that the SSuPer tissue platform is capable of providing direct perfusion to tissue constructs and proper culture conditions (oxygenation, with controllable shear and flow rates), indicating that our approach can be used to biofabricate tissue representing primary tissues and that we can model the system in silico.  相似文献   
The exact role of boron in humans is not known although its supplementation causes several important metabolic and inflammatory changes. The objective of this study is to evaluate the possibility of an association between blood boron level and obesity in normal, overweight, obese, and morbidly obese subjects. A total number of 80 subjects, categorized into four groups based on their body mass index as normal, overweight, obese, and morbidly obese, were enrolled in this study. Age, sex, body mass index, and blood boron levels were recorded for each subject. Although the distribution of female and male subjects and blood boron levels were similar between groups, the mean age of normal subjects was significantly lower than the others (p?=?0.002). There was a significant relationship between age and quantitative values of body mass index for each subject (β?=?0.24; p?=?0.003). In addition, between blood boron levels and quantitative values of body mass index for each subject, a significant reverse relationship was detected (β?=??0.16; p?=?0.043). Although age seemed to be an important variable for blood boron level and body mass index, blood boron levels were shown to be lower in obese subjects in comparison to non-obese subjects.  相似文献   
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