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A number of motile strains of Azospirillum brasilense, A. lipoferum, and A. irakense, were found to possess tyrosinase activity both on the surface of and inside the cells. A. brasilense Sp245, Sp7, and A. irakense KBC-1 each possessed two forms of tyrosinase of different molecular masses; A. lipoferum 43, A. lipoferum 59b, and A. irakense KA-3 each had a single tyrosinase form of approximately the same molecular mass; and A. brasilense Sp107 possessed a single form of tyrosinase different from all the other forms.  相似文献   
Local species richness–productivity (SR–P) relationship is usually reported as unimodal if long productivity gradients are sampled. However, it tends to be monotonically increasing in low-productive environments due to the decreasing part of the SR–P curve being truncated. Previous work indicated that this can hold true for forest herb layers, because of an upper bound on productivity caused mainly by canopy shading. Here, we ask whether the same pattern exists in a region with an upper bound on productivity caused by a harsh climate. We sampled herbaceous vegetation of boreal forests and grasslands in a low-productive region of central Yakutia (NE Siberia) with dry and winter-cool continental climate. We collected data on species composition, herb-layer productivity (aboveground herbaceous biomass), soil chemistry and light availability. We applied regression models to discriminate between monotonically increasing, decreasing and unimodal responses of herb-layer species richness to measured variables and analysed trends in the species-pool size and beta diversity along the productivity gradient. Our expectation of the monotonically increasing SR–P relationship was confirmed for neither forest herb layers nor grasslands. In the forest herb layers, no relationship was detected. In grasslands, the relationship was unimodal with species richness decline starting at much lower productivity levels than in more productive temperate grasslands. Potential causes for this decline are either limitation of local species richness by the species pool, which contains few species adapted to more productive habitats, or competitive exclusion, which can become an important control of species richness under lower levels of productivity than is the case in temperate grasslands.  相似文献   
A total of 36 mink dams and their litters of 3, 6 or 9 kits were used for determination of milk intake of the suckling young by means of deuterium dilution technique, and chemical composition of milk and of kit bodies. Measurements were performed during lactation weeks 1?–?4, each week with 3 dams with each litter size. Milk intake was determined over a 48?h measurement period, and by the end of this milk samples were collected and 2 kits (litters of 6 and 9) or 1 kit per litter (litters of 3) were killed for body chemical composition. Based on the results, different models were applied for calculation of the energetic efficiency of milk. Dam milk yield increased steadily from week 1 until week 3 but only slightly from week 3 to 4. The increase declined with increasing litter size, and for dams suckling 9 kits the increment from week 3 to week 4 was only 2?g. The dry matter content of milk increased significantly as lactation progressed, being reflected in crude protein increasing from 6.9% in lactation week 1 to 8.1% in week 4. Milk fat increased concomitantly from 5.6% to 8.0%. In kit bodies, crude protein content increased from 9.4% in week 1 to about 12% in weeks 3 and 4. Body fat content increased from week 1 (4.1%) to week 3 (8.4%) and then declined in week 4 (7.1%). Animals suckled in litters of 3 kits had the highest milk intake and live weight and kits suckled in litters of 9 had the lowest milk intake, live weight and daily gain. In terms of milk intake per g gain kits in litters of 6 were the most efficient, with 4.1?g milk per g body gain. The metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance (MEm) was estimated to 448 kJ/kg0.75 and the efficiency of utilization of ME for body gain (kg) to 0.67, the estimates being higher (MEm) or in good agreement with previous findings (kg) in suckling mink kits.  相似文献   
Using the Braun-Blanquet approach, five associations of boreal forests were distinguished in central Yakutia, the most continental part of eastern Siberia. Ecological features of the syntaxa were explained with the use of the DCA ordination of 50 relevés. All available data from eastern Siberia were involved in the study for syntaxonomic analysis. Central Yakutian boreal forests were classified into two classes:Rhytidio-Laricetea sibiricae Korotkov etErmakov 1999 — ultracontinental light coniferous hemiboreal forests, andVaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. inBr.-Bl. et al. 1939 — typical coniferous taiga forests of northern Eurasia. A new concept of higher syntaxonomic units of the classVaccinio-Piceetea in eastern Siberia has been developed. Three orders represent the diversity of taiga forests: (1)Cladonio-Vaccinietalia Kielland-Lund 1967 (with alliancesHieracio umbellati-Pinion sylvestris Anenkhonov etChytry 1998 andSaxifrago bronchialis-Pinion sylvestris all. nov.) — light coniferous boreal forests occurring in dry and moderately dry oligotrophic sites in various climatic sectors of Northern Eurasia; (2)Lathyro humilis-Laricetalia cajanderi ord. nov. (with alliancesAulacomnio acuminati-Laricion cajanderi all. nov. andRhododendro daurici-Laricion gmelinii all. nov.) — zonal boreal forests with xeric elements, which are typical of regions of northern Asia with cold, dry ultracontinental climate; (3)Ledo-Laricetalia cajanderi ord. prov. (with allianceLedo-Laricion cajanderi prov.) — North Eurasian boreal forests occurring in cold sites with excessive soil moisture, sometimes water-logged. Phytogeography and ecology of these orders are discussed in comparison with other regions of northern Asia.  相似文献   
Phenol oxidase activity was detected for the first time in a number of strains belonging to various Azospirillum species. Both extracellular and intracellular activities of laccase, Mn-peroxidase, lignin peroxidase, and tyrosinase were observed. Extracellular enzymes were found to have higher activity. Significant differences in phenol oxidase activities were observed between species and strains.  相似文献   
The growth characteristics of an algo-bacterial community (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and bacterial satellites) were studied, as well as the mechanism and patterns of bacterial effect on algae. Four strains of predominant bacteria were isolated and partially characterized. They were assigned to the following taxa: Rhodococcus terrea, Micrococcus roseus, and Bacillus spp. A pure culture of the alga under study was obtained by plating serial dilutions on agarized media. Within the algo-bacterial association, the alga had a higher growth rate (0.76 day?1) and yield (60 μg chlorophyll/ml culture) than in pure cultures (0.4 day?1 and 10 μg chlorophyll/ml culture, respectively). The viability of the algal cells within the association was retained longer than in pure culture. Among the isolated bacterial satellites, strains B1 and Y1, assigned to the species Rhodococcus terrae, had the highest stimulatory effect on algal growth. The culture liquid of bacteria incubated under the conditions not permitting growth stimulated algal growth; the culture liquid of actively growing bacteria had an opposite effect.  相似文献   
In intensively farmed, reclaimed areas (polders) of Mont-St-Michel Bay, France, bank voles ( Clethrionomys glareolus ) live in fragmented hedgerows, where populations are small and dispersal rates and genetic diversity are low. These small populations are likely to have been exposed to potential environmental and/or genetic stress. The sensitivity of development to stress can be measured by fluctuating asymmetry (FA). FA was calculated for three samples from a disturbed area and one sample from an adjacent, more connected and undisturbed landscape. Size FA was estimated from 16 measurements of the skull and teeth whilst shape asymmetry was estimated from the skull alone. Bank voles in fragmented hedgerows of the disturbed area had a higher degree of FA than bank voles from the more extensive and more connected hedges of the undisturbed area. These results were confirmed by the study of shape asymmetry, body mass and centroid size of the skull. There were no differences in FA between the three disturbed area samples. We conclude that FA does not reveal differences in the development of bank voles living in isolation under different local conditions in the various parts of the disturbed area. However, FA may allow differentiation between populations from greatly contrasting landscapes.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80, 37–44.  相似文献   
A new species of small tree frog from a primary montane tropical forest of central Vietnam, Tay Nguyen Plateau, is described based on morphological,molecular, and acoustic evidence. The Golden Bug-Eyed Frog, Theloderma auratum sp. nov., is distinguishable from its congeners and other small rhacophorid species based on a combination of the following morphological attributes:(1) bony ridges on head absent;(2) smooth skin completely lacking calcified warts or asperities;(3) pointed elongated tapering snout;(4) vocal opening in males absent;(5) vomerine teeth absent;(6) males of small body size(SVL 21.8–26.4 mm);(7) head longer than wide;ED/SVL ratio 13%–15%; ESL/SVL ratio 16%–20%;(8)small tympanum(TD/EL ratio 50%–60%) with few tiny tubercles;(9) supratympanic fold absent;(10) ventral surfaces completely smooth;(11) webbing between fingers absent;(12) outer and inner metacarpal tubercles present, supernumerary metacarpal tubercle single, medial, oval in shape;(13) toes half-webbed:Ⅰ 2–2? Ⅱ 1?–2? Ⅲ 2–3? Ⅳ 3–1? Ⅴ;(14) inner metatarsal tubercle present, oval; outer metatarsal tubercle absent;(15) iris bicolored;(16) dorsal surfaces golden-yellow with sparse golden-orange speckling or reticulations and few small dark-brown spots;(17) lateral sides of head and body with wide dark reddish-brown to black lateral stripes, clearlyseparated from lighter dorsal coloration by straight contrasting edge;(18) ventral surfaces of body, throat,and chest greyish-blue with indistinct brown confluent blotches;(19) upper eyelids with few(3–5) very small flat reddish superciliary tubercles;(20) limbs dorsally reddish-brown, ventrally brown with small bluish-white speckles. The new species is also distinct from all congeners in 12 S rRNA to 16 S rRNA mitochondrial DNA fragment sequences(uncorrected genetic distance P8.9%). Advertisement call and tadpole morphology of the new species are described.Our molecular data showed Theloderma auratum sp. nov. to be a sister species of Th. palliatum from Langbian Plateau in southern Vietnam.  相似文献   
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