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Caveolin induces membrane curvature and drives the formation of caveolae that participate in many crucial cell functions such as endocytosis. The central portion of caveolin-1 contains two helices (H1 and H2) connected by a three-residue break with both N- and C-termini exposed to the cytoplasm. Although a U-shaped configuration is assumed based on its inaccessibility by extracellular matrix probes, caveolin structure in a bilayer remains elusive. This work aims to characterize the structure and dynamics of caveolin-1 (D82–S136; Cav182–136) in a DMPC bilayer using NMR, fluorescence emission measurements, and molecular dynamics simulations. The secondary structure of Cav182–136 from NMR chemical shift indexing analysis serves as a guideline for generating initial structural models. Fifty independent molecular dynamics simulations (100 ns each) are performed to identify its favorable conformation and orientation in the bilayer. A representative configuration was chosen from these multiple simulations and simulated for 1 μs to further explore its stability and dynamics. The results of these simulations mirror those from the tryptophan fluorescence measurements (i.e., Cav182–136 insertion depth in the bilayer), corroborate that Cav182–136 inserts in the membrane with U-shaped conformations, and show that the angle between H1 and H2 ranges from 35 to 69°, and the tilt angle of Cav182–136 is 27 ± 6°. The simulations also reveal that specific faces of H1 and H2 prefer to interact with each other and with lipid molecules, and these interactions stabilize the U-shaped conformation.  相似文献   
A soil isolate of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii was marked with a lux CDABE gene cassette to enable the expression of bioluminescence. The suitability of the bacterium as a soil pollution biosensor was assessed using acute and chronic assays. Bacterial bioluminescence responded sensitively to the metals studied. The order of sensitivity was found to be Cd > Ni = Zn > Cu for the acute test and Cd > Ni = Zn = Cu for the chronic test. The sensitive response of the biosensor highlighted its potential for use as an indicator of soil pollution.  相似文献   
Summary Myocardial cell culture methods are now well established for animal and fetal human tissue. We present here a method for harvesting and culturing adult human atrial myocardiocytes. Cells are obtained from fresh atrial tissue normally discarded after being removed to cannulate the right atrium during open heart surgery. The atrial tissue is minced and then digested using collagenase. The single cell suspension is initially cultured in serum-containing growth medium, then transferred to defined medium, selective for myocardial cell growth. The cells are characterized by immunoperoxidase stains and transmission electron microscopy. The cultured cells stain positive for myoglobin, whereas control cultured fibroblasts and endothelial cells do not. Electron microscopy shows the presence of numerous myofibrils, Z-bodies, pleomorphic mitochondria, and secretory granules. The chronological age of the donor was an important factor in culturing the adult tissue, the younger tissue correlated with a higher success rate. This method provides a means for in vitro study of human adult myocardial cells and provides guidelines for appropriate atrial tissue to use.  相似文献   
A study was conducted in July 1989 at three stations in thenorthern Sargasso Sea, where picoplankton (<1 µm)provided approximately half of the standing crop of chlorophyll.Temporal changes in the position of the nitracline at a singlelocation indicated that the vertical supply of nitrate was notat ‘steady-state’ and phytoplankton distributionstracked the nitracline. Our main experimental objective wasto examine the short-term effects of ecologically significantnitrate perturbations (+20 and +100 nM) on the physiologyof <1 µm communities growing at low (nanomolar)ambient nitrate concentrations. A chemiluminescent nitrate methodwas used to measure the time course (up to 4 h) of nitratedisappearance at in situ irradiance, in parallel with measurementsof photosynthetic 14CO2 assimilation. Picoplankton growing at<60 nM nitrate rapidly responded to nanomolar nitratesupplements with luxury consumption and enhanced photosynthesisin proportion to their ambient nitrate environment. Light-saturatedSynechococcus populations from the most nitrate-depleted waters(13 nM) had doubled their cellular rate of photosynthesisafter 4 h, in response to a 20 nM nitrate pulse.  相似文献   
Cases of gonadal dysgenesis, both Turner syndrome and mixed, were studied with Y centromeric and short-arm probes. The Y-centromeric alphoid repeat clone, Y97, allowed sensitive detection of Y-chromosomal material in marker chromosomes or mosaics by in situ analysis or Southern hybridization with purified DNA. The Y short-arm probe, p75/79, allowed detection of sequences normally associated with proximal Yp by Southern analysis. The presence of DNA fragments characteristic of Yp correlates well with partial male sexual differentiation in the cases of mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Thus, the combined use of molecular and cytogenetic techniques has proven to be a powerful approach to the analysis of chromosomal sex disorders.  相似文献   
A family of plasmids which contain d(AT)n cruciforms are sensitive to "single strand specific" (SS) endonucleases and a variety of chemical probes in a "random sequence" region centered 10-30 residues away from the cruciform junction. The SS nuclease sensitive structures are dependent on the presence of the extruded cruciform and exhibit a degree of sequence independence. Their appearance depends upon the combined effects of slightly lower than neutral pH and superhelical coiling above the minimum required to drive the extrusion of the d(AT)n cruciform arms. The nuclease sensitive structure is therefore underwound with respect to the B conformation and contains protonated bases.  相似文献   
Photoaffinity labeling of the Ah receptor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A series of halodibenzo-p-dioxins with the photolabile aryl azide functional group were synthesized and screened as potential photoaffinity labels for the Ah receptor, and 2-azido-3-iodo-7,8-dibromodibenzo-p-dioxin was selected for radiosynthesis with 125I (specific activity 2176 Ci/mmol, equilibrium dissociation constant, KD = 0.76 nM). Following incubation of this 125I-labeled photoaffinity ligand with the protamine sulfate-precipitated fraction of C57BL/6J mouse liver cytosol, and irradiation with long wavelength ultraviolet light, the radiolabeled macromolecules were precipitated with acetone and analyzed by denaturing gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Among the labeled products, two peptides with apparent molecular masses of 95,000 and 70,000 daltons had the following properties: 1) they were selectively labeled at low ligand concentrations; 2) they were labeled in approximately a 1:1 ratio; 3) co-incubation with receptor agonists inhibited the photoaffinity labeling of both peptides to a similar extent, and structure activity relationship for inhibition of labeling by these agonists corresponded to that for their binding affinity to the Ah receptor; 4) upon nondenaturing chromatographic separation of photoaffinity labeled cytosol on high performance liquid chromatography size exclusion and anion exchange columns, the 95- and 70-kDa peptides coelute; 5) the migration of these peptides upon denaturing electrophoresis is the same in the presence or absence of a thiol reducing agent; and 6) proteolysis of the 95- and 70-kDa peptides produces a similar pattern of cleavage peptides. The simplest structure of the Ah receptor in mouse liver cytosol, appears to be a dimer composed of two noncovalently linked subunits of apparent molecular masses of 95 and 70 kDa, which have homologous structure and similar ligand binding sites, but other possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   
We have constructed a library of recombinant phage containing DNA from salivary gland chromosomes of Rhynchosciara americana. We have isolated phage from this library that carry sequences homologous to cDNA clones that hybridize in situ to the DNA puffs at the polytene chromosome regions C3 and C8. This has enabled us to demonstrate a 16-fold amplification of the genomic DNA sequences at these regions during DNA-puffing. At the C8 site there is a sequence element that has characteristics of 'scrambled' moderately repetitive DNA. This is located within 3 kb from the gene encoding a 1.95-kb mRNA. We have assayed restriction fragments from the two DNA puffs for Ars activity in yeast. The only strong Ars activity is associated with a part of the moderately repetitive DNA element from the C8 puff which is not present at this site in all animals.  相似文献   
Summary R124 and R124/3 are R plasmids that carry the genes for two different restriction and modification systems. The phenotype of strains carrying either of these plasmids along with the F'lac + plasmid, is restriction-deficient (Res-). The Res- phenotype is not due to selection of preexisting mutants but rather to a complex mutational event caused by the F plasmid. Restriction-deficient mutants carry extensive deletions and other DNA rearrangements. Tn7 insertion is used to locate the restriction gene. Many of the Res- mutants are genetically unstable and revert at exceptionally high frequencies. Reversion is accompanied by DNA rearrangements which result in a net gain of 9 kb of DNA. F derivates of F+ which do not cause restriction-deficiency but do cause deletion were used to distinguish between the DNA rearrangements associated with restriction-deficiency and those associated with deletion. From Res+ revertants of strains carrying F'lac + and R124 or R124/3 we have isolated F plasmids that now carry the genes for the R124 or R124/3 restriction and modification systems. It is suggested that interaction between part of the F plasmid and that segment of the R plasmid which controls the switch in Res-Mod specificity which has been observed (Glover et al. 1983) is responsible for the production of restriction-deficiency.  相似文献   
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