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The first born,their dispersal,and vole cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. Gliwicz 《Oecologia》1990,83(4):519-522
Summary On the basis of some empirical data and the existing theory of vole cycles, a new hypothesis is proposed. It explains cyclicity as an effect of obligatory dispersal of the first seasonal cohort of young (Y1) from their natal (optimal) habitats into vacant (suboptimal) habitats. This behaviour could evolve, because it increases contribution of genetic lineages with dispersing Y1, to subsequent generation. It is assumed that the dispersal of Y1 is common among vole species, it does not change during consecutive phases of the cycle, and it does not vary between cyclic and non-cyclic populations. It results in multiannual cycles only under a certain set of spatial and climatic conditions, which are discussed in a paper. Otherwise it results in annual dynamics.  相似文献   
In the Great Salt Lake of Utah, the brine shrimp Artemia franciscanaKellogg is an important food resource for birds and they produce dormant cysts that are harvested and used extensively in the aquaculture industry. We analyzed the limnological factors controlling Artemia growth and cyst production over 12 months in 1994 and 1995. Laboratory experiments showed that inter-brood intervals were highly dependent on temperature and slightly on food level. At optimal temperatures and nutritious food, juveniles reached reproductive size within 7 d in the laboratory. In winter when temperatures were less than 3 °C, Artemia were absent from the lake, phytoplankton abundance was high (13 Chl a g l–1), and the dominant grazers were ciliated protozoans. In the spring, cysts hatched when phytoplankton was abundant (15–30 g Chl a l–1), and the Artemia grew and produced large clutches of ovoviviparous eggs. Estimated naupliar production from these eggs was 80 l–1 from April to May. Despite the high production of nauplii, Artemia densities declined to 8 l–1by June and the growing shrimp population grazed down the phytoplankton resource to <1 g Chl a l–1. With the depleted phytoplankton food resource during the summer, Artemia growth slowed, lipid indices decreased, clutch sizes declined, and females switched primarily to oviparous cyst production. During the summer, there was limited production of ovoviviparous eggs, and limited recruitment of juveniles, probably due to low food. Although oviparous reproduction began in June, more than 90% of the cysts were produced after July when female densities had declined to 1.5 l–1, but nearly all of them were producing cysts. Estimated cyst production was 650000 m–2, or 4.54 × 106 kg dry weight for the entire lake. The reported commercial harvest took 21% of the 1994 cyst production. That harvest had little impact on the subsequent year's population, as Artemia densities were ultimately controlled by algal production in the lake.  相似文献   
Using an individual-based age-structured population model (a combination of O'Brien's apparent-prey-size approach, Eggers's reactive-field-volume model, and Holling's disk equation), we could predict that (1) a Daphnia population could be kept at low density by fish predation irrespective of food level, with greater recruitment at higher food being instantly compensated for by raised mortality reflecting increased predation, and (2) Daphnia density levels are species specific and inversely related to both body size at first reproduction and the reaction distance at which a foraging fish sees its Daphnia prey. These two hypotheses were experimentally tested in outdoor mesocosms with two Daphnia species of different body sizes grown in the absence or presence of fish that were allowed to feed for 2-3 h each evening. While each Daphnia quickly reached high density with reproduction halted by food limitation in the absence of fish, the populations stayed at much lower species-specific density levels, similar in low and high food concentrations, in the presence of fish. This suggests that our model offers a reasonable mechanistic explanation for the coexistence of large- and small-bodied zooplankton in proportions reflecting their body sizes throughout habitats comprising a wide productivity spectrum, with each species at a density level at which it becomes included in a predator's diet.  相似文献   
Based on published information about the glacial, postglacial, and recent distribution of the root vole, Microtus oeconomus, we hypothesized that a population inhabiting the pristine wetland in eastern Poland (Bialowieza Primeval Forest) might comprise a high diversity of haplotypes. The support for this hypothesis was provided by an analysis of partial cytb gene sequences from 149 voles sampled within a two-hectare plot during a nine-year study. In this population, we identified eight haplotypes (PLB1–PLB8), four of which were new to the root vole. These haplotypes were characterized by low nucleotide diversity (π?=?0.0054, SE?=?0.0019), the absence of transversional differences between sequences, and no changes in the encoded amino acid sequence: features suggesting a lack of immigration from the distant populations. The haplotype number and their frequency distribution in males and females did not differ significantly. An assessment of the persistence of matrilines in the local population throughout the study period revealed that the haplotype composition was relatively stable for only about 3 years. A more complete haplotype network for root voles in Europe was constructed by combining the newly identified haplotypes with the 45 previously described haplotypes. Two of the haplotypes detected in this study occupy key positions in this network: PLB5, as the closest link to the North European group, and PLB8, as an ancestor to many other Central European haplotypes.  相似文献   
The distribution of two Daphnia species dominant in near-surfacewaters of a eutrophic lake, Lake Ros, showed offshore-inshoregradients in density with a dramatic decrease towards nearshorewaters, suggesting a strong ‘shore-avoidance’ behavior.Much smaller body sizes and much smaller clutches in the nearshorefractions of the two populations, however, showed that the lowerpopulation density of each species in the nearshore areas wasrather a direct effect of high mortality selectively generatedin more conspicuous larger individuals and in individuals withgreater clutches that are more vulnerable to predation by littoralfish, mostly abundant perch juveniles. Hydroacoustic and trawlingdata revealed that young perch move offshore in the eveningto feed on pelagic zooplankton, but their feeding cannot beas efficient later in the dark when they eventually reach themost distant Daphnia patch in the center of the lake. High predationrisk in the littoral neighborhood may be considered an ultimatefactor behind the evolution of shore-avoidance behavior in zooplankton.  相似文献   
Field data from seven alpine lakes in Serra da Estrela. Portugal.show that reproduction in Daphnia may be as efficiently controlledby fish predation and copepod predation on eggs in brood cavitiesas it is by food limitation. Body length and clutch size estimatesin Daphnia pulicaria revealed high inter- and intra-populationvariability in maturation size (body size at first reproduction).and in number of eggs per clutch. Daphnia at first maturationin lakes stocked with rainbow trout were half the size of thosefound in fishless lakes (body length of 0.86–0.95 and1.55–1.81 mm. respectively). The mean number of eggs perclutch was reduced to a similar degree by food limitation, predationby fish and copepod predation on eggs in brood cavities, butthe underlying mechanisms of this reduction were different.Food limitation caused smaller clutch sizes in all individuals,so variation remained the same. Fish predation caused the selectiveremoval of individuals with maximum clutches, so variation decreased.Copepod predation caused removal of eggs from brood cavitiesof randomly infested females, so that variation increased, particularlyat a high food level when non-infested females carried largeclutches of eggs.  相似文献   
Z. Maciej Gliwicz 《Hydrobiologia》1994,272(1-3):201-210
One of the most obvious features of tropical lakes and reservoirs is the small body size of their zooplankton taxa. It is believed that this is the result of high and persistent predation by abundant planktivorous fish, which select large-bodied zooplankton prey thus making them more vulnerable to extinction in tropical as compared to temperate habitats. Do these extinctions result directly from fish predation? Could the high predation-induced mortality alone be responsible for an extermination of the population from a habitat? Or could indirect effects of predation be responsible? Some important indirect effects can be seen at the demographic level; these include reduced reproduction in the population resulting from higher vulnerability of ovigerous females to predation by visually oriented planktivores. Other important indirect effects can be observed at the individual level; these include shifts in behavior (from foraging to predator avoidance) and adjustments in physiology (from high to low feeding rate) in those planktonic animals which detect danger from their predators by sensing either the ‘predator odor’ or an ‘alarm substance’ originating from injured conspecific prey. Although a zooplankton species density may mostly result from the brutal force of direct predator impact on the population (mortality), it is more likely that its distribution in time and space could be attributed to a combination of indirect effects of predation on individual behavior and physiology. An example of periodicity in density and depth distribution patterns of Cahora Bassa zooplankton species and their periodic exterminations seems to confirm the role of indirect effects of predation by planktivorous fish.  相似文献   
Late-evening gut inspection of a dominant planktivore (smelt) and evaluation of densities, fecundities, and body-size distributions in dominant zooplankton prey (cladocerans) were made in day-to-day sequences in June–July (24 days in 1999 and 24 days in 2000). This was conducted as a field test of the hypothesis that species-specific population densities in cladocerans result from size-selective predation by a dominant fish assumed to be a general predator, switching from one prey to another as relative abundance changes. Little of the expected coincidence has been revealed between population density declines and increased numbers of a given prey in smelt diet. However, the data were consistent with the notion that fish would switch from one prey to another depending on the prey relative abundance (the number of prey a fish would see in its reaction field volume). Each cladoceran population fluctuated around its species-specific density level, lower or higher, depending on individual susceptibility to smelt predation, from 0.2 ind. l–1 in large-bodied Daphnia hyalina and Leptodora kindtii, to 30.0 ind. l–1 in small-bodied Daphnia cucullata andBosmina thersites. In spite of high fish-to-fish and day-to-day variability in both smelt diet and smelt selectivity for different prey, all cladocerans (also copepods and midge larvae) were equally persistent in smelt diet, and smelt selectivity was similar for small- and large-bodied prey categories, but lower for elongated-(Daphnia, Diaphanosoma) than for compact-body (Bosmina, Chydorus) species, when integrated for the entire sampling time. Closer examination of D. cucullata and B. thersites revealed strong smelt selection for later instars and females with greater clutches, showing that size distribution in a cladoceran population might be structured by fish predation in a similar way to that a cladoceran community (species relative abundance) is structured in a lake habitat. The birth-rate-compensation hypothesis is offered to explain why the value of food selectivity index in a planktivorous fish would remain the same for alternate prey categories with similar life-history traits, unless they differ in susceptibility to predation before the time of first reproduction.  相似文献   
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