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Abstract The natural product cyanobacterin has been shown to be toxic to most cyanobacteria at a concentration of approx. 5 μM. We demonstrate here that cyanobacterin will also inhibit the growth of most eukaryotic algae at a similar concentration. Some algae, such as Euglena gracilis , are resistant because they are able to maintain themselves by heterotrophic nutrition. Others, such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , can apparently induce a detoxification mechanism to maintain photosynthesis in the presence of low concentrations of the inhibitor. Non-photosynthetic microorganisms are not affected by cyanobacterin.  相似文献   
Zoosporic true fungi are thought to be ubiquitous in many ecosystems, especially in cool, moist soils and freshwater habitats which are rich in organic matter. However, some of the habitats where these fungi are found may periodically experience extreme conditions, such as soils in extremely dry, hot and cold climates, acidic and alkaline soils, polluted rivers, anaerobic soil and water, saline soil and water, periglacial soils, oligotrophic soils, tree canopies and hydrothermal vents. It is clear that many ecotypes of zoosporic true fungi have indeed adapted to extreme or stressful environmental conditions. This conclusion is supported by studies in both the field and in the laboratory. Therefore, in our opinion, at least some true zoosporic fungi can be considered to be extremophiles.  相似文献   
The long terminal repeat of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV) contains the upstream conserved region (UCR). The UCR core sequence, CGCCATTTT, binds a ubiquitous nuclear factor and mediates negative regulation of MuLV promoter activity. We have isolated murine cDNA clones encoding a protein, referred to as UCRBP, that binds specifically to the UCR core sequence. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrate that the UCRBP fusion protein expressed in bacteria binds the UCR core with specificity identical to that of the UCR-binding factor in the nucleus of murine and human cells. Analysis of full-length UCRBP cDNA reveals that it has a putative zinc finger domain composed of four C2H2 zinc fingers of the GLI subgroup and an N-terminal region containing alternating charges, including a stretch of 12 histidine residues. The 2.4-kb UCRBP message is expressed in all cell lines examined (teratocarcinoma, B- and T-cell, macrophage, fibroblast, and myocyte), consistent with the ubiquitous expression of the UCR-binding factor. Transient transfection of an expressible UCRBP cDNA into fibroblasts results in down-regulation of MuLV promoter activity, in agreement with previous functional analysis of the UCR. Recently three groups have independently isolated human and mouse UCRBP. These studies show that UCRBP binds to various target motifs that are distinct from the UCR motif: the adeno-associated virus P5 promoter and elements in the immunoglobulin light- and heavy-chain genes, as well as elements in ribosomal protein genes. These results indicate that UCRBP has unusually diverse DNA-binding specificity and as such is likely to regulate expression of many different genes.  相似文献   
A series of desamino-2-nor-leukotriene analogs has been prepared by the reaction of various thiols with several methyl trans-4,5-epoxy-6Z-alkenoates, followed by deprotection. The products were assessed for their ability to antagonize the LTD4-induced contraction of the isolated guinea pig trachea. Several compounds displayed potent leukotriene antagonist activity, i.e., KB values in the sub-micromolar range, while only minimally affecting basal airway tone. The most potent analog, 4-hydroxy-5-(2-carboxyethylthio)-6Z-nonadecenoic acid, antagonized both LTD4- and LTE4-induced contractions of the trachea in an apparently competitive fashion. These agents possess increased potency relative to SK&F 101132, the first leukotriene analog identified as having LT-antagonist activity. Thus, these results demonstrate that deletion of the peptide amino group can produce leukotriene analogs which have minimal intrinsic contractile activity on the isolated guinea pig trachea, yet possess potent leukotriene-antagonistic effects.  相似文献   
Lactate is produced by the sheep placenta and is an important metabolic substrate for fetal sheep. However, lactate uptake and release by the fetal liver have not been assessed directly. We measured lactate flux across the liver in 16 fetal sheep at 129 (120-138) days gestation that had catheters chronically maintained in the fetal descending aorta, inferior vena cava, right or left hepatic vein, and umbilical vein. Lactate and hemoglobin concentrations and oxygen saturation were measured in blood drawn from all vessels. Umbilical venous, portal venous, and hepatic blood flow were measured by injecting radionuclide-labeled microspheres into the umbilical vein while obtaining a reference sample from the descending aorta. We found net hepatic uptake of lactate (5.0 +/- 4.4 mg/min per 100 g liver). A large quantity of lactate was delivered to the liver (94.2 +/- 78.1 mg/min per 100 g), so that the hepatic extraction of lactate was only 7.7 +/- 6.5%. Hepatic oxygen consumption was 3.18 +/- 3.3 ml/min per 100 g, and the hepatic lactate/oxygen quotient was 2.07 +/- 1.54. There was no significant correlation between hepatic lactate uptake and hepatic lactate or glucose delivery, hepatic oxygen consumption, hepatic blood flow, hepatic glucose flux, total body oxygen consumption, arterial pH, oxygen content, or oxygen saturation. There was, however, a significant correlation between hepatic lactate uptake and umbilical lactate uptake (r = 0.74, P less than 0.005) such that net hepatic lactate uptake was nearly equivalent to that produced across the umbilical-placental circulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The pharmacology of leukotrienes (LT) C4 and D4 in isolated airway smooth muscle was investigated. In rat trachea, neither LTC4 or D4 elicited a response. In contrast, LTC4 was a potent contractile agonist in guinea-pig trachea, bronchus and parenchymal lung strip. Similar effects were obtained with LTD4 in trachea and parenchyma. In trachea and bronchus, the concentration-response curve to LTC4 was biphasic: indomethacin converted the biphasic response curve to a simple sigmoidal shape and enhanced the maximum contractile response. The SRS-A antagonist FPL 55712 antagonized the effect of LTD4 in both trachea and parenchyma. As regards LTC4-induced contraction of trachea and bronchus, FPL 55712, depending on concentration, either antagonized, or antagonized and enhanced the maximum contractile response. The enhancement of the maximum contractile response by FPL 55712 was not apparent when indomethacin was present. FPL 55712 failed to antagonize the effect of LTC4 in parenchyma.  相似文献   
Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) is involved in innate immune responses to peptidoglycan degradation products. Peptidoglycans are important mediators of organic dust-induced airway diseases in exposed agriculture workers; however, the role of NOD2 in response to complex organic dust is unknown. Monocytes/macrophages were exposed to swine facility organic dust extract (ODE), whereupon NOD2 expression was evaluated by real-time PCR and Western blot. ODE induced significant NOD2 mRNA and protein expression at 24 and 48 h, respectively, which was mediated via a NF-κB signaling pathway as opposed to a TNF-α autocrine/paracrine mechanism. Specifically, NF-κB translocation increased rapidly following ODE stimulation as demonstrated by EMSA, and inhibition of the NF-κB pathway significantly reduced ODE-induced NOD2 expression. However, there was no significant reduction in ODE-induced NOD2 gene expression when TNF-α was inhibited or absent. Next, it was determined whether NOD2 regulated ODE-induced inflammatory cytokine production. Knockdown of NOD2 expression by small interfering RNA resulted in increased CXCL8 and IL-6, but not TNF-α production in response to ODE. Similarly, primary lung macrophages from NOD2 knockout mice demonstrated increased IL-6, CXCL1, and CXCL1, but not TNF-α, expression. Lastly, a higher degree of airway inflammation occurred in the absence of NOD2 following acute (single) and repetitive (3 wk) ODE exposure in an established in vivo murine model. In summary, ODE-induced NOD2 expression is directly dependent on NF-κB signaling, and NOD2 is a negative regulator of complex, organic dust-induced inflammatory cytokine/chemokine production in mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   
A 14-meter long pelagic clay core recovered at Marlin Rise (40°00.531′S, 154°2.601′W; 4775 m water depth) in the Southwest Pacific Basin contains a record of eolian dust deposited since the early Miocene. Downcore analysis of detrital minerals reveals a dominantly eolian signature with relatively constant proportions of quartz, feldspar and illite and trace amounts of chlorite, kaolinite and smectite, consistent with a continental (loess-like) source region. Fish tooth Sr isotope stratigraphy reveals the base of the core to be 17.5 Ma, with low sedimentation rates (< 0.5 mm/kyr LSR) indicated for the interval 17.5 to 10 Ma; several hiatuses in deposition appear to be present upcore, but are beyond the age resolution of the fish teeth stratigraphy. These intervals are revealed as apparent discontinuities in the Sr isotope record, accompanied by pulses of anomalously rapid sedimentation at ~ 10 Ma, 6.7 Ma and 4.1 Ma. Bulk mass accumulation rates (MAR) are calculated at ~ 10 mg/cm2/kyr over the last 4 Myr, consistent with previously estimated Quaternary eolian flux rates to this part of the Pacific. Nd, Pb and Sr radiogenic isotopic compositions of the detrital mineral extract (< 38 µm) show no trends with age, while 40Ar/39Ar ages show an upcore younging trend (~180 Ma to ~150 Ma), in concert with a slight coarsening of eolian grain-size distributions. These ages likely reflect mixing of Mesozoic illite-dominated clay from at least two continental source areas: southeastern Australia (Murray–Darling Basin/Lake Eyre Basin) and New Zealand (South Island). The data indicate remarkable constancy of continental eolian sources exposed to weathering and dispersal at this latitude during the Neogene.  相似文献   


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends nontargeted opt-out HIV screening in healthcare settings. Cost effectiveness is critical when considering potential screening methods. Our goal was to compare programmatic costs of nontargeted opt-out rapid HIV screening with physician-directed diagnostic rapid HIV testing in an urban emergency department (ED) as part of the Denver ED HIV Opt-Out Trial.


This was a prospective cohort study nested in a larger quasi-experiment. Over 16 months, nontargeted rapid HIV screening (intervention) and diagnostic rapid HIV testing (control) were alternated in 4-month time blocks. During the intervention phase, patients were offered HIV testing using an opt-out approach during registration; during the control phase, physicians used a diagnostic approach to offer HIV testing to patients. Each method was fully integrated into ED operations. Direct program costs were determined using the perspective of the ED. Time-motion methodology was used to estimate personnel activity costs. Costs per patient newly-diagnosed with HIV infection by intervention phase, and incremental cost effectiveness ratios were calculated.


During the intervention phase, 28,043 eligible patients were included, 6,933 (25%) completed testing, and 15 (0.2%, 95% CI: 0.1%–0.4%) were newly-diagnosed with HIV infection. During the control phase, 29,925 eligible patients were included, 243 (0.8%) completed testing, and 4 (1.7%, 95% CI: 0.4%–4.2%) were newly-diagnosed with HIV infection. Total annualized costs for nontargeted screening were $148,997, whereas total annualized costs for diagnostic HIV testing were $31,355. The average costs per HIV diagnosis were $9,932 and $7,839, respectively. Nontargeted HIV screening identified 11 more HIV infections at an incremental cost of $10,693 per additional infection.


Compared to diagnostic testing, nontargeted HIV screening was more costly but identified more HIV infections. More effective and less costly testing strategies may be required to improve the identification of patients with undiagnosed HIV infection in the ED.  相似文献   
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