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Detached leaves of Cyclamen persicum Mill. can be used as a simple source-sink system. Phloem transport in the excised material was monitored by the noninvasive 11C-technique. Assimilate movement stopped immediately when the petiole was cut off. However, within 20 min a recovery of transport was observed. The translocation rate in the detached leaf was only 13% of that in the intact plant. 14C-Xenobiotics and [3H]sucrose were injected into the upper petiole parenchyma (source). They moved downstream by a symplastic route. The stump of the petiole was inserted into a buffer solution containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (sink). After 3 h, the distribution of sucrose and xenobiotics was determined in five subsequent segments of the petiole (path). The retention coefficient (r) was calculated from the ratio of radioactivity in the vascular bundle to that in the petiole parenchyma. The distribution along the vascular path was given by a geometric progression, whereas its constant was the transport coefficient (q). Values of r and q corresponded with the degree of phloem mobility and ambimobility. Four groups of compounds were classified: (i) acidic substances with log Kow = — 2 to — 2.4 (Kow is the partition coefficient octanol/water) at pH 8 (pH of sieve tube sap), retained by ion trapping and exhibiting small lateral efflux (q0.7; maleic hydrazide, dalapon); (ii) acidic substances with log Kow = — 0.7 to — 0.8 at pH 8, retained by ion trapping and subjected to a moderate lateral efflux (0.7>q> 0.5; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, bromoxynil); (iii) nonionised substances retained by optimum permeability, exhibiting a considerable lateral leakage (q<0.5; glyphosate, amitrole); (iv) substances without basipetal transport in the phloem (atrazine, diuron). Retention of sucrose corresponded quantitatively with that shown in group (i). This classification was also supported by results of uptake and efflux experiments using the isolated conducting tissue. Theoretical translocation profiles were calculated from the determined transport coefficients (q).Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Kow partition coefficient octanol/water - MCPA 2-methyl-4-chloro-phenoxyacetic acid - q transport coefficient in the vascular bundle - r retention coefficient in the vascular bundle The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of H. Fiedler and M. Neugebauer. We are particularly grateful to K. Dutschka, G. Hudepokl, and Dr. J. Knust for producing 11CO2.  相似文献   
The ammonia oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea was grown either (a) with added bicarbonate in the absence of added CO2 (bubbled through the culture), (b) with added bicarbonate plus low added CO2 (0.03% v/v), or (c) without added bicarbonate with high added CO2 (1% v/v). Cell doubling times of 12 h were observed in 1% cultures; doubling times of 2 to 3-fold longer wre found with 0.03% CO2 and/or bicarbonate grown cultures. The specific activity of carbonic anhydrase was 40–80% lower in cultures grown on 1% CO2. These results are compared with those in heterotrophic and photosynthetic microorganisms.Scientific Contribution Number 1241 from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   
Summary Pectic strands are shown to connect the lower stomatal ledges and to develop across the posterior chamber of a number of plant species. Similar strands are formed between guard cells and subsidiary cells, and between epidermal cells.  相似文献   
Summary In freeze-fractured specimens of taste buds from the foliate papillae of rabbits, the intercellular spaces are separated from the pore of the taste bud by zonulae occludentes of the tight-type. Below these tight junctions numerous desmosomes are found at irregular intervals. The epithelial cells adjacent to the pore are also joined by single strands of fusion. The microvilli arising from the neck of the type I cells have a high particle density. The microvilli of type II cells and especially the short microvilli of peripherally situated cells have a lower intramembranous particle density. The single microvillus of type III cells has a very large diameter and is longer than the other microvilli. It contains a few larger intramembranous particles and vesicle-like protrusions of the membrane facing the cytoplasm. Transverse fracturing reveals a filamentous fine structure in all microvilli. The physiological implications of these observations are discussed.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ja 205/5+6)  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Doz. Dr. habil. W.Krenkel sagen wir unseren besten Dank für die Anfertigung der lateinischen Diagnosen.  相似文献   
The seagrass Posidonia oceanica is a key engineering species structuring coastal marine systems throughout much of the Mediterranean basin. Its decline is of concern, leading to the search for short‐ and long‐term indicators of seagrass health. Using ArcGIS maps from a recent, high‐resolution (1–4 km) modelling study of 18 disturbance factors affecting coastal marine systems across the Mediterranean (Micheli et al. 2013, http://globalmarine.nceas.ucsb.edu/mediterranean/ ), we tested for correlations with genetic diversity metrics (allelic diversity, genotypic/clonal diversity and heterozygosity) in a meta‐analysis of 56 meadows. Contrary to initial predictions, weak but significantly positive correlations were found for commercial shipping, organic pollution (pesticides) and cumulative impact. This counterintuitive finding suggests greater resistance and resilience of individuals with higher genetic and genotypic diversity under disturbance (at least for a time) and/or increased sexual reproduction under an intermediate disturbance model. We interpret the absence of low and medium levels of genetic variation at impacted locations as probable local extinctions of individuals that already exceeded their resistance capacity. Alternatively, high diversity at high‐impact sites is likely a temporal artefact, reflecting the mismatch with pre‐environmental impact conditions, especially because flowering and sexual recruitment are seldom observed. While genetic diversity metrics are a valuable tool for restoration and mitigation, caution must be exercised in the interpretation of correlative patterns as found in this study, because the exceptional longevity of individuals creates a temporal mismatch that may falsely suggest good meadow health status, while gradual deterioration of allelic diversity might go unnoticed.  相似文献   


There is a large body of literature on competitive interactions among plants, but many studies have only focused on above-ground interactions and little is known about root–root dynamics between interacting plants. The perspective on possible mechanisms that explain the outcome of root–root interactions has recently been extended to include non-resource-driven mechanisms (as well as resource-driven mechanisms) of root competition and positive interactions such as facilitation. These approaches have often suffered from being static, partly due to the lack of appropriate methodologies for in-situ non-destructive root characterization.


Recent studies show that interactive effects of plant neighbourhood interactions follow non-linear and non-additive paths that are hard to explain. Common outcomes such as accumulation of roots mainly in the topsoil cannot be explained solely by competition theory but require a more inclusive theoretical, as well as an improved methodological framework. This will include the question of whether we can apply the same conceptual framework to crop versus natural species.


The development of non-invasive methods to dynamically study root–root interactions in vivo will provide the necessary tools to study a more inclusive conceptual framework for root–root interactions. By following the dynamics of root–root interactions through time in a whole range of scenarios and systems, using a wide variety of non-invasive methods, (such as fluorescent protein which now allows us to separately identify the roots of several individuals within soil), we will be much better equipped to answer some of the key questions in root physiology, ecology and agronomy.  相似文献   
Teleki rootstocks are used in grapevine-producing countries all over the world. They represent one of the largest groups of available rootstocks but their origin is still in dispute although they have been regarded as Vitis berlandieri × V. riparia hybrids. To investigate their possible origin, we amplified and sequenced three chloroplast regions, two non-coding spacers (trnL-F, trnS-G) and the trnL group I intron in a core collection of Teleki rootstocks representing widespread accessions and related wild North American grape species (V. berlandieri, V. riparia and V. rupestris). Concatenated sequence data coupled with microstructural changes discovered in the chloroplast regions provided data to trace the maternal ancestry of the Teleki lines. All chloroplast regions showed both nucleotide and length variation. Length mutations in the non-coding regions represented mostly simple sequence repeats of poly-A and -T stretches. These indel characters exhibited additional diversity comparable with the nucleotide diversity and increased resolution of the phylogenetic trees. We found that a group of Teleki accessions position together with the wild grape species V. riparia. Another group of Teleki rootstocks formed a sister group to the other North American species V. berlandieri. These clades had moderate support values, and they do not share ancestry with other accessions of Teleki rootstocks resolved with high support value in the V. riparia clade. It seems that Teleki-Kober 5BB and 125 AA accessions might have a V. berlandieri maternal background. We also found great differences within putative clones of Teleki 5C and Teleki-Kober 5BB suggesting that the selection of these accessions was performed on heterogenous or mislabeled plant material collectively maintained under these names.  相似文献   
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