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解兰昌  章海军 《生理学报》1991,43(6):530-536
本文利用激光散斑屈光测试系统详细探讨了夜近视(night myopia)的产生机制。夜近视在环境亮度降低到产生暗视觉时出现,并随亮度继续降低而增大,平均值为1.35D。实验证明眼睛球差和色差不是造成夜近视的主要因素。夜近视数值在暗适应过程中呈增大的趋势。在暗视觉时,由于视野中缺少适宜的刺激,眼睛处于暗焦(dark focus)休止状态,这是造成夜近视的主要原因。  相似文献   
本文用脑室灌注和Fura2测定细胞内游离钙技术观察了地塞米松(dexamethasone,DEX)对家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热效应和下丘脑细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响,借此深入探讨地塞米松解热作用的中枢机制。结果发现:脑室灌注乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸(06nmol)引起家兔结肠温度明显升高,静脉注射地塞米松(5mg/kg)显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,地塞米松(60~120μmol/L)并不影响下丘脑细胞内[Ca2+]i,而事先脑室灌注抑制基因转录的放线菌素D(3nmol)则完全取消了地塞米松对乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热的解热作用。这些结果提示:地塞米松显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,其机制与地塞米松激活脑内某些基因的表达有关,而与下丘脑神经细胞跨膜钙离子流无关。  相似文献   
We describe here three different hamster cell mutants which are resistant to diphtheria toxin and which provide models for investigating some of the functions required by the toxin inactivates elongation factor 2 (EF-2). Cell-free extracts from mutants Dtx(r)-3 was codominant. The evidence suggests that the codominant phenotype is the result of a mutation in a gene coding for EF-2. The recessive phenotype might arise by alteration of an enzyme which modifies the structure of EF-2 so that it becomes a substrate for reaction with the toxin. Another mutant, Dtx(r)-2, contained EF-2 that was sensitive to the toxin and this phenotype was recessive. Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin is known to inactivate EF-2 as does diphtheria toxin and we tested the mutants for cross-resistance to pseudomonas exotoxin. Dtx(r)-1 and Dtx(r)-3 were cross-resistant while Dtx(r)-2 was not. It is known that diphtheria toxin does not penetrate to the cytoplasm of mouse cells and that these cell have a naturally occurring phenotype of diphtheria toxin resistance. We fused each of the mutants with mouse 3T3 cells and measured the resistance. We fused each of the mutants with mouse 3T3 cells and measured the resistance of the hybrid cells to diphtheria toxin. Intraspecies hybrids containing the genome of mutants Dtx(r)-1 and Dtx(r)-3 had some resistance while those formed with Dtx(r)-2 were as sensitive as hybrids derived from fusions between wild-type hamster cells and mouse 3T3 cells.  相似文献   
Instant Pharmacology (1999). Saeb-Parsy K, Assomull RG, Kahn FZ, Saeb-Parsy K, and Kelly E. John Wiley and Sons 349 pp. £19.99 pbk; ISBN 0471976393 © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Experiments were performed on 9 volunteers in which the changes in rectal temperature and sweat rate were recorded under different levels of metabolic rate (100, 306 and 560 kcal/hr), air temperatures (30° and 40°C), vapor pressure (15, 22 and 31 mm Hg) and air velocity (50, 200 and 400 cm/sec).Analysis of the results enabled the development of a formula for the prediction of the elevation of body(rectal) temperature after 30 min of work at known metabolic rates in given thermal environments. The elevation in body temperature is considered to express both the amount of heat dissipated through the heat dissipating mechanism,as well as the heat which has not been dissipated and is stored in the body.With the aid of the proposed formula, the permissible metabolic rate of work at various external heat loads can be calculated.
Zusammenfassung An neun Versuchspersonen wurden Versuche vorgenommen,bei denen die Änderungen der Rektaltemperatur und Schweissabsonderung bei verschiedenen Werten des Stoffwechsels (100, 306 und 560 kcal/h), der Lufttemperatur (30° und 40°C),des Dampfdrucks (15, 22 und 31 mm Hg) und der Windgeschwindigkeit (50, 200 und 400 cm/sec) untersucht wurden. Die Bearbeitung der Ergebnisse erlaubte die Entwicklung einer Formel für die Vorhersage der Erhöhung der (rektalen) Körpertemperatur nach einer Arbeit von 30 Min Dauer bei bekannten Stoffwechselwerten und vorgegebener thermischer Umgebung. Die Erhöhung der Körpertemperatur wird als Ausdruck sowohl für den Betrag der Wärme betrachtet, die durch den Mechanismus der Wärmeabgabe abgegeben wird, wie für die Wärme, die nicht abgegeben,sondern im Körper gespeichert wird.Mit Hilfe der vorgeschlagenen Formel kann die erlaubte Stoffwechselrate der Arbeit unter verschiedenen äusseren Wärmebelastungen berechnet werden.

Resume Neuf personnes ont servi à des essais tendant à démontrer que la température rectale et la sécrétion de sueur dépendent de différents facteurs.Ces derniers furent: le métabolisme général (100, 306 et 560 kcal/h),la température de l'air (30° et 40°C), la pression de vapeur (15, 22 et 31 mm Hg) et la vitesse du vent (50, 200 et 400 cm/sec). La compilation des résultats a permis de mettre au point une formule par le truchement de laquelle il est possible de calculer à l'avance la hausse de la température rectale après un travail de 30 min,lorsque l'on connaît l'indice de métabolisme et les conditions thermiques du milieu ambiant. La hausse de la température de corps est l'expression aussi bien de la chaleur perdue par les mécanismes de thermorégulation que de la chaleur qui est emmagasinée par le corps. Par la formule proposée, on peut aussi calculer l'indice de métabolisme tolérable lors d'un travail exécuté dans des conditions thermiques déterminées.

This work was supported in part by grant NS/1488/62 of UNESCO and in part by grant C-1/Ford 4, of the Ford Foundation.  相似文献   
This paper presents the findings of an outdoor thermal comfort study conducted in Hong Kong using longitudinal experiments—an alternative approach to conventional transverse surveys. In a longitudinal experiment, the thermal sensations of a relatively small number of subjects over different environmental conditions are followed and evaluated. This allows an exploration of the effects of changing climatic conditions on thermal sensation, and thus can provide information that is not possible to acquire through the conventional transverse survey. The paper addresses the effects of changing wind and solar radiation conditions on thermal sensation. It examines the use of predicted mean vote (PMV) in the outdoor context and illustrates the use of an alternative thermal index—physiological equivalent temperature (PET). The paper supports the conventional assumption that thermal neutrality corresponds to thermal comfort. Finally, predictive formulas for estimating outdoor thermal sensation are presented as functions of air temperature, wind speed, solar radiation intensity and absolute humidity. According to the formulas, for a person in light clothing sitting under shade on a typical summer day in Hong Kong where the air temperature is about 28°C and relative humidity about 80%, a wind speed of about 1.6 m/s is needed to achieve neutral thermal sensation.  相似文献   
The paper presents a new method for the evaluation of the physiological limit of heat exposure dependent on the metabolic rate, environmental temperature, humidity and air motion. The method consists of the determination of the conditions of work and exposure that would cause a given rate of sweating which might be considered as the physiologically permissible limit for prolonged exposure, e.g. 1100 g/hr. The expected sweat rate under given conditions of work and thermal environment is given by the formula: S=E (1/f), where S is the expected sweat rate, E is the required evaporative cooling which is equal to the overall heat load, and f is the cooling efficiency of sweating. Formulas and nomograms are presented, which enable quantitative determination of the various components of the formula. Examination of the correlation between the suggested method, and experimental results from several physiological investigations in different countries showed good agreement and linear relationship between the measured and the computed values.
Zusammenfassung Eine neue Methode zur Bewertung der physiologischen Grenzen der Hitzebelastung unter Berücksichtigung der Stoffwechselrate, der Umgebungstemperatur, Feuchtigkeit und Luftbewegung, wird beschrieben. Die Methode beruht auf der Bestimmung der jenigen Bedingungen bei der Arbeit und Exponierung, die zu einer gegebenen Schweissrate führen und die angesehen werden können als die physiologisch zulÄssige Grenze bei verlÄngerter Exponierung, z.B. 1100 g/hr. Die erwartete Schweissrate bei gegebenen Bedingungen (Arbeit und WÄrme) wird ausgedrückt in der Gleichung: S=E (1/f), darin ist S die erwartete Schweissrate, E die erforderliche VerdunstungskÄlte, die gleich ist mit der gesamten Hitzebelastung und f ist die Abkühlungsleistung beim Schwitzen. Formeln und Nomogramme für die quantitative Bestimmung der verschiedenen Komponenten der Gleichung werden angegeben. Eine Prüfung der Korrelation zwischen der vorgeschlagenen Methode und Ergebnissen von mehreren physiologischen Untersuchungen in verschiedenen LÄndern zeigte eine gute übereinstimmung und lineare Beziehung zwischen den gemessenen und berechneten Werten.

Resume Ce mémoire présente une nouvelle méthode qui permet d'évaluer la limite physiologique de l'exposition à la chaleur, limite dépendant du métabolisme d'une part, de la température, de l'humidité et du vent d'autre part. Cette méthode consiste à déterminer dans quelles conditions de travail et de chaleur une certaine quantité de sueur est sécrétée. Cette quantité (par exemple 1100 g/hr)peut Être considérée comme la limite admissible, du point de vue physiologique, pour une exposition prolongée. La quantité de sueur probable peut alors Être calculée dans des conditions de travail et d'ambiance thermique données au moyen de la formule: S=E (1/f) où S est la quantité de sueur recherchée, E le refroidissement par évaporation indispensable (il est égal à la charge calorifique totale) et f l'efficacité de refroidissement de la sueur. On donne en outre des équations et des abaques permettant de déterminer quantitativement les divers éléments de cette formule. La corrélation est bonne entre la dite méthode de calcul et les résultats numériques provenant d'essais physiologiques effectués dans divers pays. Les valeurs mesurées et calculées forment entre eux une fonction linéaire.
瓜类枯萎病是由尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum侵染引起,在全球大部分瓜类产区均有发生。该病已成为影响我国瓜类品质和产量的重要病害。本文从瓜类作物枯萎病的防治方法、致病机理和分子生物学研究等方面综述其研究现状,并对今后的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   
Discovering target and off-target effects of specific compounds is critical to drug discovery and development. We generated a compendium of "chemical-genetic interaction" profiles by testing the collection of viable yeast haploid deletion mutants for hypersensitivity to 82 compounds and natural product extracts. To cluster compounds with a similar mode-of-action and to reveal insights into the cellular pathways and proteins affected, we applied both a hierarchical clustering and a factorgram method, which allows a gene or compound to be associated with more than one group. In particular, tamoxifen, a breast cancer therapeutic, was found to disrupt calcium homeostasis and phosphatidylserine (PS) was recognized as a target for papuamide B, a cytotoxic lipopeptide with anti-HIV activity. Further, the profile of crude extracts resembled that of its constituent purified natural product, enabling detailed classification of extract activity prior to purification. This compendium should serve as a valuable key for interpreting cellular effects of novel compounds with similar activities.  相似文献   
VanderElst  IE; Datti  A 《Glycobiology》1998,8(7):731-740
The distribution of the Golgi enzyme beta1, 6-N- acetylglucosaminyltransferase (core 2 GlcNAc-T for short) has been investigated in several tissue and cell systems by combining the potentials of a polyclonal antibody and a novel, sensitive fluorescent enzyme assay. In normal rat tissues, levels of the protein were found to vary and as a general trend did not correlate with enzyme activities. Additionally, we observed tissue-specific core 2 GlcNAc-T forms of various size: 75 kDa (liver), 70 kDa (spleen), 60 kDA (heart), and 50 kDa (heart and lung). These forms might arise from differential protein modifications; alternatively, the smaller form may be a product of proteolytic cleavage, given the presence of a catalytically inactive 50 kDa species in rat serum. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO), MDAY-D2, PSA- 5E, and PYS-2 cell lines consistently displayed a 70 kDa enzyme. When induced to retrodifferentiate in the presence of butyrate + cholera toxin, CHO cells exhibited a 21-fold increase in enzyme activity, while protein levels remained constant. A similar trend was observed in the embryonal endoderm cell lines PSA-5E and PYS-2, where an approximately 100-fold difference in core 2 GlcNAc-T activity was found notwithstanding unchanged amounts of the protein and identical mRNA levels, as evidenced by RT-PCR. In contrast, levels of core 2 GlcNAc-T activity in MDAY-D2 cells correlated well with protein expression. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that core 2 GlcNAc-T expression may be subjected to multiple mechanisms of regulation and suggest that in at least some instances (i.e., PSA-5E and PYS-2 cells) expression may be regulated exclusively via posttranslational mechanism(s) of control.   相似文献   
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