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Cure of Helicobacter pylori in Children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report that glycolysis in human quiescent fibroblasts stimulated by serum addition is increased, and that the changes of the metabolic route reflect the activity of the phosphofructokinase. A possible role of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate as a positive modulator of the key enzyme is proposed.  相似文献   
Results of a seasonal study on biomass in an infralittoral population of Iridaea cordata from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) are reported. Thalli were collected during the IX Italian Antarctic Expedition (austral summer 1993–94). The population studied is that living at depths of 4 to 6 m, where the highest density of plants occurred. The highest value of biomass (wet weight 3440 g m–2) was found at the beginning of summer. In that period 72.5% of biomass was from 128 specimens belonging to weight classes 8 (>16 to 32 g) to 10 (>64 g), corresponding to 13.4% of the population in numbers. Small (<1 g) and medium (1 to 8 g) specimens provided the remaining biomass of 5% and 22.5%, respectively. During the month of January, the number of heavy specimens decreased. At the end of that month biomass reached a minimum of 2225 g m–2. In February the biomass increased to 3169 g m –2, 72% of which was from 120 specimens belonging to weight classes 7 (>8 to 16 g) to 9 (>32 to 64 g), which numerically represented 18.5% of the population. Data showed that biomass depended mainly on the presence of large heavy specimens, even though they were always few in number. Moreover, the occurrence of such large thalli at the beginning of summer suggests that Iridaea cordata continues to grow during the long antarctic winter.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization of a telomeric (TTA-GGG) n sequence to metaphases from three cases of ring chromosome, involving respectively chromosomes 4, 16, and 20, showed the presence of the cognate sequences in all three rings. To investigate whether these ring chromosomes originated by telomere-telomere fusion, we determined, by in situ hybridization, whether telomere-associated sequences and/or specific distal sequences were still present in the ring chromosomes. The finding that these sequences were preserved in all the ring chromosomes strongly indicates that they originated by telomere-telomere fusion. All three subjects carrying the ring chromosomes are affected by the so-called ring syndrome, with failure to thrive, minor dysmorphic signs and no major anomalies. The r(4) patient has the ring in mosaic form with a normal cell line and has normal intelligence. The r(16) and the r(20) patients have moderate mental retardation and suffer from seizures. We conclude that the ring syndrome, even in its more severe manifestation, is caused by ring chromosome instability.  相似文献   
Abstract The expression of nitrite reductase has been tested in a wild-type strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pao1) as a function of nitrate concentration under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Very low levels of basal expression are shown under non-denitrifying conditions (i.e. absence of nitrate, in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions); anaerobiosis is not required for high levels of enzyme production in the presence of nitrate. A Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain, mutated in the nitrite reductase gene, has been obtained by gene replacement. This mutant, the first of this species described up to now, is unable to grow under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate. The anaerobic growth can be restored by complementation with the wild-type gene.  相似文献   
We conducted visual fish surveys in coexisting mangrove-coral (CMC) habitats in Panama to analyze the effect of coral presence in mangrove habitats on the fish assemblage. Our study revealed that CMC habitats harbor distinct fish assemblages compared to mangrove habitats without coral, with greater species richness and increased herbivore abundance. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
A search with the proposed amino acid translation product from the new ‘candidate gene’ for human Menkes disease against protein sequence libraries showed a remarkable similarity to that for the cadmium efflux ATPase from Staphylococcus aureus resistance plasmids. The Menkes sequence appears closer to the CadA Cd2+ sequence than to P-type ATPases from animal sources. Menkes syndrome is an X-chromosome invariably fatal disease that results from abberant copper metabolism. The gene that is defective in Menkes patients, i.e. the Menkes candidate gene, encodes a P-type ATPase, whose properties satisfactorily explain the phenotype of the disease. P-type ATPases are all cation pumps, either for uptake (e.g. the bacterial Kdp K+ ATPase), for efflux (e.g. the muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase), or for cation exchange (e.g. the animal cell Na+/K+ ATPase). These enzymes have a conserved aspartate residue that is transiently phosphorylated from ATP during the transport cycle, hence the name ‘P-type’ ATPase. The Menkes sequence shares with the staphylococcal CadA ATPase those regions common to all P-type ATPases and also an N-terminal dithiol region that was proposed to be a ‘metal-binding motif’. There are one or two copies of this motif in the available CadA sequences and six copies in the Menkes sequence.  相似文献   
Development of the LLanos Orientales of Colombia, and access to underdeveloped areas in the Llanos, may create disease hazards to man and domestic animals or introduce exotic pathogens, creating reservoirs of infection for domestic animals and acting as limiting factors on the native wild species. A survey of wild animals common to the Llanos revealed a number of parasites indigenous to the area. A total total of 59 mammalian species, representing eight orders were examined. Haematozoa were represented by Trypanosoma cruzi, T. evansi and T. rangeli. Eight species of ticks were found: Amblyomma cajennense, A. auricularium, A. rotundatum, A. maculatum, A. longirostre, A. pacae, Ixodes luciae and Boophilus microplus. Four species of fleas were found: Rhopalopsyllus lugubris lugubris, R. australis tupinus, R. cacicus saevus and Polygenis klagesi samuelis. A species of Echinococcus was commonly found in Cuniculus paca. Serologic titers and/or isolations of pathogenic viral and bacterial agents generally indicated that the wildlife population had not been exposed to the diseases common to the domestic population. A low prevalence of titers to Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis was found in Cebus apella and Proechimys sp. Neutralizing antibodies to Group B viruses were found in Proechimys sp., Coendor sp. and Nectomys squamipes. Antibodies to Group C viruses were found in Proechimys sp. Serologic titers to Leptospira sejroe and L. tarassovi were found in Proechimys sp. and Didelphis marsupialis. L. tarassovi was isolated from Proechimys sp. Titers to Brucella were not found in 1964 animals. The significance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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