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Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a type-II membrane glycoprotein that was initially identified in LNCaP cells. It is expressed at elevated levels in prostate cancer. In view of the correlation between the expression levels of PSMA and disease grade and stage, PSMA is considered to be one of the most promising biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. In LNCaP cells PSMA undergoes internalization via clathrin-coated pits followed by accumulation in the endosomes. PSMA associates with different types of detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) along the secretory pathway. Its mature form is mainly insoluble in Lubrol WX, but does not associate with Triton X-100-DRMs. To understand the mechanism of PSMA internalization we investigated its association during internalization with DRMs. For this purpose, internalization was induced by antibody cross-linking. We demonstrate at the biochemical and cell biological levels that: [i] exclusively homodimers of PSMA are associated with Lubrol WX-DRMs, [ii] antibody-induced cross-linking of PSMA molecules results in a time-dependent partitioning into another DRMs type, namely Triton X-100-DRMs, and [iii] concomitant with its association with Triton-X-100-DRMs internalization of PSMA occurs along tubulin filaments. In a previous work (Colombatti et al. (2009) PLoS One 4: e4608) we demonstrated that the small GTPases RAS and RAC1 and the MAPKs p38 and ERK1/2 are activated during antibody cross-linking. As downstream effects of this activation we observed a strong induction of NF-kB associated with an increased expression of IL-6 and CCL5 genes and that IL-6 and CCL5 enhanced the proliferative potential of LNCaP cells synergistically. These observations together with findings reported here hypothesize a fundamental role of DRMs during activation of PSMA as platforms for trafficking, endocytosis and signalling. Understanding these mechanisms constitutes an essential prerequisite for utilization of PSMA as a therapeutically suitable target in prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Human sensory and motor systems provide the natural means for the exchange of information between individuals, and, hence, the basis for human civilization. The recent development of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) has provided an important element for the creation of brain-to-brain communication systems, and precise brain stimulation techniques are now available for the realization of non-invasive computer-brain interfaces (CBI). These technologies, BCI and CBI, can be combined to realize the vision of non-invasive, computer-mediated brain-to-brain (B2B) communication between subjects (hyperinteraction). Here we demonstrate the conscious transmission of information between human brains through the intact scalp and without intervention of motor or peripheral sensory systems. Pseudo-random binary streams encoding words were transmitted between the minds of emitter and receiver subjects separated by great distances, representing the realization of the first human brain-to-brain interface. In a series of experiments, we established internet-mediated B2B communication by combining a BCI based on voluntary motor imagery-controlled electroencephalographic (EEG) changes with a CBI inducing the conscious perception of phosphenes (light flashes) through neuronavigated, robotized transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), with special care taken to block sensory (tactile, visual or auditory) cues. Our results provide a critical proof-of-principle demonstration for the development of conscious B2B communication technologies. More fully developed, related implementations will open new research venues in cognitive, social and clinical neuroscience and the scientific study of consciousness. We envision that hyperinteraction technologies will eventually have a profound impact on the social structure of our civilization and raise important ethical issues.  相似文献   
Chromosomal restriction fragments of Corynebacterium ulcerans and C. diphtheriae, containing an integration site for corynephages of the beta family, show homology on Southern blots. Homologous DNA in also found in the soil isolate C. glutamicum, although this strain is not susceptible to beta-corynephages. Three of these DNA fragments, one for each bacterial strain, and a fragment of gamma-corynephage DNA previously shown to contain the phage integration site, were cloned and sequenced. Alignment of the 3 bacterial sequences shows a very high degree of homology in a stretch of ca 120 nucleotides, whereas the rest of the sequences is generally non-homologous. Within this common bacterial portion, a segment of ca. 96 nucleotides (core sequence) is also highly homologous to the phage sequence. The first half (ca. 50 bp) of the core sequence is identical in all aligned sequences whereas the second half, which is largely occupied by a stem-and-loop structure, contains point mutations peculiar to each clone. The described sequences are likely to be involved in phage integration/excision processes.  相似文献   
Using light and electron-microscopic immunolocalization techniques, and gel electrophoresis combined with immunoblotting, we have examined the expression of cytoskeletal proteins in normal human fetal, child and adult lenses, in human anterior capsular cataract and in bovine lens cells in vivo and in vitro. In this report, we focus our observations on the pattern of actin-isoform expression during normal and pathological situations in vivo and culture conditions. We have noted that cells of developing and mature human lenses as well as bovine lens cells in situ contain only beta- and gamma-actins. In contrast, alpha-smooth muscle (alpha-sm) actin, an isoform typical of smooth muscle differentiation, was demonstrated in bovine lens cells at different times of culture. Moreover, the multilayered cells observed in the subcapsular zone of human anterior capsular cataract were characterized by the presence of alpha-sm actin. Thus, extensive changes in actin-isoform expression take place in lens cells growing in culture and may also occur during cataractogenesis. The biological meaning of the appearance of a marker of myoid differentiation in the ectodermally derived lens-forming cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A study to evaluate and define the atmospheric pollen concentration in Trentino was carried out through the aerobiologic sampling in three localities chosen according to their different climatic conditions.1375 patients with pollinosis living in Trentino were studied retrospectively over the period ranging from 1986 to 1988 and selected according to the area they came from.Results have proved that the most allergenic pollen types are the following: Poaceae, Urticaceae (Parietaria), Compositae (Artemisia) and the tree pollen of Betulaceae and Corylaceae (Alnus, Betula, Corylus), and that pollinosis caused by such pollen, types has different features and frequencies according to the different localities.As far as symptoms are concerned, our data shows that rhinoconjuntivitis is more frequent in those patients who are allergic toParietaria while asthma results being more frequent in patients who are allergic to tree pollen.  相似文献   
1. l-Glutamate decarboxylase (EC from Clostridium perfringens was inactivated by exposure to visible light at pH6.2. 2. Inactivation does not occur at pH4.6 or in the absence of bound pyridoxal phosphate. 3. On prolonged photo-oxidation six histidine residues per molecule of enzyme were destroyed. 4. The loss of six cysteine residues per molecule occurred both in irradiated samples and in controls oxygenated in the dark. 5. This dark-oxidation of cysteine residues is apparently required before the photo-oxidation process. 6. The absorbance, fluorescence and circular-dichroism properties of the enzyme as well as its elution volume during Sephadex gel-filtration were unaffected by prolonged irradiation. 7. However, an apparently homogeneous product of photo-oxidation could be separated from the control enzyme by ion-exchange chromatography. 8. The K(m) for l-glutamate was unchanged in an irradiated sample retaining 22% of control activity. 9. These data and the catalytic role of imidazole residues at the active sites of amino acid decarboxylases are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In the Gasserian ganglion and testis of the rat the endothelium of the small blood vessels has a singular appearance due to the presence of a high number of microvillous processes. These arise from the luminal surface, either individually, or in small groups. The significance of this structure is not known. It is pointed out that these vessels are particularly sensitive to cadmium intoxication.This investigation was performed during a tenure by Dr. Gabbiani of a fellowship of the Medical Research Council of Canada and was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant No. 5R01 HE-08794-04) and the Ministère de la Santé du Québec (projet 604-7-635).The authors wish to thank Dr. S. M. Shea for his advice in the measurement of the villi. The technical assistance of Miss Virginia Gilmore and of Mr. Eduardo Garriga is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Summary The level reached by the optimization of the polarity distances during the evolution of the genetic code was investigated. The results, although not conclusive, indicate that this optimization level is higher than the data reported in the literature. The results seem compatible with the reaching of an evolutionary minimum, with respect to the optimization of the polarity distances, by the genetic code during its formation.  相似文献   
TR81 is a specificity closely related to or identical with DR3. In Caucasoids two amino acids, Tyr at position 26 and Arg at position 74 of HLA class II DR chains, have been found to be associated with the presence of TR81. Recently, a variant of DRBI *03 identified in American Blacks has been shown to possess Arg at position 74 but Phe at position 26. This codon combination is found to be present in four other cell lines where it still specifies the TR81 determinant. This suggests that the TR81 specificity is uniquely dependent on the presence of Arg at position 74.  相似文献   
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