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The human cytomegalovirus major immediate-early 86-kDa protein (IE2 86) plays an important role in the trans activation and regulation of HCMV gene expression. Previously, we demonstrated that IE2 86 contains three regions (amino acids [aa] 86 to 135, 136 to 290, and 291 to 364) that can independently bind to in vitro-translated Rb when IE2 86 is produced as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein (M. H. Sommer, A. L. Scully, and D. H. Spector, J. Virol. 68:6223-6231, 1994). In this report, we have elucidated the regions of Rb involved in binding to IE2 86 and have further analyzed the functional nature of the interaction between these two proteins. We find that two domains on Rb, the A/B pocket and the carboxy terminus, can each independently form a complex with IE2 86. In functional assays, we demonstrate that IE2 86 and another IE protein, IE1 72, can counter the enlarged flat cell phenotype, but not the G1/S block, which results from expression of wild-type Rb in the human osteosarcoma cell line Saos-2. Mutational analysis reveals that there are two domains on IE2 86 that can independently affect Rb function. One region (aa 241 to 369) includes the major Rb-binding domain, while the second maps to the amino-terminal region (aa 1 to 85) common to both IE2 86 and IE1 72. These data show that Rb and IE2 86 physically and functionally interact with each other via at least two separate domains and provide further support for the hypothesis that IE2 86 may exert its pleiotropic effects through the formation of multimeric protein complexes.  相似文献   
Human lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from WI-L2 exhibit unexpected frequencies of diaminopurine (DAP) resistant mutants. The background mutant fractions of 10(-7) to 10(-8) in untreated cultures are much lower than the frequencies expected for loss of a heterozygous autosomal locus (10(-5) to 10(-6), yet much higher than expected for a homozygous locus (10(-10) to 10(-12). We used aminopterin, adenine and thymidine (AAT) to select DAP-sensitive (DAPS) revertants from one resistant line. The background frequency of DAPR in these revertant cell lines ranged from 3.5 to 6.5 x 10(-4), approximately the square root of 10(-7). Thus these data suggest that both alleles of aprt are inactivated at similarly high frequencies. They also indicate that the DAPS revertants were heterozygotes (aprt +/-) or hemizygotes (aprt +/0) and that WI-L2 was homozygous (aprt+/+). Mutational dose-response studies with X-rays, ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), and ICR-191 were conducted in 4 of these revertant cell lines. EMS and ICR-191, which induce mainly point mutations, did not induce an increase in mutant fraction. A dose of 200 cGy X-rays, however, induced a frequency of 10(-3). Treatment of DAPR cells with 5-azacytidine induced a significant increase in reversion to DAPS. Southern blot analysis of the aprt gene after digestion with MspI or HpaII also suggests that differential methylation changes may play a major role in the generation of DAP sensitivity and resistance.  相似文献   
For a study of the excitatory effect of kainate, glutamate, and aspartate in the goldfish optic tectum, these substances were tested on the production of CO2 from radioactive glucose in tectal slices incubated in Krebs-Ringer medium for fish. Kainate increased the rate of CO2 production for up to 30 min in a dose-related manner, the effect being maximum at 0.1 mM concentration and decreasing at higher doses. The effect was blocked by ouabain (1 mM) as well as by the substitution of choline for Na+ in the incubation medium. Glutamate and aspartate exerted a less pronounced excitatory effect on CO2 production at higher concentration than kainate. This effect was also abolished by ouabain. Glutamate, added to the medium at a concentration at least 100-fold higher than kainate, partially reversed the increase in CO2 production induced by kainic acid. No similar effect was noticed for aspartate. The supposed glutamate antagonists glutamic acid diethylester (1 mM) and proline (5 mM) did not affect the excitatory action of kainic acid or exert an antagonistic effect towards glutamate. At higher concentration (10 mM) glutamic acid diethylester increased CO2 production, an effect that was, however, ouabain insensitive. Methyltetrahydrofolic acid (1 mM), a substance reported to compete for the kainate receptor, did not inhibit the effect of kainic acid or increase CO2 production.  相似文献   
Lymphocytes from an extensively transfused patient with aplastic anemia were induced to cytotoxicity against target cells from several HLA-matched siblings by in vitro stimulation with allogeneic cells. Effective stimulating cells shared HLA-B7 with the patient, but not all B7 individuals were effective. An additional factor, which was found to segregate in both the patient's and an unrelated sibship, was also necessary. Segregation of this minor alloantigen, W, was also revealed among the patient's HLA-matched sibs by differential susceptibility to lysis by effectors from the patient. The ratio of six positive to four negative siblings suggests that the antigen difference might be coded by a single locus. Lymphocytes from a normal sib, who like the patient is lacking the minor antigen, could not be induced to cytotoxicity against positive targets. Thus in vivo sensitization of the donor of the responding cells appears to be necessary for the demonstration of the cytotoxic response to the minor antigen in vitro. No correlation was observed between the segregation pattern of W and of known blood group antigens, and no cytotoxic antibody to W was detected in the patient's serum in several trials.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - Tc thymus dependent cells capable of mediating cytotoxicity in the absence of Immoral antibody - GVHD graft versus host disease - CML cell mediated lympholysis - MLC unidirectional mixed lymphocyte culture - ADCC antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity  相似文献   
Summary The dnaP strains of Bacillus subtilis are altered in the initiation of DNA replication at high temperature (Riva et al., 1975). Fine mapping of the gene shows that it is located very close to the dnaF gene, described by Karamata and Gross (1970) and mapped by Love et al. (1976) in the polC region. The phenotype of both mutants is indistinguishable: the DNA synthesis stops at non permissive temperature after synthesizing an amount of DNA equivalent to the completion of the rounds of replication already initiated; at permissive temperature they are abnormally sensitive to MMS and are reduced in the ability to be transformed. Both mutants are to be considered as belonging to the dnaF locus.The dnaF gene is very close to the polC gene, which specifies the DNA polymerase III of B. subtilis. The DNA polymerase III of the dnaF mutants is not temperature sensitive in vitro, however, the level of this enzyme is lower by a factor of 4 or 5 in the dnaF mutants, at the permissive temperature. Following shift of dnaF cultures to the non permissive temperature, the level of DNA polymerase III activity specifically decreases further by a factor of at least 10 in the mutant, whereas the DNA polymerase I level is unaffected.The possible roles of the dnaF gene in the control of the cellular level of the DNA polymerase III, and the possibility of a regulatory role of DNA polymerase III in the initiation of DNA replication in bacteria are discussed.Abbreviations and symbols HPUra 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil; mic, minimum inhibitory concentration - MMS methyl-methanesufonate - Pol I Pol II and Pol III: DNA polymerase I, II and III respectively - PCMB parachloro-mercuri-benzoate  相似文献   
A simple and reproducible procedure is described which allows the fast and almost quantitative removal of DNA polymerases I and II from DNA polymerase III, in crude extracts of polA+ strains of Bacillus subtilis. The procedure entails streptomycin sulfate and ammonium sulfate fractionations; subsequent analysis of the partially purified preparation by G-200 chromatography, DEAE cellulose chromatography and density gradient sedimentation, shows that the ammonium sulfate fraction contains less than 5% of the total activity as DNA polymerase I and less than 2% as DNA polymerase II. The purification procedure, up to the ammonium sulfate step, was utilized for the analysis of the level of DNA polymerase III in several B. subtilis mutants, with results comparable to those obtained from the corresponding polA- strains following more cumbersome purification procedures. The M.W. of the purified form is of 227.000, somewhat greater than the published values. The early fractions of the purification have revealed the existence of a form with a M.W. of 426.000; the nature of this form, which has been observed in several instances and which is very unstable and short-lived, is under investigation.  相似文献   
We have exploited a recently characterized system of rat thyroid epithelial cells transformed by the wild-type (wt) and a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant strain of the Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (Ki-MSV) in order to study the effects of the K-ras oncogene on the gene expression of differentiated thyroid epithelial cells. By using cDNAs isolated from normal thyroid glands as probes, we were able to identify three sets of cellular sequences whose expression is influenced by the v-K-ras oncogene. The first set of genes is irreversibly repressed by transformation with both the wt and the ts viruses. The second set of genes is repressed in the ts-Ki-MSV-transformed cells but not in the same cells grown at the nonpermissive temperature. A third set of genes is present at higher levels at the nonpermissive temperature than at the permissive temperature. This system has allowed us to isolate and characterize a number of cDNA clones belonging to each of these three sets of genes. These specific cDNAs are suitable probes to study phenotypical changes during transformation of epithelial cells.  相似文献   
We have used cytokine protein array to analyze the secretion of cytokines from an osteoblastic clone derived from human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) cultured in an osteogenic differentiation medium. The analysis demonstrated the unexpected ability of osteoblast committed cells and their early progenitors to produce significant amounts of a range of soluble immune mediators without in vitro exposure to clinically relevant bacterial pathogens. The cells were expanded and their osteogenic potential analyzed over 45 days of culture was revealed by the expression of osteoblast-specific markers (alkaline phosphatase and Runx2), and by matrix mineralization. Over this culture period, the cells secreted particularly high levels of IL-8, MCP-1 and VEGF, but did not express IL-2, IL-7, IL-17, eotaxin, G-CSF and IFN-gamma. These findings should encourage the use of human umbilical cord blood as a potential stem cells source for bone regeneration.  相似文献   
The proteasome plays a pivotal role in the turnover of regulatory transduction proteins induced by activated cell membrane growth factor receptors. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway is crucial in the development and progression of human epithelial cancers. Proteasome inhibition may sensitize human cancer cell lines to EGFR inhibitors. We investigated the growth inhibitory and pro-apoptotic effects of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in combination with anti-EGFR drugs, such as gefitinib, vandetanib, and cetuximab in EGFR-expressing human cancer cell lines. Bortezomib determined dose-dependent growth inhibition in a nine cancer cell line panel (IC(50) values, range 6-42 nM). A significant synergistic growth inhibitory effect was observed with the combination of bortezomib and each EGFR inhibitor in all cell lines (combination index, CI, range 0.10-0.55), which was accompanied by a significant induction in apoptosis by the combined treatment with bortezomib, cetuximab and vandetanib. In HCT-116 colon cancer and A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells, bortezomib plus EGFR inhibitor treatment induced a more effective inhibition of EGFR-activated down-stream signals, including a marked suppression in activated, phosphorylated Akt (P-Akt). In contrast, overexpression of a constitutively active P-Akt protected A549 cells by cell growth inhibition and apoptosis following treatment with bortezomib and EGFR inhibitors. The combined treatment with bortezomib and EGFR inhibitors has a synergistic growth inhibitory and pro-apoptotic activity in different human cancer cells which possess a functional EGFR-dependent autocrine growth pathway through to a more efficient and sustained inhibition of Akt.  相似文献   
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