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Apoptosis is crucial for the normal development of multicellular organisms and is also important for clearing injured cells, such as virus-infected cells or cancer cells. Defective regulation of apoptosis may contribute to viral pathogenesis and aetiology of cancer. Apoptosis of injured cells is principally triggered by the immune system through cytokines such as Fas-ligand and TNF-alpha. Thus, one of the functions of a viral oncogene, such as SV40T-antigen, may be to inhibit cytokine-mediated apoptosis. We previously demonstrated that Fas-mediated apoptosis of hepatocytes is blocked by the wild-type SV40T-antigen during hepatocarcinogenesis. We determined whether this inhibition was directly related to the T-antigen or whether it is a secondary event of cell transformation, by generating transgenic mice expressing a non-transforming T-antigen mutant able to bind endogenous p53 in the liver. This T-antigen mutant cannot induce hepatocarcinoma, unlike the wild-type T-antigen. However, like the wild-type T-antigen, the mutant was a potent inhibitor of apoptosis induced by the Fas-receptor, but not by the TNF-receptor. Therefore, SV40T-antigen has a new property; the inhibition of Fas-mediated apoptosis, which could facilitate the emergence of transformed hepatocytes, but is not sufficient to induce it.  相似文献   
Pickering, Gisèle P., Nicole Fellmann, BéatriceMorio, Patrick Ritz, Aimé Amonchot, Michel Vermorel, and JeanCoudert. Effects of endurance training on the cardiovascularsystem and water compartments in elderly subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1300-1306, 1997.Theeffects of endurance training on the water compartments and thecardiovascular system were determined in 10 elderly subjects [age62 ± 2 yr, pretraining maximal oxygen consumption(O2 max)/kg = 25 ± 2 ml · min1 · kg1body wt]. They trained on a cycloergometer 3 times/wk for 16 wk(50-80%O2 max,then 80-85%O2 max). They werechecked at 8 wk, 16 wk, and 4 mo after detraining. Training improvedO2 max (+16%) andinduced plasma volume expansion (+11%). No change in total body water,extracellular fluid, interstitial and intracellular fluid volumes,fat-free mass, and body weight was detected in this small sample withtraining. Body fat mass decreased (2.1 ± 2.2 kg).Echocardiography at rest showed increased fractional shortening andejection fraction and decreased left ventricular end-systolic dimension(P < 0.05). Blood volume expansioncorrelates with cardiac contractility and has an impact on cardiacfunction. These improvements are precarious, however, and arecompletely lost after 4 mo of detraining, when elderly subjects losethe constraints and the social stimulation of the imposed protocol.

Elementary chemical composition in carbon, hydrogen and nitrogenof the Pontellid Copepod Pontella mediterranea was studied on148 males and 146 females from automnal populations of the gulfof Marseilles, which are the last annual generations. Data arecompared to those obtained from spring and summer. The increasein animal weight from the last generations is greater in femalesthan males. The dry weight ratio of females against males is1.6 while it is only 1.4 in the previous generations. At theend of the natural biological cycle, C:N ratio shows a lightbut significant difference between males and females. The valuesof C:N ratio remain close to 3.4, which means that the observedincrease of animal weight on the last generations mainly proceedsfrom an increase in protein compounds.  相似文献   


The gene YCL047C, which has been renamed promoter of filamentation gene (POF1), has recently been described as a cell component involved in yeast filamentous growth. The objective of this work is to understand the molecular and biological function of this gene.


Here, we report that the protein encoded by the POF1 gene, Pof1p, is an ATPase that may be part of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein quality control pathway. According to the results, Δpof1 cells showed increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, heat shock and protein unfolding agents, such as dithiothreitol and tunicamycin. Besides, the overexpression of POF1 suppressed the sensitivity of Δpct1, a strain that lacks a gene that encodes a phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase, to heat shock. In vitro analysis showed, however, that the purified Pof1p enzyme had no cytidylyltransferase activity but does have ATPase activity, with catalytic efficiency comparable to other ATPases involved in endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of proteins (ERAD). Supporting these findings, co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed a physical interaction between Pof1p and Ubc7p (an ubiquitin conjugating enzyme) in vivo.


Taken together, the results strongly suggest that the biological function of Pof1p is related to the regulation of protein degradation.


Tsetse flies are vectors of African trypanosomes, protozoan parasites that cause sleeping sickness (or human African trypanosomosis) in humans and nagana (or animal African trypanosomosis) in livestock. In addition to trypanosomes, four symbiotic bacteria Wigglesworthia glossinidia, Sodalis glossinidius, Wolbachia, Spiroplasma and one pathogen, the salivary gland hypertrophy virus (SGHV), have been reported in different tsetse species. We evaluated the prevalence and coinfection dynamics between Wolbachia, trypanosomes, and SGHV in four tsetse species (Glossina palpalis gambiensis, G. tachinoides, G. morsitans submorsitans, and G. medicorum) that were collected between 2008 and 2015 from 46 geographical locations in West Africa, i.e. Burkina Faso, Mali, Ghana, Guinea, and Senegal.


The results indicated an overall low prevalence of SGHV and Wolbachia and a high prevalence of trypanosomes in the sampled wild tsetse populations. The prevalence of all three infections varied among tsetse species and sample origin. The highest trypanosome prevalence was found in Glossina tachinoides (61.1%) from Ghana and in Glossina palpalis gambiensis (43.7%) from Senegal. The trypanosome prevalence in the four species from Burkina Faso was lower, i.e. 39.6% in Glossina medicorum, 18.08%; in Glossina morsitans submorsitans, 16.8%; in Glossina tachinoides and 10.5% in Glossina palpalis gambiensis. The trypanosome prevalence in Glossina palpalis gambiensis was lowest in Mali (6.9%) and Guinea (2.2%). The prevalence of SGHV and Wolbachia was very low irrespective of location or tsetse species with an average of 1.7% for SGHV and 1.0% for Wolbachia. In some cases, mixed infections with different trypanosome species were detected. The highest prevalence of coinfection was Trypanosoma vivax and other Trypanosoma species (9.5%) followed by coinfection of T. congolense with other trypanosomes (7.5%). The prevalence of coinfection of T. vivax and T. congolense was (1.0%) and no mixed infection of trypanosomes, SGHV and Wolbachia was detected.


The results indicated a high rate of trypanosome infection in tsetse wild populations in West African countries but lower infection rate of both Wolbachia and SGHV. Double or triple mixed trypanosome infections were found. In addition, mixed trypanosome and SGHV infections existed however no mixed infections of trypanosome and/or SGHV with Wolbachia were found.
A bee colony is often compared to a multicellular organism, mainly because of its spatial organization. We propose that a temporal organization of equal importance is also present. To support this view, we studied the reproductive processes of two closely related species of stingless bees. Stingless bees enable observations of daily rhythms that are performed by distinct social classes. The emergent process, POP, is cyclic and consists of the building and provisioning of brood cells by the worker bees and egg‐laying by the queen. Colonies were kept in the laboratory under constant conditions with the exit tube opening to the environment; thus, foragers had direct access to environmental cycles. At a later stage of the experiment, the exit tube was closed by a sieve; in this case, bees had their own stock of food, but the environmental LD cycle could still be detected when they were inside the exit tube. Daily POP rhythms were present and showed distinct temporal patterns in each species. A third condition was imposed on one of the species only: the exit tube was closed by a sieve and maintained inside a box that was provided with constant illumination. In this colony, the POP rhythm was perturbed by the destruction of the brood cells. Restoration of POP consisted of a rapid reconstruction of cells followed by a late oviposition in the same day. As different rhythmic patterns were detected, but showed regular timings with respect to one another, an interpretation based upon the concept of an internal temporal order is suggested.  相似文献   
Hydrobiologia - Biological invasions and climate change are important drivers of biodiversity loss. In freshwater ecosystems, golden and zebra mussels are two highly aggressive invasive species...  相似文献   
Plants are subject to attack by a wide range of phytopathogens. Current pathogen detection methods and technologies are largely constrained to those occurring post‐symptomatically. Recent efforts were made to generate plant sentinels (phytosensors) that can be used for sensing and reporting pathogen contamination in crops. Engineered phytosensors indicating the presence of plant pathogens as early‐warning sentinels potentially have tremendous utility as wide‐area detectors. We previously showed that synthetic promoters containing pathogen and/or defence signalling inducible cis‐acting regulatory elements (RE) fused to a fluorescent protein (FP) reporter could detect phytopathogenic bacteria in a transient phytosensing system. Here, we further advanced this phytosensing system by developing stable transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants containing candidate constructs. The inducibility of each synthetic promoter was examined in response to biotic (bacterial pathogens) or chemical (plant signal molecules salicylic acid, ethylene and methyl jasmonate) treatments using stably transgenic plants. The treated plants were visualized using epifluorescence microscopy and quantified using spectrofluorometry for FP synthesis upon induction. Time‐course analyses of FP synthesis showed that both transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants were capable to respond in predictable ways to pathogen and chemical treatments. These results provide insights into the potential applications of transgenic plants as phytosensors and the implementation of emerging technologies for monitoring plant disease outbreaks in agricultural fields.  相似文献   
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