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The proteasome plays a pivotal role in the turnover of regulatory transduction proteins induced by activated cell membrane growth factor receptors. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway is crucial in the development and progression of human epithelial cancers. Proteasome inhibition may sensitize human cancer cell lines to EGFR inhibitors. We investigated the growth inhibitory and pro-apoptotic effects of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in combination with anti-EGFR drugs, such as gefitinib, vandetanib, and cetuximab in EGFR-expressing human cancer cell lines. Bortezomib determined dose-dependent growth inhibition in a nine cancer cell line panel (IC(50) values, range 6-42 nM). A significant synergistic growth inhibitory effect was observed with the combination of bortezomib and each EGFR inhibitor in all cell lines (combination index, CI, range 0.10-0.55), which was accompanied by a significant induction in apoptosis by the combined treatment with bortezomib, cetuximab and vandetanib. In HCT-116 colon cancer and A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells, bortezomib plus EGFR inhibitor treatment induced a more effective inhibition of EGFR-activated down-stream signals, including a marked suppression in activated, phosphorylated Akt (P-Akt). In contrast, overexpression of a constitutively active P-Akt protected A549 cells by cell growth inhibition and apoptosis following treatment with bortezomib and EGFR inhibitors. The combined treatment with bortezomib and EGFR inhibitors has a synergistic growth inhibitory and pro-apoptotic activity in different human cancer cells which possess a functional EGFR-dependent autocrine growth pathway through to a more efficient and sustained inhibition of Akt.  相似文献   
Identification of driver mutations in lung adenocarcinoma has led to development of targeted agents that are already approved for clinical use or are in clinical trials. Therefore, the number of biomarkers that will be needed to assess is expected to rapidly increase. This calls for the implementation of methods probing the mutational status of multiple genes for inoperable cases, for which limited cytological or bioptic material is available. Cytology specimens from 38 lung adenocarcinomas were subjected to the simultaneous assessment of 504 mutational hotspots of 22 lung cancer-associated genes using 10 nanograms of DNA and Ion Torrent PGM next-generation sequencing. Thirty-six cases were successfully sequenced (95%). In 24/36 cases (67%) at least one mutated gene was observed, including EGFR, KRAS, PIK3CA, BRAF, TP53, PTEN, MET, SMAD4, FGFR3, STK11, MAP2K1. EGFR and KRAS mutations, respectively found in 6/36 (16%) and 10/36 (28%) cases, were mutually exclusive. Nine samples (25%) showed concurrent alterations in different genes. The next-generation sequencing test used is superior to current standard methodologies, as it interrogates multiple genes and requires limited amounts of DNA. Its applicability to routine cytology samples might allow a significant increase in the fraction of lung cancer patients eligible for personalized therapy.  相似文献   
Allergy to citrus fruits is often associated with pollinosis and sensitization to other plants due to a phenomenon of cross-reactivity. The aims of the present study were to highlight the cross-reactivity among citrus and the major allergenic pollens/fruits, throughout clinical and molecular investigations, and to evaluate the sensitization frequency to citrus fruits in a population of children and adults with pollinosis. We found a relevant percentage of sensitisation (39%) to citrus fruits in the patients recruited and in all of them the IgE-mediated mechanism has been confirmed by the positive response to the prick-to-prick test. RT-PCR experiments showed the expression of Cit s 1, Cit s 3 and a profilin isoform, already described in apple, also in Citrus clementine pollen. Data of multiple sequence alignments demonstrated that Citrus allergens shared high percentage identity values with other clinically relevant species (i.e. Triticum aestivum, Malus domestica), confirming the possible cross-allergenicity citrus/grasses and citrus/apple. Finally, a novelty of the present work has been the expression of two phospholipaseA2 isoforms (PLA2 α and β) in Citrus as well as in Triticum pollens; being PLA2 able to generate pro-inflammatory factors, this enzyme could participate in the activation of the allergenic inflammatory cascade.  相似文献   
The adaptation of translocated organisms to a new environment in the first years after their release is crucial in translocation programs because it may affect survival and reproductive success. Therefore, identifying the factors determining resource selection by the relocated animals is essential to improve the planning and the outcome of such programs. Using data collected in 2006–2009 in the framework of a restocking program, we studied the temporal variation of habitat selection in 14 translocated Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) during the year of their release and the following 3 years. We hypothesized a progressive adaptation of the translocated individuals, highlighted by a gradual decrease in the dissimilarities between translocated and resident individuals in ecological characteristics and social behavior. We tested the differences in habitat selection and home range size between the translocated and resident individuals and compared the spatial overlap between the groups. As expected, the dissimilarities decreased annually. The translocated and resident ibex almost immediately selected the same habitat resources, but the translocated individuals required 3 years to become fully socially assimilated. Our results indicated that habitat selection by gregarious species in a new environment is primarily driven by specific ecological requirements and that sociality plays a significant role. The translocated individuals tended to colonize areas already occupied by residents, either to fulfill social requirements and/or because the location of resident individuals may indicate high-quality habitat. This pattern of behavior must be considered in the planning of translocation programs because habitat selection can affect the outcomes of the programs. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The symbiotic phenotype of five Tn5-induced mutants of Rhizobium etli affected in different anabolic pathways (namely, gluconeogenesis and biosynthesis of lysine, purine, or pyrimidine) was analyzed. These mutants induced, on the root of Phaseolus vulgaris, a normal early sequence of morphogenetics events, including root hair deformation and development of nodule primordia. Later on, however, from the resulting root outgrowths, instead of nodules, one or more ectopic roots (spaced closely related and agravitropic) emerged. Therefore, this group of mutant was collectively called "root inducer" (RIND). It was observed that the RIND-induced infection threads aborted early inside the invaded root hair, and that the resulting abortive nodules lack induction of late nodulin genes. Moreover, experiments performed using a conditional mutant (a methionine-requiring invader) revealed that bacterial invasion plays a key role in the maintenance of the program of nodule development and, in particular, in the differentiation of the most specific symbiotic tissue of globose nodules, the central tissue. These data indicate that, in P. vulgaris, the nodule primordium is a root-specified pro-meristematic tissue.  相似文献   
Ingested fat releases CCK, causes gastric relaxation, delays gastric emptying, and limits meal size; however, the mechanistic link among these actions has not been established. Fatty acid release of CCK is chain-length sensitive; dodecanoic acid (C12) induces greater CCK release than decanoic acid (C10). The effect of C12 or C10 on tolerance to subsequent intragastric infusion of liquid was determined in healthy subjects, with and without the CCK(1) receptor antagonist dexloxiglumide. Gastric wall relaxation after either fatty acid was assessed by graded volume distension and by barostat; gastric emptying was measured by gastric aspiration and by a [(13)C]octanoic acid breath technique. C12 released more CCK (mean plasma CCK after vehicle, 4.7 +/- 0.8 pM; C10, 4.8 +/- 0.3 pM; C12, 8 +/- 1.2 pM; P < 0.05 C12 vs. C10 or vehicle) and reduced the volume of water (and of 5 and 25% glucose solutions) delivered at maximum tolerance compared with C10 or vehicle (volume of water tolerated after vehicle, 1,535 +/- 164 ml; C10, 1,335 +/- 160 ml; C12, 842 +/- 103 ml; P < 0.05 C12 vs. C10 or vehicle); this effect was abolished by dexloxiglumide. Intragastric volumes were always similar at the limit of tolerance, and, whereas gastric relaxation occurred to similar degrees after the fatty acids, its duration was longer after C12, which also induced a longer delay in half-gastric emptying [t(1/2)(min) after vehicle, 53 +/- 2; C10, 67 +/- 3; C12, 88 +/- 7; P < 0.05 C12 vs. C10 or vehicle]. In conclusion, ingestion of a CCK-releasing fatty acid reduces the tolerated volume of liquid delivered into the stomach, primarily via a CCK(1) receptor-mediated delay in gastric emptying.  相似文献   
Allergic reactions to vespid stings are one of the major causes of IgE-mediated anaphylaxis. Vespa and Vespula venoms are closely related; Polistes venom is more distantly related and its allergens are less well studied. There is limited cross-reactivity between Polistes and the other vespid venoms because of differences in the epitopes on the allergen molecules.In this study, the major allergens of Polistes gallicus are isolated and characterized. P. gallicus venom contains four major allergens: phospholipase, antigen 5 (Ag5), hyaluronidase and protease that were characterized by mass spectrometry and specific binding to IgE. The complete amino acid sequence of Ag5 and the sequence of the N-terminal region of phospholipase were also determined. The alignment of Ag5 from P. gallicus (European species) and Polistes annularis (American species) shows an 85% identity that increases to 98% within the same subgenus. This could suggest the presence of specific epitopes on Ag5 molecule being the variations on the superficial loops. The features of the P. gallicus allergens could explain the partial cross-reactivity found between the American and European Polistes venoms, and suggest that the use of European Polistes venoms would improve the diagnostic specificity and the therapy of European patients and of North American patients sensitized by European Polistes.  相似文献   
The peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) cyclophilin A (Cpr1p) is conserved from eubacteria to mammals, yet its biological function has resisted elucidation. Unable to identify a phenotype that is suggestive of Cpr1p's function in a cpr1Delta Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, we screened for CPR1-dependent strains. In all cases, dependence was conferred by mutations in ZPR1, a gene encoding an essential zinc finger protein. CPR1 dependence was suppressed by overexpression of EF1alpha (a translation factor that binds Zpr1p), Cpr6p (another cyclophilin), or Fpr1p (a structurally unrelated PPIase). Suppression by a panel of cyclophilin A mutants correlated with PPIase activity, confirming the relevance of this activity in CPR1-dependent strains. In CPR1(+) cells, wild-type Zpr1p was distributed equally between the nucleus and cytoplasm. In contrast, proteins encoded by CPR1-dependent alleles of ZPR1 accumulated in the nucleus, as did wild-type Zpr1p in cpr1Delta cells. Transport kinetic studies indicated that nuclear export of Zpr1p was defective in cpr1Delta cells, and rescue of this defect correlated with PPIase activity. Our results demonstrate a functional interaction between Cpr1p, Zpr1p, and EF1alpha, a role for Cpr1p in Zpr1p nuclear export, and a biological function for Cpr1p PPIase activity.  相似文献   
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