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We have made a preliminary analysis of the results about the effects on tumoral cell line (lymphoid T cell line Jurkat) induced by UVB radiation (dose of 310 mJ/cm2) with and without a vegetable mixture. In the present study, we have used two techniques: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and flow cytometry. FTIR spectroscopy has the potential to provide the identification of the vibrational modes of some of the major compounds (lipid, proteins and nucleic acids) without being invasive in the biomaterials. The second technique has allowed us to perform measurements of cytotoxicity and to assess the percentage of apoptosis. We already studied the induction of apoptotic process in the same cell line by UVB radiation; in particular, we looked for correspondences and correlations between FTIR spetroscopy and flow cytometry data finding three highly probable spectroscopic markers of apoptosis (Pozzi et al. in Radiat Res 168:698–705, 2007). In the present work, the results have shown significant changes in the absorbance and spectral pattern in the wavenumber protein and nucleic acids regions after the treatments.  相似文献   
An ad hoc bioconjugation/fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay has been designed to spectroscopically monitor the quaternary state of human thymidylate synthase dimeric protein. The approach enables the chemoselective engineering of allosteric residues while preserving the native protein functions through reversible masking of residues within the catalytic site, and is therefore suitable for activity/oligomerization dual assay screenings. It is applied to tag the two subunits of human thymidylate synthase at cysteines 43 and 43′ with an excitation energy donor/acceptor pair. The dimer–monomer equilibrium of the enzyme is then characterized through steady‐state fluorescence determination of the intersubunit resonance energy transfer efficiency.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to determine whether the recordingof chemosensory evoked potentials (CSEP) in healthy subjects(n = 11) can be helpful in differentiating the olfactory ortrigeminal component possessed by odorants. By recording fromseveral positions on the surface of the skull it was attemptedto ascertain whether different generators are responsible forCSEP associated with the different sensory components of odorants.Birhinal stimulation was used in order to establish an interactionbetween the stimulated side and the stimulated sensory channel.The four substances carbon dioxide, menthol, hydrogen sulphideand vanillin were tested. EEG was recorded from eight positions. The CSEPs' topographical distribution revealed differences inthe location of maximum amplitudes following stimulation withdifferent types of stimulants. Largest amplitudes always appearedat the vertex when trigeminal stimulants (menthol, carbon dioxide)were presented, whereas olfactory substances (vanillin, hydrogensulphide) elicited maximal amplitudes at parietal and centralsites. This suggests that at least two neuronal populationsare involved in the cortical generation of CSEP. Another interestingfinding was that the evoked potentials differed in relationto the stimulated side. Generally, responses to carbon dioxide,menthol and hydrogen sulphide had shorter latencies and smalleramplitudes after stimulation of the left nostril. In contrast,after stimulation with vanillin latencies were shorter and amplitudestended to be smaller after stimulation of the right side. Sincevanillin was the only substance which always evoked pleasantand positive associations, it was assumed that the differencesin CSEP after stimulation of the two nostrils are related tothe different processing of emotional information within thetwo hemispheres.  相似文献   
Analysis of fluorescence quenching of ribosome-bound virginiamycin S   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two virginiamycin components VM and VS interact synergistically with bacterial ribosomes in vitro and in vivo. Ribosome affinity for virginiamycin S increases about 10-fold upon incubation with virginiamycin M. This effect has been previously traced by spectrofluorimetric measurement based on the enhancement of virginiamycin S fluorescence upon its binding to the 50 S ribosomal subunit. In the present work the action of two virginiamycin S fluorescence quenchers, acrylamide and iodide, has been explored to gather information about the accessibility of ribosome-bound virginiamycin S and the variation of the accessibility level in the presence of virginiamycin M. Both acrylamide (non-ionized quencher) and iodide (ionized quencher) proved powerful quenchers of free virginiamycin S solutions. Since a comparable effect was obtained on 3- hydroxypicolinamide , the latter was indicated as the part of the molecule involved in the fluorescence effect. Fluorescence quenching by either agent was of the dynamic, i.e. collisional, type. Such an inference was based on the fact that these quenchers merely modified the emission spectrum (not the absorption spectrum), the bimolecular rate constant for the quenching process decreased linearly with the viscosity of the medium (static-type quenching is viscosity-independent), and that linear Stern-Volmer plots were obtained. The quenching ability of both agents underwent a sharp decrease in the presence of ribosomes; however, the Stern-Volmer equation was followed only in the case of acrylamide, whereas Lehrer 's relationship had to be applied in the case of iodide. When ribosomes were incubated with virginiamycin M, the fluorescence quenching ability of acrylamide and iodide was significantly reduced. Conclusions are as follows: a) the 3- hydroxypicolinyl residue of virginiamycin S is buried within an open well on the ribosome surface and is likely to be involved in the interaction with the binding site; b) the accessibility to the well is partly controlled by electrostatic forces; c) interaction of ribosomes with virginiamycin M entails a conformational change whereby the access to the well is reduced. These findings provide a molecular explanation for the previously observed increase of the association constant of virginiamycin S to ribosomes incubated with virginiamycin M which was found to be due to the decrease of the dissociation rate constant (the association rate constant remains practically the same).  相似文献   
The molecular basis of a mutation conferring an erythromycin-resistance phenotype was explored, as an approach to the role of 23 S rRNA in the peptidyl-transferase activity of 50 S ribosomal subunits. Mutagenization of an Escherichia coli strain, which carried the multicopy plasmid pLC7-21 containing the rrnH operon, led to the production of an erythromycin-resistant strain. Plasmid pBFL1 isolated from this mutant was able to transform the sensitive RecA- strain EM4 and to induce a "dissociated" type of antibiotic resistance. Two ribosome populations occurred in EM4/pBFL1: normal particles coded for by the seven rrn chromosomal genes and mutated particles containing rRNA of plasmid origin. The latter particles displayed in vitro lower affinity and susceptibility to erythromycin than wild type particles. The mutation within plasmid pBFL1 was mapped by a multiple primer extension technique. Three synthetic primers were used to sequence the central loop in domain V of 23 S rRNA, leading to identification of a C to U transition at position 2611. This base change was proved to be responsible for the erythromycin-resistance phenotype by the plasmid-plasmid marker rescue technique. A molecular explanation for the rrn mutations leading, respectively, to undissociated and to dissociated types of resistance to the MLSb (macrolide-lincosamide-synergimycin B) group of antibiotics is proposed. These results and some literature data support the notion that rRNA bases involved in antibiotic resistance play a conformational role in the ribosomal binding sites for the MLSb antibiotics.  相似文献   
Synergism of streptogramins A (virginiamycin M, VM) and B (virginiamycin S, VS), peptidyltransferase inhibitors, was explored in EM4/pLC7-21 (wild type) and EM4/pERY (VS-resistant). These bacterial strains contained multicopy plasmids carrying an rrnH operon with wild type (pLC7-21) or mutated (A2058----U transversion) 23 S rRNA gene. Ribosomes with wild type and mutated rRNA were both present in EM4/pERY. The latter particles did not bind VS; in the presence of VM, however, high affinity VS binding occurred. As shown previously, VS protected against chemical reagents certain bases in domain V rRNA and VM in the stems flanking this loop. Differences between wild type and mutant ribosomes were observed: A2058, A2059, A2062, and G2505, protected by VS and ERY in EM4/pLC7-21, were unshielded in EM4/pERY. A2062 was shielded by VM in EM4/pERY, not in EM4/pLC7-21, and G2505 of mutant ribosomes became protected by VS when VM was simultaneously present. Induction by VM of a high affinity VS binding site in VS-sensitive and -resistant ribosomes indicates A2058 mutation to entail a conformational change of this site, which is counteracted by VM fixation. Accessibility of A2062 to chemical reagents (unlike behavior of EM4/pERY and EM4/pLC7-21 in the presence of VM) implies different conformations for wild type and mutant ribosomes.  相似文献   
Assessing the impact of anosmia: review of a questionnaire's findings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Toller SV 《Chemical senses》1999,24(6):705-712
The inability to detect odours, anosmia, can cause profound psychological effects resulting in feelings of physical and social vulnerability and victimization. In addition, there may be unhappiness related to the loss of the ability to detect pleasurable food smells and, as a consequence, anosmics may develop problems relating to eating. These profound effects arise from a condition which can have a rapid onset and a very poor prognosis for recovery, and are largely treated with a lack of sympathy and indifference by people with normal olfactory ability. In an attempt to educate, inform and help sufferers, a questionnaire was developed in the early 1980s and sent to those who contacted the Warwick Olfaction Research Group. The responses from this questionnaire form the basis of this review. Feelings of personal isolation, lack of interest in eating and emotional blunting were common responses from these sufferers and it seems that we still have some way to go before an adequate recognition of problems associated with anosmia is gained by the general population and, more importantly, within the medical profession.  相似文献   
AIMS: To purify and characterize the chitinolytic activity of Penicillium janthinellum P9 and to evaluate possible uses of the purified enzymes in the control of fungal growth and spore germination. METHODS AND RESULTS: The chitinolytic activity of P. janthinellum P9 was associated to two beta-N-acetyl-hexosaminidases (CHI1 and CHI2) that were purified by preparative isoelectric focusing and preparative electrophoresis and partially characterized. Treatment of test fungi with purified enzyme solutions caused reduced spore germination, reduction of hyphal length and mycelial damage. The combined action of the two enzymes and a systemic fungicide completely inactivated pests and food-spoiling moulds such as Fusarium solanii, P. canescens and Cladosporium cladosporioides. Treatment with the two enzymes increased germination of freeze-dried fungal spores. CONCLUSION: The chitinolytic activity of P. janthinellum P9 is associated with two extracellular beta-N-acetyl-hexosaminidases that can cause damage to the cell walls of other fungi. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This appears to be the first report on the characterization of extracellular chitinolytic enzymes produced by a Penicillium strain. The results of this study might have some impact in the applied research field.  相似文献   
The release of [3H]GABA evoked by depolarization with various concentrations of KCl was studied using superfused rat cerebrocortex synaptosomes. Elevating [K+] produced release of [3H]GABA over basal which was increasingly less dependent on external Ca2+ but more sensitive to the GABA transporter blocker SKF 100330 A. Accordingly, the sensitivity to clostridial toxins of the depolarization-evoked amino acid release was inversely correlated to the concentration of KCl used. However, at 50 mM K+, one-third of the stimulated release remained which was external Ca2+-independent but insensitive to SKF 100330 A. This release was prevented by BAPTA, thapsigargin or dantrolene; it also was inhibited by blocking in mitochondria the ATP production with oligomycin, the H+-dependent Ca2+ uniporter with RU 360, the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger with CGP 37157 or by lowering extraterminal [Na+]. In fluorescence experiments with fura-2/AM, 50 mM K+ (in Ca2+ free medium) caused elevation of cytosolic [Ca2+] that was sensitive to thapsigargin or CGP 37157; these compounds produced partially additive effects. When exocytosis was monitored with the fluorescent dye acridine orange, the fluorescence elicited by 50 mM K+ was sensitive to thapsigargin or CGP 37157, which produced additive effects, and to low-Na+ media. To conclude, extracellular K+ concentrations occurring in the CNS in certain pathological conditions provoke GABA release by mechanisms different from classical exocytosis. These include carrier-mediated release and internal Ca2+-dependent exocytosis; in the latter, mitochondrial Ca2+ seems to play a primary role.  相似文献   
A series of 21 multiplex (MP) polymerase chain reactions containing simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers spanning most of the apple genome has been developed. Eighty-eight SSR markers, well distributed over all 17 linkage groups (LGs), have been selected. Eighty-four of them were included in 21 different MPs while four could not be included in any MPs. The 21 MPs were then used to genotype approximately 2,000 DNA samples from the European High-quality Disease-Resistant Apples for a Sustainable agriculture project. Two SSRs (CH01d03 and NZAL08) were discarded at an early stage as they did not produce stable amplifications in the MPs, while the scoring of the multilocus (ML) SSR Hi07d11 and CN44794 was too complex for large-scale genotyping. The testing of the remaining 80 SSRs over a large number of different genotypes allowed: (1) a better estimation of their level of polymorphism; as well as of (2) the size range of the alleles amplified; (3) the identification of additional unmapped loci of some ML SSRs; (4) the development of methods to assign alleles to the different loci of ML SSRs and (5) conditions at which an SSR previously described as ML would amplify alleles of a single locus to be determined. These data resulted in the selection of 75 SSRs out of the 80 that are well suited and recommended for large genotyping projects. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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