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Chromosomal sex determination is a widely distributed strategy in nature. In the most classic scenario, one sex is characterized by a homologue pair of sex chromosomes, while the other includes two morphologically and functionally distinct gonosomes. In mammalian diploid cells, the female is characterized by the presence of two identical X chromosomes, while the male features an XY pair, with the Y bearing the major genetic determinant of sex, i.e. the SRY gene. In other species, such as the fruitfly, sex is determined by the ratio of autosomes to X chromosomes. Regardless of the exact mechanism, however, all these animals would exhibit a sex-specific gene expression inequality, due to the different number of X chromosomes, a phenomenon inhibited by a series of genetic and epigenetic regulatory events described as "dosage compensation". Since adequate available data is currently restricted to worms, flies and mammals, while for other groups of animals, such as reptiles, fish and birds it is very limited, it is not yet clear whether this is an evolutionary conserved mechanism. However certain striking similarities have already been observed among evolutionary distant species, such as Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus. These mainly refer to a) the need for a counting mechanism, to determine the chromosomal content of the cell, i.e. the ratio of autosomes to gonosomes (a process well understood in flies, but still hypothesized in mammals), b) the implication of non-translated, sex-specific, regulatory RNAs (roX and Xist, respectively) as key elements in this process and the location of similar mediators in the Z chromosome of chicken c) the inclusion of a chromatin modification epigenetic final step, which ensures that gene expression remains stably regulated throughout the affected area of the gonosome. This review summarizes these points and proposes a possible role for comparative genetics, as they seem to constitute proof of maintained cell economy (by using the same basic regulatory elements in various different scenarios) throughout numerous centuries of evolutionary history.  相似文献   
During folliculogenesis the granulosa cells divide whilst in contact with each other, and so exhibit some of the characteristics of stem cells. In vitro we have shown that bovine granulosa cells from 3–7 mm follicles, like stem cells, divide without the need for a substratum, and produce colonies of cells. Growth factors, bFGF and IGF's, stimulate their division. These cells secrete and assemble a basal lamina, suggesting that the follicular basal lamina is produced by the granulosa cells. They have the morphological characteristics of follicular granulosa cells. Thus this system is ideal for studying the functions of immature granulosa cells because the cells do not spontaneously differentiate or luteinize into luteal cells, as occurs in culture on a substratum. On differentiation into luteal cells in vivo the cells express the steroidogenic enzymes for progesterone production and accumulate β-carotene. During culture of bovine luteal cells we observed that a proportion of the steroidogenic enzyme cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 enzyme became chemically cross-linked to its electron donor, adrenodoxin. P450 enzymes produce oxygen free radicals and oxygen free radicals can cause cross-linking between proteins in close proximity. Cell protect against this damage by the use of antioxidant vitamins. Repleting the cultured luteal cells with β-carotene reduced the amount of cross-linking. We conclude that the high levels of β-carotene in corpora lutea are to protect against damage due to oxygen free radicals generated in the course of progesterone synthesis.  相似文献   
The immense value of sex differentiation as a means of enriching and evolving the genome has been proven by the vast variety of sex determining mechanisms to which organisms of all kinds resort. From single gene switching pathways found in lower level organisms to haplodiploid reproduction in hymenoptera, temperature-determined sex in reptiles and sex chromosomes in mammals and avians, nature and evolution have designated an impressive amount of effort to ensure that sex-specific variations remain under well-regulated control. Therefore enhancing our efforts to study some of the strategies recruited for the above may also lead to a better understanding of the inherent complexity of sexual dimorphism in general.  相似文献   
The International Congress of the Hellenic Anthropological Association (HAA) was successfully organised in Athens from 21 to 23 November 2003, having attracted a considerable number of participants, including some of the most prominent figures of anthropological research worldwide.  相似文献   
Bovine granulosa cells from 3–7 mm follicles were cultured without anchorage in soft agar/methylcellulose solution for 14 days, with or without 50 ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor. The granulosa cells divided to form colonies of cells. These were analysed by light and electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and Western immunoblotting. In approximately 20% of the colonies extracellular matrix was clearly visible at the light-microscope level. Ultrastructurally the matrix resembled a basal lamina 30–100 nm thick and was composed of tangled fibres or cords. Unidentified spherical structures of less than 50 nm diameter were sometimes present and attached to this basal lamina. The basal lamina of follicles had similar features, except that the basal lamina produced in vitro was a large aggregate of many convoluted layers. The cells produced collagen type IV and the cellular form of fibronectin. Intercellular areas not associated with basal lamina were identified. Ruthenium red staining revealed these areas to be rich in proteoglycan granules. Free granules were clustered near the cell surface, and the lumina of these areas were rich in fibres decorated with ruthenium red. This material did not resemble follicular fluid of antral follicles. Thus, granulosa cells in anchorage-independent cultures have a follicular cell morphology and secrete two distinct extracellular matrices, one similar to the follicular basal lamina.This study was funded by the Flinders Medical Centre Research Foundation, Flinders University, and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia  相似文献   
The role of hormones in the determination of sexual characteristics has been known for several decades. It has been shown, for example, that several products, including sex steroids, may influence the body development pattern, metabolic pathways, fat and muscle distribution and vocal cord anatomy, thus producing an overall outcome consistent with a masculine or feminine phenotypic pattern. These qualities are usually described as secondary sexual traits, so as to be distinguished from primary sex traits, usually referring to the gonads and external genitalia. However, it must be noted that hormonal regulation may not explain the full range of the sexual phenotype, since the central nervous system retains a significant role in the establishment of sexual identity, thus giving rise to a higher sex determination stage exclusively described in humans, namely behavioral or psychological sex. Recently, it has been suggested that differences among the sexes are not limited to brain function but they may also refer to anatomical differences and different biochemical profiles, including a distinct pattern of AR and ER distribution. This new aspect of sexual dimorphism suggests a whole system of meta-hormonal regulation, recently described as the sexual brain model. The role of local androgen and/or estrogen concentrations in the initial establishment of brain sexual dimorphism is still under evaluation, since the first results are relatively inconclusive and no direct cause and effect relationship has been proven so far. On the other hand, sex hormones have recently been found to participate in processes well beyond their initially suggested spectrum of action. For instance, ER interacts with EGFR in a number of ways, affecting development of a number of epithelial structures. Estrogen receptors have also been detected in a number of non-classic targets of steroids, such as the brain and the lungs. This observation may imply that sexual dimorphism goes a lot deeper than previously estimated, affecting virtually every organic system, suggesting, in essence, the existence of two different functional models for the whole human body, formulated and conserved throughout the evolutionary progress.  相似文献   
Dimorphism between testis and ovary in germ cells proliferative behavior, shows remarkable differences in foetal and neonatal period [14.5 days post conception (dpc)--7 days post partum (dpp)]. Immunostaining of the foetal testis, with the PCNA and Ki-67 antibodies [estimation of Labeling Index (LI)], reveals increasing germ cells population until birth. Afterwards, a sharp decline in the first 3 days of postnatal life and a transient increase, between 3 and 5 dpp, is observed. Then, the mitotic activity of germ cells ceases. In the foetal ovary, germ cells proliferation reaches a peak value before birth, decreasing thereafter Somatic (Sertoli or follicular) cells behave similarly in both sexes. Increased mitotic activity is observed throughout the examined period. Thus, the gonadal dimorphism in proliferative behavior, concerns only germ cell lineage and is established during the foetal and neonatal period.  相似文献   
Germ cells' proliferation during testicular organogenesis in Wistar rat embryos and neonates [14.5, 18.5, 20.5 days post conception (dpc), birth (day 0), 1, 3, 5, 7 days post partum (dpp)] was evaluated via immunohistochemistry, using the PCNA and Ki-67 nuclear antibodies. Estimation of the reactive/total cell ratio, per visual field [labeIing index (LI)] was achieved using the Image Pro Plus Software. Immunostaining of the fetal testis, with both antibodies, revealed increasing germ cells' numbers between 14.5 dpc and birth. From birth onwards, a sharp decline of germ cells' population was observed in the first 3 days of postnatal life. Then, a transient increase of the LI, between 3 and 5 dpp, was noted. Afterwards, proliferation of germ cells ceased. These results indicate that, during fetal and neonatal life, two peaks of proliferative activity of germ cells are noticed. Following estimation of the LI for both PCNA and Ki-67, a prominent labeling for the first antibody was observed throughout the examined period. Ki-67 staining follows a similar pattern, showing, however, significant fluctuation in the obtained values, in comparison to PCNA. The significant differences observed don't seem to be simply a result of the different half lives of the two markers, but rather a consequence of additional underlying cellular activity associated with PCNA, such as DNA repair.  相似文献   
We have previously postulated that granulosa cells of developing follicles arise from a population of stem cells. Stem cells and cancer cells can divide indefinitely partly because they express telomerase. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme that repairs the ends of telomeres that otherwise shorten progressively upon each successive cell division. In this study we carried out cell cycle analyses and examined telomerase expression to examine our hypothesis. Preantral (60-100 microm) and small (1 mm) follicles, as well as granulosa cells from medium-sized (3 mm) and large (6-8 mm) follicles, were isolated. Cell cycle analyses and expression of Ki-67, a cell cycle-related protein, were undertaken on follicles of each size (n = 3) by flow cytometry; 12% to 16% of granulosa cells in all follicles were in the S phase, and less than 2% were in the G(2)/M phase. Telomerase activity (n = 3) was highest in the small preantral follicles, declining at the 1-mm stage and even further at the 3-mm stage. In situ hybridization histochemistry was carried out on bovine ovaries, and telomerase RNA was detected in the granulosa cells of growing follicles but not primordial follicles. Two major patterns of staining were observed in the membrana granulosa of antral follicles: staining in the middle and antral layers, and staining in the middle and basal layers. No staining was detected in oocytes. Our results strongly support our hypothesis that granulosa cells arise from a population of stem cells.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphism, i.e. the distinct recognition of only two sexes per species, is the phenotypic expression of a multi-stage procedure at chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal and behavioral level. Chromosomal--genetic sexual dimorphism refers to the presence of two identical (XX) or two different (XY) gonosomes in females and males, respectively. This is due to the distinct content of the X and Y-chromosomes in both genes and regulatory sequences, SRY being the key regulator Hormones (AMH, testosterone, Insl3) secreted by the foetal testis (gonadal sexual dimorphism), impede Müller duct development, masculinize Wolff duct derivatives and are involved in testicular descent (hormonal sexual dimorphism). Steroid hormone receptors detected in the nervous system, link androgens with behavioral sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, sex chromosome genes directly affect brain sexual dimorphism and this may precede gonadal differentiation.  相似文献   
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