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It has been reported that Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) deficiency reduces infarct size after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (MI/R). However, measurement of MI/R injury was limited and did not include cardiac function. In a chronic closed-chest model we assessed whether cardiac function is preserved in TLR4-deficient mice (C3H/HeJ) following MI/R, and whether myocardial and systemic cytokine expression differed compared to wild type (WT).  相似文献   
Summary Defects in the enzyme, steroid 21-hydroxylase, result in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a common autosomal recessive disorder of cortisol biosynthesis. The gene encoding this protein (CYP21B) and a closely linked pseudogene (CYP21A) have been mapped in the HLA complex on chromosome 6p, adjacent to the complement genes C4B and C4A, about 80 kb from the factor B gene. Molecular analyses of patients with CAH have shown that the cause of the defect may be either a deletion, a point mutation or a conversion of the active gene. Linkage of the disease to HLA has previously been studied by several groups. We have analyzed DNAs from patients with classical and non-classical CAH and from their family members, by probing with CYP21, C4 and BF cDNAs. In 70% of the CAH haplotypes studied, the defective CYP21B gene was indistinguishable from its structurally intact corresponding gene in Southern blot analysis, and presumably bore point mutations. In the remaining chromosomes, evidence for gene conversions, deletions and various deleterious mutations of the CYP21B gene is given. Moreover, our linkage studies show that a polymorphic TaqI cleavage site in the factor B gene, recently described by us, may be a new and useful genetic marker, because we found this TaqI restriction site only in unaffected haplotypes carrying functional CYP21B genes and, therefore, in negative association with the defective CYP21B gene.  相似文献   
Seven human melanoma metastases were extracted in order to check the possible presence of any alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) immunoreactivity. The aim of that study was to provide some explanation for, mainly, two observations that we have already made and reported: 1) increased plasma alpha-MSH levels in melanoma of tumour-bearing patients as compared with tumour-free patients; 2) the presence of specific alpha-MSH receptors on human melanoma cells in culture. We could measure large amounts of immunoreactive alpha-MSH in all tumours ranging from 0.31 to 4.27 pmoles per g of wet tissue. Further identification of the extracted material by high-performance liquid chromatography revealed compounds of higher molecular weight and more hydrophobic than synthetic alpha-MSH. In addition, purified extracts could also displace 125I-labelled alpha-MSH from its cellular binding sites in an alpha-MSH specific radio-receptor binding assay. Our findings would suggest a possible presence of some hormone precursor(s) inside the melanoma tumours.  相似文献   
From sampling in three areas neighbouring Tunis, the first polluted, the second contaminated and the third clean, the authors point out that the technic of multiple samples using the "Lactose Broth" is the most sensible to faecal pollution.  相似文献   
FLUXNET and modelling the global carbon cycle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Measurements of the net CO2 flux between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere using the eddy covariance technique have the potential to underpin our interpretation of regional CO2 source–sink patterns, CO2 flux responses to forcings, and predictions of the future terrestrial C balance. Information contained in FLUXNET eddy covariance data has multiple uses for the development and application of global carbon models, including evaluation/validation, calibration, process parameterization, and data assimilation. This paper reviews examples of these uses, compares global estimates of the dynamics of the global carbon cycle, and suggests ways of improving the utility of such data for global carbon modelling. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) predicted by different terrestrial biosphere models compares favourably with FLUXNET observations at diurnal and seasonal timescales. However, complete model validation, particularly over the full annual cycle, requires information on the balance between assimilation and decomposition processes, information not readily available for most FLUXNET sites. Site history, when known, can greatly help constrain the model‐data comparison. Flux measurements made over four vegetation types were used to calibrate the land‐surface scheme of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies global climate model, significantly improving simulated climate and demonstrating the utility of diurnal FLUXNET data for climate modelling. Land‐surface temperatures in many regions cool due to higher canopy conductances and latent heat fluxes, and the spatial distribution of CO2 uptake provides a significant additional constraint on the realism of simulated surface fluxes. FLUXNET data are used to calibrate a global production efficiency model (PEM). This model is forced by satellite‐measured absorbed radiation and suggests that global net primary production (NPP) increased 6.2% over 1982–1999. Good agreement is found between global trends in NPP estimated by the PEM and a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), and between the DGVM and estimates of global NEE derived from a global inversion of atmospheric CO2 measurements. Combining the PEM, DGVM, and inversion results suggests that CO2 fertilization is playing a major role in current increases in NPP, with lesser impacts from increasing N deposition and growing season length. Both the PEM and the inversion identify the Amazon basin as a key region for the current net terrestrial CO2 uptake (i.e. 33% of global NEE), as well as its interannual variability. The inversion's global NEE estimate of −1.2 Pg [C] yr−1 for 1982–1995 is compatible with the PEM‐ and DGVM‐predicted trends in NPP. There is, thus, a convergence in understanding derived from process‐based models, remote‐sensing‐based observations, and inversion of atmospheric data. Future advances in field measurement techniques, including eddy covariance (particularly concerning the problem of night‐time fluxes in dense canopies and of advection or flow distortion over complex terrain), will result in improved constraints on land‐atmosphere CO2 fluxes and the rigorous attribution of mechanisms to the current terrestrial net CO2 uptake and its spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Global ecosystem models play a fundamental role in linking information derived from FLUXNET measurements to atmospheric CO2 variability. A number of recommendations concerning FLUXNET data are made, including a request for more comprehensive site data (particularly historical information), more measurements in undisturbed ecosystems, and the systematic provision of error estimates. The greatest value of current FLUXNET data for global carbon cycle modelling is in evaluating process representations, rather than in providing an unbiased estimate of net CO2 exchange.  相似文献   
The relationship between intracellular lysosomal rupture and cell death caused by silica was studied in P388d(1) macrophages. After 3 h of exposure to 150 μg silica in medium containing 1.8 mM Ca(2+), 60 percent of the cells were unable to exclude trypan blue. In the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), however, all of the cells remained viable. Phagocytosis of silica particles occurred to the same extent in the presence or absence of Ca(2+). The percentage of P388D(1) cells killed by silica depended on the dose and the concentration of Ca(2+) in the medium. Intracellular lyosomal rupture after exposure to silica was measured by acridine orange fluorescence or histochemical assay of horseradish peroxidase. With either assay, 60 percent of the cells exposed to 150 μg silica for 3 h in the presence of Ca(2+) showed intracellular lysosomal rupture, was not associated with measureable degradation of total DNA, RNA, protein, or phospholipids or accelerated turnover of exogenous horseradish peroxidase. Pretreatment with promethazine (20 μg/ml) protected 80 percent of P388D(1) macrophages against silica toxicity although lysosomal rupture occurred in 60-70 percent of the cells. Intracellular lysosomal rupture was prevented in 80 percent of the cells by pretreatment with indomethacin (5 x 10(-5)M), yet 40-50 percent of the cells died after 3 h of exposure to 150 μg silica in 1.8 mM extracellular Ca(2+). The calcium ionophore A23187 also caused intracellular lysosomal rupture in 90-98 percent of the cells treated for 1 h in either the presence or absence of extracellular Ca(2+). With the addition of 1.8 mM Ca(2+), 80 percent of the cells was killed after 3 h, whereas all of the cells remained viable in the absence of Ca(2+). These experiments suggest that intracellular lysosomal rupture is not causally related to the cell death cause by silica or A23187. Cell death is dependent on extracellular Ca(2+) and may be mediated by an influx of these ions across the plasma membrane permeability barrier damaged directly by exposure to these toxins.  相似文献   
For decades, mesenchymal stem (MSCs) cells have been used for cardiovascular diseases as regenerative therapy. This review is an attempt to summarize the types of MSCs involved in myocardial infarction (MI) therapy, as well as its possible mechanisms effects, especially the paracrine one in MI focusing on the studies (human and animal) conducted within the last 10 years. Recently, reports showed that MSC therapy could have infarct‐limiting effects after MI in both experimental and clinical trials. In this context, various types of MSCs can help cardiac regeneration by either revitalizing the cardiac stem cells or revascularizing the arteries and veins of the heart. Furthermore, MSCs could produce paracrine growth factors that increase the survival of nearby cardiomyocytes, as well as increase angiogenesis through recruitment of stem cell from bone marrow or inducing vessel growth from existing capillaries. Recent research suggests that the paracrine effects of MSCs could be mediated by extracellular vesicles including exosomes. Exosomal microRNAs (miRNAs) released by MSCs are promising therapeutic hotspot target for MI. This could be attributed to the role of miRNA in cardiac biology, including cardiac regeneration, stem cell differentiation, apoptosis, neovascularization, cardiac contractility and cardiac remodeling. Furthermore, gene‐modified MSCs could be a recent promising therapy for MI to enhance the paracrine effects of MSCs, including better homing and effective cell targeted tissue regeneration. Although MSC therapy has achieved considerable attention and progress, there are critical challenges that remains to be overcome to achieve the most effective successful cell‐based therapy in MI.  相似文献   
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