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In epoxide hydrolase from Agrobacterium radiobacter (EchA), phenylalanine 108 flanks the nucleophilic aspartate and forms part of the substrate-binding pocket. The influence of mutations at this position on the activity and enantioselectivity of the enzyme was investigated. Screening for improved enantioselectivity towards para-nitrophenyl glycidyl ether (pNPGE) using spectrophotometric progress curve analysis yielded five different mutants with 3- to 7-fold improved enantioselectivity. The increase in enantioselectivity was in most cases the result of an enhanced catalytic efficiency toward the preferred enantiomer. Several mutations at position F108 resulted in a higher activity toward cis-disubstituted meso-epoxides, which were converted to a single product enantiomer. Mutant F108C converted cis-2,3-epoxybutane to (2R,3R)-2,3-butanediol of >99% ee with a 7-fold improved activity, and mutant F108A hydrolyzed cyclohexene oxide to (1R,2R)-1,2-cyclohexanediol of >99% ee with a more than 150-fold higher activity than wild-type enzyme. It is concluded that single amino acid substitutions in the active site of epoxide hydrolase can result in enzyme variants with catalytic properties that are suitable for preparative scale production of (S)-epoxides and chiral vicinal diols in high yield and with excellent ee.  相似文献   


Recent studies show the importance of interactions between CD47 expressed on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells and the inhibitory immunoreceptor, signal regulatory protein-alpha (SIRPα) on macrophages. Although AML cells express SIRPα, its function has not been investigated in these cells. In this study we aimed to determine the role of the SIRPα in acute myeloid leukemia.

Design and Methods

We analyzed the expression of SIRPα, both on mRNA and protein level in AML patients and we further investigated whether the expression of SIRPα on two low SIRPα expressing AML cell lines could be upregulated upon differentiation of the cells. We determined the effect of chimeric SIRPα expression on tumor cell growth and programmed cell death by its triggering with an agonistic antibody in these cells. Moreover, we examined the efficacy of agonistic antibody in combination with established antileukemic drugs.


By microarray analysis of an extensive cohort of primary AML samples, we demonstrated that SIRPα is differentially expressed in AML subgroups and its expression level is dependent on differentiation stage, with high levels in FAB M4/M5 AML and low levels in FAB M0–M3. Interestingly, AML patients with high SIRPα expression had a poor prognosis. Our results also showed that SIRPα is upregulated upon differentiation of NB4 and Kasumi cells. In addition, triggering of SIRPα with an agonistic antibody in the cells stably expressing chimeric SIRPα, led to inhibition of growth and induction of programmed cell death. Finally, the SIRPα-derived signaling synergized with the activity of established antileukemic drugs.


Our data indicate that triggering of SIRPα has antileukemic effect and may function as a potential therapeutic target in AML.  相似文献   
In this study, a lab-scale rotating biological contactor (RBC) treating a synthetic NH4+ wastewater devoid of organic carbon and showing high N losses was examined for several important physiological and microbial characteristics. The RBC biofilm removed 89% ± 5% of the influent N at the highest surface load of approximately 8.3 g of N m−2 day−1, with N2 as the main end product. In batch tests, the RBC biomass showed good aerobic and anoxic ammonium oxidation (147.8 ± 7.6 and 76.5 ± 6.4 mg of NH4+-N g of volatile suspended solids [VSS]−1 day−1, respectively) and almost no nitrite oxidation (< 1 mg of N g of VSS−1 day−1). The diversity of aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AAOB) and planctomycetes in the biofilm was characterized by cloning and sequencing of PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNA genes. Phylogenetic analysis of the clones revealed that the AAOB community was fairly homogeneous and was dominated by Nitrosomonas-like species. Close relatives of the known anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacterium (AnAOB) Kuenenia stuttgartiensis dominated the planctomycete community and were most probably responsible for anoxic ammonium oxidation in the RBC. Use of a less specific planctomycete primer set, not amplifying the AnAOB, showed a high diversity among other planctomycetes, with representatives of all known groups present in the biofilm. The spatial organization of the biofilm was characterized using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The latter showed that AAOB occurred side by side with putative AnAOB (cells hybridizing with probe PLA46 and AMX820/KST1275) throughout the biofilm, while other planctomycetes hybridizing with probe PLA886 (not detecting the known AnAOB) were present as very conspicuous spherical structures. This study reveals that long-term operation of a lab-scale RBC on a synthetic NH4+ wastewater devoid of organic carbon yields a stable biofilm in which two bacterial groups, thought to be jointly responsible for the high autotrophic N removal, occur side by side throughout the biofilm.  相似文献   
In recent years, it has been recognised that improvements to classic models of muscle mechanical behaviour are often necessary for properly modelling co-ordinated multi-joint actions. In this respect, the purpose of the present study was to improve on modelling stretch-induced force enhancement and shortening-induced force depression of muscle contraction. For this purpose, two models were used: a modified Hill model and a model based loosely on mechano-chemistry of the cross-bridge cycle (exponential decay model). The models were compared with a classic Hill model and experimental data. Parameter values were based, as much as possible, on experimental findings in the literature, and tested with new experiments on the gastrocnemius of the rat. Both models describe many features of slow-ramp movements well during short contractions (300–500 ms), but long-duration behaviour is described only partly. The exponential decay model does not incorporate a force–velocity curve. Therefore, its good performance indicates that the status of the classic force–velocity characteristic may have to be reconsidered. Like movement-induced force depression and enhancement, it seems a particular manifestation of time-dependent force behaviour of muscle, rather than a fundamental property of muscle (like the length–tension curve). It is argued that a combination of the exponential decay model (or other models based on the mechano-chemistry of contraction) and structurally based models may be fruitful in explaining this time-dependent contraction behaviour. Furthermore, not in the least because of its relative simplicity, the exponential decay model may prove more suitable for modelling multi-joint movements than the Hill model. Received: 19 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 9 June 2000  相似文献   
Walshe, Andrew D., Greg J. Wilson, and Gertjan J. C. Ettema.Stretch-shorten cycle compared with isometric preload: contributions to enhanced muscular performance. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 97-106, 1998.To isolateany difference muscular contraction history may have on concentric workoutput, 40 trained male subjects performed three separate isokineticconcentric squats that involved differing contraction histories:1) a concentric-only (CO) squat, 2) a concentric squat preceded by anisometric preload (IS), and 3) astretch-shorten cycle (SSC) squat. Over the first 300 ms of theconcentric movement, work output for both the SSC and IS conditions wassignificantly greater (154.8 ± 39.8 and 147.9 ± 34.7 J, respectively; P < 0.001) comparedwith the CO squat (129.7 ± 34.4 J). In addition, work output afterthe SSC test over the first 300 ms was also significantly larger thanthat for the corresponding period after the IS protocol(P < 0.05). There was no difference in normalized, integrated electromyogram among any of the conditions. It was concluded that concentric performance enhancement derived from apreceding stretch of the muscle-tendon complex was largely due to theattainment of a higher active muscle state before the start of theconcentric movement. However, it was also hypothesized that contractileelement potentiation was a significant contributor to stretch-inducedmuscular performance under these conditions.

Many migrating birds undertake extraordinary long flights. How birds are able to perform such endurance flights of over 100-hour durations is still poorly understood. We examined energy expenditure and physiological changes in Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremite during natural flights using birds trained to follow an ultra-light aircraft. Because these birds were tame, with foster parents, we were able to bleed them immediately prior to and after each flight. Flight duration was experimentally designed ranging between one and almost four hours continuous flights. Energy expenditure during flight was estimated using doubly-labelled-water while physiological properties were assessed through blood chemistry including plasma metabolites, enzymes, electrolytes, blood gases, and reactive oxygen compounds. Instantaneous energy expenditure decreased with flight duration, and the birds appeared to balance aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, using fat, carbohydrate and protein as fuel. This made flight both economic and tolerable. The observed effects resemble classical exercise adaptations that can limit duration of exercise while reducing energetic output. There were also in-flight benefits that enable power output variation from cruising to manoeuvring. These adaptations share characteristics with physiological processes that have facilitated other athletic feats in nature and might enable the extraordinary long flights of migratory birds as well.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the kinematics in throwing with a regular weighted handball with 20% lighter and heavier balls in female experienced handball players. In total, eight joint movements during the throw were analyzed. The analysis consisted of maximal angles, angles at ball release, and maximal angular velocities of the joint movements and their timings during the throw. Results on 24 experienced female team handball players (mean age 18.2 ± 2.1 years) showed that the difference in ball weight affected the maximal ball velocity. The difference in ball release velocity was probably a result of the significant differences in kinematics of the major contributors to overarm throwing: elbow extension and internal rotation of the shoulder. These were altered when changing the ball weight, which resulted in differences in ball release velocity.  相似文献   
A ski jumper tries to maintain an aerodynamic position in the in-run during changing environmental forces. The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical demands on a ski jumper taking the in-run in a static position. We simulated the in-run in ski jumping with a 4-segment forward dynamic model (foot, leg, thigh, and upper body). The curved path of the in-run was used as kinematic constraint, and drag, lift, and snow friction were incorporated. Drag and snow friction created a forward rotating moment that had to be counteracted by a plantar flexion moment and caused the line of action of the normal force to pass anteriorly to the center of mass continuously. The normal force increased from 0.88 G on the first straight to 1.65 G in the curve. The required knee joint moment increased more because of an altered center of pressure. During the transition from the straight to the curve there was a rapid forward shift of the center of pressure under the foot, reflecting a short but high angular acceleration. Because unrealistically high rates of change of moment are required, an athlete cannot do this without changing body configuration which reduces the required rate of moment changes.  相似文献   
Flow dialysis has found widespread use in determining the dissociation constant (KD) of a protein-ligand interaction or the amount of available binding sites (E0). This method has the potency to measure both these parameters in a single experiment and in this article a method to measure simultaneously the KD and E0 is presented, together with an extensive error analysis of the method. The flow-dialysis technique is experimentally simple to perform. However, a number of practical aspects of this method can have a large impact on the outcome of KD and E0. We have investigated all sources of significant systematic and random errors, using the interaction between mannitol and its transporter from Escherichia coli as a model. Monte Carlo simulations were found to be an excellent tool to assess the impact of these errors on the binding parameters and to define the experimental conditions that allow their most accurate estimation.  相似文献   
Current methods of identifying positively selected regions in the genome are limited in two key ways: the underlying models cannot account for the timing of adaptive events and the comparison between models of selective sweeps and sequence data is generally made via simple summaries of genetic diversity. Here, we develop a tractable method of describing the effect of positive selection on the genealogical histories in the surrounding genome, explicitly modeling both the timing and context of an adaptive event. In addition, our framework allows us to go beyond analyzing polymorphism data via the site frequency spectrum or summaries thereof and instead leverage information contained in patterns of linked variants. Tests on both simulations and a human data example, as well as a comparison to SweepFinder2, show that even with very small sample sizes, our analytic framework has higher power to identify old selective sweeps and to correctly infer both the time and strength of selection. Finally, we derived the marginal distribution of genealogical branch lengths at a locus affected by selection acting at a linked site. This provides a much-needed link between our analytic understanding of the effects of sweeps on sequence variation and recent advances in simulation and heuristic inference procedures that allow researchers to examine the sequence of genealogical histories along the genome.  相似文献   
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