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Pycnogenol® (PYC), a patented combination of bioflavonoids extracted from the bark of French maritime pine (Pinus maritima), scavenges free radicals and promotes cellular health. The protective capacity of PYC against ethanol toxicity of neurons has not previously been explored. The present study demonstrates that in postnatal day 9 (P9) rat cerebellar granule cells the antioxidants vitamin E (VE) and PYC (1) dose dependently block cell death following 400, 800, and 1600 mg/dL ethanol exposure (2) inhibit the ethanol‐induced activation of caspase‐3 in the same model system; and (3) reduce neuronal membrane disruption as assayed by phosphatidylserine translocation to the cell surface. These results suggest that both PYC and VE have the potential to act as therapeutic agents, antagonizing the induction of neuronal cell death by ethanol exposure. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 59: 261–271, 2004  相似文献   
We report a new mutation in the sterol 27-hydroxylase (CYP 27) gene in a Dutch family with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: a G→A transition in the splice donor site in intron 4. This mutation leads to skipping of exon 4, resulting in a loss of 66 amino acids in the CYP 27 enzyme molecule. Received: 15 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 March 1997  相似文献   
Testosterone, and winning and losing in human competition   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
Testosterone and cortisol were measured in six university tennis players across six matches during their varsity season. Testosterone rose just before most matches, and players with the highest prematch testosterone had the most positive improvement in mood before their matches. After matches, mean testosterone rose for winners relative to losers, especially for winners with very positive moods after their victories and who evaluated their own performance highly. Winners with rising testosterone had higher testosterone before their next match, in contrast to losers with falling testosterone, who had lower testosterone before their next match. Cortisol was not related to winning or losing, but it was related to seed (top players having low cortisol), and cortisol generally declined as the season progressed. These results are consistent with a biosocial theory of status.  相似文献   
An antiserum generated to the soluble form of the rat brain puromycin-sensitive enkephalin-degrading aminopeptidase was used to determine the tissue distribution of the soluble and membrane-associated forms of this enzyme. All tissues examined contained significant levels of the soluble enzyme form, with this enzyme accounting for greater than 90% of the arylamidase activity in brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. Native gel electrophoresis coupled with activity staining as well as inhibition studies were used to confirm the presence of this enzyme in various tissues. Serum was found not to contain this particular aminopeptidase. In contrast to the results obtained with the soluble enzyme form, brain was the only tissue found to contain the membrane-associated enzyme form. Although all tissues contained membrane-associated aminopeptidase activity only the brain enzyme could be maintained in solution in the absence of detergent. In addition, the brain membrane-associated enzyme could be distinguished from the membrane-associated aminopeptidase activity in other tissues on the basis of its sensitivity to inhibition by puromycin.  相似文献   
Glutamine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase (EC catalyzes the transfer of the amide group of glutamine to 5-phospho-α- -ribose-1-pyrophosphate. It is the first enzyme committed to the synthesis of purines by the de novo pathway. Previous assays of enzyme activity have either measured the phosphoribosylpyrophosphate-dependent disappearance of radioactive glutamine or have linked this reaction to subsequent steps in the purine pathway. A new assay for activity of the enzyme by directly measuring the synthesis of the product of the reaction, 5-β-phosphoribosyl-1-amine, using [1-14C]phosphoribosylpyrophosphate as substrate is described. Substrate and product are separated by thin-layer chromatography and identified by autoradiography. Glutamine or ammonia may be used as substrates; the apparent Km values of the human lymphoblast enzyme are 0.46 m for glutamine and 0.71 m for ammonia. GMP is a considerably more potent inhibitor of the human lymphoblast enzyme than is AMP; 6-diazo-5-oxo- -norleucine inhibits only glutamine-dependent activity and has no effect on ammonia-dependent activity.  相似文献   
Although neurofilaments are among the most highly phosphorylated proteins extant, relatively little is known about the kinases involved in their phosphorylation. The majority of the phosphates present on the two higher-molecular-mass neurofilament subunits are added to multiply repeated sequence motifs in the tail. We have examined the specificity of a neurofilament-associated kinase (NFAK) partially purified from chicken spinal cord that selectively phosphorylates the middle-molecular-mass neurofilament subunit, NF-M. Two-dimensional phosphopeptide mapping of 32P-labeled NF-M shows that, in vitro, NFAK phosphorylates a subset of peptides phosphorylated in vivo in cultured neurons. The absence of a complete complement of labeled phosphopeptides following in vitro phosphorylation, compared with phosphorylation in vivo, is not due to a lack of availability of phosphorylation sites because the same maps are obtained when enzymatically dephosphorylated NF-M is used as an in vitro substrate. Phosphopeptide maps from in vitro-phosphorylated NF-M and those from a recombinant fusion protein containing only a segment of the tail piece of chicken NF-M reveal identical labeled peptides. The fusion protein lacks a segment containing 17 KXX(S/T)P putative phosphorylation sites contained in the tail of chicken NF-M but contains a segment that includes four KSPs and a KSD site also present in the intact tail. These results suggest (a) that NFAK mediates the phosphorylation of some, but not all, potential phosphorylation sites within the tail of NF-M and (b) that multiple kinases are necessary for complete phosphorylation of the NF-M tail.  相似文献   
Three Enterobacter agglomerans strains which produce and excrete proteins with chitinolytic activity were found while screening soil-borne bacteria antagonistic to fungal plant pathogens. The chitinolytic activity was induced when the strains were grown in the presence of colloidal chitin as the sole carbon source. It was quantitated by using assays with chromogenic p-nitrophenyl analogs of disaccharide, trisaccharide, and tetrasaccharide derivatives of N-acetylglucosamine. A set of three fluorescent substrates with a 4-methylumbelliferyl group linked by (beta)-1,4 linkage to N-acetylglucosamine mono- or oligosaccharides were used to identify the chitinolytic activities of proteins which had been renatured following their separation by electrophoresis. This study provides the most complete evidence for the presence of a complex of chitinolytic enzymes in Enterobacter strains. Four enzymes were detected: two N-acetyl-(beta)-d-glucosaminidases of 89 and 67 kDa, an endochitinase with an apparent molecular mass of 59 kDa, and a chitobiosidase of 50 kDa. The biocontrol ability of the chitinolytic strains was demonstrated under greenhouse conditions. The bacteria decreased the incidence of disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani in cotton by 64 to 86%. Two Tn5 mutants of one of the isolates, which were deficient in chitinolytic activity, were unable to protect plants against the disease.  相似文献   
Eight fluorescent dye combinations for simultaneous DNA-protein staining have been evaluated spectroscopically and flow microfluoromctrically: propidium iodide (PI) with fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC), fluorescamine (FC), and dansylchloride (DANS); diamidinophenylindole (DAPI) with sulphorhodamin (SR101), tetramethylrhodamin isothiocyanate (TRITC), and nitroben-zodiazole (NBD); acriflavine (AF) with stilbene isothiocyanate sulphonic acid (SITS), and DAPI. Three different experimental tumor cell lines have been employed in the investigations. Simultaneous DNA-protein analyses have been carried out with the newly developed HEIFAS instrument. Spectroscopically two groups of dyes were distinguishable according to their excitation maximum below 400 nm and above 450 nm respectively. DANS and NBD were found to be unsatisfactory with respect to their protein distributions obtained by flow analysis. The remaining stains involved in the dye combinations revealed comparable flow distributions of the cellular DNA and protein content. With respect to preparation time and number of centrifugal steps involved in the staining protocols, and in connection with the stability of the dye used, the DAPI-SR101 method proved to be fastest and easiest With this combination DNA and protein flow analysis can be performed simultaneously within 30 min.  相似文献   
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