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Feeding responses of the oligophagous tobacco hornworm to allelochemicals prevalent in their host plants were determined in food choice-tests using filter paper discs laced with a test solution or water (control). Six solanaceous alkaloids, tomatine, tomatidine, solanine, solanocapsine, atropine and nicotine, were tested and only tomatine and solanocapsine were found to influence preference behavior. Solanocapsine (5 mM) deters feeding whereas tomatine (1 mM) stimulates feeding slightly. No synergistic effect of either tomatine or tomatidine with sucrose was found.The responses to tomatine are affected by previous feeding experience. Tomatine slightly stimulates feeding in larvae reared on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), but slightly deters feeding in larvae reared on Jerusalem cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum). Such induced preference is absent for the other alkaloids tested, which indicates that these alkaloids do not by themselves induce preferences for the plants containing them.The non-alkaloid allelochemicals, chlorogenic acid, rutin, and 2-tridecanone also influenced food choice behavior. Chlorogenic acid is slightly stimulatory at its natural concentration (1mM), but strongly deterrent at higher concentrations. Rutin stimulates feeding in a concentration-dependent manner. Its activity must be due to the glycosylated structure, because both the aglycone (quercetin) and the sugar moiety (rutinose) are neutral. Removal of the glucose part of rutin, as in quercitrin, results in feeding deterrent activity. 2-Tridecanone is neutral at its concentration in cultivated tomato (1 mM), but strongly deterrent and toxic at higher concentrations. Preference behavior is not affected by solanesol, GABA, and a mixture of host plant compounds stimulatory for anothe solanaceous-specific feeder, the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).We conclude that the prevalent solanaceous alkaloids and other allelochemicals tested do not play important roles in food selection of the tobacco hornworm, although some may make small contributions.
Résumé Des experiences de choix de chenilles oligophages de M. sexta ont été réalisees avec des disques de papier filtre imbiles d'eau ou de solutions des substances allélochimiques dominantes dans les plantes consommées. Sur les six alcaloïdes de solanées examinés: tomatine, tomatidine, solanine, solanocapsine, atropine et nicotine, seuls la tomatine et la solanocapsine ont influé sur le choix; la solanocapsine (5 mM) empêche la prise de nourriture, tandis que la tomatine (1 mM) la stimule légèrement. Aucun effet synergique de la tomatine ou de la tomatidine n'a été observé en présence de sucrose.La réponse à la tomatine est modifiée par la prise de nourriture antérieure. Elle stimule légèrement l'alimentation de chenilles élevées sur tomates (Lycopersicon esculentum), mais dissuade légèrement les chenilles élevées sur Solanum pseudocapsicum. II n'y a pas d'action induite semblable avec les autres alcalïdes examinés, ce qui indique que ces alcaloïdes ne peuvent pas induire par eux-mêmes de préférences pour les plantes qui les contiennent.Des substances allélochimiques non-alcaloïdes: acide chlorogénique, rutine, et 2-tridécanone, influent aussi sur le comportement de choix alimentaire. L'acide chlorogénique est légèrement stimulant à sa concentration naturelle (1 mM), mais fortement dissuasif aux concentrations supérieures. La rutine stimule la prise de nourriture en fonction de sa concentration. Son activité doit être due à sa structure glucosylate, puisqu'aussi bien l'aglycone (quercitine) que la moiteé sucrée (rutinose) sont neutres. La suppression de la partie glucose de la rutine, comme dans le cas de la quercitine, a un effet dissuasif. A sa concentration dans la tomate cultivée (1 mM), le 2-tridécanone est neutre, mais il est fortement dissuasif et toxique à des concentrations supérieures.Le comportement de choix n'est pas modifié par le solanésol, le GABA, et par un mélange de composés végétaux stimulant un consommateur spécifique de solanées, comme le doryphore (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).Nous pouvons conclure que les principaux alcaloïdes et autres substances allélochimiques des solanées que nous avons examinés n'interviennent pas d'une façon importante, mais peuvent avoir une influence secondaire, dans les choix alimentaires de Manduca sexta.
Abstract The gene encoding flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (148 amino acid residues), the first flavoprotein for which a three-dimensional structure has been determined, was cloned with the use of two synthetic oligonucleotides, designed to recognize the coding sequence for amino acid residues 11–19 and 98–103, respectively. The two oligonucleotides were used to screen a library of 900 λ-clones of the D. vulgaris chromosome. A single clone, λFL1, reacting with both probes was isolated. The entire structural gene for flavodoxin is contained in the 15 kb insert of λFL1 as found by nucleic acid sequencing. The codon usage in the flavodoxin gene is strongly biased towards G or C in the third codon position. A table in which codon usage information from all genes of D. vulgaris sequenced to date is combined is presented and should facilitate further gene cloning with oligonucleotide probes.  相似文献   
The influence of growth rate, the presence of acetate and variation in the dissolved oxygen concentration on the kinetics of nitrite oxidation was studied in suspensions of intact cells of Nitrobacter winogradskyi and Nitrobacter hamburgensis. The cells were grown in nitrite-limited chemostats at different dilution rates under chemolithotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. Growth of N. hamburgensis in continuous culture was dependent on the presence of acetate. Acetate hardly affected the maximal nitrite oxidation rate per cell (V max), but displayed a distinctly negative effect on the saturation constants for nitrite oxidation (K m ) of both Nitrobacter species. This effect was reversible; when acetate was removed from the suspensions the K m -values for nitrite oxidation returned to their original values. A reduction of the dissolved oxygen concentration from 100% to 18% air saturation slightly decreased the V max of chemolithotrophically grown N. winogradskyi cells, whereas a 2.3 fold increase was observed with mixotrophically grown cells of N. hamburgensis. It is suggested that the large variation in K m encountered in field samples could be due to this observed phenotypic variability. The V max per cell is not a constant, but apparently is dependent on growth rate and environmental conditions. This implies that potential nitrite oxidation activity and numbers of cells are not necessarily related. Considering their kinetic characteristics, it is unlikely that N. hamburgensis is able to compete succesfully with N. winogradskyi for limiting amounts of nitrite under mixotrophic conditions. However, at reduced partial oxygen tensions, N. hamburgensis may become the better competitor.  相似文献   
Axenic cultures of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. Rhodospirillum rubrum, and Rhodomicrobium vannielii grown with glutamate as the nitrogen source converted lactate, acetate, and butyrate to H(2) and CO(2). Conversion rates ranged from 100 to 926 mL H(2) L(r) (-1) day(-1) (where L(r) is the reactor contents), and efficiencies varied from 23 to 100% When grown with N(2), conversion rates up to 760 mL H(2) L(r) (-1) day(-1) and efficiencies up to 100%were achieved. Upon aging, cultures appear to rapidly increase in hydrogen uptake activity and furthermore decrease in nitrogenase activity, both factors leading to a slowdown of hydrogen production. This was particularly the case for diazotrophically grown photobacteria.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the possibility of monitoring the plasma lactate concentration in human volunteers during cycle ergometer exercise using subcutaneous and transcutaneous microdialysis. In transcutaneous microdialysis, the relative increase in dialysate lactate concentration exceeded that of plasma lactate concentration by a factor of 6 during exercise due to exercise-induced lactate secretion in sweat. During exercise the subcutaneous microdialysis dialysate lactate concentration underestimated the plasma lactate concentration possibly due to diffusion limitation or adipose tissue lactate production. While it was demonstrated that microdialysis can be used for on-line lactate monitoring, neither subcutaneous nor transcutaneous dialysate lactate concentration were linearly related to the plasma lactate concentration during exercise, and it was found therefore that it was not possible to monitor directly plasma lactate concentration during exercise.  相似文献   
The locus responsible for the childhood-onset proximal spinal muscular atrophies (SMA) has recently been mapped to an area of 2–3 Mb in the region q12–13.3 of chromosome 5. We have used a series of radiation hybrids (RHs) containing distinct parts of the SMA region as defined by reference markers. A cosmid library was constructed from one RH. Thirteen clones were isolated and five of these were mapped within the SMA region. Both RH mapping and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that two clones map in the region between loci D5S125 and D5S351. One of the cosmids contains expressed sequences. Polymorphic dinucleotide repeats were identified in both clones and used for segregation analysis of key recombinant SMA families. One recombination between the SMA locus and the new marker 9Ic (D5S685) indicates that 9Ic is probably the closest distal marker. The absence of recombination between the SMA locus and marker Fc (D5S684) suggests that Fc is located close to the disease gene. These new loci should refine linkage analysis in SMA family studies and may facilitate the isolation of the disease gene.  相似文献   
To determine the potential for adaptation to a local biotic environment, we examined the magnitude and nature of genetic variation in response to neighboring plants within a natural population of the native California annual, Nemophila menziesii. A total of 22 plants from a natural population were crossed in three reciprocal factorials. The progeny were grown in a greenhouse in nine treatments that varied in conspecific density and in the density of a naturally co-occurring grass species, Bromus diandrus. Increasing the density of each species significantly reduced individual survival, fruit number, and dry weight. Among survivors, we found small to moderate heritability of dry weight within treatments. Additive genetic correlations (rA) of dry weight between competitive regimes were generally large and positive. In no case were they significantly different from 1, as expected under the null hypothesis that the relative performance of the genotypes under consideration is the same in all environments. On the basis of these results, we cannot conclude that the structure of genetic covariation within this population would promote genetic differentiation in response to locally varying conditions of density of these two species. Aspects of the experiment that may have compromised our ability to detect rA differing from 1 are discussed.  相似文献   
We examined the interaction of glycolipid-containing phospholipid vesicles with rat hepatocytes in vitro. Incorporation of either N-lignoceroyldihydrolactocerebroside or the monosialoganglioside, GM1, enhanced liposomal lipid uptake 4–5-fold as judged by the uptake of radioactive phosphatidylcholine as a vesicle marker. Cerebroside enhanced phospholipid uptake only when incorporated into dimyristoyl, but not into egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles. The lack of cerebroside effect in egg phosphatidylcholine-containing vesicles appeared to be due to a limited exposure of the carbohydrate part of the glycolipid as suggested by the reduced agglutinability of those vesicles by Ricinus communis agglutinin.In contrast to the results with radioactive phosphatidylcholine, we observed only a 20% increase in vesicle-cell association as a result of glycolipid incorporation, when a trace amount of [14C]cholesteryloleate served as a marker of the liposomal lipids or when using the fluorescent dye, carboxyfluorescein, as a marker of the aqueous space of the vesicles. By the same token, intracellular delivery of vesicle-contents was only slightly enhanced (approx. 10%).The discrepancy between the association with the cells of phosphatidylcholine on the one hand and cholesteryoleate or entrapped marker on the other suggests different mechanisms of uptake for these markers. Our results are compatible with the notion that the main effect of incorporation of glycolipids into the vesicles is the enhancement of exchange or transfer of phospholipid molecules between vesicles and cells. Incubation of the cells with galactose or lactose, prior to addition of vesicles, suggests that this enhanced phospholipid exchange or transfer involves specific recognition of the terminal galactose residues of the glycolipid vesicles by a receptor present on the plasma membranes of hepatocytes.  相似文献   
The separation of the enantiomers of lactic and glyceric acids can be achieved by capillary gas chromatography on SP-1000 using the corresponding O-acetylated menthyl esters. The structures of the derivatives were proved by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The method has been used for the determination of the absolute configurations of lactic and glyceric acids isolated from serum and urine from different patients.  相似文献   
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