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The synthesis of some monocyclic beta-lactams (monobactams) by the Staudinger reaction using D-glucosamine propanedithioacetal as chiral auxiliary is reported. The influence of several radicals at C3, C4, and C1' (sugar moiety) as well as other structural aspects are considered in relation to the antielastase activity.  相似文献   
Desensitization, two-state receptors and pharmacological parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Katz' classical desensitization theory is examined and expanded. Two possible desensitization mechanisms are found to be thermodynamically identical with drug action on a two-state receptor and capable of interpretation as escape from an instability imposed by the activation of the receptor. The expanded theory of desensitization enables classical receptor theory to accomodate unexplained experimental facts such as the "fade" of both agonistic and antagonistic drug action and the metaphilic effect; it also makes it possible to interpret the variable efficacy or intrinsic activity of partial agonists as very rapid desensitization of drug-receptor complexes.  相似文献   
Post-stimulation dilatation (PSD) of the femoral artery and vein after cessation of postganglionic sympathetic stimulation were related to the frequency and pulse number of the preceding stimulation. It was found that: 1) A minimum number of pulses (MNP) is needed to evoke PSD. MNP is inversely related to the stimulation frequency. A marked PSD develops after stimulation at 1 Hz when only 100 pulses were applied, whereas, if stimulated at 4 Hz or at higher frequencies, even 2,000 pulses fail to induce PSD. 2) The maximum value, the maximum rate and the overall diameter change of PSD (expressed either in absolute values or in relation to the preceding contraction) are a) directly related to the number of pulses at a constant stimulation frequency, b) for a constant number of pulses the above values are inversely related to the stimulation frequency. 3) The relation of PSD values to the stimulation parameters contradict the assumption that PSD is elicited either by a neurogenic transmitter released by the stimulation, or by an extraneuronal transmitter whose release is associated with the release of noradrenaline. PSD is suggested to be due to a decreased noradrenaline level within the synaptic cleft due to persistence of the reuptake after the release of noradrenaline had ceased.  相似文献   
By using wild-type and deoxystreptamine-negative mutants of Streptomyces fradiae grown in media containing [6(-3)H]glucose or [U-14C]glucose, and by subsequent hydrolysis of the labelled neomycin produced, neamines labelled with 3H in both rings I and II, but with 14C in ring I only, were prepared. A mixture of these two forms of neamine was converted by deoxystreptamine-negative Streptomyces rimosus forma paromomycinus into neomycin (not paromomycin) with a 30% yield. The3H: 14C ratio in this neomycin was the same as the measured in neamine produced by hydrolysis of the neomycin, and in unused neamine reisolated from the incubation medium. The 3H:14C ratio in the neomycin was not affected by the presence of unlabelled deoxystreptamine during the incubation. The radioactivity in the neomycin was associated with rings I and II only. It is concluded that the added neamine is incorporated into antibiotic intact, without initial hydrolysis, and that the probable first step in the subunit assembly of neomycin is the formation of neamine.  相似文献   
Humanized tumor mice (HTM) were generated by the co-transplantation of human hematopoietic stem cells and human breast cancer cells overexpressing HER2 into neonatal NOD-scid IL2Rγnull (NSG) mice. These mice are characterized by the development of a human immune system in combination with human breast cancer growth. Due to concurrent transplantation into newborn mice, transfer of MHC-mismatched tumor cells resulted in solid coexistence and immune cell activation (CD4+ T cells, natural killer cells, and myeloid cells), but without evidence for rejection. Histological staining of the spleen of HTM revealed co-localization of human antigen-presenting cells together with human T and B cells allowing MHC-dependent interaction, and thereby the generation of T cell-dependent antibody production. Here, we investigated the capability of these mice to generate human tumor-specific antibodies and correlated immunoglobulin titers with tumor outgrowth. We found detectable IgM and also IgG amounts in the serum of HTM, which apparently controlled tumor development when IgG serum concentrations were above 10 µg/ml. Western blot analyses revealed that the tumor-specific antibodies generated in HTM did not recognize HER2/neu antigens, but different, possibly relevant antigens for breast cancer therapy. In conclusion, HTM offer a novel approach to generate complete human monoclonal antibodies that do not require further genetic manipulation (e. g., humanization) for a potential application in humans. In addition, efficacy and safety of the generated antibodies can be tested in the same mouse model under human-like conditions. This might be of particular interest for cancer subtypes with no currently available antibody therapy.  相似文献   
Early endosomes (EEs) mediate protein sorting, and their cytoskeleton-dependent motility supports long-distance signaling in neurons. Here, we report an unexpected role of EE motility in distributing the translation machinery in a fungal model system. We visualize ribosomal subunit proteins and show that the large subunits diffused slowly throughout the cytoplasm (Dc,60S = 0.311 µm2/s), whereas entire polysomes underwent long-range motility along microtubules. This movement was mediated by “hitchhiking” on kinesin-3 and dynein-driven EEs, where the polysomes appeared to translate EE-associated mRNA into proteins. Modeling indicates that this motor-driven transport is required for even cellular distribution of newly formed ribosomes. Indeed, impaired EE motility in motor mutants, or their inability to bind EEs in mutants lacking the RNA-binding protein Rrm4, reduced ribosome transport and induced ribosome aggregation near the nucleus. As a consequence, cell growth was severely restricted. Collectively, our results indicate that polysomes associate with moving EEs and that “off- and reloading” distributes the protein translation machinery.  相似文献   
Significant role for Fas in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Programmed cell death represents an important pathogenic mechanism in various autoimmune diseases. Type I diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a T cell-dependent autoimmune disease resulting in selective destruction of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans. beta cell apoptosis has been associated with IDDM onset in both animal models and newly diagnosed diabetic patients. Several apoptotic pathways have been implicated in beta cell destruction, including Fas, perforin, and TNF-alpha. Evidence for Fas-mediated lysis of beta cells in the pathogenesis of IDDM in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice includes: 1) Fas-deficient NOD mice bearing the lpr mutation (NOD-lpr/lpr) fail to develop IDDM; 2) transgenic expression of Fas ligand (FasL) on beta cells in NOD mice may result in accelerated IDDM; and 3) irradiated NOD-lpr/lpr mice are resistant to adoptive transfer of diabetes by cells from NOD mice. However, the interpretation of these results is complicated by the abnormal immune phenotype of NOD-lpr/lpr mice. Here we present novel evidence for the role of Fas/FasL interactions in the progression of NOD diabetes using two newly derived mouse strains. We show that NOD mice heterozygous for the FasL mutation gld, which have reduced functional FasL expression on T cells but no lymphadenopathy, fail to develop IDDM. Further, we show that NOD-lpr/lpr mice bearing the scid mutation (NOD-lpr/lpr-scid/scid), which eliminates the enhanced FasL-mediated lytic activity induced by Fas deficiency, still have delayed onset and reduced incidence of IDDM after adoptive transfer of diabetogenic NOD spleen cells. These results provide evidence that Fas/FasL-mediated programmed cell death plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes.  相似文献   
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of most vertebrate cells is spread out by kinesin-dependent transport along microtubules, whereas studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicated that motility of fungal ER is an actin-based process. However, microtubules are of minor importance for organelle transport in yeast, but they are crucial for intracellular transport within numerous other fungi. Herein, we set out to elucidate the role of the tubulin cytoskeleton in ER organization and dynamics in the fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis. An ER-resident green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localized to a peripheral network and the nuclear envelope. Tubules and patches within the network exhibited rapid dynein-driven motion along microtubules, whereas conventional kinesin did not participate in ER motility. Cortical ER organization was independent of microtubules or F-actin, but reformation of the network after experimental disruption was mediated by microtubules and dynein. In addition, a polar gradient of motile ER-GFP stained dots was detected that accumulated around the apical Golgi apparatus. Both the gradient and the Golgi apparatus were sensitive to brefeldin A or benomyl treatment, suggesting that the gradient represents microtubule-dependent vesicle trafficking between ER and Golgi. Our results demonstrate a role of cytoplasmic dynein and microtubules in motility, but not peripheral localization of the ER in U. maydis.  相似文献   
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