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Hypophysectomy caused a marked but transient increase in branched-chain α-keto acid decarboxylase activities in rat liver mitochondria, peaking at about nine days post-surgery. The magnitude of increase is different for each of the three branched-chain α-keto acids. The activities then fall to a new steady state in three weeks with α-ketoisovalerate decarboxylase activity within the normal range, α-keto-β-methylvalerate decarboxylase activity at twice normal, and α-ketoisocaproate decarboxylase activity decreased to a level too low for accurate measurements.  相似文献   
An external 3.8-MeV proton beam was employed to induce X-rays in 100-mg pellets of human follicular fluids and in 4–8 mg pellets of spermatozoa. The elements Cl, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Br were quantitatively determined in follicular fluids, whereas the elements, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn were determined in the spermatozoa. Both samples had high interelement Spearman correlation coefficients. Correlations of elements in the samples were observed with several clinical parameters. The multielemental analysis of spermatozoa can be used to approximate quantities of trace elements inserted into the egg ooplasm at the time of fertilization. These elemental quantities appear to be in the femtogram (10?15) range.  相似文献   
Stimulation of glutamate binding by the dipeptide L-phenylalanyl-L-glutamate (Phe-Glu) was inhibited by the peptidase inhibitor bestatin, suggesting that the stimulation was caused by glutamate liberated from the dipeptide and not by the dipeptide itself. It further suggests that this form of glutamate binding should be reinterpreted as glutamate sequestration and that stimulation of binding both by dipeptides and after preincubation with high concentrations of glutamate is likely to be due to counterflow accumulation. Several other criteria indicate that most of glutamate binding stimulated by chloride represents glutamate sequestration: Binding is reduced when the osmolarity of the incubation medium is increased, when membranes incubated with [3H]glutamate are lysed before filtration, and when membranes are made permeable by transient exposure to saponin. Moreover, dissociation of bound glutamate after a 100-fold dilution of the incubation medium is accelerated about 50 times by the addition of glutamate to the dilution medium. This result would be anomalous if glutamate were bound to a receptor site; it suggests instead that glutamate is transported in and out of membrane vesicles by a transport system that preferentially mediates exchange between internal and external glutamate. Glutamate binding contains a component of glutamate sequestration even when measured in the absence of chloride. Sequestration is adequately abolished only after treating membranes with detergents; even extensive lysis, sonication, and freezing/thawing may be insufficient.  相似文献   
Summary The eye of the marine mollusk Aplysia californica contains a photo-entrainable circadian pacemaker that drives an overt circadian rhythm of spontaneous compound action potentials in the optic nerve. Both light and serotonin are known to influence the phase of this ocular rhythm. The current study evaluated the effect of FMRFamide on both light and serotonin induced phase shifts of this rhythm. The application of FMRFamide was found to block serotonin induced phase shifts but, by itself, FMRFamide did not cause significant phase shifts. Furthermore, the effects of FMRFamide on light-induced phase shifts appeared to be phase dependent (i.e., the application of FMRFamide inhibited light-induced phase delays but actually enhanced the magnitude of phase advances). As in Aplysia, the eye of Bulla gouldiana also contains a circadian pacemaker. In Bulla, FMRFamide prevented light-induced phase advances and delays. Although FMRFamide alone generated phase dependent phase shifts, it did not cause phase shifts at the phases where it blocked the effects of light. These data demonstrate that FMRFamide can have pronounced modulatory effects on phase shifting inputs to the ocular pacemakers of both Aplysia and Bulla.Abbreviations ASW artificial seawater - CAP compound action potential - CT circadian time - 5-HT serotonin  相似文献   
Summary A major concern arising from the culture of clonally propagated crops of forest trees is risk of catastrophic loss due to an agent or event not anticipated at the time of population establishment. Since danger of such a catastrophe depends to some degree on the genetic variability within clonal mixtures, attention has been focused on the number of clones needed to keep the risk of catastrophic loss below specified levels. In this paper, we describe a genetical analysis of susceptibility to a destructive agent and the effect that frequency of genes for susceptibility have on the number of clones needed to effectively manage this risk. As a part of the analysis, parameters representing the minimum unacceptable mortality rates in plantations () and acceptable levels of risk () are defined, and their effects on the number of single-pair matings needed for the production of clonal stock are evaluated. Dominance and recessive gene action models for a single two-allele genetic locus are investigated. Probabilities for plantation failure are functions of the gene frequency for the allele conferring susceptibility. These functions converge to zero for allele frequencies less than but to one for frequencies greater than or equal to . This convergence is periodic rather than monotonie, since probabilities for plantation failure increase rather than decrease over restricted ranges of increasing numbers of clones. Recessive and dominance gene actions are found to have different effects on the minimum number of clones needed to attain acceptable risk levels. For conditions in which substantial numbers of clones are required, selecting multiple clones per mating is an effective method for reducing the number of matings necessary to achieve acceptable risks.Paper No. 12480 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agriculture Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7643, USA  相似文献   
Shoot-tip cultures of Quince C (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) initiated on Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium containing 5 M BA and 0.6% Phytagar showed both shoot-tip necrosis and severe vitrification. Culturing explants on medium containing 1.2% Phytagar and Ca levels of 3 mM (MS medium), 18 mM and 30 mM showed a decrease in growth with increasing medium Ca levels, being especially severe at 30 mM. The Ca content of the explants increased linearly with increasing medium Ca. Culturing explants on medium containing 3 mM, 9 mM, and 18 mM Ca at 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2% agar resulted in reduction in growth, shoot-tip necrosis, and vitrification when either factor was increased. The reduction in shoot-tip necrosis could be accounted for primarily by an increase in medium Ca levels but may also be affected by a change in explant growth. Increasing Ca concentration in the medium resulted in a linear increase in explant K, Ca, Mg, and B levels and a decrease in Mn and Na. Although increasing medium Ca or agar levels reduced vitrification, it is unclear whether they were the direct cause of the reduction in vitrification or whether this response was an effect of the reduction in culture fresh weight.Approved by publication by the Director, West Virginia Agriculture anf Forestry Experimental Station as Scientific Article No. 2199  相似文献   
Gamma irradiation (1.0 kGy) of intact, newly harvested, mature muskmelon fruit (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus Naud.) appears to have an immediate deleterious effect, but also a long-term beneficial effect, on the integrity and function of the plasma membrane (PM) of hypodermal mesocarp tissue. The initial consequences of gamma irradiation included an increase in the free sterol:phospholipid ratio, resulting at least in part from deglycosylation of steryl glycosides, a decrease in the spinasterol:7-stigmastenol ratio in each of the PM steryl lipids (free sterols, steryl glycosides, and acylated steryl glycosides), and a decrease in H+-ATPase activity. Irradiation did not increase protein loss, suggesting that the decrease in H+-ATPase activity resulted from either direct inactivation of the enzyme or altered PM ordering caused by the steryl lipid modifications. The long-term beneficial effects of irradiation, observed following 10 days of commercial storage, included greater retention of total PM protein, a diminished decline in total PM phospholipids (PL) and in the PL:protein ratio, and maintenance of greater overall H+-ATPase activity (activity was the same as in controls on a per mg protein basis, but there was > 30% more protein in the PM of stored irradiated fruit). These results indicate that 1 kGy gamma irradiation administered prior to storage slowes the progression of two key parameters of senescence, PM protein loss and PL catabolism.  相似文献   
The counterion density and the condensation region around DNA have been examined as functions of both ion size and added-salt concentration using Metropolis Monte Carlo (MC) and Poisson–Boltzmann (PB) methods. Two different definitions of the “bound” and “free” components of the electrolyte ion atmosphere were used to compare these approaches. First, calculation of the ion density in different spatial regions around the polyelectrolyte molecule indicates, in agreement with previous work, that the PB equation does not predict an invariance of the surface concentration of counterions as electrolyte is added to the system. Further, the PB equation underestimates the counterion concentration at the DNA surface, compared to the MC results, the difference being greatest in the grooves, where ionic concentrations are highest. If counterions within a fixed radius of the helical axis are considered to be bound, then the fraction of polyelectrolyte charge neutralized by counterions would be predicted to increase as the bulk electrolyte concentration increases. A second categorization—one in which monovalent cations in regions where the average electrostatic potential is ledd than ?kT are considered to be bound—provides an informative basis for comparison of MC and PB with each other and with counterion-condensation theory. By this criterion, PB calculations on the B from of DNA indicate that the amount of bound counterion charge per phosphate group is about .67 and is independent of salt concentration. A particularly provocative observatiob is that when this binding criterion is used, MC calculations quantitatively reproduce the bound fraction predicated by counterion-condensation theory for all-atom models of B-DNA and A-DNA as well as for charged cylindera of varying lineat charge densities. For example, for B-DNA and A-DNA, the fractions of phosphate groups neutralized by 2 Å hard sphere counterions are 0.768 and .817, respectively. For theoretical studies, the rediys enclosing the region in which the electrostatic potential is calculated studies, the radius enclosing the region in which the electrostatic potential is calculated to be less than ?kT is advocated s a more suitable binding or condensation radius that enclosing the fraction of counterions given by (1 – ξ?1). A comparsion of radii calculated using both of these definitions is presented. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
BothPseudomonas putida F1 and a mixed culture were used to study TCE degradation in continuous culture under aerobic, non-methanotrophic conditions. TCE mass balance studies were performed with continuous culture reactors to determine the total percent removed in the reactors, and to quantify the percent removed by air stripping and biodegradation. Adsorption of TCE to biomass was assumed to be negligible. This research demonstrated the feasibility of treating TCE-contaminated water under aerobic, non-methanotrophic conditions with a mixed-culture, continuous-flow system.Initially glucose and acetate were fed as primary substrates. Pnenol, which has been shown to induce TCE-degrading enzymes, was fed at a much lower concentration (20mg/L). Little degradation of TCE was observed when acetate and glucose were the primary substrates. After omitting glucose and acetate from the feed and increasing the phenol concentration to 50mg/L, TCE biotransformation was observed at a significant level (46%). When the phenol concentration in the feed was increased to 420mg/L, 85% of the incoming TCE was estimated to have been biodegraded. Under the same conditions, phenol utilization by the mixed culture was greater than that ofP. putida F1, and TCE degradation by the mixed culture (85%) exceeded that ofP. putida F1 (55%). The estimated percent-of-TCE biodegraded by the mixed culture was consistently greater than 80% when phenol was fed at 420mg/L. Biodegradation of TCE was also observed in mixed-culture, batch experiments.  相似文献   
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