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Protein Rou. A human IgA hybrid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein Rou is a human IgA2 myeloma protein that carries the isoallotype marker n A2m(2). Partial amino acid sequence of its H chain (alpha) shows that the hinge region and the CH2 domain are homologous to alpha 2-chain and the CH1 and the CH3 domains homologous to alpha 1. Moreover, the CH1 domain contains the H-L disulfide bond identical to alpha 1. It is concluded that Rou H chain is a hybrid molecule caused by a recombination between alpha 1 and alpha 2 genes. The recombination event occurred between alpha 1-exon 1 and alpha 2-exon hinge and corresponds to position 222-223 of the alpha-chain.  相似文献   
In mouse cells transformed by a mutant polyomavirus genome, recombination between integrated viral DNA and flanking cellular DNA resulted in the excision of two readily amplifiable chimeras, designated RmI and RmII. The crossing-over that generated RmII was unique in that it involved a simple cellular sequence in which the triplet 5'-CTG-3' was repeated many times. We show that the sequence across the junction resulting from excision was identical in several molecules of RmII, as if the cross-over generating this junction always involved exactly the same two sites on the viral and cellular DNA. We also show that the cellular site mapped where the replacement of a G by an A in one of many successive 5'-CTG-3' triplets generated a homology of five nucleotides (5'-CTACT-3') with the viral site. Oligonucleotides on both sides of these sites are probably involved in matching the two DNAs prior to recombination.  相似文献   
Two diel emergence patterns (April and October 1990) of chironomids from a hyporhithral site (4th–5th order) in the Aude River are described. In April, 62 species were collected with a mean hourly richness of 31 (±4). The Orthocladiinae (91%) largely dominated the emergence. The total number of exuviae captured by one drift-net varied from 1300 to 11600 per one hour period. There was a clear bimodal pattern with peaks post dawn (07.00–09.00 hrs) and around sunset (18.00 hrs).In October, the total number of exuviae captured was much lower and varied from 150 to 540 per one hour period with post dawn (06.00–08.00 hrs) and post sunset (18.00 hrs) peaks. Nevertheless, the total species richness (65) was higher as was the mean hourly richness (37±4). The Orthocladiinae (68%) dominated less because of increases in the Tanytarsini (15%) and Chiromini (14%). A diel rhythm appeared in autumn emergence. Most of the Orthocladiinae exuviae were collected during daylight hours, whereas most of the Chironomini and Tanytarsini were sampled during darkness. A majority of the exuviae with a length below 3 mm emerged during daylight, but most of the exuviae above 5 mm length emerged during darkness. The exuviae with an intermediate length (3–5 mm) had an amodal diel emergence pattern. In spring and autumn, the majority of species had a bimodal emergence pattern either by day (Orthocladiinae) or by night (Chironominae). But the smallest species had either an unimodal (Thiennemaniella vittata) or bimodal (Neozavrelia fuldensis) daytime emergence. The diel emergence patterns of 10 of the most frequently recorded species are presented.  相似文献   
The genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) play an important role in the vertebrate immune response and are among the most polymorphic genes known in vertebrates. In some marine mammals, MHC genes have been shown to be characterized by low levels of polymorphism compared to terrestrial taxa; this reduction in variation is often explained as a result of lower pathogen pressures in marine habitats. To determine if this same reduction in variation applies to the migratory population of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) that occurs in the Gulf of California, we genotyped a 172 bp fragment of exon 2 of the MHC Class II DQB locus for 80 members of this population. Twenty-two putatively functional DQB allotypes were identified, all of which were homologous with DQB sequences from other cetacean species. Up to 5 putative alleles per individual were identified, suggesting that gene duplication has occurred at this locus. Rates of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (ω) and maximum likelihood analyses of models of nucleotide variation provided potential evidence of ongoing positive selection at this exon. Phylogenetic analyses of DQB alleles from B. musculus and 16 other species of cetaceans revealed trans-specific conservation of MHC variants, suggesting that selection has acted on this locus over prolonged periods of time. Collectively our findings reveal that immunogenic variation in blue whales is comparable to that in terrestrial mammals, thereby providing no evidence that marine taxa are subject to reduced pathogen-induced selective pressures.  相似文献   
Repeat marine heat wave‐induced mass coral bleaching has decimated reefs in Seychelles for 35 years, but how coral‐associated microbial diversity (microalgal endosymbionts of the family Symbiodiniaceae and bacterial communities) potentially underpins broad‐scale bleaching dynamics remains unknown. We assessed microbiome composition during the 2016 heat wave peak at two contrasting reef sites (clear vs. turbid) in Seychelles, for key coral species considered bleaching sensitive (Acropora muricata, Acropora gemmifera) or tolerant (Porites lutea, Coelastrea aspera). For all species and sites, we sampled bleached versus unbleached colonies to examine how microbiomes align with heat stress susceptibility. Over 30% of all corals bleached in 2016, half of which were from Acropora sp. and Pocillopora sp. mass bleaching that largely transitioned to mortality by 2017. Symbiodiniaceae ITS2‐sequencing revealed that the two Acropora sp. and P. lutea generally associated with C3z/C3 and C15 types, respectively, whereas C. aspera exhibited a plastic association with multiple D types and two C3z types. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that bacterial communities were coral host‐specific, largely through differences in the most abundant families, Hahellaceae (comprising Endozoicomonas), Rhodospirillaceae, and Rhodobacteraceae. Both Acropora sp. exhibited lower bacterial diversity, species richness, and community evenness compared to more bleaching‐resistant P. lutea and C. aspera. Different bleaching susceptibility among coral species was thus consistent with distinct microbiome community profiles. These profiles were conserved across bleached and unbleached colonies of all coral species. As this pattern could also reflect a parallel response of the microbiome to environmental changes, the detailed functional associations will need to be determined in future studies. Further understanding such microbiome‐environmental interactions is likely critical to target more effective management within oceanically isolated reefs of Seychelles.  相似文献   
With the diabetes epidemic affecting the world population, there is an increasing demand for means to regulate glycemia. Dietary glucose is first absorbed by the intestine before entering the blood stream. Thus, the regulation of glucose absorption by intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) could represent a way to regulate glycemia. Among the molecules involved in glycemia homeostasis, extracellular ATP, a paracrine signaling molecule, was reported to induce insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells by activating P2Y and P2X receptors. In rat's jejunum, P2X7 expression was previously immunolocalized to the apex of villi, where it has been suspected to play a role in apoptosis. However, using an antibody recognizing the receptor extracellular domain and thus most of the P2X7 isoforms, we showed that expression of this receptor is apparent in the top two‐thirds of villi. These data suggest a different role for this receptor in IECs. Using the non‐cancerous IEC‐6 cells and differentiated Caco‐2 cells, glucose transport was reduced by more than 30% following P2X7 stimulation. This effect on glucose transport was not due to P2X7‐induced cell apoptosis, but rather was the consequence of glucose transporter 2 (Glut2)'s internalization. The signaling pathway leading to P2X7‐dependent Glut2 internalization involved the calcium‐independent activation of phospholipase Cγ1 (PLCγ1), PKCδ, and PKD1. Although the complete mechanism regulating Glut2 internalization following P2X7 activation is not fully understood, modulation of P2X7 receptor activation could represent an interesting approach to regulate intestinal glucose absorption. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 120–129, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
High-scale morality is the study of moral ideas and sentiments deployed in relations that encompass multiple, geographically or socially distant populaces. The envisioning of distant people, their attributed moral personhood, the evaluation of their perceived behaviour, and the rectification of wrongs through the use of powerful organizations are key topics in high-scale morality. High-scale morality differs from existing anthropological approaches that emphasize local ethnography or contrastive moral ideas; it addresses the moralization of issues like world hunger, the drug trade, or international migration. The officers of the US Immigration and Naturalization Service understand and evaluate legal and illegal immigrants, as well as directly enacting moral rectification for the US polity. As they resolve moral dilemmas on their job, they utilize pervasive models for moral thought and action in capitalist, individualist, stratified, and bureaucratized societies. The article finishes by considering directions in which anthropology can contribute to understanding the moral dimension of global issues.  相似文献   


Recent advances in sequencing technologies have enabled metagenomic analyses of many human body sites. Several studies have catalogued the composition of bacterial communities of the surface of human skin, mostly under static conditions in healthy volunteers. Skin injury will disturb the cutaneous homeostasis of the host tissue and its commensal microbiota, but the dynamics of this process have not been studied before. Here we analyzed the microbiota of the surface layer and the deeper layers of the stratum corneum of normal skin, and we investigated the dynamics of recolonization of skin microbiota following skin barrier disruption by tape stripping as a model of superficial injury.


We observed gender differences in microbiota composition and showed that bacteria are not uniformly distributed in the stratum corneum. Phylogenetic distance analysis was employed to follow microbiota development during recolonization of injured skin. Surprisingly, the developing neo-microbiome at day 14 was more similar to that of the deeper stratum corneum layers than to the initial surface microbiome. In addition, we also observed variation in the host response towards superficial injury as assessed by the induction of antimicrobial protein expression in epidermal keratinocytes.


We suggest that the microbiome of the deeper layers, rather than that of the superficial skin layer, may be regarded as the host indigenous microbiome. Characterization of the skin microbiome under dynamic conditions, and the ensuing response of the microbial community and host tissue, will shed further light on the complex interaction between resident bacteria and epidermis.  相似文献   
To examine the roles of TGFbeta isoforms on corneal morphogenesis, the eyes of mice that lack TGFbetas were analyzed at different developmental stages for cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis, and for expression patterns of keratin 12, lumican, keratocan and collagen I. Among the three Tgfb(-/-) mice, only Tgfb2(-/-) mice have abnormal ocular morphogenesis characterized by thin corneal stroma, absence of corneal endothelium, fusion of cornea to lens (a Peters'-like anomaly phenotype), and accumulation of hyaline cells in vitreous. In Tgfb2(-/-) mice, fewer keratocytes were found in stroma that has a decreased accumulation of ECM; for example, lumican, keratocan and collagen I were greatly diminished. The absence of TGFbeta2 did not compromise cell proliferation, nor enhance apoptosis. The thinner stroma resulting from decreased ECM synthesis may account for the decreased cell number in the stroma of Tgfb2 null mice. Keratin 12 expression was not altered in Tgfb2(-/-) mice, implicating normal corneal type epithelial differentiation. Delayed appearance of macrophages in ocular tissues was observed in Tgfb2(-/-) mice. Malfunctioning macrophages may account for accumulation of cell mass in vitreous of Tgfb2 null mice.  相似文献   
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