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Beta-galactosidase served as a model system to explore the feasibility of enhancing the selectivity of a low-cost, easily scaled separation method-precipitation. Enhanced selectivity was sought by fusing the enzyme with polypeptide tails including 5 and 11 aspartates. The unfused protein could not be selectively removed from the Escherichia coli cell extract by precipitation with polyethylenimine (PEI), but the longest fusion could be selectively removed. The presence of nucleic acids limited the purification attainable. Pretreatment with nuclease followed by diafiltration resulted in an extract from which the same fusion could be precipitated with greater than fivefold enrichment, while the untailed enzyme remained unenriched by the same precipitation step. Selectivity is attributed to the binding strength of the polyanionic tails to the polycationic PEI.  相似文献   
Potential virulence attributes, serotypes, and ribotypes were determined for 178 pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical, environmental, and food sources on the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf Coasts of the United States and from clinical sources in Asia. The food and environmental isolates were generally from oysters, and they were defined as being pathogenic by using DNA probes to detect the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) gene. The clinical isolates from the United States were generally associated with oyster consumption, and most were obtained from outbreaks in Washington, Texas, and New York. Multiplex PCR was used to confirm the species identification and the presence of tdh and to test for the tdh-related hemolysin trh. Most of the environmental, food, and clinical isolates from the United States were positive for tdh, trh, and urease production. Outbreak-associated isolates from Texas, New York, and Asia were predominantly serotype O3:K6 and possessed only tdh. A total of 27 serotypes and 28 ribogroups were identified among the isolates, but the patterns of strain distribution differed between the serotypes and ribogroups. All but one of the O3:K6 isolates from Texas were in a different ribogroup from the O3:K6 isolates from New York or Asia. The O3:K6 serotype was not detected in any of the environmental and food isolates from the United States, and none of the food or environmental isolates belonged to any of the three ribogroups that contained all of the O3:K6 and related clinical isolates. The combination of serotyping and ribotyping showed that the Pacific Coast V. parahaemolyticus population appeared to be distinct from that of either the Atlantic Coast or Gulf Coast. The fact that certain serotypes and ribotypes contained both clinical and environmental isolates while many others contained only environmental isolates implies that certain serotypes or ribotypes are more relevant for human disease.  相似文献   
The hemolytic activity of new spatially hindered hybrid antioxidants—Ichphans—has been studied. The concentration-dependent hemolytic action of high concentrations of Ichphans with 8, 10, 12, or 16 carbon atoms in the aliphatic chain has been revealed. A nonmonotonic dependence of the hemolytic activity on the hydrophobic properties of Ichphans has been found.  相似文献   
A major barrier to the physical characterization and structure determination of membrane proteins is low yield in recombinant expression. To address this problem, we have designed a selection strategy to isolate mutant strains of Escherichia coli that improve the expression of a targeted membrane protein. In this method, the coding sequence of the membrane protein of interest is fused to a C‐terminal selectable marker, so that the production of the selectable marker and survival on selective media is linked to expression of the targeted membrane protein. Thus, mutant strains with improved expression properties can be directly selected. We also introduce a rapid method for curing isolated strains of the plasmids used during the selection process, in which the plasmids are removed by in vivo digestion with the homing endonuclease I‐CreI. We tested this selection system on a rhomboid family protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Rv1337) and were able to isolate mutants, which we call EXP strains, with up to 75‐fold increased expression. The EXP strains also improve the expression of other membrane proteins that were not the target of selection, in one case roughly 90‐fold.  相似文献   
The effect of new synthetic antioxidants, anphens, on erythrocyte morphology was studied. Insignificant cell transformations induced by the hydrophilic derivative of anphen-1 into echinocytes, as well as cell transformations into stomatocytes under the action of hydrophobic derivatives of anphens-2, 3, and 4 were revealed. The data we obtained indicate the intercalation of these compounds into the erythrocyte membrane. The distribution of compounds in the intra-membrane space depends on their hydrophobicity. A hydrophilic compound, anphen-1, is predominantly located in the outer monolayer of the membrane, while hydrophobic derivatives occur in the inner monolayer. It is proposed that the biological activities of anphen-3 and anphen-4 can occur in both monolayers as they move through the membrane, while the hydrophilic compound, anphen-1, exerts an insignificant membranotropic effect and can act only in the outer monolayer of the membrane. Variability in the efficiency of the concentration-dependent modifying action of the compounds with different hydrophobic properties has been found.  相似文献   
Summary Anacystis nidulans contains two cryptic plasmids of 8.0 (pANS) and 48.5 (pANL) kilobasepairs (kbp). A clone bank of the large plasmid pANL consisting of 7 Bam HI fragments has been established. The cloned fragments were used as radioactive probes to Bam HI, Sal I, Hind III and Eco R1 digests of pANL in blot hybridization experiments to verify the clones and map the restriction fragments. Further size characterization of the physical map was done by restriction analysis of the cloned fragments. The origin of replication has been located in the largest Bam HI fragment of the large plasmid.  相似文献   
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