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Adult male mice were given a continuous infusion of about 0.5 muCi of 3H-thymidine per gram body weight per day for periods varying from 1 to 60 days. Semithin sections of descending colon were cut from/plastic-embedded blocks and stained by a method combining silver impregnation and iron hematoxylin, by which argentaffin entero-endocrine cells and caveolated cells could be identified. From radioautographs, the labeling index of these cells was determined. One to three days after the beginning of 3H-thymidine infusion, label is observed in some of the stained entero-endocrine cells in the bottom of the crypts; the apices of these cells reach the crypt lumen and are joined to neighboring cells by terminal bars (junctional complexes). After five to seven days, labeled entero-endocrine cells are seen on the sides of the crypts, where their base stretches along the basement membrane and their apex has lost its terminal bar connections to neighboring cells. Finally, by 13 and 24 days, labeled cells are observed within the epithelium at the mucosal surface. The turnover time, which is taken to be equal to the mean time required for migration from site of origin to site of loss on the mucosal surface, has been estimated at 23.3 days. This is much longer than the 4.6 days required by the two main cell types of the epithelium -- vacuolated-columnar and mucous cells -- to travel the same route. It is likely that, after entero-endocrine cells lose their terminal bar attachment to other epithelial cells, they migrate independently and very slowly. Labeled caveolated cells are first seen in the crypt bottom one day after the beginning of 3H-thymidine infusion. By three to five days, they are on the sides of the crypts; their base is stretched along the basement membrane, but their apex retains its attachment to neighboring cells by terminal bars. By seven days, labeled caveolated cells are on the mucosal surface. Their turnover time has been assessed at 8.2 days. This is, again, longer than for the two main types to which they are bound by terminal bars throughout migration. The discrepancy is explained by the caveolated cells arising deeper in the crypts than most vacuolated-columnar and mucous cells.  相似文献   
Analogues of GSH in which either the gamma-glutamyl or the glycyl moiety is modified were synthesized and tested as both substrates for and inhibitors of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) 7-7 and 8-8. Acceptor substrates for GST 7-7 were 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and ethacrynic acid (ETA) and for GST 8-8 CDNB, ETA and 4-hydroxynon-trans-2-enal (HNE). The relative ability of each combination of enzyme and GSH analogue to catalyse the conjugation of all acceptor substrates was similar with the exception of the combination of GST 7-7 and gamma-L-Glu-L-Cys-L-Asp, which used CDNB but not ETA as acceptor substrate. In general, GST 7-7 was better than GST 8-8 in utilizing these analogues as substrates, and glycyl analogues were better than gamma-glutamyl analogues as both substrates and inhibitors. These results are compared with those obtained earlier with GSH analogues and GST isoenzymes 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 and 4-4 [Adang, Brussee, Meyer, Coles, Ketterer, van der Gen & Mulder (1988) Biochem. J. 255, 721-724] and the implications with respect to the nature of their active sites are discussed.  相似文献   
Amino acid sequences of four peptide fragments of human hepatocyte growth factor purified from the plasma of patients with fulminant hepatic failure were determined. Based on the amino acid sequence of one of the fragments, two oligodeoxyribonucleotide mixtures were synthesized and used to screen a human placenta cDNA library. On the screening, two overlapping cDNA clones for human hepatocyte growth factor were isolated and the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was determined. The entire primary structure of the protein was deduced from the sequence. The protein consists of 728 amino acid residues, including a possible signal peptide at the N-terminus. The sequence revealed that the heavy and light chains which comprise the protein are encoded by the same mRNA and are produced from a common translation product by proteolytic processing.  相似文献   
Liquid and lyophilized samples of Lachesis muta venom were stored at different temperatures and for different periods of time, and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunoelectrophoresis. Only slight variations were evident when three pools of freeze-dried venom, that had been kept at -30 degrees C for several months were compared with fresh venom. These results suggest that L. muta venom is not altered drastically when stored under these conditions.  相似文献   
We detected immunohistochemically immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) in the smooth muscle of blood vessels and the myoepithelial cell of sweat glands of rats using two antisera against pancreatic glucagon; OAL-123 and 30K. The content of IRG in the blood vessels was found to be 320-1, 270 pg per g wet tissue weight. Filtration of the extracted IRG through a Bio Gel P-30 column yielded a single peak of IRG at 3,500 daltons, the same elution volume of pancreatic glucagon. These findings suggest that the blood vessels of the rats is one of the extrapancreatic sources of IRG in plasma, although physiological role of the IRG is not known.  相似文献   
Abstract: Laminin A, B1, and B2 chain mRNA levels in degenerating and regenerating mouse sciatic nerves were examined using northern blot analysis. In normal intact nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA steady-state levels were high, but when the nerves were crushed, the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA per milligram wet tissue weight of the distal segments of the nerves increased five- to eightfold over that of control levels as the total RNA and β-actin mRNA levels increased, suggesting that these increases were the consequence of Schwann cell proliferation after axotomy. When the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA were normalized as the ratio to total RNA or β-actin mRNA levels, however, they drastically decreased to about 20% of the normal nerve levels in the nerve segments distal to both the crush and transaction sites 1 day after injury. In the crushed nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA levels gradually increased as the regenerating nerves arrived at the distal segments and reestablished normal axon–Schwann cell contact, and then returned to normal levels on the 21 st day. In the transected nerves, where Schwann cells continued to be disconnected from axons, both B1 and B2 mRNA levels remained low. Cultured Schwann cells expressed detectable levels of B1 and B2 chain mRNA which significantly increased when the cells were cocultured with sensory neurons. However, mRNA for A chain was not detectable in the normal, axotomized nerves or in cultured Schwann cells. These data indicate that Schwann cells express laminin B1 and B2 chain mRNA that are up-regulated by axonal or neuronal contact, but they do not express A chain mRNA.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of application of the microtubule-disassembling reagents to squid giant axons upon resting potential, the height of the propagated action potential, and the threshold to evoke action potential were studied using colchicine, podophyllotoxin, vinblastine, griseofulvin, sulfhydryl reagents including NEM, diamide, DTNB and PCMB, and Ca2+ ions. At the same time, the effects of concentrations of K halides and K glutamate on the above physiological properties were studied in comparison within vitro characteristics of microtubule assembly from purified axoplasmic tubulin.It was found that there was good correlation between conditions supporting maintenance of membrane excitability and microtubule assembly. The experiments suggest that associated with the internal surface of the plasma membrane there are microtubules which regulate in part both resting and action potentials.  相似文献   
The substrate specificity of rat liver microsomal glutathione transferase toward glutathione has been examined in a systematic manner. Out of a glycyl-modified and eight gamma-glutamyl-modified glutathione analogues, it was found that four (glutaryl-L-Cys-Gly, alpha-L-Glu-L-Cys-Gly, alpha-D-Glu-L-Cys-Gly, and gamma-L-Glu-L-Cys-beta-Ala) function as substrates. The kinetic parameters for three of these substrates (the alpha-D-Glu-L-Cys-Gly analogue gave very low activity) were compared with those of GSH with both unactivated and the N-ethylmaleimide-activated microsomal glutathione transferase. The alpha-L-Glu-L-Cys-Gly analogue is similar to GSH in that it has a higher kcat (6.9 versus 0.6 s-1) value with the activated enzyme compared with the unactivated enzyme but displays a high Km (6 versus 11 mM) with both forms. Glutaryl-L-Cys-Gly, in contrast, exhibited a similar kcat (8.9 versus 6.7 s-1) with the N-ethylmaleimide-treated enzyme but retains a higher Km value (50 versus 15 mM). Thus, the alpha-amino group of the glutamyl residue in GSH is important for the activity of the activated microsomal glutathione transferase. These observations were quantitated by analyzing the changes in the Gibbs free energy of binding calculated from the changes in kcat/Km values, comparing the analogues to GSH and each other. It is estimated that the binding energy of the alpha-amino group of the glutamyl residue in GSH contributes 9.7 kJ/mol to catalysis by the activated enzyme, whereas the corresponding value for the unactivated enzyme is 3.2 kJ/mol. The importance of the acidic functions in glutathione is also evident as shown by the lack of activity with 4-aminobutyric acid-L-Cys-Gly and the low kcat/Km values with gamma-L-Glu-L-Cys-beta-Ala (0.03 and 0.01 mM-1s-1 for unactivated and activated enzyme, respectively). Utilization of binding energy from a correctly positioned carboxyl group in the glycine residue (10 and 17 kJ/mol for unactivated and activated enzyme, respectively) therefore also appears to be required for optimal activity and activation. A conformational change in the microsomal glutathione transferase upon treatment with N-ethylmaleimide or trypsin, which allows utilization of binding energy from the alpha-amino group of GSH as well as the glycine carboxyl in catalysis, is suggested to account for at least part of the activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of calmodulin (CaM) antagonists (W-7, W-5, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, quinacrine, diazepam, propericyazine and carmidazolium) on the sodium and potassium channels were studied on the intracellularly perfused and voltage-clamped giant axon of the squid. It was found that the drugs are more potent blockers of the sodium current than of the potassium current. The drugs also reduce the sodium gating current. The blockage of the sodium and gating current can be explained by assuming that the drugs interact with the sodium gating subunit in one of its closed states. The site of action is probably the intracellular surface of the axolemma where presumably a Ca2+-calmodulin complex can be formed.  相似文献   
A series of possible transition state analogues of the glucuronidation reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase were tested for their inhibitory effect on glucuronidation of various substrates in a rat liver microsomal fraction. In general 4-nitrophenol glucuronidation was more effectively inhibited than that of 1-naphthol, bilirubin or testosterone. 2-(1-Naphthyl)ethyl-UDP and 2,2,2-(triphenyl)ethyl-UDP were the most effective inhibitors. Their inhibitory effect was competitive towards both UDP-glucuronic acid and 4-nitrophenol. These compounds were much more effective inhibitors than UDP; therefore addition of a lipophilic group enhances the inhibitory potency of UDP. The various UDP derivatives showed differences in their abilities to inhibit the glucuronidation of the four acceptor substrates, supporting the concept that the different forms of UDP-glucuronosyl transferase have different active sites.  相似文献   
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