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The promoters for each of the immediate-early genes from herpes simplex virus type 1 were cloned and fused to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase cassette. These chimeric genes were used as targets in a transient expression assay to determine how the immediate-early gene products ICP4 and ICP0 and the virion-associated stimulatory protein Vmw65 affected their expression in HeLa and Vero cells. The basal level of expression from these cassettes differed significantly depending on the extent of 5'-flanking sequence and the cell line that served as host. The promoters from IE-4 and IE-0 behaved in a qualitatively similar fashion independent of the host cell. However, the promoter for ICP27 had a unique response pattern: in Vero cells it acted as an alpha gene promoter, whereas in HeLa cells its response was more like that of a beta gene promoter. The promoter sequences for ICP22 and ICP47 behaved as the IE-4 and IE-0 promoters did in HeLa cells, but their response to the effector molecules in Vero cells was unlike that of other alpha gene promoters we have studied. Evidence is also presented for a role for ICP27 in autoregulation.  相似文献   
The interactions between a proteoglycan and cationic polypeptides have been investigated by the use of circular-dichroism spectroscopy. The interaction produces an induced conformational change for poly(l-arginine) and poly(l-lysine), similar to the effects previously reported for mucopolysaccharide-polypeptide mixtures. For bovine nasal septum proteoglycan, the interactions are similar to those for chondroitin 4-sulphate, which comprises approximately 63% of the total polysaccharide. The results also suggest that the interactions produce a conformational change in the protein core. Similar studies for the Smith-degradation product show that the protein core can adopt a substantial alpha-helical content and is capable of interactions with poly-(l-arginine). The interactions for chondroitin sulphate ;doublets' are significantly different from those for the separated chains, indicating that the arrangement of the polysaccharide side chains in pairs (and larger groups) along the protein backbone contributes to the interaction properties of the intact proteoglycan.  相似文献   
The interactions between chondroitin-6-sulfate and poly-L -arginine in aqueous salt solution have been investigated by circular dichroism techniques. In the presence of chondroitin-6-sulfate, at neutral pH, poly-L -arginine adopts the α-helical conformation rather than “charged coil” form observed in the absence of mucopolysaccharide. This interaction is at a maximum when the ratio of arginine to disaccharide residues is 2:1. Elevation of the temperature leads to a sharp melting transition at 76.0 ± 1.0°C. This behavior is in marked contrast to that for poly-L -lysine-chondroitin-6-sulfate interactions, which are at a maximum at a 1:1 residue ratio and have a melting transition at 47.0 ± 1.0°C. These results indicate a stronger interaction for poly-L -arginine than for poly-L -lysine. The positive arginine side chains appear to interact with both the negative sulfate and carboxyl residues, while those of the lysines are involved only with the sulfates. Poly-L -ornithine at neutral pH shows no conformation directing interaction with chondroitin-6-sulfate, although a small proportion of α-helix is formed on dilution of the mixture with methanol. The extent of the interaction of cationic polypeptides with chondroitin-6-sulfate increases in the order poly-L -ornithine, poly-L -lysine, poly-L -arginine, i.e., in the order of increasing side-chain length.  相似文献   
Abstract: In rat hippocampal slices and in neurons in primary culture, K+-induced depolarization increased markedly and rapidly tyrosine phosphorylation of a 110-kDa protein (pp110) and, to a lesser degree, of a 120-kDa protein (pp120), in a calcium-dependent fashion. Qlutamate, 1-aminocyclopentane- trans -1,3-dicarboxylic acid (an agonist of metabotropic glutamate receptors), and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (an agonist of ionotropic glutamate receptors) stimulated also tyrosine phosphorylation of pp110 and pp120. These effects were not observed in astrocytes in primary culture. In hippocampal slices tyrosine phosphorylation of pp110 and pp120 was stimulated by Ca2+-ionophores and by phorbol esters and antagonized by a chelator of intracellular Ca2+and by drugs that inhibit protein kinase C. Stimulation of muscarinic and α1,-adrenergic receptors increased also tyrosine phosphorylation of pp110 and pp120. These results demonstrate that membrane depolarization and stimulation of neurotransmitter receptors activate a tyrosine phosphorylation pathway in neurons. This pathway involves an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations and the activation of protein kinase C. It may provide a biochemical basis for some neurotrophic effects of electrical activity and neurotransmitters and may contribute to the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in long-term potentiation.  相似文献   
Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF) is an economically important viral vector-borne cattle disease. Several live-attenuated, inactivated and recombinant vaccines have been tested, demonstrating varying efficacy. However, to the best of our knowledge, duration of immunity conferred by an inactivated vaccine has never been reported. In the last decade, Israel has faced an increasing number of BEF outbreaks. The need for an effective vaccine compatible with strains circulating in the Middle East region led to the development of a MONTANIDE™ ISA 206 VG (water-in-oil-in-water), inactivated vaccine based on a local strain. We tested the safety, immunogenicity and duration of immunity conferred by this vaccine. The induced neutralizing antibody (NA) response was followed for 493 days in 40 cows vaccinated by different protocols. The vaccine did not cause adverse reactions or a decrease in milk production. All cows [except 2 (6.7%) which did not respond to vaccination] showed a significant rise in NA titer of up to 1:256 following the second, third or fourth booster vaccination. Neutralizing antibody levels declined gradually to 1:16 up to 120 days post vaccination. This decline continued in cows vaccinated only twice, whereas cows vaccinated 3 or 4 times showed stable titers of approximately 1:16 for up to 267 days post vaccination. At least three vaccinations with the inactivated BEF vaccine were needed to confer long-lasting immunity. These results may have significant implications for the choice of vaccination protocol with inactivated BEF vaccines. Complementary challenge data should however be added to the above results in order to determine what is the minimal NA response conferring protection from clinical disease.  相似文献   
A study was performed to investigate the effect of weaning at 4 weeks of age on the activity of digestive enzymes in the stomach and pancreatic tissue and in digesta from 3 days prior to weaning to 9 days postweaning in 64 piglets. In stomach tissue the activity of pepsin and gastric lipase was determined. Pepsin activity declined abruptly after weaning but 5 days postweaning the weaning level was regained and in the gastric contents no change in pepsin activity was observed. Weaning did not influence the activity of gastric lipase. The activity of eight enzymes and a cofactor was measured in pancreatic tissue. The effect of weaning on the enzyme activity was highly significant for all enzymes except elastase. The activity of all enzymes remained at the weaning level during day 1–2 postweaning followed by a reduction of the activity. The activity of trypsin, carboxypeptidase A, amylase and lipase exhibited minimum activity 5 days postweaning. Trypsin activity increased to the preweaning level on day 7–9 whereas the activity of the others increased but did not reach the preweaning level. The activity of chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase B and carboxyl ester hydrolase decreased during the entire experimental period. In digesta no effect of weaning was observed on the activity of amylase and trypsin. The activity of chymotrypsin was reduced after weaning in the proximal third of the small intestine and lipase and carboxyl ester hydrolase activity was reduced in the middle and distal parts of the small intestine after weaning. The present study shows that the activities of the digestive enzymes in the pancreatic tissue are affected by weaning. Even though the pancreatic secretion cannot be judged from these results they show that the enzymes respond differently to weaning. In general the activity of the digestive enzymes in pancreatic tissue is low on day 5 postweaning which in interaction with other factors may increase the risk of developing postweaning diarrhoea.  相似文献   
Although 5th (last) instar parasitized Manduca sexta larvae undergo developmental arrest and do not wander, they exhibit a small hemolymph ecdysteroid peak (300-400pg/&mgr;l) which begins one day prior to the parasitoid's molt to the 3rd (last) instar and concomitant emergence from the host. Ecdysteroids present in this peak were 20-hydroxyecdysone, 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone and one or more very polar ecdysteroids, as well as small amounts of 26-hydroxyecdysone and ecdysone. In parasitized day-1 and -2 5th instars ligated just behind the 1st abdominal proleg, hemolymph ecdysteroid levels increased in both anterior and posterior portions (100-500pg/&mgr;l), while in unparasitized larvae, hormone levels only increased in the anterior portion (100-350pg/&mgr;l). Thus, the ecdysteroid peak observed in host 5th instars was probably produced, at least in part, by the parasitoids. It may serve to promote Cotesia congregata's molt from the second to the third instar and/or to facilitate parasitoid emergence from the host. In parasitized day-1 and -2 5th instars ligated between the last thoracic and 1st abdominal segments, hemolymph ecdysteroid titers reached much higher levels (500-3500pg/&mgr;l) in the anterior portion (no parasitoids present) than in the posterior portion (150-450pg/&mgr;l). Therefore, it appears that the parasitoid's regulation of hemolymph ecdysteroid titers occurs at two levels. First, parasitization neutralizes the host's ability to maintain its normal hemolymph ecdysteroid levels. Second, in a separate action, the parasitoid manipulates the ecdysteroid-producing machinery so that hemolymph levels are maintained at the 200-400pg/&mgr;l characteristic of day 3-4 hosts. This is the first report of a parasitoid's ability to interfere with the normal inhibitory mechanisms which prevent prothoracic gland production of ecdysteroid at inappropriate periods of insect growth and development.  相似文献   
The product of the SSeCKS/GRAVIN/AKAP12 gene ("SSeCKS") is a major protein kinase (PK) C substrate that exhibits tumor- and metastasis-suppressing activity likely through its ability to scaffold multiple signaling mediators such as PKC, PKA, cyclins, calmodulin, and Src. Although SSeCKS and PKCα bind phosphatidylserine, we demonstrate that phosphatidylserine-independent binding of PKC by SSeCKS is facilitated by two homologous SSeCKS motifs, EG(I/V)(T/S)XWXSFK(K/R)(M/L)VTP(K/R)K(K/R)X(K/R)XXXEXXXE(E/D) (amino acids 592-620 and 741-769). SSeCKS binding to PKCα decreased kinase activity and was dependent on the two PKC-binding motifs. SSeCKS scaffolding of PKC was increased in confluent cell cultures, correlating with significantly increased SSeCKS protein levels and decreased PKCα activity, suggesting a role for SSeCKS in suppressing PKC activation during contact inhibition. SSeCKS-null mouse embryo fibroblasts displayed increased relative basal and phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate)-induced PKC activity but were defective in phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced actin cytoskeletal reorganization and cell shape change; these responses could be rescued by the forced expression of full-length SSeCKS but not by an SSeCKS variant deleted of its PKC-binding domains. Finally, the PKC binding sites in SSeCKS were required to restore cell rounding and/or decreased apoptosis in phorbol ester-treated LNCaP, LNCaP-C4-2, and MAT-LyLu prostate cancer cells. Thus, PKC-mediated remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is likely regulated by the ability of SSeCKS to control PKC signaling and activity through a direct scaffolding function.  相似文献   
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