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Studies of the thermolyses of 4-alkyl substituted 1,2,4-triazoles was reviewed. They were observed to rearrange at 200–350 °C to the corresponding 1-alkylated triazoles. When substituted in the 4-position with aryl- or vinylic substituents the triazoles were inert to thermolysis, contrary to what was observed for the 4-alkyl- and 4-allyl substituted systems. The mechanisms for the reactions were elucidated, e.g., by studies of substituents effects and by kinetic measurements in solution as well as for the neat samples. Reactions in solutions were slow. The rearrangements in melts of the neat triazoles readily proceeded to the products, and were proposed to take place via a series of nucleophilic displacement steps. X-ray crystallographic measurements of selected structures, showed that the interatomic distances and angles between the relevant atoms in these structures, to a large degree resembled the geometry expected for the SN2-type transition states proposed for the rearrangement mechanism. Thus, thermolyses of a series of triazole structures at temperatures below their melting points, confirmed that rearrangements actually did take place. The “kinetics” of the reactions in the crystalline state were investigated and rate constants and thermodynamic data were correlated with the structural characteristics of the crystals.  相似文献   
Analyses of ammonite shell forms of two Barremian stratigraphic sections from Southwest Mexico consist of two well-defined morphotypes: (1) Small uncoiled, mostly leptoceratoid ancyloconic shells of the families Ancyloceratidae and Hamulinidae, and (2) middle-sized involute to moderately evolute oxycone to discocone shells of the family Pulchelliidae. Index taxa allow the recognition of standard ammonite biozones for the Barremian, which permit the relative dating of different processes that occurred through the water column in the environment of deposition. The vertical distribution of ammonite morphotypes and facies suggests changes of the palaeoceanographic and sedimentological conditions that prevailed in the area during Barremian time. Petrologic data, analyses of the organic carbon and carbonate contents of the rocks support the idea that oxygen-deficient bottom waters existed within a shallow marine, tectonically active area with little carbonate deposition during the early early Barremian (upper part of the Taveraidiscus hugii Zone through the base of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone). These conditions in the basin caused a proliferation of middle-water depth ammonites of Morphotype 1 but prevented the abundance of nektobenthic forms of Morphotype 2. Oxic conditions on a more calcareous and open normal marine environment seem to have been reestablished progressively during a transgressive episode from late early-early late Barremian (upper part of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone through the Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone). This environmental setting supported more facies dependent nektobenthic ammonites of Morphotype 2 to flourish within the basin.  相似文献   
The question raised in the title was answered. (3R, 3'S)-meso-Zeaxanthin was submitted to iodine catalyzed photochemical stereoisomerisation. The enantiomeric (9Z) and (9'Z) geometrical isomers were isolated by semipreparative HPLC and separated as diastereomeric dicarbamates on a chiral column only. Cleavage of the carbamate could not be effected. CD-Spectra of (1"S, 1"S)- and (1"R, 1"R)-dicarbamates of geometrical isomers of (3R, 3'R)- and (3R, 3'S)-meso-zeaxanthin were systematically studied and the contribution from the carbamate moieties revealed. It was concluded that (9Z, 3R, 3'S)-"meso"-zeaxanthin, in spite of having no symmetry elements, is optically inactive. The result has been rationalised in line with the current hypothesis on the origin of carotenoid CD spectra.  相似文献   
Abstract The phylogenetic diversity of bacteria and cyanobacteria colonizing sediment particles in the permanent ice cover of an Antarctic lake was characterized by analyses of 16S rRNA genes amplified from environmental DNA. Samples of mineral particles were collected from a depth of 2.5 m in the 4-m-thick ice cover of Lake Bonney, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. A rRNA gene clone library of 198 clones was made and characterized by sequencing and oligonucleotide probe hybridization. The library was dominated by representatives of the cyanobacteria, proteobacteria, and Planctomycetales, but also contained diverse clones representing many other microbial groups, including the Acidobacterium/Holophaga division, the Green Non-Sulfur division, and the Actinobacteria. Six oligonucleotide probes were made for the most abundant clades recovered in the library. To determine whether the ice microbial community might originate from wind dispersal of the algal mats found elsewhere in Taylor Valley, the probes were hybridized to 16S rDNAs amplified from three samples of terrestrial cyanobacterial mats collected at nearby sites, as well as to bacterial 16S rDNAs from the lake ice community. The results demonstrate the presence of a diverse microbial community dominated by cyanobacteria in the lake ice, and also show that the dominant members of the lake ice microbial community are found in terrestrial mats elsewhere in the area. The lake ice microbial community appears to be dominated by organisms that are not uniquely adapted to the lake ice ecosystem, but instead are species that originate elsewhere in the surrounding region and opportunistically colonize the unusual habitat provided by the sediments suspended in lake ice. Received: 16 August 1999; Accepted: 28 December 1999; Online Publication: 28 April 2000  相似文献   
This paper investigates interspecies relationships within the genusAcomys(spiny mice) by analyzing entire mitochondrial cytochromebgene (1141 bp). This gene provides strong phylogenetic signal, as shown by high support of the topology obtained (bootstrap value and RNA support number). The phylogeny is congruent with inferences from allozymes for the species considered. Controversial taxonomy ofAcomys cahirinus, dimidiatus, airensis,andignitusis clarified, with their specific ranks confirmed on the basis of tree topology and nucleotide distances. Phylogenetic relationship between the undescribed speciesAcomyssp. from west Africa andA. airensisargue in favor of two distinct colonization events in this zone.  相似文献   
Lower Kimmeridgian to Lower Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) sections studied at Sierra de Palotes (Durango) and Sierra de Catorce (San Luis Potosí), Mexico, show low-energy deposits in which the composition of fossil macroinvertebrate assemblages, including megabenthos, reflects biostratinomic control. Monotonous siltstones provide continuous records of ammonite assemblages and reflect dominant deposition of shells in living areas; meanwhile, discontinues records were forced by episodic post-mortem transportation of shells, which was especially accentuated under storm influence. Rhythmic marly-silty limestones and marls illustrate a fossil record probably determined by minor transgressive-regressive pulses. The major changes in lithofacies are reflected by condensed silty and phosphatic mudstones deposited during significant floodings affecting areas under dominant terrigenous sedimentation. These changes determined more or less significant variations in the composition of fossil assemblages according to their relation to changing ecological conditions. However, shifting ecospaces exhibit no direct relationship to changes in lithofacies. Post-mortem transportation, operating in relation to both marine floodings and changes in the pattern of upper-water currents, was the main biostratinomic factor affecting the areal distribution of ammonite populations. Shell transportation and sedimentation rate controlled preservation and ultimately influenced diversity in recorded ammonite assemblages. The post-mortem behaviour (interpreted from shell structure and preservation), and therefore distribution, of ammonite shells points to shallow-water environments during the Kimmeridgian - Early Tithonian in areas (such as SE Durango and San Luís Potosí) close to the changing boundary between dominant carbonate and terrigenous sedimentation. No reworking affecting ammonite biostratigraphy has been identified in the sections studied.  相似文献   
Rocellaria dubia bores into subtidal rocks of karsted limestone in the Adriatic Sea and elsewhere. It also bores into the shells of various bivalve species. The mechanism of boring has hitherto been debated, but examination of occupied shells suggest that this is achieved by mechanical (the shell) abrasion and chemical etching using secretions produced from glands in the anterior mantle. Fast‐growing bivalves such as Ostrea edulis and Pinna nobilis carry heavy R. dubia burdens, and encapsulate the borer in secreted calluses. Slow‐growing bivalves such as the burrowing Venus verrucosa and Glycymeris violacescens carry low R. dubia burdens, are less able to encapsulate the borers, and probably incur enhanced mortalities as a result. Individuals of R. dubia removed from their limestone boreholes re‐secreted adventitious tubes around their siphons, probably from glands in the posterior mantle. The lifestyle of R. dubia is now better understood, and its ability to bore bivalve shells in particular suggests how the more advanced tropical gastrochaenids Cucurbitula and Eufistulana have evolved from initial (as juveniles) bivalve shell borers into occupants of adventitious crypts and tubes, respectively. It is further argued that the Gastrochaenidae show convergent similarities with the similar crypt‐ and tube‐building representatives of the Clavagelloidea. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 786–804.  相似文献   
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