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The development of a nanoparticle-based detection methodology for sensitive and specific DNA-based diagnostic applications is described. The technology utilizes gold nanoparticles derivatized with thiol modified oligonucleotides that are designed to bind complementary DNA targets. A glass surface with arrays of immobilized oligonucleotide capture sequences is used to capture DNA targets, which are then detected via hybridization to the gold nanoparticle probes. Amplification with silver allows for detection and quantitation by measuring evanescent wave induced light scatter with low-cost optical detection systems. Compared to Cy3-based fluorescence, silver amplified gold nanoparticle probes provide for a approximately 1000-fold increase in sensitivity. Furthermore, direct detection of non-amplified genomic DNA from infectious agents is afforded through increased specificity and even identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in human genomic DNA appears feasible.  相似文献   
Nucleic acid diagnostics is dominated by fluorescence-based assays that use complex and expensive enzyme-based target or signal-amplification procedures. Many clinical diagnostic applications will require simpler, inexpensive assays that can be done in a screening mode. We have developed a 'spot-and-read' colorimetric detection method for identifying nucleic acid sequences based on the distance-dependent optical properties of gold nanoparticles. In this assay, nucleic acid targets are recognized by DNA-modified gold probes, which undergo a color change that is visually detectable when the solutions are spotted onto an illuminated glass waveguide. This scatter-based method enables detection of zeptomole quantities of nucleic acid targets without target or signal amplification when coupled to an improved hybridization method that facilitates probe-target binding in a homogeneous format. In comparison to a previously reported absorbance-based method, this method increases detection sensitivity by over four orders of magnitude. We have applied this method to the rapid detection of mecA in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus genomic DNA samples.  相似文献   
Water-borne protein pheromones are essential for coordination of reproductive activities in many marine organisms. In this paper, we describe the first structure of a pheromone protein from a marine organism, that of attractin (58 residues) from Aplysia californica. The NMR solution structure was determined from TOCSY, NOESY, and DQF-COSY measurements of recombinant attractin expressed in insect cells. The sequential resonance assignments were done with standard manual procedures. Approximately 90% of the 949 unambiguous NOESY cross-peaks were assigned automatically with simultaneous three-dimensional structure calculation using our NOAH/DIAMOD/FANTOM program suite. The final bundle of energy-refined structures is well-defined, with an average rmsd value to the mean structure of 0.72 +/- 0.12 A for backbone and 1.32 +/- 0.11 A for heavy atoms for amino acids 3-47. Attractin contains two antiparallel helices, made up of residues Ile9-Gln16 and I30-S36. The NMR distance constraints are consistent with the three disulfide bonds determined by mass spectroscopy (C4-C41, C13-C33, and C20-C26), where the first two could be directly determined from NOESY cross-peaks between CH beta protons of the corresponding cysteines. The second helix contains the (L/I)(29)IEECKTS(36) sequence conserved in attractins from five species of Aplysia that could interact with the receptor. The sequence and structure of this region are similar to those of the recognition helix of the Er-11 pheromone of the unicellular ciliate Euplotes raikovi, suggesting a possible common pathway for intercellular communication of these two distinct pheromone families.  相似文献   


Chemotherapy resistance is a major obstacle in effective neoadjuvant treatment for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. The ability to predict tumour response would allow chemotherapy administration to be directed towards only those patients who would benefit, thus maximising treatment efficiency. We aimed to identify putative protein biomarkers associated with chemotherapy resistance, using fresh tumour samples with antibody microarray analysis and then to perform pilot clinical validation experiments.

Materials and methods

Chemotherapy resistant and chemotherapy sensitive tumour samples were collected from breast cancer patients who had received anthracycline based neoadjuvant therapy consisting of epirubicin with cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel. A total of 5 comparative proteomics experiments were performed using invasive ductal carcinomas which demonstrated estrogen receptor positivity (luminal subtype). Protein expression was compared between chemotherapy resistant and chemotherapy sensitive tumour samples using the Panorama XPRESS Profiler725 antibody microarray containing 725 antibodies from a wide variety of cell signalling and apoptosis pathways. A pilot series of archival samples was used for clinical validation of putative predictive biomarkers.


AbMA analysis revealed 38 differentially expressed proteins which demonstrated at least 1.8 fold difference in expression in chemotherapy resistant tumours and 7 of these proteins (Zyxin, 14-3-3 theta/tau, tBID, Pinin, Bcl-xL, RIP and MyD88) were found in at least 2 experiments. Clinical validation in a pilot series of archival samples revealed 14-3-3 theta/tau and tBID to be significantly associated with chemotherapy resistance.


For the first time, antibody microarrays have been used to identify proteins associated with chemotherapy resistance using fresh breast cancer tissue. We propose a potential role for 14-3-3 theta/tau and tBID as predictive biomarkers of neoadjuvant chemotherapy resistance in breast cancer. Further validation in a larger sample series is now required.  相似文献   
A new nematode species, Rhabdochona (Globochona) puntii n. sp. (Rhabdochonidae), is described based on specimens collected from the intestine of the pool barb Puntius sophore (Hamilton) and Neolissochilus hexastichus (McClelland) (both Cyprinidae) from the Gadhena River, the Western Ghats, Maharashtra State, India. The nematode was also found in Wallago attu (Bloch & Schneider) which probably acts as postcyclic host. Rhabdochona (Globochona) puntii n. sp. differs markedly from its congeners in the body size, the number and distribution of caudal papillae, in the presence of an unpaired papilla-like structure on the anterior cloacal lip, and in having unusual shape and structure of the terminal crown of mucrons. This is the seventh species of the subgenus Globochona Moravec, 1972 reported from freshwater Indian fishes.  相似文献   
Hsc70's expected binding site on helix II of the J domain of T antigens appears to be blocked in its structure bound to tumor suppressor pRb. We used NMR to map where mammalian Hsc70 binds the J domain of murine polyomavirus T antigens (PyJ). The ATPase domain of Hsc70 unexpectedly has its biggest effects on the NMR peak positions of the C-terminal end of helix III of PyJ. The Hsc70 ATPase domain protects the C-terminal end of helix III of PyJ from an uncharged paramagnetic probe of chelated Gd(III), clearly suggesting the interface. Effects on the conserved HPD loop and helix II of PyJ are smaller. The NMR results are supported by a novel assay of Hsc70's ATP hydrolysis showing that mutations of surface residues in PyJ helix III impair PyJ-dependent stimulation of Hsc70 activity. Evolutionary trace analysis of J domains suggests that helix III usually may join helix II in contributing specificities for cognate hsp70s. Our novel evidence implicating helix III differs from evidence that Escherichia coli DnaK primarily affects helix II and the HPD loop of DnaJ. We find the pRb-binding fragment of E2F1 to be intrinsically unfolded and a good substrate for Hsc70 in vitro. This suggests that E2F1 could be a substrate for Hsc70 recruited by T antigen to an Rb family member. Importantly, our results strengthen the chaperone hypothesis for E2F release from an Rb family member by Hsc70 recruited by large T antigen. That is, it now appears that Hsc70 can freely access helix III and the HPD motif of large T antigen bound to an Rb family member.  相似文献   
Bacteriological analysis of the water samples collected from upstream, midstream and downstream points along the bank of the river revealed high populations of Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter diversus, Enterobacter aerogens and Klebsiella species. All these isolates were screened against eight antibiotics to determine the prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistance among isolates at different sites of the river. The study revealed that multiple antibiotic resistance was prominently seen in coliforms at downstream sites (Average multiple antibiotic resistance index, MAR Index = 0.43) while it was low in coliforms at upstream sites (MAR Index = 0.15). These differences in MAR indices provide a method for distinguishing high risk contamination sites in aquatic environment.  相似文献   
In this paper activation dynamics of a complex valued neural network has been studied. Sufficient conditions for global exponential stability of a unique equilibrium are obtained. Our results show that in the serial mode of operation, the network converges to a stable state.  相似文献   
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