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We found that nonadrenergic inhibitory synaptic potentials (ISP) induced by intramural stimulation in atropine-treated smooth muscles of the guinea-pig large intestine demonstrated no changes upon the influence of an activator of adenylate cyclase, forskolin. This indicates that cAMP-dependent pathways are not involved in the generation of ISP. However, in these muscles with no atropine pretreatment ISP were suppressed by forskolin; intramural stimulation evoked in these smooth muscle cells M-cholinergic excitatory synaptic potentials (ESP) instead of ISP. An increase in the intracellular cAMP concentration due to application of its membrane-penetrating form, dibutyryl-cAMP, did not mimic the above-described effect of forskolin. Hence, it can be supposed that the effect of forskolin on inhibitory synaptic transmission in the atropine-untreated smooth muscles is not related to changes in the intracellular cAMP level; this effect is determined by other mechanisms. The above differences between the effects of forskolin on ISP in the atropine-treated and atropine-untreated smooth muscle strips indicate that the interaction of intracellular signal pathways (probably, through protein Gq/11), which is observed with activation of adenylate cyclase, occurs under conditions of simultaneous activation of M cholinoreceptors and purinoreceptors. The pattern of adenylate cyclase-mediated modulation of inhibitory effects of purinergic neurons on smooth muscles does not allow us to rule out the possibility of involvement of interstitial cells of Cajal as a relay link providing this synaptic effect. Transmission of excitation from cholinergic nerve terminals to smooth muscles is realized without the participation of the interstitial cells of Cajal.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 36, Nos. 5/6, pp. 438–445, September–December, 2004.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date and copyright year.  相似文献   
Our studies of the role of phospholipase C in inhibitory synaptic action upon visceral smooth muscles demonstrated that, under conditions of carbachol (CCh)-induced pre-activation of cholinoreceptors, ATP-or noradrenaline (NA)-evoked relaxation of these muscles is mediated by the phospholipase C-independent pathway, while the phospholipase C-dependent pathway does not manifest itself as a mechanism that determines the inhibitory effect of the above transmitters. Under conditions of pre-activation of muscarinic cholinoreceptors, ATP-and NA-induced relaxation is continued due to activation of inositol trisphosphate (InsP3)-sensitive receptors despite the fact that the pathway of inhibition is phospholipase C-independent. This is confirmed by complete depression of the inhibitory effects of ATP and NA against the background of CCh-induced contraction after pre-incubation of the studied preparations together with 100 μM 2-APB, a blocker of InsP3 receptors. Selective blockings of either M2 or M3 cholinoreceptors are accompanied by a complete loss of the ability of the above blocker of InsP3 receptors (2-APB) to suppress ATP-and NA-induced contraction of smooth muscles in the state of CCh-induced contraction. It can be hypothesized that, under conditions of selective pre-activation of M2 or M3 cholinoreceptors, the mechanisms of intracellular signalling mediating the inhibition events are modified. The InsP3-dependent pathway that determines both adrenergic and purinergic inhibition of smooth muscles is switched off, and the inhibitory action of neurotransmitters is realized under such conditions through the InsP3-independent pathway. Therefore, in our study we first found differences between cellular mechanisms underlying ATP-and NA-induced inhibition of smooth muscles under conditions of selective activation of either M2 or M3 cholinoreceptors and the mechanisms underlying the relaxing action of inhibitory neurotransmitters under conditions of combined synergistic activation of cholinoreceptors of both the above-mentioned subtypes. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 22–31, January–February, 2007.  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic calcium increments in the absence of sarco (endo) plasmic reticulum function were measured with a low-affinity fluorophore Indo-1FF in single isolated smooth muscle cells from guinea-pig urinary bladder. To evaluate the Ca(2+)-buffering properties of the myoplasm, Ca2+ influx, measured as time integral of the Ica (integral of Ica), was compared with corresponding free Ca2+ increments (delta [Ca2+]i) in the cytoplasm. The ratio between integral of ICa and delta [Ca2+]i (integral Ica/delta [Ca2+]i), reflecting the Ca2+ buffering properties of the cytosol, was in the range of 4.9-9.3 pC/microM (mean 6.2 +/- 1.2, n = 12). It remained approximately constant (6.4 +/- 1.4 pC/microM, n = 8) during recordings lasting up to 25 min, suggesting that cytoplasmic Ca2+ binding does not change markedly during cell dialysis and that the endogenous Ca2+ buffer is not significantly washed out of the cell through the patch pipette. Wash-in or wash-out of BAPTA, a mobile high-affinity Ca2+ buffer, into or from the cell markedly changed the relationship between Ca2+ influx through Ca2+ channels and delta [Ca2+]i within minutes. Changes in integral of ICa/delta [Ca2+]i during the sequence of depolarizing steps, which increased free [Ca2+]i up to 5 microM, suggested lower limits for the apparent affinity of a rapid Ca2+ buffer (16 microM) and for the total buffer concentration (530 microM). Introduction of 4 mM DPTA (Kd for Ca2+ = 81 microM) into the cell more than doubled the total cytoplasmic Ca2+ buffer capacity. These results suggest that cytoplasmic Ca2+ buffer in smooth muscle cells has a low affinity for free Ca2+. The Ca(2+)-binding ratio of the cytoplasm in most cells was estimated to be between 30 and 40. The Ca(2+)-binding ratio did not differ markedly between cells isolated from neonatal (< or = 5 days) and adult animals.  相似文献   
Solubilization of cholesterol by sodium salts of cholic, glycocholic, deoxycholic, lithocholic and oleic acids was studied. Dynamics of the solubilization process is described and a comparative characteristic of solubilizing ability of the substances under investigation is given. Cholesterole solubilization is studied as dependent on the concentration of the given substances. The possible mechanisms of solubilization is discussed.  相似文献   
Inactivation of currents carried through calcium channels by calcium (ICa), barium (IBa) and monovalent cations (In.s.) was studied in single smooth muscle cell (SMC) of the guinea-pig coronary artery and taenia caeci by the whole-cell patch-clamp method. The rate of ICa inactivation in the coronary artery SMC was correlated with ICa amplitude, and acceleration was observed with the increasing ICa peak amplitude. The availability curve of ICa in double-pulse experiments was found to be U-shaped, however, no complete restoration of ICa availability was observed. Inactivation of IBa was considerably slower than that of ICa. These findings may indicate that inactivation of calcium channels in the membrane of coronary artery SMC is, at least partially, a Ca-dependent process. However, some facts observed contradict the validity of this hypothesis for coronary artery SMC in contrast to taenia caeci: 1) elevation of external Ca2+ concentration did not affect the time course of ICa inactivation; 2) inactivation of In.s., i.e. without calcium entry into the cell, was faster than that of ICa. It was concluded that the characteristics of Ca channel inactivation were changed by the removal of divalent cations from extracellular solution. Differences and similarities in Ca channel inactivation between coronary artery and taenia caeci SMC are discussed.  相似文献   
Redistribution of cytosolic free Ca2+ following Ca2+ influx into the cytoplasm was studied in single smooth muscle cells isolated from guinea-pig urinary bladder. Voltage-clamped cells were loaded with a low-affinity fluorophore Indo-1FF. A decay of free intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) after the termination of the depolarizing pulse (1 s from -50 mV to +20 mV) was fitted with a single exponential and the effect of various substances on the time constant was compared. At a holding potential of +80 mV the [Ca2+]i decay was 1.56 times slower compared to that at -50 mV suggesting the presence of a voltage-dependent process redistributing Ca2+. In the presence of cyclopiazonic acid (CPA, 10 microM), an inhibitor of sarco(endo)plasmatic Ca2+ pump (SERCa), the [Ca2+]i decay was 3.93 times slower than that in the absence of the inhibitor. Introduction of a polycation Ruthenium Red (RR) (20 microM), an inhibitor of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter, into a cell or collapsing a transmitochondrial H+ gradient with the protonophore CCCP (2 microM) slowed down the [Ca2+]i decay 6.05-fold and 9.78-fold, respectively. The apparent amplitude of [Ca2+]i increments was also increased by CCCP. Increasing H+ buffering power in the intracellular solution from 10 mM to 40 mM of HEPES greatly reduced the effect of CCCP on [Ca2+]i decay. A further increase in HEPES concentration to 100 mM eliminated the effects of CCCP both on the time course of [Ca2+]i decay and on the amplitude of [Ca2+]i increment. Perfusion of RR together with 100 mM HEPES into the cytoplasm was without effect on the decay time course of [Ca2+]i. The effect of CPA on [Ca2+]i decay was also reduced in cells loaded with 100 mM HEPES; the time constant in the presence of CPA was slowed down by a factor of 2.18. Application of 10 mM Na(+)-butyrate to the cells loaded with 10 mM HEPES resulted in a slowing down of [Ca2+]i decay: the time constant was increased by a factor of 5.84. Measurement of intracellular pH with SNARF-1 confirmed cytoplasmic acidification during application of Na(+)-butyrate and CCCP. It is concluded that the contribution of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake to the rapid [Ca2+]i decay is much less than could be extrapolated from action of protonophores in these smooth muscle cells. The results also demonstrate the importance of intracellular pH for Ca2+ handling in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   
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