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Rainbow trout were sprint-trained (30 s duration) once or twice on alternate days for a period of 6 weeks. Swim speed for the first 10 s of a training bout averaged 11.4 bls for group 2 (trained once) and 10.2 bl s −1 for group 3 (trained twice). Food consumption, growth rate and conversion efficiency were measured over 2-week periods. Food consumption was 31-38% less for the trained groups than for the control group (group 1). The growth rates of control and trained fish increased gradually over the training period. The growth rate of trained fish was always significantly less (48-81%) than that of control fish. Although conversion efficiency was significantly less for group 3 at the beginning of training, no other significant differences in conversion efficiency were recorded. Maintenance rations were high in the initial period for all groups, but were lower than the initial values in the second and third periods. While condition factor was significantly lower for the trained groups, there were no differences in percent tissue protein, lipid, or moisture.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the effect of cannulation and chronic'black-box' confinement, as well as epinephrine administration (4–0 μg kg−1), on the degree and time-course of alterations in trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Plasma cortisol concentrations in seawater trout acclimated to 3–6° C reached 104 ng ml−1 1 day after cannulation/confinement and remained elevated above resting levels (8 ng ml−1) until 6 days post-confinement. Although plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine generally declined over the period of confinement (day 1 approx. 12 nM; day 7 approx. 6 nM), norepinephrine titres were usually higher and more variable. Epinephrine injection caused elevations in plasma epinephrine levels but not in norepinephrine levels; epinephrine titres reaching 107 ± 26 nM (range 65–238 nM) at 2 min post-injection and returning to pre-injection levels by 30 min post-injection. Plasma cortisol increased by 20 ng ml−1 following epinephrine administration. Based on the time-course for post-confinement alterations in plasma cortisol, it appears that up to a week may be required before cannulated fish are completely acclimated to 'black-box' confinement. The findings suggest that meaningful results from experiments utilizing epinephrine injection and 'black-box confinement are contingent upon: (1) knowledge of circulating epinephrine levels shortly after injection (i.e. within 2 min post-injection); and (2) an experimental design that takes into account the elevated cortisol titres that are inherent with cannulation/confinement and epinephrine injection.  相似文献   
姬强  孙汉印  Taraqqi AK  王旭东   《生态学杂志》2014,25(4):1029-1035
在连续8年田间定位试验的基础上,分析了关中平原冬小麦 夏玉米复种连作系统2008—2009年连续两个生长季期间不同耕作措施(结合秸秆还田和不还田)对土壤有机碳和水分利用率的影响.结果表明: 相对于传统耕作,保护性耕作有利于土壤有机碳、水分利用效率和作物产量的提高,其中在“深松+秸秆还田”耕作模式下的增幅最高,土壤有机碳含量在0~30 cm土层增幅达到19.5%,水分利用效率和作物产量提高了16.9%和20.5%,而免耕模式则有效提高了0~10 cm土层有机碳含量.在该地区土壤和气候条件下,深松结合秸秆粉碎还田是最理想的耕作模式,最有利于土壤有机碳累积,并提高水分利用效率和作物产量.  相似文献   
To examine the effect of ontogeny on metabolic depression in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus), and to understand how ontogeny and the ability to metabolically depress influence this species'' upper thermal tolerance: 1) the metabolic rate of 9°C-acclimated cunner of three size classes [0.2–0.5 g, young of the year (YOY); 3–6 g, small; and 80–120 g, large (adult)] was measured during a 2°C per day decrease in temperature; and 2) the metabolic response of the same three size classes of cunner to an acute thermal challenge [2°C h−1 from 10°C until Critical Thermal Maximum, CTMax] was examined, and compared to that of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). The onset-temperature for metabolic depression in cunner increased with body size, i.e. from 5°C in YOY cunner to 7°C in adults. In contrast, the extent of metabolic depression was ∼80% (Q10 = ∼15) for YOY fish, ∼65% (Q10 = ∼8) for small fish and ∼55% (Q10 = ∼5) for adults, and this resulted in the metabolic scaling exponent (b) gradually increasing from 0.84 to 0.92 between 9°C to 1°C. All size classes of cunner had significantly (approximately 60%) lower routine metabolic rates at 10°C than Atlantic cod. However, there was no species'' difference in the temperature-induced maximum metabolic rate, and this resulted in factorial metabolic scope values that were more than two-fold greater for cunner, and CTMax values that were 6–9°C higher (∼21 vs. 28°C). These results: 1) show that ontogeny influences the temperature of initiation and the extent of metabolic depression in cunner, but not O2 consumption when in a hypometabolic state; and 2) suggest that the evolution of cold-induced metabolic depression in this northern wrasse species has not resulted in a trade-off with upper thermal tolerance, but instead, an enhancement of this species'' metabolic plasticity.  相似文献   
Studies on how flatfish cardiovascular function responds to environmental challenges are limited, and have largely relied upon indirect methodologies (i.e. Fick principle). Thus, we measured dorsal aortic blood pressure (PDA) and cardiac function in 8 and 15 °C-acclimated flounder exposed to graded hypoxia, and in 8 °C-acclimated fish exposed to an acute temperature increase to their critical thermal maximum (CTM). The extent of bradycardia in 8 °C-acclimated fish (decrease in heart rate of 41%) was consistent with that observed for other teleosts, as was this species' CTM (25.8 ± 0.5 °C) and its cardiac response to increasing temperature. However, this study provides further examples of how cardiovascular function is controlled differently in the flounder as compared with other fishes. First, the onset of bradycardia in 8 °C-acclimated fish occurred earlier than expected for this inactive and hypoxia-tolerant species (60% water air saturation). Second, resting cardiac output was similar in flounder acclimated to 8 and 15 °C (~ 15 mL min? 1 kg? 1), and hypoxic bradycardia was surprisingly absent at 15 °C. Finally, systemic vascular resistance decreased when flounder were exposed to elevated temperature, and this resulted in a 26% fall in PDA. These are novel findings, however, the extent to which the flounder's behaviour influenced some of the results is unclear.  相似文献   
Fish larvae are the world's smallest vertebrates, and their high rates of mortality may be partially owing to a very limited aerobic scope. Unfortunately, however, no complete empirical dataset exists on the relationship between minimal and maximal metabolism (and thus aerobic scope) for any fish species throughout ontogeny, and thus such an association is hard to delineate. We measured standard and maximal metabolism in three marine fish species over their entire life history, and show that while aerobic scope depends greatly on body size and developmental trajectory, it is extremely small during the early life stages (factorial aerobic scope < or =1.5). Our findings strongly suggest that limited scope for aerobic activity early in life is likely to constrain physiological function and ultimately impact behaviour and possibly survival. Furthermore, our results have important implications for ecological models that incorporate metabolic scaling, and provide additional evidence against the existence of 'universal' scaling exponents.  相似文献   
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