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Plant species were selected on the basis of abundant or no symplasmic continuity between sieveelement-companion-cell (SE-CC) complexes and adjacent cells in the minor veins. Symplasmic continuity and discontinuity are denoted, respectively, as symplasmic and apoplasmic minor-vein configurations. Discs of predarkened leaves from which the lower epidermis had been removed, were exposed to 14CO2. After 2 h of subsequent incubation, phloem loading in control discs and discs treated with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS) was recorded by autoradiography. Phloem loading was strongly suppressed by PCMBS in minor veins with symplasmically isolated SE-CC complexes (Centaurea, Impatiens, Ligularia, Pelargonium, Pisum, Symphytum). No significant inhibition of phloem loading by PCMBS was observed in minor veins containing sieve elements with abundant symplasmic connections (Epilobium, Fuchsia, Hydrangea, Oenothera, Origanum, Stachys). Phloem loading in minor veins with both types of SE-CC complex (Acanthus) had apoplasmic features. The results provide strong evidence for coincidence between the mode of phloem loading and the minor-vein configuration. The widespread occurrence of a symplasmic mode of phloem loading is postulated.Abbreviations PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid - SE-CC complex sieve-element-companion-cell complex  相似文献   
Summary Minor vein structure in various taxonomic groups was described in a previous paper (Gamalei 1989). Here, these results are used to correlate minor vein structure with plant evolutionary, ecological and growth form schemes. The following pattern emerges: reductive evolution from evergreen trees to annual herbs is accompanied by gradually increasing symplastic isolation of the mesophyll and the phloem. This evolutionary tendency is confirmed by the ecological spreading and life-form distribution of modern plants with different types of minor vein structure. The meaning of this phenomenon is discussed. Chilling sensitivity of plasmodesmal translocation is considered to be the main reason. It is suggested that phloem loading for assimilate transport is double-routed. The symplastic route is more ancient and more economical for loading. The apoplastic pathway becomes the main or the only route under unfavorable conditions. The existence of a symplast/apoplast regulatory loading mechanism is suggested. The two loading routes differ in their selectivity for products of photosynthesis which changes their symplast/apoplast ratio which, in turn, determines the composition of the sieve tube exudate. The latter will influence growth and morphogenesis. Correlated changes of structure and function related to photosynthesis, loading, translocation and growth, are analysed with respect to life-form evolution. The influence of the pathway of loading on other processes is discussed.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic and ontogenetic relationships between the plastids, cell endoplasmic reticulum, and plant transport communication have been reviewed. The initiating role of plastids (endosymbionts) in the origin of endoplasmic reticulum (buffer zone of endosymbiogenesis) has been shown, as well as a similar role of endoplasmic reticulum in the development of transport communication of xylem and phloem. Plastids, sugars and transport system for their distribution can be interpreted as leading sections in the mechanism of developmental control: gene expression of nuclear genome and genome of organelles, cell and tissue differentiation, and plant morphogenesis. The conflict between the bulk of plant genome and low percentage of its realization is explained as a result of limitation of the nuclear genome realization by plastid genome. The concept of development as applied to plant ontogenesis has been critically analyzed. The possibilities of the concept correction by with the help of symbiogenetic hypothesis are discussed.__________Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 3, 2005, pp. 165–181.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Gamalei.  相似文献   
葡萄糖及脂肪酸是胰岛β细胞的关键代谢底物,葡萄糖刺激胰岛β细胞分泌胰岛素是维持机体血糖稳态平衡的关键。胰岛素抵抗发生时,β细胞对能量代谢底物的选择失调,加速胰岛β细胞由代偿到胰岛β细胞失代偿的进程,是肥胖胰岛素抵抗最终发展为2型糖尿病的始动因素。核转录因子FoxO1属于Fox家族成员,在胰腺内广泛表达,在β细胞的代谢,发育,增殖过程中发挥着重要的调节作用。鉴于FoxO1在维持胰岛β细胞功能中的关键作用,现着重对FoxO1在胰岛β细胞代谢灵活性受损及失代偿过程发生中的作用调节进行阐述。为其作为调控胰岛β细胞功能的关键靶点提供参考。  相似文献   
Solutions of sucrose, glucose, raffinose, and stachyose were fed via the petiole to detached leaves of plant species known to transfer sugars during photosynthesis into the phloem using either the apoplastic or the symplastic pathway of phloem loading. Symplastic phloem loaders, which translocate raffinose-type oligosaccharides and sucrose in the phloem, and apoplastic plants, translocating exclusively sucrose, were selected for this study. As the sugars arrived with the transpiration stream in the leaf blade within little more than a minute, dark respiration increased. Almost simultaneously, fluorescence of a potential-indicating dye, which had been infiltrated into the leaves, indicated membrane depolarization. Another fluorescent dye used to record the apoplastic pH revealed apoplastic alkalinization that occurred with a slight lag phase after respiration and membrane depolarization responses. Occasionally, alkalinization was preceded by transient apoplastic acidification. Whereas membrane depolarization and apoplastic acidification are interpreted as initial responses of the proton motive force across the plasma membrane to the advent of sugars in the leaf apoplast, the following apoplastic alkalinization showed that sugars were taken up from the apoplast into the symplast in cotransport with protons. This was true not only for glucose and sucrose, but also for raffinose and stachyose. Similar observations were made for sugar uptake not only in leaves of plants known to export sugars by symplastic phloem loading but also of plants using the apoplastic pathway. Increased respiration during sugar uptake revealed tight coupling between respiratory ATP production and ATP consumption by proton-translocating ATPase of the plasma membrane, which exports protons into the apoplast, thereby compensating for the proton loss in the apoplast when protons are transported together with sugars into the symplast. The extent of stimulation of respiration by sugars indicated that sugar uptake was not limited to phloem tissue. Ratios of the extra CO2 released during sugar uptake to the amounts of sugars taken up were variable, but lowest values were lower than 0.2. When a ratio of 0.2 is taken as a basis to calculate rates of sugar uptake from observed maxima of sugar-dependent increases in respiration, rates of sugar uptake approached 350 nmol/(m2 leaf surface s). Sugar uptake rates were half-saturated at sugar concentrations in the feeding solutions of about 10–25 mM indicating a low in vivo affinity of sugar uptake systems for sugars.  相似文献   
目的:研究Buserelin原料药的性质在温度、湿度、光线等条件的影响下随时间变化的规律,为该原料药的生产、包装、储存、运输及有效期的制定提供依据。方法:根据中国药典2005版二部附录XIX C药物稳定性试验指导原则及化学药物稳定性研究技术指导原则进行强光照射、高温(60℃、40℃)、高湿(RH92.5%±5%、RH75%±5%)影响因素试验,加速试验(40℃±2℃、RH75%±5%;25℃±2℃、RH60%±10%);按Buserelin原料药标准规定的质量指标及相关的检验方法对产品在试验条件下的主要质量指标进行检测。结果:强光照射、高温、高湿等影响因素对Buserelin的稳定性有明显影响,故应密封、于干燥、阴凉处保存。在加速试验中,Buserelin原料药的各项质量指标发生了小的变化,但均在质量标准规定的范围内。结论:强光照射、高温、高湿等影响因素对Buserelin的稳定性有明显影响,应在阴凉干燥处避光密封保存和运输。加速试验结果证明:在此条件下,它的各项质量指标变化均在质量标准范围内,符合Buserelin原料药质量标准规定的要求;故将其保质期暂定为两年。  相似文献   
Leaves of chlorotic plants of Vitis vinifera were investigatedfor physiological and ultrastructural disorders by comparingthem with leaves of apparently healthy plants from a vineyard,where infection with Hop Stunt Viroid F (HSVdg) and GrapevineYellow Speckle Viroid I (GYSVdl) was widespread. In affectedplants, chlorosis was much stronger in young and developingthan in old and fully expanded leaves. Chemical analyses failedto reveal mineral deficiencies. The quantum yield of photosynthesiswas decreased in chlorotic leaves. A decrease in the numberof PSI reaction centers was also observed. Persisting photoinhibitionoccurred only in leaves of affected plants. The redox stateof cellular and extracellular ascorbate and increased levelsof glutathione indicated oxidative stress in affected plants.Ultrastructural analysis revealed both swelling and loss ofthylakoids even in young chlorotic leaves and other pathologicalchanges. Symptoms were similar to those normally observed onlyin old senescing leaves. However, chlorotic leaves showed unexpectedlyhigh protein levels, though aging is known to lead to proteindegradation. (Received April 30, 1996; Accepted October 14, 1996)  相似文献   
Our present view of the structure of higher plant cell systems arising on the basis of electron, fluorescent, and confocal microscopy and also video movies of living cells under confocal microscope is presented. The role of the partition (conducting) system in the arrangement of the whole plant cell systems, their development, breakdown, and renewal is demonstrated. The phylogenetic origination of the partition net and its primary role in the ontogenetic development of the cell systems are considered in the context of the theory of endosymbiogenesis. The data concerning growth limits and a diversity of the higher plant cell system organization are compared. The specific features of the cell systems of prokaryotes, autotrophic and heterotrophic eukaryotes, and also of their evolution are discussed.  相似文献   
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