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Naringenin (NGEN), a naturally occurring citrus flavonone, has shown cytotoxicity in various human cancer cell lines as well as inhibitory effects on tumor growth. It has been also shown to access the brain and there is an increasing interest in its therapeutic applications. The up-regulated expression of Cx43 leads to the suppression of tumorigenicity with promoted apoptotic events. In this study, we investigated the in vivo effect of NGEN in fostering apoptosis in cerebrally implanted C6 glioma cells rat model. We analysed the expression of Cx43, caspase-3, caspase-9, Cyt C, Bcl-2 and Bax in vivo by immunoblot analysis and the ultra structure of brain cells by transmission electron microscopy. Supplementation of NGEN to experimental animals modulated Bcl-2/Bax ratio and up-regulation of caspase-3 and 9. NGEN was also found to up-regulate the expression of Cx43. These findings provide evidence that NGEN’s apoptotic effect, modulation of Bcl-2/Bax ratio leads to release of Cyt C from mitochondria, thereby activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 is mediated by enhanced expression of Cx43. These observations were well supported by the transmission electron microscopic results which showed the characteristic apoptotic features. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that NGEN promotes apoptosis in rat C6 glioma model.  相似文献   
Insertions and deletions of lengths not divisible by 3 in protein-coding sequences cause frameshifts that usually induce premature stop codons and may carry a high fitness cost. However, this cost can be partially offset by a second compensatory indel restoring the reading frame. The role of such pairs of compensatory frameshifting mutations (pCFMs) in evolution has not been studied systematically. Here, we use whole-genome alignments of protein-coding genes of 100 vertebrate species, and of 122 insect species, studying the prevalence of pCFMs in their divergence. We detect a total of 624 candidate pCFM genes; six of them pass stringent quality filtering, including three human genes: RAB36, ARHGAP6, and NCR3LG1. In some instances, amino acid substitutions closely predating or following pCFMs restored the biochemical similarity of the frameshifted segment to the ancestral amino acid sequence, possibly reducing or negating the fitness cost of the pCFM. Typically, however, the biochemical similarity of the frameshifted sequence to the ancestral one was not higher than the similarity of a random sequence of a protein-coding gene to its frameshifted version, indicating that pCFMs can uncover radically novel regions of protein space. In total, pCFMs represent an appreciable and previously overlooked source of novel variation in amino acid sequences.  相似文献   
Abstract: We analyzed biochemically and temporally the molecular events that occur in the programmed cell death of mouse cerebellar granule neurons deprived of high potassium levels. An hour after switching the neurons to a low extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]o), a significant part of the genomic DNA was already cleaved to high-molecular-weight fragments. This phenomenon was intensified with the progression of the death process. Addition of cycloheximide to the neurons 4 h after high [K+]o deprivation resulted in no cell loss and complete recovery of the damaged DNA. DNA margination and nuclear fragmentation as assessed by 4,6-diaminodiphenyl-2-phenylindole staining were observable in a few cells beginning ~4 h after the removal of high [K+]o and developed to nuclear condensation 4 h later. Six hours after high [K+]o deprivation, the DNA was fragmented into oligonucleosome-sized fragments. Within 6 h after removal of the extracellular K+, 50% of the neurons were committed to die and lost their ability to be rescued by readministration of 25 mM [K+]o. Similar to high [K+]o deprivation, inhibition of RNA or protein synthesis failed to halt neuronal degeneration of a similar percentage of cells 6 h after the onset of the death process. Mitochondrial function steadily decreased after [K+]o removal. An ~40% decrease in RNA and protein synthesis was detected by 6 h of [K+]o removal during the period of cell death commitment; rates continued to decline gradually thereafter. The temporal characteristics of the DNA damage and recovery, DNA cleavage to oligonucleosome-sized fragments, and the reduction in mitochondrial activity—events that occurred within the critical time—may indicate that these processes have an important part in the mechanism that committed the neurons to die.  相似文献   
The invariant properties of human cortical neurons cannot be studied directly by fMRI due to its limited spatial resolution. Here, we circumvented this limitation by using fMR adaptation, namely, reduction of the fMR signal due to repeated presentation of identical images. Object-selective regions (lateral occipital complex [LOC]) showed a monotonic signal decrease as repetition frequency increased. The invariant properties of fMR adaptation were studied by presenting the same object in different viewing conditions. LOC exhibited stronger fMR adaptation to changes in size and position (more invariance) compared to illumination and viewpoint. The effect revealed two putative subdivisions within LOC: caudal-dorsal (LO), which exhibited substantial recovery from adaptation under all transformations, and posterior fusiform (PF/LOa), which displayed stronger adaptation. This study demonstrates the utility of fMR adaptation for revealing functional characteristics of neurons in fMRI studies.  相似文献   
LmrA is an ATP binding cassette (ABC) multidrug transporter in Lactococcus lactis that is a structural and functional homologue of the human multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein MDR1 (ABCB1). LmrA is also homologous to MsbA, an essential ABC transporter in Escherichia coli involved in the trafficking of lipids, including Lipid A. We have compared the substrate specificities of LmrA and MsbA in detail. Surprisingly, LmrA was able to functionally substitute for a temperature-sensitive mutant MsbA in E. coli WD2 at non-permissive temperatures, suggesting that LmrA could transport Lipid A. LmrA also exhibited a Lipid A-stimulated, vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity. Reciprocally, the expression of MsbA conferred multidrug resistance on E. coli. Similar to LmrA, MsbA interacted with photoactivatable substrate [3H]azidopine, displayed a daunomycin, vinblastine, and Hoechst 33342-stimulated vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity, and mediated the transport of ethidium from cells and Hoechst 33342 in proteoliposomes containing purified and functionally reconstituted protein. Taken together, these data demonstrate that MsbA and LmrA have overlapping substrate specificities. Our observations imply the presence of structural elements in the recently published crystal structures of MsbA in E. coli and Vibrio cholera (Chang, G., and Roth, C. B. (2001) Science 293, 1793-1800; Chang, G. (2003) J. Mol. Biol. 330, 419-430) that support drug-protein interactions and suggest a possible role for LmrA in lipid trafficking in L. lactis.  相似文献   
GPR54 is a G-protein-coupled receptor that displays a high percentage of identity in the transmembrane domains with the galanin receptors. The ligand for GPR54 has been identified as a peptide derived from the KiSS-1 gene. KiSS-1 has been shown to have anti-metastatic effects, suggesting that KiSS-1 or its receptor represents a potential therapeutic target. To further our understanding of the physiological function of this receptor, we have generated a mutant mouse line with a targeted disruption of the GPR54 receptor (GPR54 -/-). The analysis of the GPR54 mutant mice revealed developmental abnormalities of both male and female genitalia and histopathological changes in tissues which normally contain sexually dimorphic features. These data suggest a role for GPR54/KiSS-1 in normal sexual development, and indicate that study of the GPR54 mutant mice may provide valuable insights into human reproductive syndromes.  相似文献   
The effects of spatial heterogeneity in negative biological interactions on individual performance and species diversity have been studied extensively. However, little is known about the respective effects involving positive biological interactions, including the symbiosis between plants and ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi. Using a greenhouse bioassay, we explored how spatial heterogeneity of natural soil inoculum influences the performance of pine seedlings and composition of their root‐associated EM fungi. When the inoculum was homogenously distributed, a single EM fungal taxon dominated the roots of most pine seedlings, reducing the diversity of EM fungi at the treatment level, while substantially improving pine seedling performance. In contrast, clumped inoculum allowed the proliferation of several different EM fungi, increasing the overall EM fungal diversity. The most dominant EM fungal taxon detected in the homogeneous treatment was also a highly beneficial mutualist, implying that the trade‐off between competitive ability and mutualistic capacity does not always exist.  相似文献   
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