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We have attempted to improve the viability of cereal mesophyll protoplasts by pretreatment of leaves with dl-α-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), a specific `suicide' inhibitor of the enzyme (arginine decarboxylase) responsible for their osmotically induced putrescine accumulation. Leaf pretreatment with DFMA before a 6 hour osmotic shock caused a 45% decrease of putrescine and a 2-fold increase of spermine titer. After 136 hours of osmotic stress, putrescine titer in DFMA-pretreated leaves increased by only 50%, but spermidine and spermine titers increased dramatically by 3.2- and 6-fold, respectively. These increases in higher polyamines could account for the reduced chlorophyll loss and enhanced ability of pretreated leaves to incorporate tritiated thymidine, uridine, and leucine into macromolecules. Pretreatment with DFMA significantly improved the overall viability of the protoplasts isolated from these leaves. The results support the view that the osmotically induced rise in putrescine and blockage of its conversion to higher polyamines may contribute to the lack of sustained cell division in cereal mesophyll protoplasts, although other undefined factors must also play a major role.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of two polyamine biosynthetic inhibitors, alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and alpha-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), and of polyamines (PAs), alone and in combination, on mycelial growth and morphology of four phytopathogenic fungi: Botrytis sp, B. cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani and Monilinia fructicola. The inhibitors were added to a Czapek agar medium to get final concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mM. DFMO and DFMA, suicide inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and arginine decarboxylase (ADC) respectively, inhibited mycelial growth strongly; the effect was generally more pronounced with DFMA than with DFMO, but each fungus had its own response pattern. The addition of the PAs putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd) to the culture medium resulted in a promotion of growth. In Botrytis sp and Monilinia fructicola exposed to inhibitors plus PAs, mycelial growth was actually increased above control values. Mycelial morphology was altered and cell size dramatically reduced in plates containing inhibitors alone, whereas with PAs alone, or in combination with inhibitors, morphology was normal, but cell length and diameters increased considerably. These results suggest that PAs are essential for growth in fungal mycelia. The inhibition caused by DFMA may be due to its arginase-mediated conversion to DFMO.  相似文献   
Freshly excised Pelargonium pith tissue lacks peroxidase activity toward guaiacol or benzidine, but it develops such activity within 24–36 hr in aseptic culture. All the activity is manifested as a single enzyme moving toward the cathode during electrophoresis on starch gel at pH 9.0. This development of peroxidase activity is at first (up to ca. 50 hr in culture) inhibited and later (ca. 100–150 hr in culture) promoted by IAA. This dual effect of IAA resembles that previously reported for specific isoperoxidases in tobacco pith cells. Kinetin alone also inhibits peroxidase formation, but in the presence of IAA those concentrations which enhance growth enhance peroxidase formation as well.  相似文献   
Kutacek M  Galston AW 《Plant physiology》1968,43(11):1793-1798
Isatin, previously shown to promote growth in green and etiolated pea stems, is converted mainly to anthranilate in those tissues; small quantities of isatate are also formed. Fed anthranilate is converted mainly to its β-d-glucoside; smaller amounts are metabolized to anthranilamide, tryptophan and kynurenine. These data provide some basis for understanding the growth promoting activity of isatin.  相似文献   
Billingen (Lower Arenig/Lower Ordovician) sediments of the St. Petersburg region, northwest Russia and the Leba area, northern Poland of the East European Craton yield acritarch assemblages, which are largely homogenous though displaying minor compositional differences that probably reflect a gradient from inner to outer shelf environments. Comparison with coeval acritarch microflora from the Yangtze Platform, South China, shows an overall similarity between Baltoscandian and South Chinese phytoplankton. The widespread uniformity in the fossil microphytoplankton may be related to the extensive global 'evae' sea-level transgression, which characterized the Billingen time. This suggests that during the Tremadoc through early Arenig times, acritarch assemblages displayed essentially an undifferentiated cold-water and oceanic character along the whole margin of Perigondwana in the South, as well as on the South Chinese and Baltic platforms, at middle latitudes (Mediterranean oceanic Realm). Despite this overall similarity, however, some typical taxa of the high-latitude Mediterranean Province (Arbusculidium, Coryphidium and Striatotheca) occur in South China, but are absent in Baltica. This discrepancy is explained as caused by differences in climatic and physiographic conditions that prevailed at the two palaeocontinents at this time. The inferred pattern of oceanic circulation during the Lower Ordovician is consistent with the palynological evidence of a prevailing warmer climate in Baltica than in South China, although the two palaeocontinents occupied the same palaeolatitudinal position.  相似文献   
Arginine decarboxylase activity increases 2- to 3-fold in osmotically stressed oat leaves in both light and dark, but putrescine accumulation in the dark is only one-third to one-half of that in light-stressed leaves. If arginine or ornithine are supplied to dark-stressed leaves, putrescine rises to levels comparable to those obtained by incubation under light. Thus, precursor amino acid availability is limiting to the stress response. Amino acid levels change rapidly upon osmotic treatment; notably, glutamic acid decreases with a corresponding rise in glutamine. Difluoromethylarginine (0.01-0.1 millimolar), the enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of arginine decarboxylase, prevents the stress-induced putrescine rise, as well as the incorporation of label from [14C]arginine, with the expected accumulation of free arginine, but has no effect on the rest of the amino acid pool. The use of specific inhibitors such as α-difluoromethylarginine is suggested as probes for the physiological significance of stress responses by plant cells.  相似文献   
Peeling the abaxial epidermis from oat leaves (Avena sativa var. Victory) induces the formation of wound ethylene and the development of resistance to cellulolytic digestion of mesophyll cell walls. Ethylene release begins between 1 and 2 hours after peeling in the light or dark. Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG, 0.1 millimolar), CoCl2 (1.0 millimolar), propyl gallate (PG, 1.0 millimolar) or aminooxyacetic acid (AOA, 1.0 millimolar) inhibits, whereas AgNO3 stimulates wound ethylene formation. Incubation on inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis (AVG, CoCl2, PG, AOA) or action (AgNO3, hypobaric pressure or the trapping of ethylene with HgClO4) also prevents the development of wound-induced resistance to enzymic cell wall digestion. 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC, 1.0 millimolar) reverses AVG (0.1 millimolar) inhibition of the development of resistance. Exogenous ethylene partially induces the development of resistance in unwounded oat leaves.

These results suggest that peeling of oat leaves induces ethylene biosynthesis, which in turn effects changes in the mesophyll cells resulting in the development of resistance to cellulolytic digestion.

Protoplasts obtained from oat leaves floated on buffer for 18hr show high nuclease activity, low rates of incorporation ofamino acids and nucleosides into macromolecules, and high ratesof spontaneous lysis. Addition to the leaf flotation mediumof the senescence retardants cycloheximide or kinetin, of thedibasic amino acids L-lysine or L-arginine, or of the diaminesputrescine or cadaverine reduces the rise in nuclease activityand spontaneous lysis of protoplasts, and increases the rateor extent of presumptive protein and nucleic acid synthesis.The diamines, which also retard chlorophyll degradation in theexcised leaves, appear to act both on the membrane and on systemscontrolling macromolecular synthesis and breakdown. By contrast,the senescence promoter L-serine hastens chlorophyll degradationfrom excised leaves and does not improve protoplasts derivedfrom those leaves. (Received July 4, 1977; )  相似文献   
Excision and dark incubation of oat (Avena sativa L., var. Victory) leaves cause a sharp increase in protease activity, which precedes Chl loss. Both these senescence processes are inhibited by exogenously applied 1,3-diaminopropane (Dap), which occurs naturally in leaf segments. The inhibition of protease activity is much greater in vivo than in vitro, suggesting inhibition of protease synthesis as well as protease action by Dap. Chl breakdown in leaves of radish and broccoli, which also senesce rapidly in the dark, is only slightly inhibited by DaP. These differences between cereal and dicotyledonous plants are correlated with the natural occurrence of Dap in cereals. In the light, Dap promotes, rather than retards, the loss of Chl in oat leaves. This resembles previously described effects of other polyamines. Addition of Mg2+ to the medium does not antagonize this effect. In the dark, the accumulated Dap also inhibits ethylene production and decreases titer of other polyamines. Addition of Ca2+ to the incubation medium containing Dap competitively reduces the effects of Dap. Thus, Dap, like other polyamines, seems to require an initial attachment to a membrane site shared with Ca2+ before exerting its antisenescence action.  相似文献   
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