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Differences in the relative growth rules of the inherently slow-growing Deschampsia flexuosa L. and the inherently fast-growing Holcus lanatus L. were reflected in cell wall synthesis in the elongation zone of the leaves. Leaf elongation rates depended on the size of the plant and ranged from 6 to 14 mm d?1 in Deschampsia and from 12 to 42 mm d?1 in Holcus. Anatomical data showed that the epidermis and vascular tissue are the important tissues controlling leaf extension. The cell wall polysaccharides of fully expanded leaves of the two species were identical in sugar composition. Enzymatic hydrolysis of polymeric sugars in the cell walls of the sheath and the lamina gave glucose (85%), arabinose (3.5%), fucose (0.5%), xylose (5.0%), mannose (0.5%), galaclose (0.8%) and galacturonic acid (3–4%). This composition applied throughout the blade and the sheath and did not change with ageing. Polysaccharides in the meristems of the two species showed identical sugar compositions with 51–55% glucose, 13–15% galactoronic acid and 13–14% arabinose as the main components. The extension zone was marked by a gradual increase of driselase-digestable polymers (per mm tissue) and a concurrent shift in sugar composition. The massive increase of glucose in the cell wall polymers of the elongation zone is probably caused by cellulose synthesis. The rate of synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides in Holcus was twice as high as that in Deschampsia. The slower-growing Deschampsia has more ferulic acid esterified with cell walls, which might contribute to the slowing of leaf growth. Lignin is not significantly deposited until growth has essentially ceased and is not responsible for the difference in growth rate.  相似文献   
Upon germination, the endosperm triacylglycerols and proteinswere converted to sucrose and amino acids. During early postgerminativegrowth, the rate of sucrose and amino acid production exceededthe rate of uptake by the cotyledons. As a result, the levelsof total amino acid and sucrose in the endosperm increased;maximum levels were reached at 7 d and 10 d after imbibition(DAI), respectively. Intact seedlings were used to measure thedevelopment of valine, arginine, glutamic acid, and sucroseuptake rate throughout the course of endosperm depletion. Maximumamino acid uptake rates were measured at around 9 DAI, the highestuptake rate for sucrose was obtained at 12 DAI (just beforedepletion of the endosperm). The daily increase of sucrose andamino acid uptake could be manipulated, by replacing the endospermwith a pre-incubation solution during 1 d. The increase in sucroseuptake in vitro was equal to that measured with intact seedlingswhen the cotyledons were pre-incubated in 10 mol m–3 sucrose.Higher sucrose concentrations reduced the increase of sucroseuptake; at 300 mol m–3 sucrose (corresponding to the meanendosperm sucrose concentration) sucrose uptake after pre-incubationwas even lower than before. This reduction was largely counteractedwhen the pre-incubation solution was supplemented with minerals.The development of the valine uptake was hardly affected bysucrose, but was inhibited by several amino acids. Key words: Euphorbia lathyris seedling, sucrose uptake, amino acid uptake, reserve mobilization  相似文献   
Seedlings from Euphorbia canariensis and Euphorbia lambii weregrown in the dark at 25 °C. Protein and triglyceride contentas well as levels of sugars and amino acids in the endospermwere determined during endosperm depletion. In the endospermof Euphorbia canariensis, relatively low levels of amino acids(up to 1 µmol.endosperm–1) were found of which glutamine/glutamateaccounted for 40% at the stage of radicle emergence. High levelsof amino acids (up to 4 µmol.endosperm–1) comparedwith sugars (up to 2 µmol sucrose.endosperm–1) weredetected in the endosperm of Euphorbia lambii. Arginine wasthe main component (28 µmol%) of the amino acids in thistissue. In both species amino acid composition changed graduallyduring endosperm depletion. Cotyledons retained their ability to absorb a variety of watersoluble substrates after removal of the endosperm. 14C from[U-14C]sucrose was effectively incorporated into the triterpenesof the laticifers and to a lesser extent into the sterols ofthe seedling. The highest incorporation values were found inyoung seedlings about 2 d after the emergence of the radicle.Seedlings of this age also showed high incorporation rates of14C from labelled alanine, serine, threonine, valine, leucineand isoleucine into both triterpenols and sterols, but no generalconclusions about metabolic channelling in lipid synthesis couldbe made. Endosperm, Euphorbia canariensis L. Euphorbia lambii Svent., sterols, triterpenols, amino acids, laticifer, biosynthesis  相似文献   
Adult static intraspecific allometry of tooth size was evaluated in a sample of 66 Otolemur crassicaudatus (34 male, 32 female). Tooth areas were calculated from mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements of canines and postcanine teeth of both arcades and were scaled to four viscerocranial measurements: bimaxillary width; maxillo-alveolar length; mandibular length and bigonial width. Individual tooth crown areas were also scaled to total skull length, body length and body weight. From the log-transformed analyses it is concluded that postcanine tooth size was unrelated to body length or weight, and poorly correlated to skull length or jaw size. Although viscerocranial size appears to be independent of body size, these measures are well correlated to skull length. It is shown that the longer the skull, the shorter and narrower the maxilla, and the longer and broader the mandible. Canines are shown to scale negatively allometric to skull length, hence, large animals will have relatively small canines.  相似文献   
[1-14C]-ethanol supplied to the cotyledons of 9-d-old Euphorbialathyris seedlings was rapidly incorporated into unsaponifiablelipids, particularly into sterols, latex triterpenols and intothe triterpene ketones of the epicuticular wax. The [14C]-triterpenoidproduction from ethanol was hardly affected by sucrose in theexternal medium when sucrose uptake rates were low, but whenthe uptake rate was higher the [14C]-triterpenoid productionfrom [14C]-ethanol was greatly reduced. This observation isconsistent with the proposition that at high sucrose uptakerates, some sucrose is converted into ethanol, so that the incorporationof [14C]-ethanol into triterpenoids is reduced by competitionwith endogenously formed ethanol. A calculation based on theputative daily ethanol production in the cotyledons and thedaily triterpenoid production of seedlings indicates that about10 % of the triterpenoid synthesis in vivo may be from ethanol. Ethanol, Euphorbia lathyris, fermentation, seedling, triterpenoid biosynthesis  相似文献   
  • 1 The phytoseiid predator Amblyseius potentillae (Garman) responded to volatile kairomones emitted from leaves infested by the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch), the apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa)) or the thrips Frankliniella pallida (Uzel), only when the predators had been reared on a carotenoid-free diet. In contrast A.potentillae responded to the European red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)) both when the predators had been reared on a carotenoid-containing and a carotenoid-free diet.
  • 2 Carotenoid-deficient predators did not respond to odour emitted from a host plant that was infested by larvae of the fruit-tree leaf roller (Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R)), a carotenoid-containing phytophage, that cannot be preyed upon by A.potentillae.
  • 3 Carotenoids are indispensable for diapause induction in A.potentillae. Hence, carotenoid-deficient predators can increase their fitness by feeding from a carotenoid source. This may explain the response of carotenoid-deficient predators to the kairomones of the two-spotted spider mite, F.pallida and the apple rust mite (all containing ingestible carotenoids). As the fruit-tree leaf roller cannot serve as prey and thus as a carotenoid source, it makes sense that the predators lacking carotenoids do not respond to the kairomone of this phytophagous insect.
  • 4 Two-choice experiments in a Y-tube olfactometer showed that the kairomone preference of A.potentillae has a hierarchical structure: the kairomone of the European red spider mite is the most preferred one, followed by that of apple rust mite, whereas the kairomone of the two-spotted spider mite is the least preferred of these three.
In 6–14-day-old etiolated seedlings of Euphorbia lashyrisa latex triterpene synthesis of 19 µg day–1 wasrecorded. This production was proportional to stem growth. Laticiferdistribution in the cotyledons and stem was studied. In ultra-thinsections the occurrence of many mitochondria was observed. A14C-latex triterpene synthesis was measured after 14C-glucoseand 14C-sucrose uptake by the cotyledons in which most of the14C-triterpenes were synthesized. 14C-incorporation into theselipids from [1–14C]glucose, [6-14C]glucose and [3,4–14points to a glycolytic catabolism of glucose prior to terpenesynthesis. The possible involvement of mitochondria in thissynthesis is discussed. Euphorbia lathyris, triterpene synthesis, laticifer, latex, mitochondria, ultrastructure  相似文献   
Measuring the RGR of Individual Grass Plants   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Vegetative growth of grasses was analysed by dry mass increaseof growing leaves.Holcus lanatuswas grown in a controlled environmentand leaf extension rates of leaf numbers 5–10 of the maintiller were monitored daily. Leaf appearance and leaf extensionrates (LER) of leaves 5–7 enabled the prediction of thefinal length and dry mass of leaf 8 during its growth. A linearincrease of leaf mass per unit leaf length (LML) of leaf 8 wasobserved during growth. After harvest the daily increase indry mass of growing leaves was calculated from the LER and correspondingincrease in LML. The relative growth rate (RGR) of the maintiller showed day-to-day fluctuations and was gradually reducedby 50% over a 16-d period. The RGR of the shoot was maintainedby tillering. The RGR of a single (grass) plant can be calculatedfrom four parameters only: LER, LML, leaf appearance and tillering.Variation of RGR over a period can be reconstructed after harvestand the impact of these four parameters on RGR can be established.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company. Relative growth rate, grass, leaf growth,Holcus lanatus.  相似文献   
The cotyledons of Euphorbia lathyris L. take up sucrose andamino acids from the endosperm. The interaction between theuptake of sucrose and that of amino acids by cotyledons of intactseedlings was investigated. Sucrose (100 mol m–3) reducedvaline uptake to 75% of the control rate; the active uptakecomponent of valine uptake was reduced from 45 to 25 % of thetotal uptake rate. In a reverse experiment, 100 mol m–3valine inhibited sucrose uptake by 25%. At 500 mol m–3sucrose, valine uptake was completely restored to the controlrate, whereas high valine concentrations failed to restore sucroseuptake. The stimulation of valine uptake by sucrose is linkedto the role of sucrose as a primary respiratory substrate. Whenthe cotyledons were bathed in sucrose concentrations rangingfrom 0 to 100 mol m–3 (these concentrations are non-saturatingwith respect to sucrose uptake), a constant 1.8% of the sucrosetaken up was respired. The Km of the concentration-dependentsucrose oxidation (44±6 mol m–3) agreed reasonablywell with that for sucrose uptake (29±6 mol m–3).When the external sucrose concentration was increased from 100to 600 mol m–3, the sucrose uptake increased by 30% again,while sucrose oxidation was increased by 300%. This increasewas not due to an increased engagement of the alternative (cyanide-resistant)pathway for respiration. Alternative pathway, Euphorbia lathyris L., fermentation, seedling, sucrose uptake, valine uptake  相似文献   
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