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SYNOPSIS Eimeria ahtanumensis n. sp. is described from the northwestern fence lizard Sceloporus occidentalis. The sporulated oocysts are generally cylindrical with rounded ends, averaging 34.2 by 19.7 μ. No oocyst residuum or micropyle is present. The ellipsoidal sporocysts average 10.5 by 8.8 μ; each has a distinct sporocyst residuum composed of spherical granules located against the sides of the sporocysts. The elongate sporozoites, lying head to tail in the sporocyst, average 16.5 by 2.5 μ when excysted. Endogenous development occurs in the epithelial lining of the gall bladder and bile duct. E. ahtanumensis is compared to other similar lizard coccidia.  相似文献   
A field experiment on winter wheat in autumn 1991 investigated the effect of the rhabditid nematode, Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, applied to soil at five dose rates (108 - 1010 infective larvae ha-1) immediately after seed sowing, on slug populations and damage to seeds and seedlings. The nematode was compared with methiocarb pellets broadcast at recommended field rate immediately after drilling and no molluscicide treatment. Slug damage to wheat seeds and seedlings was assessed 6 and 13 wk after drilling. Seedling survival increased and slug grazing damage to seedlings declined linearly with increasing log nematode dose. These two measures of slug damage were combined to give an index of undamaged plant equivalents, which also increased linearly with increasing log nematode dose. ANOVA showed that, after 6 wk, there were significantly more undamaged plant equivalents on plots treated with the two highest nematode doses (3 × 109 and 1 × 1010 ha-1) than on untreated plots, but the number of undamaged plant equivalents on methiocarb-treated plots was not significantly greater than that on untreated plots. Slug populations were assessed by refuge trapping and soil sampling. Deroceras reticulatum was the commonest of several species of slugs recorded. During the first 4 wk after sowing, significantly more slugs were found under refuge traps on plots treated with certain doses of P. hermaphrodita than under traps on untreated plots and more showed signs of nematode infection than expected from the prevalence of infection in slugs from soil samples, suggesting that the presence of P. hermaphrodita altered slug behaviour. Application of P. hermaphrodita had no significant impact on numbers or biomass of slugs in soil during a 27 wk period after treatment, except after 5 wk when slug numbers were inversely related to log nematode dose. However, by this time, numbers in soil samples from untreated plots had declined to levels similar to those in plots treated with the highest dose of nematodes. During the first 5 wk after treatment, c. 20% of slugs in soil samples from untreated plots showed symptoms of nematode infection. It is suggested that this represented the background level of infection in the experimental field rather than spread of infection from treated plots. The apparent lack of impact of P. hermaphrodita on slug numbers and biomass in soil suggests that its efficacy in protecting wheat from slug damage was through inhibition of feeding by infected slugs.  相似文献   
The nature of overfishing of marine invertebrates is complex,ranging from the perception of overfishing because of competitionby user groups for a common property resource to extensive overfishingto near extinction because of poaching by either licensed orunlicensed fishers. As a group, marine invertebrates seem particularlyresistant to overfishing, primarily because their relative immobilityand scattered concentrations means refuge populations oftenexist. However, this distribution pattern also means a fisheryis scattered over an often large geographical area with relativelysmall, frequent landings at any location. A minimum legal sizeregulation, enforceable anywhere before consumption, is theprimary regulation applied by managers for many species to ensureagainst overfishing. Overfishing concerns arise primarily forthose species where price is sufficiently high to encourageillegal fishing or where harvest by fishers is not easily monitoredor controlled because of the nature of the fishing activityor because only part of the animal (e.g., the flesh) is harvested.Instances of overfishing by cause are discussed, and examplesare presented to demonstrate how managers are dealing with orhave dealt with different situations.  相似文献   
The mechanisms for hyperpigmentation observed in human cutaneous xenografts placed on athymic nude mice was investigated. Histologic, biochemical, histochemical, and ultrastructural examinations were performed on human skin prior to grafting and at various times ranging from 2 weeks to 30 weeks post-grafting (PG). Hyperpigmentation was macroscopically visible on the graft as early as 4–6 weeks. The number of Dopa-positive melanocytes per unit area was increased at 2 weeks PG and remained elevated until 20 weeks PG. The surface area of the melanocytes, a measure of the activity of the cells, also increased significantly and remained above the pre-grafting size throughout the study. Western blot analysis using tyrosinase specific antibody (αTy-SP) revealed the presence of tyrosinase exclusively in the grafted skin from 2 weeks to 12 weeks PG tested. Histological and ultrastructural observations revealed the presence of numerous dendritic melanocytes, indeterminant clear cells suggestive of Langerhans cells, and dermal melanophages. The results of this study suggest that the observed hyperpigmentation in grafted tissue is caused by an increase in the number of Dopa-positive melanocytes and probably from enhanced melanin production. Extracts of proteins from the xenografts exhibited prominent differences in low and high molecular proteins between pre- and post-grafted skin. Among them, the exclusive appearance of a protein doublet with apparent mw ~14 kDa was found in grafted skin, and subsequent studies indicate it has potent effects on melanocyte function.  相似文献   
In four field trials from 1978 to 1980, sprays of codling moth granulosis virus (CpGV) plus 1·0% skimmed milk powder did not significantly affect damage to fruit by leaf rollers (tortrix moths). In laboratory tests, survival of larvae of the leaf roller Archips podana fed on leaves sprayed with CpGV plus milk was unaffected and they grew faster than on unsprayed leaves, because of the milk deposits. This might increase damage by A. podana if CpGV plus milk were applied during the feeding period of this species. In one field trial an unusual infestation of fruit by larvae of pith moth Blastodacna atra was not affected by CpGV. Azinphos-methyl significantly reduced damage by B. atru and, in one field trial where sprays were correctly timed, that by leaf rollers. CpGV had no consistently significant effects on numbers of fruit tree red spider mite Panonychus ulmi or its predators, whereas azinphos-methyl induced outbreaks of P. ulmi by killing its predators.  相似文献   
The relationship between numbers of Deroceras reticulatum and the establishment of ryegrass cv. Melle and white clover cv. Milkanova was studied on a mini-plot experiment. Assessments 12 and 33 days after sowing showed that Deroceras reticulatum had a proportionally greater impact on survival and growth of clover than on ryegrass. Slugs had no apparent effect on numbers or growth of three species of broad-leaved weeds (Senecio vulgaris, Cardamine hirsuta and Epilobium sp.) which occurred in the field experiment. In pot experiments where seedlings of ryegrass together with one of three clover cultivars, with or without chickweed (Stellaria media), were exposed to Deroceras reticulatum, seedlings of white clover cv. Aran were less affected by slug grazing than cvs S184 or Milkanova. The presence of different clover cultivars did not significantly influence the impact of slugs on growth of ryegrass or chickweed, nor did the presence or absence of chickweed influence the effect of slugs on ryegrass and clover seedlings. Slugs had less impact on the growth of chickweed than on ryegrass or clover. Thus slug grazing would make clover less able to compete with chickweed as well as the other weeds found in the mini-plot experiment.  相似文献   
In a field experiment drilled at two depths on three dates in autumn 1988, with or without methiocarb pellets broadcast on the soil surface immediately after drilling, 26% of seeds of winter wheat sown at c. 20 mm depth were killed by slugs compared with only 9% of seeds sown at c. 40 mm. The protection from slug damage provided by this additional 20 mm of depth was comparable with that provided by methiocarb pellets. The effects of seed depth and pellet application did not interact and were consistent on all drilling dates. Thus, fewest seeds and seedlings were killed where methiocarb pellets were broadcast on a seed-bed with seeds sown at 40 mm depth. Intermediate damage was recorded where seeds were sown at 40 mm depth without pellets, or where pellets were broadcast on seeds sown at 20 mm depth. Most seeds and seedlings were killed where seeds were sown at 20 mm depth without pellets. Sublethal damage to seedlings was not affected by sowing depth but was reduced where pellets were broadcast immediately after sowing.  相似文献   
Abstract: The dynamics of newly established elk (Cervus elaphus) populations can provide insights about maximum sustainable rates of reproduction, survival, and increase. However, data used to estimate rates of increase typically have been limited to counts and rarely have included complementary estimates of vital rates. Complexities of population dynamics cannot be understood without considering population processes as well as population states. We estimated pregnancy rates, survival rates, age ratios, and sex ratios for reintroduced elk at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, USA; combined vital rates in a population projection model; and compared model projections with observed elk numbers and population ratios. Pregnancy rates in January (early in the second trimester of pregnancy) averaged 54.1% (SE = 5.4%) for subadults and 91.0% (SE = 1.7%) for adults, and 91.6% of pregnancies resulted in recruitment at 8 months. Annual survival rates of adult females averaged 0.96 (95% CI = 0.94-0.98) with hunting included and 0.99 (95% CI = 0.97-0.99) with hunting excluded from calculations. Our fitted model explained 99.8% of past variation in population estimates and represents a useful new tool for short-term management planning. Although we found no evidence of temporal variation in vital rates, variation in population composition caused substantial variation in projected rates of increase (Λ = 1.20-1.36). Restoring documented hunter harvests and removals of elk by the National Park Service led to a potential rate of Λ = 1.26. Greater rates of increase substantiated elsewhere were within the expected range of chance variation, given our model and estimates of vital rates. Rates of increase realized by small elk populations are too variable to support inferences about habitat quality or density dependence.  相似文献   
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